def place_order(bid): print("Ingresando orden a: $" + bid) pyRofex.send_order(ticker=args.ticker, side=pyRofex.Side.BUY, size=1, price=bid, order_type=pyRofex.OrderType.LIMIT)
def _send_order(self, side, px, size): self.state = States.WAITING_ORDERS order = pyRofex.send_order(ticker=self.instrument, side=side, size=size, price=round(px, 6), order_type=pyRofex.OrderType.LIMIT, cancel_previous=True) self.my_order[order["order"]["clientId"]] = None print("sending %s order %s@%s - id: %s" % (side, size, px, order["order"]["clientId"]))
def send_buy_order(ticker, price, qty): order = pyRofex.send_order(ticker=ticker, side=pyRofex.Side.BUY, size=qty, price=price, order_type=pyRofex.OrderType.LIMIT) print("Send Order Response:") pprint.pprint(order) order_status = pyRofex.get_order_status(order["order"]["clientId"]) print("Order Status Response:") pprint.pprint(order_status)
def performBid(md): simbolo = md['instrumentId']['symbol'] if hasBids(md): bidAmount = hasBids(md) - 0.01 else: bidAmount = ORDER_FIXED_AMOUNT order = pyRofex.send_order(ticker=simbolo, side=pyRofex.Side.BUY, size=1, price=bidAmount, order_type=pyRofex.OrderType.LIMIT) orderStatus = pyRofex.get_order_status(order["order"]["clientId"]) if orderStatus['status'] == 'OK': return orderStatus else: return False
def get_ingresar_orden(self, buy): cont = 0 self.print('Consultando BID') try: md = pyRofex.get_market_data( ticker=self.date_symbol, entries=[pyRofex.MarketDataEntry.BIDS]) except Exception as e: self.print('Error al buscar BIDs : {}'.format(e)) logging.error('Error al buscar BIDs : {}'.format(e)) if md["marketData"]["BI"][0]["price"]: self.print('Precio de BID: ${}'.format( str(round(md["marketData"]["BI"][0]["price"], 2)).replace('.', ','))) entrada = round( float(md["marketData"]["BI"][0]["price"]) - 0.01, 2) else: self.print('No hay BIDs activos') entrada = float(buy) order = pyRofex.send_order(ticker=self.date_symbol, side=pyRofex.Side.BUY, size=1, price=entrada, order_type=pyRofex.OrderType.LIMIT) if order['status'] == 'ERROR': self.print('Error al realizar una órden: {}'.format( order['description'])) return False order_status = pyRofex.get_order_status(order["order"]["clientId"]) while True: if order_status["order"]['status'] == 'NEW': self.print('Ingresando orden a ${}'.format(entrada)) return True else: # TODO: control de errores para otros posibles estados time.sleep(1) cont += 1 if cont == self.timeout: self.print('Orden cancelada por TIMEOUT') return False
def placer_order(self, ticker, order_side, order_price, order_qty): # TODO implement # TODO Atento al parametro cancel_previous if order_side.lower() == 'buy': order_side = pyRofex.Side.BUY elif order_side.lower() == 'sell': order_side = pyRofex.side.BUY else: raise IncorrectOrderSide if logging.getLevelName('DEBUG') > 1: logging.debug( f'ROFEXClient: Sending {str(order_side).split(".")[-1]} order.' ) try: order = pyRofex.send_order(ticker=ticker, side=order_side, size=order_qty, price=order_price, order_type=pyRofex.OrderType.LIMIT) lk.acquire() print(dash_line) print(f"----------- Send Order Response: ".ljust(width, '-')) pprint(order) active_orders.append(order) lk.release() order_status = pyRofex.get_order_status(order["order"]["clientId"]) lk.acquire() print(dash_line) print(f"----------- Order Status Response: ".ljust(width, '-')) pprint(order_status) lk.release() except Exception as e: if logging.getLevelName('DEBUG') > 1: logging.debug(f'ROFEXClient ERROR: En exception occurred {e}') error_msg = "\033[0;30;47mERROR: Check log file for detailed error message.\033[1;37;40m" print(error_msg) print(dash_line)
