def pp(integral_value, powers):
     value, stdev = ii.series_to_sympy(str_integral)
     value_sp = sp.sympify(value)
     stdev_sp = sp.sympify(stdev)
     for power in powers:
         v_re, v_im = value_sp.coeff('eps',power).as_real_imag()
         s_re, s_im = stdev_sp.coeff('eps',power).as_real_imag()
         print(f"eps^{power:+d}: " \
             f"{float(v_re):22.15e}{float(v_im):+22.15e}*I +/- " \
Esempio n. 2
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pySecDec.integral_interface import IntegralLibrary, series_to_sympy
import sympy as sp

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # load c++ library
    name = "bubble1L_ebr_large_mass"
    bubble1L = IntegralLibrary(f"{name}/{name}")
    bubble1L.use_Qmc(transform="korobov3", verbosity=1)

    # integrate
    str_integral_without_prefactor, str_prefactor, str_integral_with_prefactor = bubble1L(
        real_parameters=[0.002, 4])

    # convert the result to sympy expressions
    result, error = map(sp.sympify,

    # examples how to access individual orders
    print('Numerical Result')
    for power in [-1, 0]:
        valreal, valimg = result.coeff('eps', power).as_real_imag()
        errreal, errimg = error.coeff('eps', power).as_real_imag()
        print("eps^{:<2} {: .15f}{:+.15f}*I +/- {:.15f}{:+.15f}*I".format(
            power, float(valreal), float(valimg), float(errreal),
Esempio n. 3
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # load c++ library
    I73_1 = IntegralLibrary('I73_1/')

    # choose integrator
    I73_1.use_Vegas(flags=2, epsrel=1e-3, maxeval=10**7)

    # integrate non-Euclidean point;
    v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 = [-3., -3., -1., -1., -1.]
    str_integral_without_prefactor, str_prefactor, str_integral_with_prefactor = I73_1(
        [v1, v2, v3, v4, v5])

    # convert result to sympy expressions
    integral_with_prefactor, integral_with_prefactor_err = series_to_sympy(
    integral_with_prefactor = sp.sympify(integral_with_prefactor)
    integral_with_prefactor_err = sp.sympify(integral_with_prefactor_err)

    # numerical result
    print('eps^0:', integral_with_prefactor.coeff('eps', 0), '+/- (',
          integral_with_prefactor_err.coeff('eps', 0), ')')
    print('eps^-1:', integral_with_prefactor.coeff('eps', -1), '+/- (',
          integral_with_prefactor_err.coeff('eps', -1), ')')
    print('eps^-2:', integral_with_prefactor.coeff('eps', -2), '+/- (',
          integral_with_prefactor_err.coeff('eps', -2), ')')
    print('eps^-3:', integral_with_prefactor.coeff('eps', -3), '+/- (',
          integral_with_prefactor_err.coeff('eps', -3), ')')
    print('eps^-4:', integral_with_prefactor.coeff('eps', -4), '+/- (',
          integral_with_prefactor_err.coeff('eps', -4), ')')