def testInitWithNonStandardModel(self): """Population.__init__(): the cell list in hoc should have the same length as the population size.""" net = neuron.Population((3,3), neuron.StandardIF, {'syn_type':'current', 'syn_shape':'exp'}) self.assertEqual(net.size, 9) n_cells_local = len([id for id in net]) min = 9/neuron.num_processes() max = min+1 assert min <= n_cells_local <= max, "%d not between %d and %d" % (n_cells_local, min, max)
def testSimpleInit(self): """Population.__init__(): the cell list in hoc should have the same length as the population size.""" net = neuron.Population((3,3), neuron.IF_curr_alpha) self.assertEqual(net.size, 9) n_cells_local = len([id for id in net]) # round-robin distribution min = 9/neuron.num_processes() max = min+1 assert min <= n_cells_local <= max, "%d not between %d and %d" % (n_cells_local, min, max)
def testSaveAndLoad(self): prj1 = neuron.Projection(self.source33, self.target33, neuron.OneToOneConnector()) prj1.setDelays(1) prj1.setWeights(1.234) prj1.saveConnections("connections.tmp", gather=False) if neuron.num_processes() > 1: distributed = True else: distributed = False prj2 = neuron.Projection(self.source33, self.target33, neuron.FromFileConnector("connections.tmp", distributed=distributed)) w1 = []; w2 = []; d1 = []; d2 = [] # For a connections scheme saved and reloaded, we test if the connections, their weights and their delays # are equal. for c1,c2 in zip(prj1.connections, prj2.connections): w1.append([0]) w2.append([0]) d1.append( d2.append( assert (w1 == w2), 'w1 = %s\nw2 = %s' % (w1, w2) assert (d1 == d2), 'd1 = %s\nd2 = %s' % (d1, d2)
import pyNN.neuron as sim nproc = sim.num_processes() node = sim.rank() print(nproc) import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl #matplotlib.use('Agg') mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16}) #import mpi4py threads = sim.rank() rngseed = 98765 parallel_safe = True extra = {'threads': threads} import os import pandas as pd import sys import numpy as np from pyNN.neuron import STDPMechanism import copy from pyNN.random import RandomDistribution, NumpyRNG import pyNN.neuron as neuron from pyNN.neuron import h from pyNN.neuron import StandardCellType, ParameterSpace from pyNN.random import RandomDistribution, NumpyRNG from pyNN.neuron import STDPMechanism, SpikePairRule, AdditiveWeightDependence, FromListConnector, TsodyksMarkramSynapse from pyNN.neuron import Projection, OneToOneConnector from numpy import arange import pyNN from pyNN.utility import get_simulator, init_logging, normalized_filename
def sim_runner(wgf): wg = wgf import pyNN.neuron as sim nproc = sim.num_processes() node = sim.rank() print(nproc) import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size':16}) #import mpi4py #threads = sim.rank() threads = 1 rngseed = 98765 parallel_safe = False #extra = {'threads' : threads} import os import pandas as pd import sys import numpy as np from pyNN.neuron import STDPMechanism import copy from pyNN.random import RandomDistribution, NumpyRNG import pyNN.neuron as neuron from pyNN.neuron import h from pyNN.neuron import StandardCellType, ParameterSpace from pyNN.random import RandomDistribution, NumpyRNG from pyNN.neuron import STDPMechanism, SpikePairRule, AdditiveWeightDependence, FromListConnector, TsodyksMarkramSynapse from pyNN.neuron import Projection, OneToOneConnector from numpy import arange import pyNN from pyNN.utility import get_simulator, init_logging, normalized_filename import random import socket #from neuronunit.optimization import get_neab import networkx as nx sim = pyNN.neuron # Get some hippocampus connectivity data, based on a conversation with # academic researchers on GH: # # scrape hippocamome connectivity data, that I intend to use to program neuromorphic