def update_prv_pub(vv): ss = vv.split("ftr") uu="-1" if ss[1]=='true': uu = py_db.user_id py_db.executesql("update tbl_tels set t_private_user_id = '{0}' where t_id={1}".format(uu,ss[0])) print "ok"
def insert(str): _str = str.split("__") uid = -1 if _str[12].split("ffdd")[1] == "private": uid = py_db.user_id sqlstr = """ INSERT INTO `automation`.`tbl_tels` ( `t_sazman`, `t_name`, `t_semat`, `t_mozoo`, `t_tel`, `t_fax`, `t_mob`, `t_email`, `t_site`, `t_address`, `t_exp`, t_private_user_id) VALUES ( '{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}' ); """.format(_str[1].split("ffdd")[1], _str[2].split("ffdd")[1], _str[3].split("ffdd")[1], _str[4].split("ffdd")[1], _str[5].split("ffdd")[1], _str[6].split("ffdd")[1], _str[7].split("ffdd")[1], _str[8].split("ffdd")[1], _str[9].split("ffdd")[1], _str[10].split("ffdd")[1], _str[11].split("ffdd")[1], uid, ) # print sqlstr py_db.executesql(sqlstr) ss = "select t_id from tbl_tels where t_sazman = '{0}' order by t_id desc limit 1".format(_str[1].split("ffdd")[1]) print "ok__"+py_db.executeAndReturnRows(ss)[0][0].__str__()
def do_insert(param): #name:user:comname:possst:false:true:possst param = param.replace('false','0') param = param.replace('true','1') param = param.replace('false','0') param = param.replace('true','1') user_assistant_u_id=-1 if param.split(":")[5]=="1": sqlstr=''' select u_id from tbl_users where u_complete_name = '{0}' limit 1 '''.format(param.split(":")[6]); db=py_db.GetDB() cur=db.cursor(); cur.execute(sqlstr) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: user_assistant_u_id = row[0] sqlstr = ''' INSERT INTO `tbl_users` (`u_name`,`u_pass`, `u_secretariat_group_link`,`u_complete_name`, `u_org_post`,`u_active`, `u_has_assist`,`u_link_to_user_assistant`, u_direct ) VALUES ('{0}','{1}',{2},'{3}','{4}',{5},{6},{7},{8} ) '''.format( param.split(":")[0], param.split(":")[1], param.split(":")[8], param.split(":")[2], param.split(":")[3], param.split(":")[4], param.split(":")[5], user_assistant_u_id.__str__(), param.split(":")[7] ) print 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' print '' # print sqlstr py_db.executesql(sqlstr) print "1"
def answ(name,items): py_db.executesql("insert into tbl_users_related_groups (urg_title) values ('{0}');".format(name)) row = py_db.executeAndReturnRows("select urg_id from tbl_users_related_groups where urg_title='{0}'".format(name)); f=[] f=items.split("gfhjdg"); print 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' print '' for item in f: py_db.executesql("insert into tbl_users_related_groups_member (urgm_link_to_users,urgm_link_to_groups) values ({0},{1})".format(item,row[0][0])) # print("insert into tbl_users_related_groups_member (urgm_link_to_users,urgm_link_to_groups) values ({0},{1})".format(item,row[0][0])) print "ok"
def do_update(param): param = param.replace('false','0') param = param.replace('true','1') param = param.replace('false','0') param = param.replace('true','1') user_assistant_u_id=-1 drf=py_db.ifIntNullThen(param.split(":")[6].__str__()).__str__() d=py_db.do_edit("update","tbl_users", [["u_name","u_pass","u_secretariat_group_link","u_complete_name", "u_org_post","u_active","u_has_assist","u_link_to_user_assistant","u_direct"], [ param.split(":")[0], param.split(":")[1], param.split(":")[8], param.split(":")[2], param.split(":")[3], param.split(":")[4], param.split(":")[5], drf, param.split(":")[7] ], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0]], "yes",[ ["tbl_users ,u_id,u_complete_name,u_id,{0},u_link_to_user_assistant".format(drf)]] ,"u_name",param.split(":")[0]) i=py_db.executesql(d) print 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' print '' print i