def send_order(self, ticker, order_price): """ send order""""Ingresando orden a ${}".format(order_price)) try: order = pyRofex.send_order(ticker=ticker, side=pyRofex.Side.BUY, size=10, price=order_price, order_type=pyRofex.OrderType.LIMIT) #estado Orden order_status = self.get_order_status(order)"Estado orden:")"Status: {}".format(order_status["status"]))"Order ID: {}".format( order_status["order"]["orderId"]))"Descripción: {}".format( order_status["order"]["text"])) except Exception as e: logging.error("No se pudo enviar la orden")
def error_handler(message): print("Error Message Received: {0}".format(message)) def exception_handler(e): print("Exception Occurred: {0}".format(e.message)) # 3-Initialize Websocket Connection with the handlers pyRofex.init_websocket_connection(order_report_handler=order_report_handler, error_handler=error_handler, exception_handler=exception_handler) # 4-Subscribes to receive order report for the default account pyRofex.order_report_subscription() # 5-Subscribes to an invalid account pyRofex.order_report_subscription(account="InvalidAccount") # 6-Send an order to check that order_report_handler is called pyRofex.send_order(ticker="DODic19", side=pyRofex.Side.BUY, size=10, order_type=pyRofex.OrderType.MARKET) # 7-Wait 5 sec then close the connection time.sleep(1) pyRofex.close_websocket_connection()
pyRofex.initialize(user="******", password="******", account="XXXXXXX", environment=pyRofex.Environment.REMARKET) # 2-Get the best bid offer in the market for DODic19 md = pyRofex.get_market_data(ticker="DODic19", entries=[pyRofex.MarketDataEntry.BIDS]) # Print the response print("Market Data Response: {0}".format(md)) # 3-Send a Buy Limit Order for DODic19 with the same price as the best bid order = pyRofex.send_order(ticker="DODic19", side=pyRofex.Side.BUY, size=10, price=md["marketData"]["BI"][0]["price"], order_type=pyRofex.OrderType.LIMIT) # Print the response print("Send Order Response: {0}".format(order)) # 4-Check the order status order_status = pyRofex.get_order_status(order["order"]["clientId"]) # Print the response print("Order Status Response: {0}".format(order_status)) # 5-If order status is PENDING_NEW then we keep checking the status until # the market accept or reject the order or timeout is reach timeout = 5 # Time out 5 seconds
#Check del simbolo if md["status"] == "ERROR" and md["description"] == "Security {0}:ROFX doesn't exist".format(instrumento): print("Simbilo invalido") logout() try: print("Ultimo precio operado: ${0}".format(md["marketData"]["LA"]["price"])) except: print("Ultimo precio operado: None") #CONSULTO EL PRECIO DEL BID print("Consultando BID") try: #Si exitsen entradas, creo una a $0,01 menos que el precio del BID bi = md["marketData"]["BI"][0]["price"] print("Precio del BID: ${0}".format(bi)) print("Ingresando orden a ${0}".format(bi-0.01)) chk = pyRofex.send_order(instrumento, side=pyRofex.Side.BUY, size=1, price=bi-0.01, order_type=pyRofex.OrderType.LIMIT) #Chequeo que la orden se haya realizado con exito check_order_send(chk) except: #Si no existen entradas, creo una a $75,25 print("No hay BIDs activos") print("Ingresando orden a $75,25") chk = pyRofex.send_order(instrumento, side=pyRofex.Side.BUY, size=1, price=75.25, order_type=pyRofex.OrderType.LIMIT) #Chequeo que la orden se haya realizado con exito check_order_send(chk) logout()