hardware. # conditionally get files if they don't exist. path_xl = '_hybrid_connectivity_matrix_20171103_092033.xlsx' if not os.path.exists(path_xl): os.system('wget') xl = pd.ExcelFile(path_xl) dfEE = xl.parse() dfEE.loc[0].keys() dfm = dfEE.as_matrix() rcls = dfm[:,:1] # real cell labels. rcls = rcls[1:] rcls = { k:v for k,v in enumerate(rcls) } # real cell labels, cast to dictionary import pickle with open('cell_names.p','wb') as f: pickle.dump(rcls,f) import pandas as pd pd.DataFrame(rcls).to_csv('cell_names.csv', index=False) filtered = dfm[:,3:] filtered = filtered[1:] rng = NumpyRNG(seed=64754) delay_distr = RandomDistribution('normal', [2, 1e-1], rng=rng) weight_distr = RandomDistribution('normal', [45, 1e-1], rng=rng) sanity_e = [] sanity_i = [] EElist = [] IIlist = [] EIlist = [] IElist = [] for i,j in enumerate(filtered): for k,xaxis in enumerate(j): if xaxis == 1 or xaxis == 2: source = i sanity_e.append(i) target = k if xaxis ==-1 or xaxis == -2: sanity_i.append(i) source = i target = k index_exc = list(set(sanity_e)) index_inh = list(set(sanity_i)) import pickle with open('cell_indexs.p','wb') as f: returned_list = [index_exc, index_inh] pickle.dump(returned_list,f) import numpy a = numpy.asarray(index_exc) numpy.savetxt('pickles/'+str(k)+'excitatory_nunber_labels.csv', a, delimiter=",") import numpy a = numpy.asarray(index_inh) numpy.savetxt('pickles/'+str(k)+'inhibitory_nunber_labels.csv', a, delimiter=",") for i,j in enumerate(filtered): for k,xaxis in enumerate(j): if xaxis==1 or xaxis == 2: source = i sanity_e.append(i) target = k delay = weight = 1.0 if target in index_inh: EIlist.append((source,target,delay,weight)) else: EElist.append((source,target,delay,weight)) if xaxis==-1 or xaxis == -2: sanity_i.append(i) source = i target = k delay = weight = 1.0 if target in index_exc: IElist.append((source,target,delay,weight)) else: IIlist.append((source,target,delay,weight)) internal_conn_ee = sim.FromListConnector(EElist) ee = internal_conn_ee.conn_list ee_srcs = ee[:,0] ee_tgs = ee[:,1] internal_conn_ie = sim.FromListConnector(IElist) ie = internal_conn_ie.conn_list ie_srcs = set([ int(e[0]) for e in ie ]) ie_tgs = set([ int(e[1]) for e in ie ]) internal_conn_ei = sim.FromListConnector(EIlist) ei = internal_conn_ei.conn_list ei_srcs = set([ int(e[0]) for e in ei ]) ei_tgs = set([ int(e[1]) for e in ei ]) internal_conn_ii = sim.FromListConnector(IIlist) ii = internal_conn_ii.conn_list ii_srcs = set([ int(e[0]) for e in ii ]) ii_tgs = set([ int(e[1]) for e in ii ]) for e in internal_conn_ee.conn_list: assert e[0] in ee_srcs assert e[1] in ee_tgs for i in internal_conn_ii.conn_list: assert i[0] in ii_srcs assert i[1] in ii_tgs ml = len(filtered[1])+1 pre_exc = [] post_exc = [] pre_inh = [] post_inh = [] rng = NumpyRNG(seed=64754) delay_distr = RandomDistribution('normal', [2, 1e-1], rng=rng) plot_EE = np.zeros(shape=(ml,ml), dtype=bool) plot_II = np.zeros(shape=(ml,ml), dtype=bool) plot_EI = np.zeros(shape=(ml,ml), dtype=bool) plot_IE = np.zeros(shape=(ml,ml), dtype=bool) for i in EElist: plot_EE[i[0],i[1]] = int(0) #plot_ss[i[0],i[1]] = int(1) if i[0]!=i[1]: # exclude self connections plot_EE[i[0],i[1]] = int(1) pre_exc.append(i[0]) post_exc.append(i[1]) assert len(pre_exc) == len(post_exc) for i in IIlist: plot_II[i[0],i[1]] = int(0) if i[0]!=i[1]: plot_II[i[0],i[1]] = int(1) pre_inh.append(i[0]) post_inh.append(i[1]) for i in IElist: plot_IE[i[0],i[1]] = int(0) if i[0]!=i[1]: # exclude self connections plot_IE[i[0],i[1]] = int(1) pre_inh.append(i[0]) post_inh.append(i[1]) for i in EIlist: plot_EI[i[0],i[1]] = int(0) if i[0]!