def capture_gps_to_db(uid,filecontent): str_arr = [] sqlins ="" bhr=[] str_arr = filecontent.split("$") total_date = '1998-01-01' speed="0" _tpe="0" x="0" y="0" z="0" sat_count="0" ic=0 for i in str_arr: ic=ic+1 ss=[] #pp=[] ss=i.split(",") if ss[0] == "GPGGA": _tpe = "1" timestamp = ss[1] sat_count = ss[7] x=conver_decimal_min_to_decimal_degree(float(find_pos(ss,"E"))) y=conver_decimal_min_to_decimal_degree(float(find_pos(ss,"N"))) z=float(find_pos(ss,"M")) if ss[0] == "GPRMC": _tpe = "2" timestamp = convert_timestamp(ss[1]) validity = ss[2] x=conver_decimal_min_to_decimal_degree(float(find_pos(ss,"E"))) y=conver_decimal_min_to_decimal_degree(float(find_pos(ss,"N"))) speed=float(ss[7]) true_course=ss[8] datestamp =convert_datestamp(ss[9]) eastwest=ss[10] total_date = convert_stamped_to_datetime(datestamp,timestamp) prmmm = """insert into tbl_gps_positions (g_type,g_x,g_y,g_z,g_sat_count,g_date,g_speed,g_user_id,g_date_post,g_uploaded_user_id) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}',ADDTIME('{5}','3:30:00'),'{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}');""".format(_tpe,x,y,z,sat_count,total_date,speed,uid,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),"-1") sqlins = prmmm py_db.executesql(sqlins) print "|" return len(str_arr)
def edit_data(_id,line): _str = line.split("__") uid = -1 if _str[12].split("ffdd")[1] == "private": uid = py_db.user_id sqlstr = """ update `automation`.`tbl_tels` set `t_sazman`='{0}', `t_name`='{1}', `t_semat`='{2}', `t_mozoo`='{3}', `t_tel`='{4}', `t_fax`='{5}', `t_mob`='{6}', `t_email`='{7}', `t_site`='{8}', `t_address`='{9}', `t_exp`='{10}', `t_private_user_id`='{12}' where t_id = '{11}' """.format(_str[1].split("ffdd")[1], _str[2].split("ffdd")[1], _str[3].split("ffdd")[1], _str[4].split("ffdd")[1], _str[5].split("ffdd")[1], _str[6].split("ffdd")[1], _str[7].split("ffdd")[1], _str[8].split("ffdd")[1], _str[9].split("ffdd")[1], _str[10].split("ffdd")[1], _str[11].split("ffdd")[1], _id, uid, ) py_db.executesql(sqlstr) _str = send_tr(_id) print _str
def updateusrprm(param,uid): py_db.checkAccessCookie() py_db.checkuser(5,py_db.username) __form = cgi.FieldStorage() sel_uid = py_db.get_userID_from_uname(uid) sd=param.split("bbb") py_db.executesql("delete from tbl_module_premission where m_user_link = "+sel_uid) for row in sd: s="3" if (row.split("=~")[1].__str__())== "true":s="1" py_db.executesql(""" insert into tbl_module_premission (`m_module_link`,`m_user_link`,`m_type_of_view`) values ({0},{1},{2}) """.format(row.split("=~")[0].__str__(), sel_uid,s)) print 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' print '' print "1"
def insert_into_erja(param1,l_id): st=param1 #print st st=st[3:len(st)] #print st st=param1.split("zzz") for s in st: sr=s.split(")))") if len(s)<>0: hidd=1 if sr[1][0:2]=="**": hidd=2 py_db.executesql(""" UPDATE tbl_inbox set i_position= 3 WHERE i_active_user_link={1} and i_letter_link = {0} """.format(l_id,py_db.user_id) ) sqlstr = """ INSERT INTO `automation`.`tbl_inbox` ( `i_letter_link`, `i_position`, `i_date_of_create`, `i_active_user_link`, `i_order`, `i_prev_active_user_link`, `i_erja_type`) VALUES ( '{0}', '1', '{1}', ( SELECT CASE t1.u_direct WHEN 0 THEN {2} WHEN 1 THEN CASE (SELECT t3.`u_has_assist` FROM tbl_users t3 WHERE t3.u_id={2}) WHEN 0 THEN {2} WHEN 1 THEN CASE (SELECT t5.u_link_to_user_assistant FROM tbl_users t5 WHERE t5.u_id={2}) WHEN {5} THEN {2} ELSE (SELECT t2.u_id FROM tbl_users t2 WHERE t2.u_id = (SELECT t3.`u_link_to_user_assistant` FROM tbl_users t3 WHERE t3.u_id={2}) LIMIT 1) END END END AS ssss FROM tbl_users t1 WHERE t1.u_id={5} ) , '{3}', {5}, '{4}' ); """.format( l_id,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), sr[0], sr[1], hidd, py_db.user_id ) py_db.executesql(sqlstr); print 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' print '' #print sqlstr print "1"
