Esempio n. 1
def view_combined_model(shp_fn, txt_fn, cmb_fn, scale, tranx, trany, width, height):
    img = np.empty((height, width, 3), dtype='uint8')
    # cv2.namedWindow('combined model')
    tm = TextureMapper(img.shape[1], img.shape[0])
    smodel = ShapeModel.load(shp_fn)
    tmodel = TextureModel.load(txt_fn)
    cmodel = CombinedModel.load(cmb_fn)
    vals = genvals()
    params = smodel.get_params(scale, tranx, trany)
    ref = smodel.calc_shape(params)
    ref = ref.reshape((ref.size // 2, 2))
    verts = get_vertices(ref)
    while True:
        for k in range(cmodel.num_modes()):
            for v in vals:
                p = np.zeros(cmodel.num_modes())
                p[k] = v * 3 * np.sqrt(cmodel.variance[k])
                sparams, tparams = cmodel.calc_shp_tex_params(p, smodel.num_modes())
                params[4:] = sparams

                shp = smodel.calc_shape(params)
                shp = shp.reshape(ref.shape)
                t = tmodel.calc_texture(tparams)
                img[:] = 0
                draw_texture(img, t, ref)
                warped = tm.warp_triangles(img, ref[verts], shp[verts])

                s = 'mode: %d, val: %f sd' % (k, v * 3)
                draw_string(warped, s)
                # cv2.imshow('combined model', warped)
                cv2.imwrite('output/%d.jpg'%(int(time.time()*1000000)), warped)
Esempio n. 2
def view_combined_model(shp_fn, txt_fn, cmb_fn, scale, tranx, trany, width, height):
    img = np.empty((height, width, 3), dtype='uint8')
    cv2.namedWindow('combined model')
    tm = TextureMapper(img.shape[1], img.shape[0])
    smodel = ShapeModel.load(shp_fn)
    tmodel = TextureModel.load(txt_fn)
    cmodel = CombinedModel.load(cmb_fn)
    vals = genvals()
    params = smodel.get_params(scale, tranx, trany)
    ref = smodel.calc_shape(params)
    ref = ref.reshape((ref.size//2, 2))
    verts = get_vertices(ref)
    while True:
        for k in xrange(cmodel.num_modes()):
            for v in vals:
                p = np.zeros(cmodel.num_modes())
                p[k] = v * 3 * np.sqrt(cmodel.variance[k])
                sparams, tparams = cmodel.calc_shp_tex_params(p, smodel.num_modes())
                params[4:] = sparams

                shp = smodel.calc_shape(params)
                shp = shp.reshape(ref.shape)
                t = tmodel.calc_texture(tparams)
                img[:] = 0
                draw_texture(img, t, ref)
                warped = tm.warp_triangles(img, ref[verts], shp[verts])

                s = 'mode: %d, val: %f sd' % (k, v*3)
                draw_string(warped, s)
                cv2.imshow('combined model', warped)

                if cv2.waitKey(10) == 27:
Esempio n. 3
def get_data_matrix(imgs, lmks, ref):
    ref = ref.reshape((ref.size//2, 2)).astype('int32')
    mask = get_mask(ref, (640, 480))  # FIXME hardcoded image size
    verts = get_vertices(ref)
    tm = TextureMapper(480, 640)  # ditto
    n_samples = lmks.shape[1]
    n_pixels = mask.sum() * 3
    G = np.empty((n_pixels, n_samples))
    for i in range(n_samples):
        src = lmks[:,i].reshape(ref.shape)
        img = normalize(next(imgs), get_aabb(src))
        warp = tm.warp_triangles(img, src[verts], ref[verts])
        G[:,i] = warp[mask].ravel()
    return G
Esempio n. 4
def get_data_matrix(imgs, lmks, ref):
    ref = ref.reshape((ref.size//2, 2)).astype('int32')
    mask = get_mask(ref, (640, 480))  # FIXME hardcoded image size
    verts = get_vertices(ref)
    tm = TextureMapper(480, 640)  # ditto
    n_samples = lmks.shape[1]
    n_pixels = mask.sum() * 3
    G = np.empty((n_pixels, n_samples))
    for i in xrange(n_samples):
        src = lmks[:,i].reshape(ref.shape)
        img = normalize(next(imgs), get_aabb(src))
        warp = tm.warp_triangles(img, src[verts], ref[verts])
        G[:,i] = warp[mask].ravel()
    return G
Esempio n. 5
    def train(cls, lmks, imgs, ref, frac, kmax):
        smodel = ShapeModel.load('data/shape.npz')
        tmodel = TextureModel.load('data/texture.npz')