=i[1]: plot_EI[i[0],i[1]] = int(1) pre_exc.append(i[0]) post_exc.append(i[1]) plot_excit = plot_EI + plot_EE plot_inhib = plot_IE + plot_II assert len(pre_inh) == len(post_inh) num_exc = [ i for i,e in enumerate(plot_excit) if sum(e) > 0 ] num_inh = [ y for y,i in enumerate(plot_inhib) if sum(i) > 0 ] # the network is dominated by inhibitory neurons, which is unusual for modellers. assert num_inh > num_exc assert np.sum(plot_inhib) > np.sum(plot_excit) assert len(num_exc) < ml assert len(num_inh) < ml # # Plot all the Projection pairs as a connection matrix (Excitatory and Inhibitory Connections) import pickle with open('graph_inhib.p','wb') as f: pickle.dump(plot_inhib,f, protocol=2) import pickle with open('graph_excit.p','wb') as f: pickle.dump(plot_excit,f, protocol=2) #with open('cell_names.p','wb') as f: # pickle.dump(rcls,f) import pandas as pd pd.DataFrame(plot_EE).to_csv('ee.csv', index=False) import pandas as pd pd.DataFrame(plot_IE).to_csv('ie.csv', index=False) import pandas as pd pd.DataFrame(plot_II).to_csv('ii.csv', index=False) import pandas as pd pd.DataFrame(plot_EI).to_csv('ei.csv', index=False) from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix m = np.matrix(filtered[1:]) bool_matrix = np.add(plot_excit,plot_inhib) with open('bool_matrix.p','wb') as f: pickle.dump(bool_matrix,f, protocol=2) if not isinstance(m, coo_matrix): m = coo_matrix(m) Gexc_ud = nx.Graph(plot_excit) avg_clustering = nx.average_clustering(Gexc_ud)#, nodes=None, weight=None, count_zeros=True)[source] rc = nx.rich_club_coefficient(Gexc_ud,normalized=False) print('This graph structure as rich as: ',rc[0]) gexc = nx.DiGraph(plot_excit) gexcc = nx.betweenness_centrality(gexc) top_exc = sorted(([ (v,k) for k, v in dict(gexcc).items() ]), reverse=True) in_degree = gexc.in_degree() top_in = sorted(([ (v,k) for k, v in in_degree.items() ])) in_hub = top_in[-1][1] out_degree = gexc.out_degree() top_out = sorted(([ (v,k) for k, v in out_degree.items() ])) out_hub = top_out[-1][1] mean_out = np.mean(list(out_degree.values())) mean_in = np.mean(list(in_degree.values())) mean_conns = int(mean_in + mean_out/2) k = 2 # number of neighbouig nodes to wire. p = 0.25 # probability of instead wiring to a random long range destination. ne = len(plot_excit)# size of small world network small_world_ring_excit = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(ne,mean_conns,0.25) k = 2 # number of neighbouring nodes to wire. p = 0.25 # probability of instead wiring to a random long range destination. ni = len(plot_inhib)# size of small world network small_world_ring_inhib = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(ni,mean_conns,0.25) nproc = sim.num_processes() nproc = 8 host_name = socket.gethostname() node_id = sim.setup(timestep=0.01, min_delay=1.0)#, **extra) print("Host #%d is on %s" % (node_id + 1, host_name)) rng = NumpyRNG(seed=64754) #pop_size = len(num_exc)+len(num_inh) #num_exc = [ i for i,e in enumerate(plot_excit) if sum(e) > 0 ] #num_inh = [ y for y,i in enumerate(plot_inhib) if sum(i) > 0 ] #pop_exc = sim.Population(len(num_exc), sim.Izhikevich(a=0.02, b=0.2, c=-65, d=8, i_offset=0)) #pop_inh = sim.Population(len(num_inh), sim.Izhikevich(a=0.02, b=0.25, c=-65, d=2, i_offset=0)) #index_exc = list(set(sanity_e)) #index_inh = list(set(sanity_i)) all_cells = sim.Population(len(index_exc)+len(index_inh), sim.Izhikevich(a=0.02, b=0.2, c=-65, d=8, i_offset=0)) #all_cells = None #all_cells = pop_exc + pop_inh pop_exc = sim.PopulationView(all_cells,index_exc) pop_inh = sim.PopulationView(all_cells,index_inh) #print(pop_exc) #print(dir(pop_exc)) for pe in pop_exc: print(pe) #import pdb pe = all_cells[pe] #pdb.set_trace() #pe = all_cells[i] r = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) pe.set_parameters(a=0.02, b=0.2, c=-65+15*r, d=8-r**2, i_offset=0) #pop_exc.append(pe) #pop_exc = sim.Population(pop_exc) for pi in index_inh: pi = all_cells[pi] #print(pi) #pi = all_cells[i] r = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) pi.set_parameters(a=0.02+0.08*r, b=0.25-0.05*r, c=-65, d= 2, i_offset=0) #pop_inh.append(pi) #pop_inh = sim.Population(pop_inh) ''' for pe in pop_exc: r = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) pe.set_parameters(a=0.02, b=0.2, c=-65+15*r, d=8-r**2, i_offset=0) for pi in pop_inh: r = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) pi.set_parameters(a=0.02+0.08*r, b=0.25-0.05*r, c=-65, d= 2, i_offset=0) ''' NEXC = len(num_exc) NINH = len(num_inh) exc_syn = sim.StaticSynapse(weight = wg, delay=delay_distr) assert np.any(internal_conn_ee.conn_list[:,0]) < ee_srcs.size prj_exc_exc = sim.Projection(all_cells, all_cells, internal_conn_ee, exc_syn, receptor_type='excitatory') prj_exc_inh = sim.Projection(all_cells, all_cells, internal_conn_ei, exc_syn, receptor_type='excitatory') inh_syn = sim.StaticSynapse(weight = wg, delay=delay_distr) delay_distr = RandomDistribution('normal', [1, 100e-3], rng=rng) prj_inh_inh = sim.Projection(all_cells, all_cells, internal_conn_ii, inh_syn, receptor_type='inhibitory') prj_inh_exc = sim.Projection(all_cells, all_cells, internal_conn_ie, inh_syn, receptor_type='inhibitory') inh_distr = RandomDistribution('normal', [1, 2.1e-3], rng=rng) def prj_change(prj,wg): prj.setWeights(wg) prj_change(prj_exc_exc,wg) prj_change(prj_exc_inh,wg) prj_change(prj_inh_exc,wg) prj_change(prj_inh_inh,wg) def prj_check(prj): for w in prj.weightHistogram(): for i in w: print(i) prj_check(prj_exc_exc) prj_check(prj_exc_inh) prj_check(prj_inh_exc) prj_check(prj_inh_inh) #print(rheobase['value']) #print(float(rheobase['value']),1.25/1000.0) '''Old values that worked noise = sim.NoisyCurrentSource(mean=0.85/1000.0, stdev=5.00/1000.0, start=0.0, stop=2000.0, dt=1.0) pop_exc.inject(noise) #1000.0 pA noise = sim.NoisyCurrentSource(mean=1.740/1000.0, stdev=5.00/1000.0, start=0.0, stop=2000.0, dt=1.0) pop_inh.inject(noise) #1750.0 pA ''' noise = sim.NoisyCurrentSource(mean=0.74/1000.0, stdev=4.00/1000.0, start=0.0, stop=2000.0, dt=1.0) pop_exc.inject(noise) #1000.0 pA noise = sim.NoisyCurrentSource(mean=1.440/1000.0, stdev=4.00/1000.0, start=0.0, stop=2000.0, dt=1.0) pop_inh.inject(noise) ## # Setup and run a simulation. Note there is no current injection into the neuron. # All cells in the network are in a quiescent state, so its not a surprise that xthere are no spikes ## sim = pyNN.neuron arange = np.arange import re all_cells.record(['v','spikes']) # , 'u']) all_cells.initialize(v=-65.0, u=-14.0) # === Run the simulation ===================================================== tstop = 2000.0 data = None data = all_cells.get_data().segments[0] #print(len(data.analogsignals[0].times)) with open('pickles/qi'+str(wg)+'.p', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(data,f) # make data none or else it will grow in a loop all_cells = None data = None noise = None
cells.record('spikes') cells[0:2].record('m') syn = sim.StaticSynapse(weight=w, delay=syn_delay) input_conns = sim.Projection(spike_source, cells, sim.FixedProbabilityConnector(0.5), syn, receptor_type="default") # === Run simulation =========================================================== filename = normalized_filename("Results", "nrn_artificial_cell", "pkl", "neuron", sim.num_processes()) cells.write_data(filename, annotations={'script_name': __file__}) print("Mean firing rate: ", cells.mean_spike_count() * 1000.0 / simtime, "Hz") plot_figure = True if plot_figure: from pyNN.utility.plotting import Figure, Panel figure_filename = filename.replace("pkl", "png") data = cells.get_data().segments[0] m = data.filter(name="m")[0] Figure(Panel(m, ylabel="Membrane potential (dimensionless)", yticks=True, ylim=(0, 1)), Panel(data.spiketrains, xlabel="Time (ms)", xticks=True),