def do_insert(_param): print "Content-Type: text/html" print sqlstr = "" main_rows = _param.split("[[[a") data_field = main_rows[0].split("91A1") sqlstr = "'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}'".format( chk_n(data_field[0]), chk_n(data_field[1]), chk_n(data_field[2]), chk_n(data_field[3]) ) fs = """ INSERT INTO `automation`.`tbl_sale_kharidha` (`sk_link_to_company`, `sk_namayande_sherkat`, `sk_link_faaliat`, `sk_tel_no`) VALUES ( {0}); """.format( sqlstr ) py_db.executesql(fs) new_id = py_db.executeAndReturnRows("select sk_id from tbl_sale_kharidha order by sk_id desc limit 1")[0][ 0 ].__str__() sqlstr_details = " DELIMITER ; " if main_rows[1] == "": print "no_item" return for row in main_rows[1].split("al12c"): row_arr = row.split(",") py_db.executesql( """ insert into `automation`.`tbl_sale_kharidha_details` ( `skd_link_to_kharid_ha`, `skd_zekhamate_varagh`, `skd_arz`, `skd_tool`, `skd_mizan`, `skd_zekhamte_ghal`, `skd_shekle_varagh`, skd_date_kharid) values ( '{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}'); """.format( new_id, chk_n(row_arr[0]), chk_n(row_arr[1]), chk_n(row_arr[2]), chk_n(row_arr[3]), chk_n(row_arr[4]), chk_n(row_arr[5]), chk_n(row_arr[6]), ) ) # al12c print "ok"
## when user enters to letter the letter must change to read # sqls =''' UPDATE `automation`.`tbl_inbox` SET `i_position` = '2', `i_date_of_seen` = '{2}' WHERE i_letter_link = {0} and i_position='1' and i_active_user_link={1} '''.format( dt, py_db.user_id, py_db.get_datetime_of_now() ); #print sqls py_db.executesql(sqls) if dta<>"xcc": print "hey"
import Cookie import os from pyDes import * import cgi import sys import cgitb cgitb.enable(display=0, logdir="c:\cgilog.txt") def ord_validation_mapping(hashed_text): txt = "" for i in list(hashed_text): txt += " " + ord(i).__str__() return txt rows = py_db.executeAndReturnRows("select * from sheet2") for row in rows: if row[2] is not None: if len(row[2].__str__()) > 0: ss = row[2] ss = ss.replace("ي", "ی") ss = ss.replace("ك", "ک") py_db.executesql("update sheet2 set cd3='{0}' where id = '{1}'".format(ss, row[0])) print row[0] # print ord_validation_mapping("ك") # print ord_validation_mapping("ک")+" <<< "
message = "" i = 0 uploadedFileName = [] for fileitem in fileitemArr: if fileitem.filename: i += i + 1 # uuid.uuid1() # strip leading path from file name to avoid directory traversal attacks s = "abs" + str(uuid.uuid1()) fn = os.path.basename(s + "_" + fileitem.filename) open("files/" + fn, "wb").write( uf = [] uf.append("file" + str(i)) uf.append(fileitem.filename) uf.append(s + "_" + fileitem.filename) uploadedFileName.append(uf) message += 'The file "' + fileitem.filename + '" was uploaded successfully' + "<br/>" # 1=richtext 2=scan 3=attachment 4=related letter id py_db.executesql( "insert into tbl_letters_papers (lp_type,lp_address,lp_link_to_letters) values (2,'{0}',{1}) ".format( s + "_" + fileitem.filename, id ) ) print "Location:" + id print "" # print message # print uploadedFileName
form = cgi.FieldStorage() uname=form.getvalue("xsa","") #print 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' #print '' if uname<>"": de=uname.split("szzas"); if de[2]==de[3]: py_db.executesql(""" update tbl_users set `u_pass`='{0}' where u_name='{1}' and u_pass='******'""".format(de[2],de[0],de[1]) ) print 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' print '' #print ''
#!d:/Python27/python.exe -u # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import cgi, os import cgitb; cgitb.enable() import uuid import py_db print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print '' form = cgi.FieldStorage() dt=form.getvalue("id") py_db.executesql("delete from tbl_letters_papers where lp_id="+dt) print "delete from tbl_secretrait_letters where lp_id="+dt
def is_number(s): try: float(s) return True except ValueError: return False rows = py_db.executeAndReturnRows("select * from sheet2") b=0 i=0 for row in rows: if row[4] is not None: if len(row[4].__str__())>3: py_db.executesql("update sheet2 set cd3='{0}' , num4='1' where id = '{1}'".format(row[4],row[0])) i=i+1 print "update sheet2 set cd3='{0}' where id = '{1}'".format(row[4],row[0]) # #for row in rows: # dr = [] # dr = row[1].split('_') # # for d in dr: # dh = d.split('-') # i=2 # for dc in dh: # if is_number(dc): # i=i+1 # py_db.executesql("update sheet set num{0}='{1}' where id = '{2}'".format(i,dc,row[11]))
def delrow(_id): py_db.executesql("delete from tbl_tels where t_id='{0}'".format(_id)) print _id