        # build diagonal matrix of weights that measures
        # the unit difference between shape and texture parameters
        r = tmodel.variance.sum() / smodel.variance.sum()
        Ws = r * np.eye(smodel.num_modes())

        n_samples = lmks.shape[1]

        tm = TextureMapper(480, 640)

        # create empty matrix
        n_feats = smodel.num_modes() + tmodel.num_modes()
        A = np.empty((n_feats, n_samples))

        # concatenate shape and texture parameters for each training example
        for i in xrange(n_samples):
            img = next(imgs)
            lmk = lmks[:, i]
            sparams = smodel.calc_params(lmk)
            tparams = tmodel.calc_params(img, lmk, ref, tm.warp_triangles)
            # ignore first 4 shape parameters
            A[:, i] = np.concatenate(([4:]), tparams))

        D = pca(A, frac, kmax)

        # compute variance
        Q = pow(, 2)
        e = Q.sum(axis=1) / (n_samples - 1)

        return cls(D, e, Ws)
Esempio n. 6
def experiments(images, landmarks, smodel, tmodel, ref_shape, fout):
    tm = TextureMapper(480, 640)
    tri = get_vertices(ref_shape)
    split = smodel.num_modes() + 4
    perturbator = Perturbator(np.sqrt(smodel.variance[4:]), np.sqrt(tmodel.variance))

    n_samples = len(landmarks)
    n_perts = perturbator.num_perts()
    total_perts = n_perts * n_samples
    n_params = 4 + smodel.num_modes() + tmodel.num_modes()
    t_vec_sz = tmodel.texture_vector_size()

    h5 = tb.openFile(fout, mode='w', title='perturbations')
    filters = tb.Filters(complevel=5, complib='blosc')
    P = h5.createCArray(h5.root, 'perturbations', tb.Float64Atom(),
            shape=(n_params, total_perts), filters=filters)
    R = h5.createCArray(h5.root, 'residuals', tb.Float64Atom(),
            shape=(t_vec_sz, total_perts), filters=filters,
            chunkshape=(2048, 128))

    for i in xrange(len(landmarks)):
        # get image and corresponding landmarks
        img = next(images)
        lmks = landmarks[i]
        pts = lmks.reshape(ref_shape.shape)
        # get shape and texture model parameters for current example
        s_params = smodel.calc_params(lmks)
        t_params = tmodel.calc_params(img, lmks, ref_shape, tm.warp_triangles)
        params = np.concatenate((s_params, t_params))

        perturbations = perturbator.perturbations(s_params, t_params)
        for j,pert in enumerate(perturbations):
            col = n_perts * i + j
            print 'perturbation {:,} of {:,}'.format(col+1, total_perts)
            s = pert[:split]
            t = pert[split:]
            x_image = smodel.calc_shape(s)
            x_image = x_image.reshape((x_image.size//2, 2))
            g_image = sample_texture(img, x_image, ref_shape, tm)
            g_model = tmodel.calc_texture(t)
            perturbation = pert - params
            residual = g_image - g_model

            P[:,col] = perturbation
            R[:,col] = residual

Esempio n. 7
def experiments(images, landmarks, smodel, tmodel, ref_shape):
    tm = TextureMapper(480, 640)
    tri = get_vertices(ref_shape)
    split = smodel.num_modes() + 4
    perturbator = Perturbator(np.sqrt(smodel.variance[4:]), np.sqrt(tmodel.variance))
    for i in xrange(len(landmarks)):
        # get image and corresponding landmarks
        img = next(images)
        lmks = landmarks[i]
        pts = lmks.reshape(ref_shape.shape)
        # get shape and texture model parameters for current example
        s_params = smodel.calc_params(lmks)
        t_params = tmodel.calc_params(img, lmks, ref_shape, tm.warp_triangles)
        params = np.concatenate((s_params, t_params))