def iniciar(ticker2, REMARKETS_USER, REMARKET_PASS, REMARKET_ACCOUNT): def error_handler(message): print("Simbolo invalido") def market_data_handler(message): print("se ha reportado una solicutud al market data") def exception_handler(e): print("Exception Ocurred") def order_report_handler(message): print("se ha reportado una orden") print("~$ python ", ticker2, " -u ", REMARKETS_USER, " -p ", REMARKET_PASS) print("Iniciando sesion en Remarket") # bloque try/except para autencticacion de password try: pyRofex.initialize(user=REMARKETS_USER, password=REMARKET_PASS, account=REMARKET_ACCOUNT, environment=pyRofex.Environment.REMARKET) except: print("Error de autenticacion") print("~$") print("por favor vuelva a ingresar sus credenciales") exit() else: pyRofex.init_websocket_connection( market_data_handler=market_data_handler, error_handler=error_handler, order_report_handler=order_report_handler, exception_handler=exception_handler) print("Consultando simbolo") md = pyRofex.get_market_data( ticker=ticker2, entries=[pyRofex.MarketDataEntry.BIDS, pyRofex.MarketDataEntry.LAST]) # capturar el key error de market data try: lp = md["marketData"]["LA"]["price"] except KeyError: print("Símbolo inválido") else: lp = md["marketData"]["LA"]["price"] print("Último precio operado: $", lp) print("consultando BID") try: md["marketData"]["BI"][0]["price"] except KeyError: # In this case, replace the constant value of 75.25 by a value that when talking about the September dollar the value is 75.25 in the bid offered. # But if we talk about another asset (another instrument) this remains at a competitive value for supply / demand. pyRofex.send_order(ticker=ticker2, side=pyRofex.Side.BUY, size=1, price=lp - 0.91, order_type=pyRofex.OrderType.LIMIT) print("No hay Bids Activos") bido = lp - 0.91 print("ingresando orden :$", bido) else: pyRofex.send_order(ticker=ticker2, side=pyRofex.Side.BUY, size=1, price=md["marketData"]["BI"][0]["price"] - 0.01, order_type=pyRofex.OrderType.LIMIT) bid = md["marketData"]["BI"][0]["price"] bido = bid - 0.01 print("Precio de BID: $", bid) print("ingresando orden :$", bido) print("cerrando sesion en Remarket") time.sleep(5) pyRofex.close_websocket_connection() print("~$")
pyRofex.MarketDataEntry.LAST ] #%% # Nos subscribimos para recibir mensajes pyRofex.market_data_subscription(tickers=instruments, entries=entries, depth=5) # Nos subscribimos a un instrumento inválido y vemos un error #pyRofex.market_data_subscription(tickers=["InvalidInstrument"], # entries=entries) #%% # Subscribes to receive order report messages (default account will be used) ** pyRofex.order_report_subscription() # Envía una orden límite de compra para el DONov20 order = pyRofex.send_order(ticker="DONov20", side=pyRofex.Side.BUY, size=10, price=81.30, order_type=pyRofex.OrderType.LIMIT) # Esperar 5 segunos time.sleep(5) #%% # Cancelar la orden cancel_order = pyRofex.cancel_order(order["order"]["clientId"]) #%% pyRofex.close_websocket_connection()
print("Market data más completa para {0}: {1}".format(ticker, market_data)) #%% # Obtener datos históricos desde el comienzo del año hasta hoy end = start =, month=1, day=1) historic_trades = pyRofex.get_trade_history(ticker=ticker, start_date=start, end_date=end) print("Datos históricos {0} from {1} to {2}: {3}".format(ticker, start, end, historic_trades)) #%% Manejo de órdenes # Envía una orden límite de compra para el instrumento order = pyRofex.send_order(ticker=ticker, side=pyRofex.Side.BUY, size=10, price=81.10, order_type=pyRofex.OrderType.LIMIT) # Print the response print("Respuesta del envío de orden: {0}".format(order)) # Ver cómo quedó la orden order_status = pyRofex.get_order_status(order["order"]["clientId"]) # Mostrarlo print("Respuesta del estado de la orden: {0}".format(order_status)) # si la orden se queda en PENDING_NEW continuar 'poleando' hasta que se coloque timeout = 5 # Time out 5 seconds