Esempio n. 1
    def __objects_common_init__(self):
        #: the date the job was run on = None
        self.responses = Responses()

        #: Grid Point Weight Table
        #: create with:
        #:   PARAM   GRDPNT    0  (required for F06/OP2)
        #:   PARAM   POSTEXT YES  (required for OP2)
        self.grid_point_weight = GridPointWeight()
        self.oload_resultant = None

        #: ESE
        self.eigenvalues = {}
Esempio n. 2
    def __objects_common_init__(self):
        #: the date the job was run on = None

        # SOL 200
        self.convergence_data = None
        self.weight_response = None
        self.stress_response = None
        self.strain_response = None
        self.composite_stress_response = None
        self.composite_strain_response = None
        self.flutter_response = None

        #: Grid Point Weight Table
        #: create with:
        #:   PARAM   GRDPNT    0  (required for F06/OP2)
        #:   PARAM   POSTEXT YES  (required for OP2)
        self.grid_point_weight = GridPointWeight()
        self.oload_resultant = None

        #: ESE
        self.eigenvalues = {}
Esempio n. 3
    def __objects_init__(self):
        """More variable declarations"""
        #: the date the job was run on = None

        #: Grid Point Weight Table
        #: create with:
        #:   PARAM   GRDPNT    0  (required for F06/OP2)
        #:   PARAM   POSTEXT YES  (required for OP2)
        self.grid_point_weight = GridPointWeight()

        #: self.frequencies already exists as a BDF object
        #: but we need this for the FOL frequencies for the MONPNT1 and MONPNT3
        self._frequencies = None

        #: ESE
        self.eigenvalues = {}

        #: OUG - displacement
        self.displacements = {}  # tCode=1 thermal=0
        self.displacements_PSD = {}  # random
        self.displacements_ATO = {}  # random
        self.displacements_RMS = {}  # random
        self.displacements_CRM = {}  # random
        self.displacements_NO = {}  # random
        self.displacements_scaled = {}  # tCode=1 thermal=8
        self.displacements_ROUGV1 = {}

        #: OUP

        self.displacement_scaled_response_spectra_NRL = {}  # thermal=8
        self.displacement_scaled_response_spectra_ABS = {}  # thermal=2
        self.displacement_scaled_response_spectra_SRSS = {}  # thermal=4
        #self.displacement_scaled_response_spectra_PSD = {}
        #self.displacement_scaled_response_spectra_ATO = {}
        #self.displacement_scaled_response_spectra_RMS = {}
        #self.displacement_scaled_response_spectra_CRM = {}
        #self.displacement_scaled_response_spectra_NO = {}

        #: OUG - velocity
        self.velocities = {}  # tCode=10 thermal=0
        self.velocities_PSD = {}
        self.velocities_ATO = {}
        self.velocities_RMS = {}
        self.velocities_CRM = {}
        self.velocities_NO = {}
        self.velocities_ROUGV1 = {}

        #self.velocity_scaled_response_spectra_NRL = {}
        self.velocity_scaled_response_spectra_ABS = {}
        #self.velocity_scaled_response_spectra_PSD = {}
        #self.velocity_scaled_response_spectra_ATO = {}
        #self.velocity_scaled_response_spectra_RMS = {}
        #self.velocity_scaled_response_spectra_CRM = {}
        #self.velocity_scaled_response_spectra_NO = {}

        #: OUG - acceleration
        self.accelerations = {}  # tCode=11 thermal=0
        self.accelerations_PSD = {}
        self.accelerations_ATO = {}
        self.accelerations_RMS = {}
        self.accelerations_CRM = {}
        self.accelerations_NO = {}
        self.accelerations_ROUGV1 = {}

        self.acceleration_scaled_response_spectra_NRL = {}
        self.acceleration_scaled_response_spectra_ABS = {}
        #self.acceleration_scaled_response_spectra_PSD = {}
        #self.acceleration_scaled_response_spectra_ATO = {}
        #self.acceleration_scaled_response_spectra_RMS = {}
        #self.acceleration_scaled_response_spectra_CRM = {}
        #self.acceleration_scaled_response_spectra_NO = {}

        #: OUG - temperatures
        self.temperatures = {}  # tCode=1 thermal=1

        #: OUG - eigenvectors
        self.eigenvectors = {}  # tCode=7 thermal=0
        self.eigenvectors_RADCONS = {}
        self.eigenvectors_RADEFFM = {}
        self.eigenvectors_RADEATC = {}
        self.eigenvectors_ROUGV1 = {}

        # OEF - Forces - tCode=4 thermal=0

        self.cbend_force = {}
        self.cbush_force = {}
        self.cbush_force_ATO = {}
        self.cbush_force_PSD = {}
        self.cbush_force_CRM = {}
        self.cbush_force_RMS = {}
        self.cbush_force_NO = {}

        self.coneax_force = {}

        self.cdamp1_force = {}
        self.cdamp2_force = {}
        self.cdamp3_force = {}
        self.cdamp4_force = {}

        self.celas1_force = {}
        self.celas2_force = {}
        self.celas3_force = {}
        self.celas4_force = {}

        self.cgap_force = {}

        #self.solidPressureForces = {}
        self.chexa_pressure_force = {}
        self.cpenta_pressure_force = {}
        self.ctetra_pressure_force = {}

        self.cvisc_force = {}

        self.force_VU = {}
        self.force_VU_2D = {}

        #OEF - Fluxes - tCode=4 thermal=1
        self.thermalLoad_CONV = {}

        #self.thermalLoad_CHBDY = {}
        self.chbdye_thermal_load = {}
        self.chbdyg_thermal_load = {}
        self.chbdyp_thermal_load = {}