cells.record('spikes') cells[0:2].record('m') syn = sim.StaticSynapse(weight=w, delay=syn_delay) input_conns = sim.Projection(spike_source, cells, sim.FixedProbabilityConnector(0.5), syn, receptor_type="default") # === Run simulation =========================================================== filename = normalized_filename("Results", "small_network", "pkl", "neuron", sim.num_processes()) cells.write_data(filename, annotations={'script_name': __file__}) print("Mean firing rate: ", cells.mean_spike_count() * 1000.0 / simtime, "Hz") plot_figure = True if plot_figure: from pyNN.utility.plotting import Figure, Panel figure_filename = filename.replace("pkl", "png") data = cells.get_data().segments[0] m = data.filter(name="m")[0] Figure(Panel(m, ylabel="Membrane potential (dimensionless)", yticks=True, ylim=(0, 1)), Panel(data.spiketrains, xlabel="Time (ms)", xticks=True),
if rank==0: string1 = "\033[0;46m" + (message + ": ").ljust(30) + "\033[m" string2 = "\033[1;46m" + ("%5.2f" % (time.time() - currentTimer) + " seconds").rjust(30) + "\033[m" print(string1 + string2) currentTimer = time.time() def printMessage(message): global rank if rank==0: print("\033[2;46m" + (message).ljust(60) + "\033[m") ###################### MAIN BODY ########################### ## Rank for MPI ## global numberOfNodes, rank numberOfNodes = sim.num_processes() rank = sim.rank() # Log to stderr, only warnings, errors, critical init_logging('sim.log',num_processes=numberOfNodes,rank=rank,level=logging.DEBUG) ## Start message ## if rank==0: print("\033[1;45m" + (("Lattice Simulation").rjust(38)).ljust(60) + "\033[m") print("\033[0;44m" + ("MPI_Rank: %d " % rank + " MPI_Size: %d " % numberOfNodes).ljust(60) + "\033[m") ## Timer ## global currentTimer, totalTimer currentTimer = time.time() totalTimer = time.time()
if rank == 0: string1 = "\033[0;46m" + (message + ": ").ljust(30) + "\033[m" string2 = "\033[1;46m" + ("%5.2f" % (time.time() - currentTimer) + " seconds").rjust(30) + "\033[m" print(string1 + string2) currentTimer = time.time() def printMessage(message): global rank if rank == 0: print("\033[2;46m" + (message).ljust(60) + "\033[m") ###################### MAIN BODY ########################### ## Rank for MPI ## numberOfNodes = sim.num_processes() rank = sim.rank() # Log to stderr, only warnings, errors, critical init_logging('sim.log', num_processes=numberOfNodes, rank=rank, level=logging.DEBUG) ## Start message ## if rank == 0: print("\033[1;45m" + (("Lattice Simulation").rjust(38)).ljust(60) + "\033[m") print("\033[0;44m" + ("MPI_Rank: %d " % rank + " MPI_Size: %d " % numberOfNodes).ljust(60) + "\033[m") ## Timer ## currentTimer = time.time() totalTimer = time.time()
spike_source = sim.Population(n, sim.SpikeSourceArray(spike_times=generate_spike_times)) spike_source.record('spikes') cells.record('spikes') cells[0:2].record('m') syn = sim.StaticSynapse(weight=w, delay=syn_delay) input_conns = sim.Projection(spike_source, cells, sim.FixedProbabilityConnector(0.5), syn, receptor_type="default") # === Run simulation =========================================================== filename = normalized_filename("Results", "small_network", "pkl", "neuron", sim.num_processes()) cells.write_data(filename, annotations={'script_name': __file__}) print("Mean firing rate: ", cells.mean_spike_count() * 1000.0 / simtime, "Hz") plot_figure = True if plot_figure: from pyNN.utility.plotting import Figure, Panel figure_filename = filename.replace("pkl", "png") data = cells.get_data().segments[0] m = data.filter(name="m")[0] Figure( Panel(m, ylabel="Membrane potential (dimensionless)", yticks=True, ylim=(0,1)), Panel(data.spiketrains, xlabel="Time (ms)", xticks=True), annotations="Simulated with NEURON" ).save(figure_filename)