def PHI_(x):
    x must be in SI (metres) for this function to work
    PHI is only calculated correctly when the arg is mm
    return -1. * np.log2(x * 1000.)

def DD_(x):
    return 2.**(-x)

# Top and bottom mesh created separately
meshA = pss.Mesh(X=500, Y=1200, cellsize=2.5e-6)
meshB = pss.Mesh(X=500, Y=1200, cellsize=2.5e-6)
meshA.label = 'A'
meshB.label = 'B'

# target volume (area) fraction
vfrac = 0.5

# Store grain objects in list, 'grains'
grains = []

# Minimum krubeim phi = min resolution (4 cppr)
# Max ... '' '' '' '' = max resolution (200 cppr)
# Max res is one which still fits in the domain
minphi = -np.log2(2 * 4 * 2.5e-3)
maxphi = -np.log2(2 * 200 * 2.5e-3)
Esempio n. 2
import pySALESetup as pss
import numpy as np

mesh1 = pss.Mesh(X=100,Y=500,cellsize=.5e-5)

# Two test areas A and B in each test area one type of grain is tested in 4 different orientations
# in principle each grain is independent of all the others. How will each respond?

x  = .25e-3
yA = 1.875e-3
yB = 0.625e-3

r = 0.5

r *= np.pi

off = .5

R = [[-1.,-1.],

R[2][1] += off

#grain = pss.Grain(shape='file',File='grain_arearatio-0.725.txt',eqr=20.,rot=r)
#grain1 = pss.Grain(shape='polygon',poly_params=R,eqr=20.,rot=r)
#grain2 = pss.Grain(shape='polygon',poly_params=R,eqr=20.,rot=r*3)

grain = pss.Grain(shape='circle',eqr=20)
# reverse of krumbein phi
def DD_(x):
    return 2.**(-x)

# reverse of krumbein phi
# duplicate of above; except converts to metres
# and returns radius, not diameter
def reverse_phi(p):
    return (2**(-p)) * .5 * 1.e-3

# Top and bottom mesh created separately
# Create four meshes
meshA = pss.Mesh(X=500, Y=500, cellsize=2.5e-6)
meshA.label = 'A'

# target volume (area) fraction
vfrac = 0.5

# Store grain objects in list, 'grains'
grainsA = []
grainsB = []

# Minimum krubeim phi = min resolution (4 cppr)
# Max ... '' '' '' '' = max resolution (200 cppr)
# Max res is one which still fits in the domain
minres = 10
maxphi = -np.log2(10 * 2.5e-3)
minphi = -np.log2(90 * 2.5e-3)
import pySALESetup as pss
import numpy as np

mesh1 = pss.Mesh(X=200,Y=600,cellsize=.5e-5)

# square rot 00
# square rot 45

#grain1 = pss.Grain(shape='polygon',eqr=10.,poly_params=poly_params)
#grain2 = pss.Grain(shape='polygon',eqr=10.,poly_params=poly_params)
#grain1 = pss.Grain(eqr=10.)
#grain2 = pss.Grain(eqr=10.)

# Test area A (square lattice) ymin = 2.e-3 ymax = 2.5e-3
XcoordsA = np.linspace(0.,1.e-3,5)
YcoordsA = np.linspace(2.e-3,3.e-3,5)

# Test area B (hexagonal lattice) ymin = .5e-3 ymax = 1.e-3
XcoordsB = np.linspace(0.,1.e-3,5)
YcoordsB = np.linspace(0.e-3,1.e-3,5)

c = 0
rot = 0
for yA,yB in zip(YcoordsA,YcoordsB):
    phi = rot*np.pi/180.
    print phi
    grain = pss.Grain(shape='polygon',eqr=10.,poly_params=poly_params,rot=phi)
Esempio n. 5
import pySALESetup as pss
import numpy as np

mesh1 = pss.Mesh(X=500,Y=1500)
grain1 = pss.Grain(eqr=50.)
grain2 = pss.Grain(eqr=50.)

# Test area A (square lattice) ymin = 2.e-3 ymax = 2.5e-3
XcoordsA = np.linspace(0.,1.e-3,5)
YcoordsA = np.linspace(2.e-3,2.5e-3,3)

# Test area B (hexagonal lattice) ymin = .5e-3 ymax = 1.e-3
XcoordsB = np.linspace(0.,1.e-3,5)
YcoordsB = np.linspace(.5e-3,1.e-3,3)

c = 0
for yA,yB in zip(YcoordsA,YcoordsB):
    if c == 0:
        c = 1
        c = 0
    for xA,xB in zip(XcoordsA,XcoordsB):
        if c == 0:
            xB += .125e-3
        elif c == 1:
        #xB -= .125e-3,yA,1,mesh1),yB,2,mesh1)