Esempio n. 1
    def _check_p_distance_vs_KDT(self, p):
        bt = BallTree(self.X, leaf_size=10, metric='minkowski', p=p)
        kdt = cKDTree(self.X, leafsize=10)

        dist_bt, ind_bt = bt.query(self.X, k=5)
        dist_kd, ind_kd = kdt.query(self.X, k=5, p=p)

        assert_array_almost_equal(dist_bt, dist_kd)
Esempio n. 2
    def _check_p_distance_vs_KDT(self, p):
        bt = BallTree(self.X, leaf_size=10, metric='minkowski', p=p)
        kdt = cKDTree(self.X, leafsize=10)

        dist_bt, ind_bt = bt.query(self.X, k=5)
        dist_kd, ind_kd = kdt.query(self.X, k=5, p=p)

        assert_array_almost_equal(dist_bt, dist_kd)
Esempio n. 3
    def _check_metrics_float(self, k, metric, kwargs):
        bt = BallTree(self.X, metric=metric, **kwargs)
        dist_bt, ind_bt = bt.query(self.X, k=k)

        dm = DistanceMetric(metric=metric, **kwargs)
        D = dm.pdist(self.X, squareform=True)

        ind_dm = np.argsort(D, 1)[:, :k]
        dist_dm = D[np.arange(self.X.shape[0])[:, None], ind_dm]

        # we don't check the indices here because if there is a tie for
        # nearest neighbor, then the test may fail.  Distances will reflect
        # whether the search was successful
        assert_array_almost_equal(dist_bt, dist_dm)
Esempio n. 4
    def _check_metrics_bool(self, k, metric, kwargs):
        bt = BallTree(self.Xbool, metric=metric, **kwargs)
        dist_bt, ind_bt = bt.query(self.Ybool, k=k)

        dm = DistanceMetric(metric=metric, **kwargs)
        D = dm.cdist(self.Ybool, self.Xbool)

        ind_dm = np.argsort(D, 1)[:, :k]
        dist_dm = D[np.arange(self.Ybool.shape[0])[:, None], ind_dm]

        # we don't check the indices here because there are very often
        # ties for nearest neighbors, which cause the test to fail.
        # Distances will be correct in either case.
        assert_array_almost_equal(dist_bt, dist_dm)
Esempio n. 5
    def _check_metrics_float(self, k, metric, kwargs):
        bt = BallTree(self.X, metric=metric, **kwargs)
        dist_bt, ind_bt = bt.query(self.X, k=k)

        dm = DistanceMetric(metric=metric, **kwargs)
        D = dm.pdist(self.X, squareform=True)

        ind_dm = np.argsort(D, 1)[:, :k]
        dist_dm = D[np.arange(self.X.shape[0])[:, None], ind_dm]

        # we don't check the indices here because if there is a tie for
        # nearest neighbor, then the test may fail.  Distances will reflect
        # whether the search was successful
        assert_array_almost_equal(dist_bt, dist_dm)
Esempio n. 6
    def _check_metrics_bool(self, k, metric, kwargs):
        bt = BallTree(self.Xbool, metric=metric, **kwargs)
        dist_bt, ind_bt = bt.query(self.Ybool, k=k)

        dm = DistanceMetric(metric=metric, **kwargs)
        D = dm.cdist(self.Ybool, self.Xbool)

        ind_dm = np.argsort(D, 1)[:, :k]
        dist_dm = D[np.arange(self.Ybool.shape[0])[:, None], ind_dm]

        # we don't check the indices here because there are very often
        # ties for nearest neighbors, which cause the test to fail.
        # Distances will be correct in either case.
        assert_array_almost_equal(dist_bt, dist_dm)
Esempio n. 7
    def test_query_radius_count(self):
        # center the data
        X = 2 * self.X - 1

        dm = DistanceMetric()
        D = dm.pdist(X, squareform=True)

        r = np.mean(D)

        bt = BallTree(X)
        count1 = bt.query_radius(X, r, count_only=True)

        count2 = (D <= r).sum(1)

        assert_array_almost_equal(count1, count2)
Esempio n. 8
    def test_query_radius_count(self):
        # center the data
        X = 2 * self.X - 1

        dm = DistanceMetric()
        D = dm.pdist(X, squareform=True)

        r = np.mean(D)

        bt = BallTree(X)
        count1 = bt.query_radius(X, r, count_only=True)

        count2 = (D <= r).sum(1)

        assert_array_almost_equal(count1, count2)
Esempio n. 9
    def test_query_radius_indices(self, n_queries=20):
        # center the data
        X = 2 * self.X - 1

        dm = DistanceMetric()
        D = dm.cdist(X[:n_queries], X)
        r = np.mean(D)

        bt = BallTree(X)
        ind = bt.query_radius(X[:n_queries], r, return_distance=False)
        ind2 = np.zeros(D.shape) + np.arange(D.shape[1])

        ind = np.concatenate(map(np.sort, ind))
        ind2 = ind2[D <= r]

        assert_array_almost_equal(ind, ind2)
Esempio n. 10
    def test_query_radius_indices(self, n_queries=20):
        # center the data
        X = 2 * self.X - 1

        dm = DistanceMetric()
        D = dm.cdist(X[:n_queries], X)
        r = np.mean(D)

        bt = BallTree(X)
        ind = bt.query_radius(X[:n_queries], r, return_distance=False)
        ind2 = np.zeros(D.shape) + np.arange(D.shape[1])

        ind = np.concatenate(map(np.sort, ind))
        ind2 = ind2[D <= r]

        assert_array_almost_equal(ind, ind2)
Esempio n. 11
    def test_query_radius_distance(self):
        # center the data
        X = 2 * self.X - 1

        # choose a query point near the origin
        query_pt = 0.01 * X[:1]

        eps = 1E-15  # roundoff error can cause test to fail
        bt = BallTree(X, leaf_size=5)

        # compute reference distances
        dm = DistanceMetric()
        dist_true = dm.cdist(query_pt, X)[0]

        for r in np.linspace(dist_true[0], dist_true[-1], 10):
            yield (self._check_query_radius_distance, X, bt, query_pt,
                   dist_true, r, eps)
Esempio n. 12
 def test_pickle(self):
     bt1 = BallTree(self.X, leaf_size=1)
     ind1, dist1 = bt1.query(self.X)
     for protocol in (0, 1, 2):
         yield (self._check_pickle, protocol, bt1, ind1, dist1)
Esempio n. 13
 def test_query_knn(self):
     bt = BallTree(self.X)
     kdt = cKDTree(self.X)
     for k in (1, 2, 4, 8, 16):
         for dualtree in [True, False]:
             yield (self._check_query_knn, bt, kdt, k, dualtree)
Esempio n. 14
 def test_pickle(self):
     bt1 = BallTree(self.X, leaf_size=1)
     ind1, dist1 = bt1.query(self.X)
     for protocol in (0, 1, 2):
         yield (self._check_pickle, protocol, bt1, ind1, dist1)