def simulate_2d_gaussian_psf(sizes, steps, starts, centre, width, depth_dependent_width): """simulate the image of point source at location centre in translated along dimension l and having a gaussian profile in x with a minimum width specified by width and an optional l (or depth dependence) sizes : (Nx, Nl) dimensions of simulated image steps : (sx, sl) voxel size in x and l dimensions starts : (cx, cl) centre of 0,0 voxel width : width in x of gaussian depth_dependent_width : additional width term which is proportional to l-cl and combines in quadrature with base width """ # alloc array img = py_minc.ArrayVolume((1, sizes[0], sizes[1]), dimension_names = ('zspace', 'xspace', 'lspace'), nc_data_type = py_minc.NC_SHORT, typecode = float_) img.set_starts((0, starts[0], starts[1])) img.set_separations((1, steps[0], steps[1])) # iterate over voxels for j in range(sizes[1]): l = starts[1] + j*steps[1] dl = l - centre[1] # coordinate relative to focal plane combined_width_sq = width**2 + (dl*depth_dependent_width)**2 c = 1.0/sqrt(2*pi*combined_width_sq) for i in range(sizes[0]): x = starts[0] + i*steps[0] dx = x - centre[0] # coordinate relative to centre img.array[0,i,j] = c*exp(-.5*dx**2/combined_width_sq) # evaluate gaussian return img
def simulate_point_sinogram(sizes, steps, starts, psf, position): """simulate the sinogram generated by a point at specified position that is degrade by the specified psf sizes : (Nx, Nphi) dimensions of image steps : (sx, sphi) voxel size in x and l dimensions starts : (cx, cphi) centre of 0,0 voxel psf : ArrayVolume specifying psf position : position or point object Note centre of rotation is assumed to be at x = 0, y = 0 """ # alloc array sino = py_minc.ArrayVolume((1, sizes[0], sizes[1]), dimension_names = ('zspace', 'xspace', 'phispace'), nc_data_type = py_minc.NC_SHORT, typecode = float_) sino.set_starts((0, starts[0], starts[1])) sino.set_separations((1, steps[0], steps[1])) # convert point location to polar coordinates r = sqrt(position[0]**2+position[1]**2) theta = arctan2(position[0], position[1]) psf_starts = psf.get_starts() psf_steps = psf.get_separations() psf_sizes = psf.get_sizes() x_values = psf_starts[1] + arange(psf_sizes[1])*psf_steps[1] l_values = psf_starts[2] + arange(psf_sizes[2])*psf_steps[2] interp_psf = bilinear_interp(x_values, l_values, psf.array[0]) # iterate over angles for j in range(sizes[1]): phi = starts[1] + j*steps[1] dphi = phi - theta # relative rotation of point offset = r*sin(dphi) # compute position of rotated point in detector coord (x,l) l = r*cos(dphi) # iterate over detector elements for i in range(sizes[0]): x = starts[0] + i*steps[0] dx = offset - x # coordinate relative to centre sino.array[0,i,j] = interp_psf(dx, l) return sino
def additional_seeding(mnc_bin_file, tag_file, all_tags): print "****************** additional seeding : ", tag_file #create distance_transform (binary input only) cmnd = ("mincmorph -clobber -short -successive F %s %s > %s/tmp.log" % (mnc_bin_file, mnc_bin_file[:-4] + "_dt.mnc", os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(mnc_bin_file)))) print cmnd os.system(cmnd) #p= subprocess.Popen(cmnd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) #stdout, stderr = p.communicate() ##p.wait() volume_dt = py_minc.ArrayVolume( mnc_bin_file[:-4] + "_dt.mnc" ) # without this always [z,y,x], with ,dim_names=py_minc.FILE_ORDER_DIMENSION_NAMES order as the image size = volume_dt.get_sizes() tags = py_minc.VolumeTags(1) for z in range(size[0]): for y in range(size[1]): for x in range(size[2]): dt_value = volume_dt.array[z, y, x] if dt_value >= 0.5: dt_value_world_location = volume_dt.convert_voxel_to_world( np.array([z, y, x])) #return world in [x,y,z] if not list(dt_value_world_location) in all_tags: tags.append(dt_value_world_location, 1, 1, 1, 1) if tags.number() > 0: tags.output(tag_file) print "****************** additional seeding : ", tag_file, " DONE! ", tags.number( ), " seeds created!\n" return True else: print "****************** No additional seed can be added!\n" return False
def newmincfile(dims,ord=(py_minc.MIzspace,py_minc.MIyspace,py_minc.MIxspace), \ ncdt=py_minc.NC_FLOAT,tc=float32): a = py_minc.ArrayVolume(dims, ord, nc_data_type=ncdt, typecode=tc) return a
def openmincfile(filename, dn=py_minc.FILE_ORDER_DIMENSION_NAMES, tc=int16): a = py_minc.ArrayVolume(filename, dim_names=dn, typecode=tc) return a
raise SystemExit, \ "The --clobber option is needed to overwrite an existing file." try: g, attributes = graph_analysis.input_graph(graph_file, ["history", "vertex_offsets"]) # open graph data and copy contents to memory print ("Successfully read in the %s\n" %graph_file) sys.stdout.flush() except: print("Error reading in the %s \n" %graph_file) sys.stdout.flush() #### mri_distance feature: mri_atlas = py_minc.ArrayVolume(mr_atlas_file, nc_data_type=py_minc.NC_BYTE)# without this always [z,y,x], with ,dim_names=py_minc.FILE_ORDER_DIMENSION_NAMES order as the image sizes = mri_atlas.get_sizes() mri_labels =[] for z_vox in range(sizes[0]): for y_vox in range(sizes[1]): for x_vox in range(sizes[2]): if mri_atlas.array[z_vox,y_vox,x_vox]>0 and mri_atlas.array[z_vox,y_vox,x_vox] not in mri_labels: mri_labels.append(mri_atlas.array[z_vox,y_vox,x_vox]) mri_labels=map(lambda x:int(round(x)), mri_labels) for l in mri_labels: #print "mri_label",l sys.stdout.flush() mri_atlas = py_minc.ArrayVolume(mr_atlas_file[:-4]+"_%d_dt.mnc" %l, nc_data_type=py_minc.NC_BYTE)# without this always voxels[z,y,x], with ,dim_names=py_minc.FILE_ORDER_DIMENSION_NAMES order as the image for e in g.edge_list():
def buildPipeline(self): #def create_subvolumes (minc_file,subvol_nums, overlap=10): """v0min v0max v1min v1max v2min v2max", only process a subvolume specified by the bounds in voxel coordinates: v0min <= v0 < v0max, v1min <= v1 < v1max, v2min <= v2 < v2max" create subvolumes 6 parameters to be passed to each parallel process of vesselTracking.""" v0min = [] #x v0max = [] #x v1min = [] #y v1max = [] #y v2min = [] #z v2max = [] #z #img = pymincf.volumeFromFile(self.minc_file) #sizes = img.getSizes() # z_vox(sizes[0]), y_vox(sizes[1]),x_vox(sizes[2]) #self.spacing = img.getSeparations()# z_vox(sizes[0]), y_vox(sizes[1]),x_vox(sizes[2]) #origin = img.getStarts()# z_vox(sizes[0]), y_vox(sizes[1]),x_vox(sizes[2]) img = py_minc.ArrayVolume( self.minc_file ) # without this always [z,y,x], with ,dim_names=py_minc.FILE_ORDER_DIMENSION_NAMES order as the image sizes = img.get_sizes( ) # z_vox(sizes[0]), y_vox(sizes[1]),x_vox(sizes[2]) self.spacing = img.get_separations( ) # z_vox(sizes[0]), y_vox(sizes[1]),x_vox(sizes[2]) origin = img.get_starts( ) # z_vox(sizes[0]), y_vox(sizes[1]),x_vox(sizes[2]) if self.subvol_nums > 27: self.subvol_nums = 27 if self.subvol_nums < 1: self.subvol_nums = 1 if self.subvol_nums == 1: self.input_subvols.append(self.minc_file) else: [xdiv, ydiv, zdiv] = self.make_subvol_indx() #### crop the mincfile into each subvolume subv = 0 for i in range(xdiv): for j in range(ydiv): for k in range(zdiv): subvol_minc_file = self.minc_file[:-4] + "_crop" + str( subv) + ".mnc" v0min = max(0, int(i * sizes[2] / xdiv) - self.overlap) v0max = min( sizes[2], int((i + 1) * sizes[2] / xdiv) + self.overlap) v1min = max(0, int(j * sizes[1] / ydiv) - self.overlap) v1max = min( sizes[1], int((j + 1) * sizes[1] / ydiv) + self.overlap) v2min = max(0, int(k * sizes[0] / zdiv) - self.overlap) v2max = min( sizes[0], int((k + 1) * sizes[0] / zdiv) + self.overlap) self.nel = [ v0max - v0min, v1max - v1min, v2max - v2min ] #x,y,z self.strts = [ origin[2] + (v0min * self.spacing[2]), origin[1] + (v1min * self.spacing[1]), origin[0] + (v2min * self.spacing[0]) ] #x,y,z """Resample minc_file into space of subvol_minc_file Here, we add stages of the pipeline that is defined in the main file (subvolume_vessel_tracking)""" if self.clobber or not file_exists(subvol_minc_file): self.mincResampler(subvol_minc_file) self.input_subvols.append(subvol_minc_file) #resample = ma.mincresample(self.minc_file, subvol_minc_file, likeFile=self.minc_file, argArray=["-clobber", "-step %f %f %f" %(self.spacing[2],self.spacing[1],self.spacing[0]),"-nelements %d %d %d" %(self.nel[0],self.nel[1],self.nel[2]),"-start %f %f %f" %(self.strts[0],self.strts[1], self.strts[2])]) #self.p.addStage(resample) #print self.p.cmd #self.input_subvols.append(resample.outputFiles[0]) subv += 1
if not options.clobber and os.path.exists(output_file): raise SystemExit, \ "The --clobber option is needed to overwrite an existing file." # reads in the graph to be labeled try: g, attributes = graph_analysis.input_graph( input_file, ["history", "vertex_offsets"]) print("Succefully read in the %s\n" % input_file) except: print("Error reading in the %s\n" % input_file) # read in the labeled CT : used to make labling training dataset #labeled_ct=py_minc.ArrayVolume(labeled_CT_file,dim_names=py_minc.FILE_ORDER_DIMENSION_NAMES) #which is in [x,y,z] labeled_ct = py_minc.ArrayVolume( labeled_CT_file ) # without this always [z,y,x], with this :dim_names=py_minc.FILE_ORDER_DIMENSION_NAMES order as the image # g = edge_labeling(g, labeled_ct) #history = history + '\n>>> %s: %s' % (time.ctime(time.time()), "edge_labeling") ##argv = ['', 'input.db', 'output'] history = '\n>>> %s: %s' % (time.ctime(time.time()), string.join(argv) ) ##argv = ['', 'input.db', 'output'] if attributes.has_key("history"): history = attributes["history"] + "\n" + history del attributes['history'] graph_analysis.output_graph(output_file, g, history, attributes) print("Succefully wrote the %s\n" % output_file) g = label_propagate(g, 0) #history = history + '\n>>> %s: %s' % (time.ctime(time.time()), "edge_labeling") ##argv = ['', 'input.db', 'output']
from scipy import * import py_minc from scipy.optimize import leastsq def gaussian(parameters, y, x): a, b, c, d, e, f = parameters asdf = e * exp(-((x - a) / b)**2) * exp(-((x - c) / d)**2) - f err = y - asdf return err filen = 'exp7/sl0.mnc' a = py_minc.ArrayVolume(filen, typecode=int16) views, null, dets = a.get_sizes() im1 = squeeze(a.array)[700:800, 100:200] filen = 'exp7/sl399.mnc' a = py_minc.ArrayVolume(filen, typecode=int16) views, null, dets = a.get_sizes() im2 = squeeze(a.array)[700:800, 100:200] dlist = ravel(im1).tolist() mx = max(ravel(im1)) flr = mean(ravel(im1)) ind = dlist.index(mx) indx = ind / 100 indy = mod(ind, 100)
from scipy import * import py_minc fls = [ "exp2/slice448.mnc", "exp3/slice293.mnc", "exp4/slice286.mnc", "exp5/slice299.mnc", "exp6/slice1077.mnc", "exp7/slice746.mnc", "exp8/slice752.mnc", "exp9/slice793.mnc" ] psf_ffts = zeros((8,400,1036),Complex64) sgs = zeros((8,400,1036),float32) i = 0 for fl in fls: print "Analyzing", fl a = py_minc.ArrayVolume(fl,typecode=float32) b = squeeze(a.array) sgs[i,:,:] = b for j in range(400): psf_ffts[i,j,:] = fftshift(fft(fftshift(b[j,:]))) i = i + 1 inv = 1 def showwhere(im,fact=1.0): if(inv): imshow(-where(im>fact*max(ravel(im)),fact*max(ravel(im)),im)) else: imshow(where(im>fact*max(ravel(im)),fact*max(ravel(im)),im)) def showmag(num, fact=1.0):
#print "in R2" return mask ################################### ### MAIN STARTS HERE ############## ################################### slope = 0.6 max_intercept = 0.3*slope viewmax = 1/pi/2. detmax = 0.4 file = "exp3/slice293.mnc" a = py_minc.ArrayVolume(file) sg = squeeze(a.array) sg_fft = fftshift(fft2(fftshift(sg))) views, dets = shape(sg_fft) newsg_fft = zeros((views*3,dets),Complex64) newsg_fft[0:views,:] = sg_fft newsg_fft[views:views*2,:] = sg_fft newsg_fft[views*2:views*3,:] = sg_fft viewsgfft = where(abs(newsg_fft)>7000,7000,abs(newsg_fft)) newviews,newdets = shape(newsg_fft) mask = zeros(shape(newsg_fft),Int8)
def seeding(mnc_bin_file, tag_file, connectivity, all_tags): print "****************** seeding : ", tag_file #create distance_transform (binary input only) cmnd = ("mincmorph -clobber -short -successive F %s %s > %s/tmp.log" % (mnc_bin_file, mnc_bin_file[:-4] + "_dt.mnc", os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(mnc_bin_file)))) print cmnd os.system(cmnd) #p= subprocess.Popen(cmnd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) #stdout, stderr = p.communicate() ##p.wait() #create group file cmnd = ("mincmorph -clobber -short -group -%s %s %s > %s/tmp.log" % (connectivity, mnc_bin_file, mnc_bin_file[:-4] + "_group.mnc", os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(mnc_bin_file)))) print cmnd os.system(cmnd) #p= subprocess.Popen(cmnd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) #stdout, stderr = p.communicate() ##p.wait() dt_img = py_minc.ArrayVolume( mnc_bin_file[:-4] + "_dt.mnc" ) # without this always [z,y,x], with ,dim_names=py_minc.FILE_ORDER_DIMENSION_NAMES order as the image group_img = py_minc.ArrayVolume( mnc_bin_file[:-4] + "_group.mnc" ) # without this always [z,y,x], with ,dim_names=py_minc.FILE_ORDER_DIMENSION_NAMES order as the image sizes = dt_img.get_sizes() #print "\n\nsize of ", group_filename," is ",sizes, "\n\n" component_maximum = {} for z_vox in range(sizes[0]): for y_vox in range(sizes[1]): for x_vox in range(sizes[2]): g_value = int(round(group_img.array[z_vox, y_vox, x_vox])) if g_value > 0: dt_value = int(round(dt_img.array[z_vox, y_vox, x_vox])) if g_value not in component_maximum.keys(): component_maximum[g_value] = [ dt_value, z_vox, y_vox, x_vox ] else: if dt_value > component_maximum[g_value][0]: component_maximum[g_value] = [ dt_value, z_vox, y_vox, x_vox ] #descending sort tag components based on value (dt_value) sorted_component_maximum = sorted( component_maximum.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) #result is not dict, list of tuples=(key,val) tags = py_minc.VolumeTags(1) for i in range(len(sorted_component_maximum)): voxel_location = np.array([ sorted_component_maximum[i][1][1], sorted_component_maximum[i][1][2], sorted_component_maximum[i][1][3] ]) world_location = dt_img.convert_voxel_to_world(voxel_location) if not list(world_location) in all_tags: tags.append(world_location, 0.05, 1, 1, 1) all_tags.append(list(world_location)) if tags.number() > 0: tags.output(tag_file) print "****************** seeding : ", tag_file, " DONE! ", tags.number( ), " seeds created!\n" return True, all_tags else: print "****************** No seed can be added!\n" return False, all_tags
subpix_stepsize = 0.1 ## THESE ARE ONLY TEMPORARY TEST VARIABLES, DON'T USE THESE IF REALLY RUNNING SCRIPT views = 400 dets = 1036 slices = 1360 reconsize = 1036 from scipy import * ff = zeros((views,dets),float32) from tomography import projections pj = projections.Projections()"/tmp/mytest.pj") dat = pj.get_data() g1 = shape(dat)[1] g2 = dets left = (g1 - g2)/2 ## Note: These will always be even right = (g1 + g2)/2 ## as it is either odd-odd or even-even ff = dat[:,left:right] import py_minc a = py_minc.ArrayVolume("exp7/slice746.mnc") ff = squeeze(a.array).astype(float32)