        #self.thermalLoad_1D = {}
        self.crod_thermal_load = {}
        self.cbeam_thermal_load = {}
        self.ctube_thermal_load = {}
        self.conrod_thermal_load = {}
        self.cbar_thermal_load = {}
        self.cbend_thermal_load = {}

        #self.thermalLoad_2D_3D = {}
        self.cquad4_thermal_load = {}
        self.ctriax6_thermal_load = {}
        self.cquad8_thermal_load = {}
        self.ctria3_thermal_load = {}
        self.ctria6_thermal_load = {}
        self.ctetra_thermal_load = {}
        self.chexa_thermal_load = {}
        self.cpenta_thermal_load = {}

        self.thermalLoad_VU = {}
        self.thermalLoad_VU_3D = {}
        self.thermalLoad_VUBeam = {}
        #self.temperatureForces = {}

        # OES - tCode=5 thermal=0 s_code=0,1 (stress/strain)

        #: OES - CTRIAX6
        self.ctriax_stress = {}
        self.ctriax_strain = {}

        #: OES - nonlinear CROD/CONROD/CTUBE stress/strain
        self.nonlinear_crod_stress = {}
        self.nonlinear_crod_strain = {}

        self.nonlinear_ctube_stress = {}
        self.nonlinear_ctube_strain = {}

        self.nonlinear_conrod_stress = {}
        self.nonlinear_conrod_strain = {}

        #: OESNLXR - CTRIA3/CQUAD4 stress
        #self.nonlinearPlateStress = {}
        #: OESNLXR - CTRIA3/CQUAD4 strain
        #self.nonlinearPlateStrain = {}
        #self.hyperelastic_plate_stress = {}
        self.hyperelastic_cquad4_strain = {}

        self.nonlinear_cquad4_stress = {}
        self.nonlinear_ctria3_stress = {}

        self.nonlinear_cquad4_strain = {}
        self.nonlinear_ctria3_strain = {}

        #: OES - CELAS1 224, CELAS3 225,
        self.nonlinear_celas1_stress = {}
        self.nonlinear_celas3_stress = {}

        #: OES - GAPNL 86
        self.nonlinear_cgap_stress = {}

        # OQG - spc/mpc forces
        self.spc_forces = {}  # tCode=3?
        self.spc_forces_scaled_response_spectra_NRL = {}
        self.spc_forces_PSD = {}
        self.spc_forces_ATO = {}
        self.spc_forces_RMS = {}
        self.spc_forces_CRM = {}
        self.spc_forces_NO = {}

        self.mpc_forces = {}  # tCode=39
        self.mpc_forces_PSD = {}
        self.mpc_forces_ATO = {}
        self.mpc_forces_RMS = {}
        self.mpc_forces_CRM = {}
        self.mpc_forces_NO = {}
        self.mpc_forces_RAQCONS = {}
        self.mpc_forces_RAQEATC = {}

        # OQG - thermal forces
        self.thermal_gradient_and_flux = {}

        #: OGF - grid point forces
        self.grid_point_forces = {}  # tCode=19

        #: OGS1 - grid point stresses
        self.grid_point_stresses = {}  # tCode=26
        self.grid_point_volume_stresses = {}  # tCode=27

        #: OPG - summation of loads for each element
        self.load_vectors = {}  # tCode=2  thermal=0
        self.thermal_load_vectors = {}  # tCode=2  thermal=1
        self.applied_loads = {}  # tCode=19 thermal=0
        self.force_vectors = {}  # tCode=12 thermal=0

        #: OEE - strain energy density
        #self.strain_energy = {}  # tCode=18
        self.cquad4_strain_energy = {}
        self.cquad8_strain_energy = {}
        self.cquadr_strain_energy = {}
        self.cquadx_strain_energy = {}

        self.ctria3_strain_energy = {}
        self.ctria6_strain_energy = {}
        self.ctriar_strain_energy = {}
        self.ctriax_strain_energy = {}
        self.ctriax6_strain_energy = {}

        self.ctetra_strain_energy = {}
        self.cpenta_strain_energy = {}
        self.chexa_strain_energy = {}
        self.cpyram_strain_energy = {}

        self.crod_strain_energy = {}
        self.ctube_strain_energy = {}
        self.conrod_strain_energy = {}

        self.cbar_strain_energy = {}
        self.cbeam_strain_energy = {}

        self.cgap_strain_energy = {}
        self.celas1_strain_energy = {}
        self.celas2_strain_energy = {}
        self.celas3_strain_energy = {}
        self.celas4_strain_energy = {}
        self.cdum8_strain_energy = {}
        self.cbush_strain_energy = {}
        #self.chexa8fd_strain_energy = {}
        self.cbend_strain_energy = {}
        self.dmig_strain_energy = {}
        self.genel_strain_energy = {}
        self.cshear_strain_energy = {}