        cv2.imshow('original', img)

        shape = smodel.calc_shape(s_params)
        shape = shape.reshape((shape.size//2, 2))
        texture = tmodel.calc_texture(t_params)
        warped = draw_face(img, shape, texture, ref_shape, tm.warp_triangles)
        cv2.imshow('model', warped)

        for pert in perturbator.perturbations(s_params, t_params):
            s = pert[:split]
            t = pert[split:]
            x_image = smodel.calc_shape(s)
            x_image = x_image.reshape((x_image.size//2, 2))
            g_image = sample_texture(img, x_image, ref_shape, tm.warp_triangles)
            g_model = tmodel.calc_texture(t)
            perturbation = pert - params
            residual = g_image - g_model

            warped = draw_face(img, x_image, g_model, ref_shape, tm.warp_triangles)
            cv2.imshow('perturbed', warped)

            key = cv2.waitKey()
            if key == ord('n'):
            elif key == 27:
Esempio n. 8

    smodel = ShapeModel.load('data/shape.npz')
    params = smodel.get_params(200, 150, 150)
    ref = smodel.calc_shape(params)
    ref = ref.reshape((len(ref) // 2, 2))

    verts = get_vertices(ref)

    muct = MuctDataset()

    if args.use_texturemapper:
        from pyaam.texturemapper import TextureMapper
        tm = TextureMapper(480, 640)
        warp_triangles = tm.warp_triangles

    for name, tag, lmks, flipped in muct.iterdata():
        img = muct.image(name)
        pts = lmks.reshape((len(lmks) // 2, 2))
        aabb = get_aabb(pts)
        if args.normalize:
            img = normalize(img, aabb)
        orig = img.copy()
        if args.show_triangles:
            draw_polygons(img, pts[verts],
        cv2.imshow('triangles', img)
        warped = warp_triangles(orig, pts[verts], ref[verts])
        if args.show_triangles:
            draw_polygons(warped, ref[verts],
Esempio n. 9
def test_aam(images, landmarks, smodel, tmodel, R, ref_shape):
    tm = TextureMapper(480, 640)
    tri = get_vertices(ref_shape)
    for i in xrange(len(landmarks)):
        img = next(images)
        cv2.imshow('original', img)
        lmks = landmarks[i].reshape(ref_shape.shape)

        # detect face
        pts = detector.detect(img)
        # get params for detected face shape
        s_params = smodel.calc_params(pts)
        # mean texture
        t_params = np.zeros(tmodel.num_modes())
        # concatenate parameters
        params = np.concatenate((s_params, t_params))

        shape, texture = get_instance(params, smodel, tmodel)
        warped = draw_face(img, shape, texture, ref_shape, tm.warp_triangles)
        cv2.imshow('fitted', warped)

        img2 = img.copy()
        draw_muct_shape(img2, shape.ravel())
        cv2.imshow('shape', img2)

        key = cv2.waitKey()
        if key == ord(' '):
        elif key == ord('n'):
        elif key == 27:

        shape, texture = get_instance(params, smodel, tmodel)
        g_image = sample_texture(img, shape, ref_shape, tm.warp_triangles)
        # compute residual
        residual = g_image - texture
        # evaluate error
        E0 =, residual)
        # predict model displacements
        pert =

        for i in xrange(MAX_ITER):
            shape, texture = get_instance(params, smodel, tmodel)
            g_image = sample_texture(img, shape, ref_shape, tm.warp_triangles)
            # compute residual
            residual = g_image - texture
            # predict model displacements
            pert =
            for alpha in (1.5, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125):
                new_params = params - alpha * pert

                shape, texture = get_instance(new_params, smodel, tmodel)
                g_image = sample_texture(img, shape, ref_shape,
                residual = g_image - texture
                Ek =, residual)

                if Ek < E0:
                    params = new_params
                    E0 = Ek

            shape, texture = get_instance(params, smodel, tmodel)
            warped = draw_face(img, shape, texture, ref_shape,
            cv2.imshow('fitted', warped)

            img2 = img.copy()
            draw_muct_shape(img2, shape.ravel())
            cv2.imshow('shape', img2)

            key = cv2.waitKey()
            if key == ord(' '):
            elif key == ord('n'):
            elif key == 27: