class DVXPLORER(USBDevice): """DVXPLORER. # Arguments device_id: `int`<br/> a unique ID to identify the device from others. Will be used as the source for EventPackets being generate from its data.<br/> `default is 1` bus_number_restrict: `int`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only this USB bus number.<br/> `default is 0` dev_address_restrict: `int`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only this USB device address.<br/> `default is 0` serial_number: `str`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only devices which do possess the given Serial Number in their USB SerialNumber descriptor.<br/> `default is ""` noise_filter: `bool`<br/> if enable noise filter.<br/> `default is False` """ def __init__(self, device_id=1, bus_number_restrict=0, dev_address_restrict=0, serial_number="", noise_filter=False): """DVXPLORER.""" super(DVXPLORER, self).__init__() # open device, bus_number_restrict, dev_address_restrict, serial_number) # get camera information self.obtain_device_info(self.handle) # simple biases arguments self.simple_biases = { "very_low": libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_SIMPLE_VERY_LOW, "low": libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_SIMPLE_LOW, "high": libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_SIMPLE_HIGH, "very_high": libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_SIMPLE_VERY_HIGH, "default": libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_SIMPLE_DEFAULT } # noise filter self.filter_noise = noise_filter if noise_filter is True: self.noise_filter = DVSNoise(self.dvs_size_X, self.dvs_size_Y) else: self.noise_filter = None def set_noise_filter(self, noise_filter): """Set noise filter. # Arguments noise_filter: `filters.DVSNoise`<br/> A valid `DVSNoise` object. This filter implements software-level background activity filter. """ if noise_filter is not None: self.noise_filter = noise_filter def enable_noise_filter(self): """Enalbe DVS noise filter. This function enables the DVS noise filter. Note that this function will initialize a `DVSNoise` filter if there is None. """ if self.filter_noise is False: self.filter_noise = True if self.noise_filter is None: self.noise_filter = DVSNoise(self.dvs_size_X, self.dvs_size_Y) def disable_noise_filter(self): """Disable noise filter. This method disable the noise filter. Note that this function doesn't destroy the existed noise filter. It simply switches off the function. """ if self.filter_noise is True: self.filter_noise = False def obtain_device_info(self, handle): """Obtain DVXPLORER info. This function collects the following information from the device: - Device ID - Device serial number - Device USB bus number - Device USB device address - Device string - Logic version - If the device is the master device - Logic clock - ADC clock - Chip ID - Camera DVS width - Camera DVS height - If external input has generator - If the device has DVS statistics - If the device has MUX statistics # Arguments handle: `caerDeviceHandle`<br/> a valid device handle that can be used with the other `libcaer` functions, or `None` on error. """ info = libcaer.caerDVXplorerInfoGet(handle) self.device_id = info.deviceID self.device_serial_number = info.deviceSerialNumber self.device_usb_bus_number = info.deviceUSBBusNumber self.device_usb_device_address = info.deviceUSBDeviceAddress self.device_string = info.deviceString self.firmware_version = info.firmwareVersion self.logic_version = info.logicVersion self.chip_id = info.chipID self.device_is_master = info.deviceIsMaster self.mux_has_statistics = info.muxHasStatistics self.dvs_size_X = info.dvsSizeX self.dvs_size_Y = info.dvsSizeY self.dvs_has_statistics = info.dvsHasStatistics self.imu_type = info.imuType self.ext_input_has_generator = info.extInputHasGenerator def open(self, device_id=1, bus_number_restrict=0, dev_address_restrict=0, serial_number=""): """Open DVXPLORER device. # Arguments device_id: `int`<br/> a unique ID to identify the device from others. Will be used as the source for EventPackets being generate from its data.<br/> `default is 1` bus_number_restrict: `int`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only this USB bus number.<br/> `default is 0` dev_address_restrict: `int`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only this USB device address.<br/> `default is 0` serial_number: `str`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only devices which do possess the given Serial Number in their USB SerialNumber descriptor.<br/> `default is ""` """ super(DVXPLORER, self).open(libcaer.CAER_DEVICE_DVXPLORER, device_id, bus_number_restrict, dev_address_restrict, serial_number) def set_bias_from_json(self, file_path, verbose=False): """Set bias from loading JSON configuration file. # Arguments file_path: `str`<br/> absolute path of the JSON bias file. verbose: `bool`<br/> optional debugging message. """ bias_obj = utils.load_dvxplorer_bias(file_path, verbose) self.set_bias(bias_obj) def set_bias(self, bias_obj): """Set bias from bias dictionary. # Arguments bias_obj: `dict`<br/> dictionary that contains DVXPLORER biases. # Returns flag: `bool`<br/> True if set successful, False otherwise. """ # DVX MUX self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_MUX, libcaer.DVX_MUX_TIMESTAMP_RESET, bias_obj["mux_timestamp_reset"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_MUX, libcaer.DVX_MUX_DROP_EXTINPUT_ON_TRANSFER_STALL, bias_obj["drop_extinput_on_transfer_stall"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_MUX, libcaer.DVX_MUX_DROP_DVS_ON_TRANSFER_STALL, bias_obj["mux_drop_dvs_on_transfer_stall"]) # DVX EXTINPUT self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_DETECT_RISING_EDGES, bias_obj["extinput_detect_rising_edges"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_DETECT_FALLING_EDGES, bias_obj["extinput_detect_falling_edges"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_DETECT_PULSES, bias_obj["extinput_detect_pulses"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_DETECT_PULSE_POLARITY, bias_obj["extinput_detect_pulse_polarity"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_DETECT_PULSE_LENGTH, bias_obj["extinput_detect_pulse_length"]) # setting for noise filter if self.ext_input_has_generator is True: self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_RUN_GENERATOR, bias_obj["extinput_ran_generator"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_POLARITY, bias_obj["extinput_generate_pulse_polarity"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_INTERVAL, bias_obj["extinput_generate_pulse_interval"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_LENGTH, bias_obj["extinput_generate_pulse_length"]) self.set_config( libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_INJECT_ON_RISING_EDGE, bias_obj["extinput_generate_inject_on_rising_edge"]) self.set_config( libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_INJECT_ON_FALLING_EDGE, bias_obj["extinput_generate_inject_on_falling_edge"]) # DVX USB self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_USB, libcaer.DVX_USB_EARLY_PACKET_DELAY, bias_obj["usb_early_packet_delay"]) # Set biases if "bias_simple" in bias_obj: # use system bias configuration, specify all biases otherwise self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_SIMPLE, self.simple_biases[bias_obj["bias_simple"]]) else: self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_LOG, bias_obj["current_range_log"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_SF, bias_obj["current_range_sf"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_ON, bias_obj["current_range_on"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_nRST, bias_obj["current_range_nrst"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_LOGA, bias_obj["current_range_loga"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_LOGD, bias_obj["current_range_logd"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_LEVEL_SF, bias_obj["current_level_sf"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_LEVEL_nOFF, bias_obj["current_level_noff"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_AMP, bias_obj["current_amp"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_ON, bias_obj["current_on"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_OFF, bias_obj["current_off"]) def get_bias(self): """Get bias settings. # Returns bias_obj: `dict`<br/> dictionary that contains DVXPLORER current bias settings. """ bias_obj = {} # DVX MUX bias_obj["mux_timestamp_reset"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_MUX, libcaer.DVX_MUX_TIMESTAMP_RESET) bias_obj["drop_extinput_on_transfer_stall"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_MUX, libcaer.DVX_MUX_DROP_EXTINPUT_ON_TRANSFER_STALL) bias_obj["mux_drop_dvs_on_transfer_stall"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_MUX, libcaer.DVX_MUX_DROP_DVS_ON_TRANSFER_STALL) # DVX IMU bias_obj["imu_accel_data_rate"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_IMU, libcaer.DVX_IMU_ACCEL_DATA_RATE) bias_obj["imu_accel_filter"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_IMU, libcaer.DVX_IMU_ACCEL_FILTER) bias_obj["imu_accel_range"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_IMU, libcaer.DVX_IMU_ACCEL_RANGE) bias_obj["imu_gyro_data_rate"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_IMU, libcaer.DVX_IMU_GYRO_DATA_RATE) bias_obj["imu_gyro_filter"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_IMU, libcaer.DVX_IMU_GYRO_FILTER) bias_obj["imu_gyro_range"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_IMU, libcaer.DVX_IMU_GYRO_RANGE) # DVX EXTINPUT bias_obj["extinput_detect_rising_edges"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_DETECT_RISING_EDGES) bias_obj["extinput_detect_falling_edges"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_DETECT_FALLING_EDGES) bias_obj["extinput_detect_pulses"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_DETECT_PULSES) bias_obj["extinput_detect_pulse_polarity"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_DETECT_PULSE_POLARITY) bias_obj["extinput_detect_pulse_length"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_DETECT_PULSE_LENGTH) # setting for noise filter if self.ext_input_has_generator is True: bias_obj["extinput_ran_generator"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_RUN_GENERATOR) bias_obj["extinput_generate_pulse_polarity"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_POLARITY) bias_obj["extinput_generate_pulse_interval"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_INTERVAL) bias_obj["extinput_generate_pulse_length"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_LENGTH) bias_obj["extinput_generate_inject_on_rising_edge"] = \ self.get_config( libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_INJECT_ON_RISING_EDGE) bias_obj["extinput_generate_inject_on_falling_edge"] = \ self.get_config( libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT, libcaer.DVX_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_INJECT_ON_FALLING_EDGE) # DVX USB bias_obj["usb_early_packet_delay"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_USB, libcaer.DVX_USB_EARLY_PACKET_DELAY) # Set biases bias_obj["current_range_log"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_LOG) bias_obj["current_range_sf"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_SF) bias_obj["current_range_on"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_ON) bias_obj["current_range_nrst"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_nRST) bias_obj["current_range_loga"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_LOGA) bias_obj["current_range_logd"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_LOGD) bias_obj["current_level_sf"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_LEVEL_SF) bias_obj["current_level_noff"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_LEVEL_nOFF) bias_obj["current_amp"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_AMP) bias_obj["current_on"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_ON) bias_obj["current_off"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS, libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_CURRENT_OFF) return bias_obj def save_bias_to_json(self, file_path): """Save bias to JSON. # Arguments file_path: `str`<br/> the absolute path to the destiation. # Returns flag: `bool`<br/> returns True if success in writing, False otherwise. """ bias_obj = self.get_bias() return utils.write_json(file_path, bias_obj) def start_data_stream(self, send_default_config=True, max_packet_size=None, max_packet_interval=None): """Start streaming data. # Arguments send_default_config: `bool`<br/> send default config to the device before starting the data streaming.<br/> `default is True` max_packet_size: `int`<br/> set the maximum number of events any of a packet container's packets may hold before it's made available to the user. Set to zero to disable.<br/> The default is `None` (use default setting: 0). max_packet_interval: `int`<br/> set the time interval between subsequent packet containers. Must be at least 1 microsecond. The value is in microseconds, and is checked across all types of events contained in the EventPacketContainer.<br/> The default is `None` (use default setting: 10ms) """ if send_default_config is True: self.send_default_config() if max_packet_size is not None: self.set_max_container_packet_size(max_packet_size) if max_packet_interval is not None: self.set_max_container_interval(max_packet_interval) self.data_start() self.set_data_exchange_blocking() def get_polarity_event(self, packet_header, noise_filter=False): """Get a packet of polarity event. # Arguments packet_header: `caerEventPacketHeader`<br/> the header that represents a event packet noise_filter: `bool`<br/> the background activity filter is applied if True. # Returns events: `numpy.ndarray`<br/> a 2-D array that has the shape of (N, 4) where N is the number of events in the event packet. Each row in the array represents a single polarity event. The first number is the timestamp. The second number is the X position of the event. The third number is the Y position of the event. The fourth number represents the polarity of the event (positive or negative).<br/> If the `noise_filter` option is set to `True`, this array has an additional column at the end. The last column represents the validity of the corresponding event. Filtered events will be marked as 0. num_events: `int`<br/> number of the polarity events available in the packet. """ num_events, polarity = self.get_event_packet(packet_header, libcaer.POLARITY_EVENT) if noise_filter is True: polarity = self.noise_filter.apply(polarity) events = libcaer.get_filtered_polarity_event( polarity, num_events * 5).reshape(num_events, 5) else: events = libcaer.get_polarity_event(polarity, num_events * 4).reshape( num_events, 4) return events, num_events def get_event(self, mode="events"): """Get Event. # Returns pol_events: `numpy.ndarray`<br/> a 2-D array that has the shape of (N, 4) where N is the number of events in the event packet. Each row in the array represents a single polarity event. The first number is the timestamp. The second number is the X position of the event. The third number is the Y position of the event. The fourth number represents the polarity of the event (positive or negative).<br/> If the `noise_filter` option is set to `True`, this array has an additional column at the end. The last column represents the validity of the corresponding event. Filtered events will be marked as 0. num_pol_events: `int`<br/> number of the polarity events available in the packet. special_events: `numpy.ndarray`<br/> a 2-D array that has the shape of (N, 2) where N is the number of events in the event packet. Each row in the array represents a single special event. The first value is the timestamp of the event. The second value is the special event data. num_special_events: `int`<br/> number of the special events in the packet. imu_events: `numpy.ndarray`<br/> a 2-D array that has the shape of (N, 8) where N is the number of IMU6 events in the packet. Each row of the array consists a single IMU6 event. The first value is the timestamp of the event. The next three values are accelerations on the X, Y, and Z axes. The next three values are angular velocity on the X, Y and Z axes. The last value is the temperature in Celsius scale. num_imu_events: `int`<br/> number of the IMU6 events. """ packet_container, packet_number = self.get_packet_container() if packet_container is not None: num_pol_event = 0 num_special_event = 0 num_imu_event = 0 pol_events = None special_events = None imu_events = None for packet_id in range(packet_number): packet_header, packet_type = self.get_packet_header( packet_container, packet_id) if packet_type == libcaer.POLARITY_EVENT: if mode == "events": events, num_events = self.get_polarity_event( packet_header, self.filter_noise) pol_events = np.hstack((pol_events, events)) \ if pol_events is not None else events elif mode == "events_hist": hist, num_events = \ self.get_polarity_hist( packet_header, device_type=self.chip_id) pol_events = hist if pol_events is None else \ pol_events+hist elif mode == "counter_neuron": hist, num_events = \ self.get_counter_neuron_event( packet_header, device_type=self.chip_id) pol_events = hist if pol_events is None else \ pol_events+hist num_pol_event += num_events elif packet_type == libcaer.SPECIAL_EVENT: events, num_events = self.get_special_event(packet_header) special_events = np.hstack((special_events, events)) \ if special_events is not None else events num_special_event += num_events elif packet_type == libcaer.IMU6_EVENT: events, num_events = self.get_imu6_event(packet_header) imu_events = np.hstack((imu_events, events)) \ if imu_events is not None else events num_imu_event += num_events libcaer.caerEventPacketContainerFree(packet_container) return (pol_events, num_pol_event, special_events, num_special_event, imu_events, num_imu_event) else: return None
class DVS128(USBDevice): """DVS128. # Arguments device_id: `int`<br/> a unique ID to identify the device from others. Will be used as the source for EventPackets being generate from its data.<br/> `default is 1` bus_number_restrict: `int`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only this USB bus number.<br/> `default is 0` dev_address_restrict: `int`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only this USB device address.<br/> `default is 0` serial_number: `str`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only devices which do possess the given Serial Number in their USB SerialNumber descriptor.<br/> `default is ""` noise_filter: `bool`<br/> if enable noise filter,<br/> `default is False`. """ def __init__(self, device_id=1, bus_number_restrict=0, dev_address_restrict=0, serial_number="", noise_filter=False): """DVS128.""" super(DVS128, self).__init__() # open device, bus_number_restrict, dev_address_restrict, serial_number) # get camera information self.obtain_device_info(self.handle) # noise filter self.filter_noise = noise_filter if noise_filter is True: self.noise_filter = DVSNoise(self.dvs_size_X, self.dvs_size_Y) else: self.noise_filter = None def set_noise_filter(self, noise_filter): """Set noise filter. # Arguments noise_filter: `filters.DVSNoise`<br/> A valid `DVSNoise` object. This filter implements software-level background activity filter. """ if noise_filter is not None: self.noise_filter = noise_filter def enable_noise_filter(self): """Enalbe DVS noise filter. This function enables the DVS noise filter. Note that this function will initialize a `DVSNoise` filter if there is None. """ if self.filter_noise is False: self.filter_noise = True if self.noise_filter is None: self.noise_filter = DVSNoise(self.dvs_size_X, self.dvs_size_Y) def disable_noise_filter(self): """Disable noise filter. This method disable the noise filter. Note that this function doesn't destroy the existed noise filter. It simply switches off the function. """ if self.filter_noise is True: self.filter_noise = False def obtain_device_info(self, handle): """Obtain DVS128 info. This function collects the following information from the device: - Deveice ID - If the device is a master camera - Device string - Device USB bus number - Device USB device address - Camera width - Camera height - Logic version # Arguments handle: `caerDeviceHandle`<br/> a valid device handle that can be used with the other `libcaer` functions, or `None` on error. """ if handle is not None: info = libcaer.caerDVS128InfoGet(handle) # port all info data field out self.device_id = info.deviceID self.device_serial_number = info.deviceSerialNumber self.device_usb_bus_number = info.deviceUSBBusNumber self.device_usb_device_address = info.deviceUSBDeviceAddress self.device_string = info.deviceString self.firmware_version = info.firmwareVersion self.device_is_master = info.deviceIsMaster self.dvs_size_X = info.dvsSizeX self.dvs_size_Y = info.dvsSizeY def open(self, device_id=1, bus_number_restrict=0, dev_address_restrict=0, serial_number=""): """Open device. # Arguments device_id: `int`<br/> a unique ID to identify the device from others. Will be used as the source for EventPackets being generate from its data.<br/> `default is 1`. bus_number_restrict: `int`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only this USB bus number.<br/> `default is 0`. dev_address_restrict: `int`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only this USB device address.<br/> `default is 0`. serial_number: `str`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only devices which do possess the given Serial Number in their USB SerialNumber descriptor.<br/> `default is ""` """ super(DVS128, self).open(libcaer.CAER_DEVICE_DVS128, device_id, bus_number_restrict, dev_address_restrict, serial_number) def set_bias_from_json(self, file_path, verbose=False): """Set bias from loading JSON configuration file. # Arguments file_path: `str`<br/> absolute path of the JSON bias file. verbose: `bool`<br/> optional debugging message. """ bias_obj = utils.load_dvs_bias(file_path, verbose) self.set_bias(bias_obj) def set_bias(self, bias_obj): """Set bias from bias dictionary. # Arguments bias_obj: `dict`<br/> dictionary that contains DVS128 biases. # Returns flag: `bool`<br/> True if set successful, False otherwise. """ self.set_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_CAS, bias_obj["cas"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_INJGND, bias_obj["injGnd"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_REQPD, bias_obj["reqPd"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_PUX, bias_obj["puX"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_DIFFOFF, bias_obj["diffOff"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_REQ, bias_obj["req"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_REFR, bias_obj["refr"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_PUY, bias_obj["puY"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_DIFFON, bias_obj["diffOn"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_DIFF, bias_obj["diff"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_FOLL, bias_obj["foll"]) self.set_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_PR, bias_obj["Pr"]) # setting for noise filter if self.filter_noise is True: self.noise_filter.set_bias(bias_obj["noise_filter_configs"]) def get_bias(self): """Get bias settings. # Returns bias_obj: `dict`<br/> dictionary that contains DVS128 current bias settings. """ bias_obj = {} bias_obj["cas"] = self.get_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_CAS) bias_obj["injGnd"] = self.get_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_INJGND) bias_obj["reqPd"] = self.get_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_REQPD) bias_obj["puX"] = self.get_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_PUX) bias_obj["diffOff"] = self.get_config( libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_DIFFOFF) bias_obj["req"] = self.get_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_REQ) bias_obj["refr"] = self.get_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_REFR) bias_obj["puY"] = self.get_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_PUY) bias_obj["diffOn"] = self.get_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_DIFFON) bias_obj["diff"] = self.get_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_DIFF) bias_obj["foll"] = self.get_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_FOLL) bias_obj["Pr"] = self.get_config(libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_PR) # get noise filter configs if self.noise_filter is not None: bias_obj["noise_filter_configs"] = self.noise_filter.get_bias() return bias_obj def save_bias_to_json(self, file_path): """Save bias to JSON. # Arguments file_path: `str`<br/> the absolute path to the destiation. # Returns flag: `bool`<br/> returns True if success in writing, False otherwise. """ bias_obj = self.get_bias() return utils.write_json(file_path, bias_obj) def start_data_stream(self, send_default_config=True): """Start streaming data. # Arguments send_default_config: `bool`<br/> send default config to the device before starting the data streaming.<br/> `default is True` """ if send_default_config is True: self.send_default_config() self.data_start() self.set_data_exchange_blocking() def get_polarity_event(self, packet_header, noise_filter=False): """Get a packet of polarity event. # Arguments packet_header: `caerEventPacketHeader`<br/> the header that represents a event packet noise_filter: `bool`<br/> the background activity filter is applied if True. # Returns events: `numpy.ndarray`<br/> a 2-D array that has the shape of (N, 4) where N is the number of events in the event packet. Each row in the array represents a single polarity event. The first number is the timestamp. The second number is the X position of the event. The third number is the Y position of the event. The fourth number represents the polarity of the event (positive or negative).<br/> If the `noise_filter` option is set to `True`, this array has an additional column at the end. The last column represents the validity of the corresponding event. Filtered events will be marked as 0. num_events: `int`<br/> number of the polarity events available in the packet. """ num_events, polarity = self.get_event_packet(packet_header, libcaer.POLARITY_EVENT) if noise_filter is True: polarity = self.noise_filter.apply(polarity) events = libcaer.get_filtered_polarity_event( polarity, num_events * 5).reshape(num_events, 5) else: events = libcaer.get_polarity_event(polarity, num_events * 4).reshape( num_events, 4) return events, num_events def get_event(self, mode="events"): """Get event. # Returns pol_events: `numpy.ndarray`<br/> a 2-D array that has the shape of (N, 4) where N is the number of events in the event packet. Each row in the array represents a single polarity event. The first number is the timestamp. The second number is the X position of the event. The third number is the Y position of the event. The fourth number represents the polarity of the event (positive or negative).<br/> If the `noise_filter` option is set to `True`, this array has an additional column at the end. The last column represents the validity of the corresponding event. Filtered events will be marked as 0. num_pol_events: `int`<br/> number of the polarity events available in the packet. special_events: `numpy.ndarray`<br/> a 2-D array that has the shape of (N, 2) where N is the number of events in the event packet. Each row in the array represents a single special event. The first value is the timestamp of the event. The second value is the special event data. num_special_events: `int`<br/> number of the special events in the packet. """ packet_container, packet_number = self.get_packet_container() if packet_container is not None: num_pol_event = 0 num_special_event = 0 pol_events = None special_events = None for packet_id in range(packet_number): packet_header, packet_type = self.get_packet_header( packet_container, packet_id) if packet_type == libcaer.POLARITY_EVENT: if mode == "events": events, num_events = self.get_polarity_event( packet_header, self.filter_noise) pol_events = np.hstack((pol_events, events)) \ if pol_events is not None else events elif mode == "events_hist": hist, num_events = self.get_polarity_hist( packet_header, device_type="DVS128") pol_events = hist if pol_events is None \ else pol_events+hist num_pol_event += num_events elif packet_type == libcaer.SPECIAL_EVENT: events, num_events = self.get_special_event(packet_header) special_events = np.hstack((special_events, events)) \ if special_events is not None else events num_special_event += num_events libcaer.caerEventPacketContainerFree(packet_container) return (pol_events, num_pol_event, special_events, num_special_event) else: return None
class eDVS(SerialDevice): """eDVS. # Arguments device_id: `int`<br/> a unique ID to identify the device from others. Will be used as the source for EventPackets being generate from its data.<br/> `default is 1`. serial_port_name: `str`<br/> name of the serial port device to open.<br/> `default is /dev/ttyUSB0` serial_baud_rate: `uint32_t` baud-rate for serial port communication.<br/> `default is 12M` """ def __init__( self, device_id=1, serial_port_name="/dev/ttyUSB0", serial_baud_rate=libcaer.CAER_HOST_CONFIG_SERIAL_BAUD_RATE_12M, noise_filter=False): """eDVS.""" super(eDVS, self).__init__() # open device, serial_port_name, serial_baud_rate) # get camera information self.obtain_device_info(self.handle) # noise filter self.filter_noise = noise_filter if noise_filter is True: self.noise_filter = DVSNoise(self.dvs_size_X, self.dvs_size_Y) else: self.noise_filter = None def set_noise_filter(self, noise_filter): """Set noise filter. # Arguments noise_filter: `filters.DVSNoise`<br/> A valid `DVSNoise` object. This filter implements software-level background activity filter. """ if noise_filter is not None: self.noise_filter = noise_filter def enable_noise_filter(self): """Enalbe DVS noise filter. This function enables the DVS noise filter. Note that this function will initialize a `DVSNoise` filter if there is None. """ if self.filter_noise is False: self.filter_noise = True if self.noise_filter is None: self.noise_filter = DVSNoise(self.dvs_size_X, self.dvs_size_Y) def disable_noise_filter(self): """Disable noise filter. This method disable the noise filter. Note that this function doesn't destroy the existed noise filter. It simply switches off the function. """ if self.filter_noise is True: self.filter_noise = False def obtain_device_info(self, handle): """Obtain eDVS info. This function collects the following information from the device: - Deveice ID - Device string - If the device is a master camera - Camera width - Camera height # Arguments handle: `caerDeviceHandle`<br/> a valid device handle that can be used with the other `libcaer` functions, or `None` on error. """ if handle is not None: info = libcaer.caerEDVSInfoGet(handle) # port all info data field out self.device_id = info.deviceID self.device_string = info.deviceString self.device_is_master = info.deviceIsMaster self.dvs_size_X = info.dvsSizeX self.dvs_size_Y = info.dvsSizeY self.serial_port_name = info.serialPortName self.serial_baud_rate = info.serialBaudRate def open(self, device_id=1, serial_port_name="/dev/ttyUSB0", serial_baud_rate=libcaer.CAER_HOST_CONFIG_SERIAL_BAUD_RATE_12M): """Open device. # Arguments device_id: `int`<br/> a unique ID to identify the device from others. Will be used as the source for EventPackets being generate from its data.<br/> `default is 1`. serial_port_name: `str`<br/> name of the serial port device to open.<br/> `default is /dev/ttyUSB0` serial_baud_rate: `uint32_t` baud-rate for serial port communication.<br/> `default is 12M` """ super(eDVS, self).open( libcaer.CAER_DEVICE_EDVS, device_id, serial_port_name, serial_baud_rate) def set_bias_from_json(self, file_path, verbose=False): """Set bias from loading JSON configuration file. # Arguments file_path: `str`<br/> absolute path of the JSON bias file. verbose: `bool`<br/> optional debugging message. """ bias_obj = utils.load_dvs_bias(file_path, verbose) self.set_bias(bias_obj) def set_bias(self, bias_obj): """Set bias from bias dictionary. # Arguments bias_obj: `dict`<br/> dictionary that contains eDVS biases. # Returns flag: `bool`<br/> True if set successful, False otherwise. """ self.set_config(libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_CAS, bias_obj["cas"]) self.set_config(libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_INJGND, bias_obj["injGnd"]) self.set_config(libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_REQPD, bias_obj["reqPd"]) self.set_config(libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_PUX, bias_obj["puX"]) self.set_config(libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_DIFFOFF, bias_obj["diffOff"]) self.set_config(libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_REQ, bias_obj["req"]) self.set_config(libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_REFR, bias_obj["refr"]) self.set_config(libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_PUY, bias_obj["puY"]) self.set_config(libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_DIFFON, bias_obj["diffOn"]) self.set_config(libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_DIFF, bias_obj["diff"]) self.set_config(libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_FOLL, bias_obj["foll"]) self.set_config(libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_PR, bias_obj["Pr"]) def get_bias(self): """Get bias settings. # Returns bias_obj: `dict`<br/> dictionary that contains eDVS current bias settings. """ bias_obj = {} bias_obj["cas"] = self.get_config( libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_CAS) bias_obj["injGnd"] = self.get_config( libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_INJGND) bias_obj["reqPd"] = self.get_config( libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_REQPD) bias_obj["puX"] = self.get_config( libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_PUX) bias_obj["diffOff"] = self.get_config( libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_DIFFOFF) bias_obj["req"] = self.get_config( libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_REQ) bias_obj["refr"] = self.get_config( libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_REFR) bias_obj["puY"] = self.get_config( libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_PUY) bias_obj["diffOn"] = self.get_config( libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_DIFFON) bias_obj["diff"] = self.get_config( libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_DIFF) bias_obj["foll"] = self.get_config( libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_FOLL) bias_obj["Pr"] = self.get_config( libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS, libcaer.EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS_PR) return bias_obj def save_bias_to_json(self, file_path): """Save bias to JSON. # Arguments file_path: `str`<br/> the absolute path to the destiation. # Returns flag: `bool`<br/> returns True if success in writing, False otherwise. """ bias_obj = self.get_bias() return utils.write_json(file_path, bias_obj) def start_data_stream(self): """Start streaming data. # Arguments send_default_config: `bool`<br/> send default config to the device before starting the data streaming.<br/> `default is True` """ self.data_start() self.set_data_exchange_blocking() def get_polarity_event(self, packet_header, noise_filter=False): """Get a packet of polarity event. # Arguments packet_header: `caerEventPacketHeader`<br/> the header that represents a event packet noise_filter: `bool`<br/> the background activity filter is applied if True. # Returns events: `numpy.ndarray`<br/> a 2-D array that has the shape of (N, 4) where N is the number of events in the event packet. Each row in the array represents a single polarity event. The first number is the timestamp. The second number is the X position of the event. The third number is the Y position of the event. The fourth number represents the polarity of the event (positive or negative).<br/> If the `noise_filter` option is set to `True`, this array has an additional column at the end. The last column represents the validity of the corresponding event. Filtered events will be marked as 0. num_events: `int`<br/> number of the polarity events available in the packet. """ num_events, polarity = self.get_event_packet( packet_header, libcaer.POLARITY_EVENT) if noise_filter is True: polarity = self.noise_filter.apply(polarity) events = libcaer.get_filtered_polarity_event( polarity, num_events*5).reshape(num_events, 5) else: events = libcaer.get_polarity_event( polarity, num_events*4).reshape(num_events, 4) return events, num_events def get_event(self): """Get event. # Returns pol_events: `numpy.ndarray`<br/> a 2-D array that has the shape of (N, 4) where N is the number of events in the event packet. Each row in the array represents a single polarity event. The first number is the timestamp. The second number is the X position of the event. The third number is the Y position of the event. The fourth number represents the polarity of the event (positive or negative).<br/> If the `noise_filter` option is set to `True`, this array has an additional column at the end. The last column represents the validity of the corresponding event. Filtered events will be marked as 0. num_pol_events: `int`<br/> number of the polarity events available in the packet. special_events: `numpy.ndarray`<br/> a 2-D array that has the shape of (N, 2) where N is the number of events in the event packet. Each row in the array represents a single special event. The first value is the timestamp of the event. The second value is the special event data. num_special_events: `int`<br/> number of the special events in the packet. """ packet_container, packet_number = self.get_packet_container() if packet_container is not None: num_pol_event = 0 num_special_event = 0 pol_events = None special_events = None for packet_id in range(packet_number): packet_header, packet_type = self.get_packet_header( packet_container, packet_id) if packet_type == libcaer.POLARITY_EVENT: events, num_events = self.get_polarity_event( packet_header) pol_events = np.hstack((pol_events, events)) \ if pol_events is not None else events num_pol_event += num_events elif packet_type == libcaer.SPECIAL_EVENT: events, num_events = self.get_special_event( packet_header) special_events = np.hstack((special_events, events)) \ if special_events is not None else events num_special_event += num_events libcaer.caerEventPacketContainerFree(packet_container) return (pol_events, num_pol_event, special_events, num_special_event) else: return None
class EVK(USBDevice): """EVK. # Arguments device_id: `int`<br/> a unique ID to identify the device from others. Will be used as the source for EventPackets being generate from its data.<br/> `default is 1` bus_number_restrict: `int`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only this USB bus number.<br/> `default is 0` dev_address_restrict: `int`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only this USB device address.<br/> `default is 0` serial_number: `str`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only devices which do possess the given Serial Number in their USB SerialNumber descriptor.<br/> `default is ""` noise_filter: `bool`<br/> if enable noise filter.<br/> `default is False` """ def __init__(self, device_id=1, bus_number_restrict=0, dev_address_restrict=0, serial_number="", noise_filter=False): """EVK.""" super(EVK, self).__init__() # open device, bus_number_restrict, dev_address_restrict, serial_number) # get camera information self.obtain_device_info(self.handle) # simple biases arguments self.simple_biases = { "very_low": libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_SIMPLE_VERY_LOW, "low": libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_SIMPLE_LOW, "high": libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_SIMPLE_HIGH, "very_high": libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_SIMPLE_VERY_HIGH, "default": libcaer.DVX_DVS_CHIP_BIAS_SIMPLE_DEFAULT } # noise filter self.filter_noise = noise_filter if noise_filter is True: self.noise_filter = DVSNoise(self.dvs_size_X, self.dvs_size_Y) else: self.noise_filter = None def set_noise_filter(self, noise_filter): """Set noise filter. # Arguments noise_filter: `filters.DVSNoise`<br/> A valid `DVSNoise` object. This filter implements software-level background activity filter. """ if noise_filter is not None: self.noise_filter = noise_filter def enable_noise_filter(self): """Enalbe DVS noise filter. This function enables the DVS noise filter. Note that this function will initialize a `DVSNoise` filter if there is None. """ if self.filter_noise is False: self.filter_noise = True if self.noise_filter is None: self.noise_filter = DVSNoise(self.dvs_size_X, self.dvs_size_Y) def disable_noise_filter(self): """Disable noise filter. This method disable the noise filter. Note that this function doesn't destroy the existed noise filter. It simply switches off the function. """ if self.filter_noise is True: self.filter_noise = False def obtain_device_info(self, handle): """Obtain EVK info. This function collects the following information from the device: - Device ID - Device serial number - Device USB bus number - Device USB device address - Device string - Logic version - If the device is the master device - Logic clock - ADC clock - Chip ID - Camera DVS width - Camera DVS height - If external input has generator - If the device has DVS statistics - If the device has MUX statistics # Arguments handle: `caerDeviceHandle`<br/> a valid device handle that can be used with the other `libcaer` functions, or `None` on error. """ info = libcaer.caerSamsungEVKInfoGet(handle) self.device_id = info.deviceID self.device_serial_number = info.deviceSerialNumber self.device_usb_bus_number = info.deviceUSBBusNumber self.device_usb_device_address = info.deviceUSBDeviceAddress self.device_string = info.deviceString self.firmware_version = info.firmwareVersion self.chip_id = info.chipID self.dvs_size_X = info.dvsSizeX self.dvs_size_Y = info.dvsSizeY def open(self, device_id=1, bus_number_restrict=0, dev_address_restrict=0, serial_number=""): """Open EVK device. # Arguments device_id: `int`<br/> a unique ID to identify the device from others. Will be used as the source for EventPackets being generate from its data.<br/> `default is 1` bus_number_restrict: `int`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only this USB bus number.<br/> `default is 0` dev_address_restrict: `int`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only this USB device address.<br/> `default is 0` serial_number: `str`<br/> restrict the search for viable devices to only devices which do possess the given Serial Number in their USB SerialNumber descriptor.<br/> `default is ""` """ super(EVK, self).open(libcaer.CAER_DEVICE_SAMSUNG_EVK, device_id, bus_number_restrict, dev_address_restrict, serial_number) def set_bias_from_json(self, file_path, verbose=False): """Set bias from loading JSON configuration file. # Arguments file_path: `str`<br/> absolute path of the JSON bias file. verbose: `bool`<br/> optional debugging message. """ bias_obj = utils.load_evk_bias(file_path, verbose) self.set_bias(bias_obj) def set_bias(self, bias_obj): """Set bias from bias dictionary. # Arguments bias_obj: `dict`<br/> dictionary that contains EVK biases. # Returns flag: `bool`<br/> True if set successful, False otherwise. """ # Set biases if "bias_simple" in bias_obj: # use system bias configuration, specify all biases otherwise self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_SIMPLE, self.simple_biases[bias_obj["bias_simple"]]) else: self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_LOG, bias_obj["current_range_log"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_SF, bias_obj["current_range_sf"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_ON, bias_obj["current_range_on"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_nRST, bias_obj["current_range_nrst"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_LOGA, bias_obj["current_range_loga"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_LOGD, bias_obj["current_range_logd"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_LEVEL_SF, bias_obj["current_level_sf"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_LEVEL_nOFF, bias_obj["current_level_noff"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_AMP, bias_obj["current_amp"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_ON, bias_obj["current_on"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_OFF, bias_obj["current_off"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_GLOBAL_HOLD_ENABLE, bias_obj["global_hold_enable"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_GLOBAL_RESET_ENABLE, bias_obj["global_reset_enable"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_GLOBAL_RESET_DURING_READOUT, bias_obj["global_reset_during_readout"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_FIXED_READ_TIME_ENABLE, bias_obj["fixed_read_time_enable"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_EVENT_FLATTEN, bias_obj["event_flatten"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_EVENT_ON_ONLY, bias_obj["event_on_only"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_EVENT_OFF_ONLY, bias_obj["event_off_only"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_SUBSAMPLE_ENABLE, bias_obj["subsample_enable"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_AREA_BLOCKING_ENABLE, bias_obj["area_blocking_enable"]) self.set_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_DUAL_BINNING_ENABLE, bias_obj["dual_binning_enable"]) def get_bias(self): """Get bias settings. # Returns bias_obj: `dict`<br/> dictionary that contains DVXPLORER current bias settings. """ bias_obj = {} bias_obj["current_range_log"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_LOG) bias_obj["current_range_sf"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_SF) bias_obj["current_range_on"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_ON) bias_obj["current_range_nrst"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_nRST) bias_obj["current_range_loga"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_LOGA) bias_obj["current_range_logd"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_RANGE_LOGD) bias_obj["current_level_sf"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_LEVEL_SF) bias_obj["current_level_noff"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_LEVEL_nOFF) bias_obj["current_amp"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_AMP) bias_obj["current_on"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_ON) bias_obj["current_off"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_BIAS_CURRENT_OFF) bias_obj["global_hold_enable"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_GLOBAL_HOLD_ENABLE) bias_obj["global_reset_enable"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_GLOBAL_RESET_ENABLE) bias_obj["global_reset_during_readout"] = \ self.get_config( libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_GLOBAL_RESET_DURING_READOUT) bias_obj["fixed_read_time_enable"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_FIXED_READ_TIME_ENABLE) bias_obj["event_flatten"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_EVENT_FLATTEN) bias_obj["event_on_only"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_EVENT_ON_ONLY) bias_obj["event_off_only"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_EVENT_OFF_ONLY) bias_obj["subsample_enable"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_SUBSAMPLE_ENABLE) bias_obj["area_blocking_enable"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_AREA_BLOCKING_ENABLE) bias_obj["dual_binning_enable"] = \ self.get_config(libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS, libcaer.SAMSUNG_EVK_DVS_DUAL_BINNING_ENABLE) return bias_obj def save_bias_to_json(self, file_path): """Save bias to JSON. # Arguments file_path: `str`<br/> the absolute path to the destiation. # Returns flag: `bool`<br/> returns True if success in writing, False otherwise. """ bias_obj = self.get_bias() return utils.write_json(file_path, bias_obj) def start_data_stream(self, send_default_config=True, max_packet_size=None, max_packet_interval=None): """Start streaming data. # Arguments send_default_config: `bool`<br/> send default config to the device before starting the data streaming.<br/> `default is True` max_packet_size: `int`<br/> set the maximum number of events any of a packet container's packets may hold before it's made available to the user. Set to zero to disable.<br/> The default is `None` (use default setting: 0). max_packet_interval: `int`<br/> set the time interval between subsequent packet containers. Must be at least 1 microsecond. The value is in microseconds, and is checked across all types of events contained in the EventPacketContainer.<br/> The default is `None` (use default setting: 10ms) """ if send_default_config is True: self.send_default_config() if max_packet_size is not None: self.set_max_container_packet_size(max_packet_size) if max_packet_interval is not None: self.set_max_container_interval(max_packet_interval) self.data_start() self.set_data_exchange_blocking() def get_polarity_event(self, packet_header, noise_filter=False): """Get a packet of polarity event. # Arguments packet_header: `caerEventPacketHeader`<br/> the header that represents a event packet noise_filter: `bool`<br/> the background activity filter is applied if True. # Returns events: `numpy.ndarray`<br/> a 2-D array that has the shape of (N, 4) where N is the number of events in the event packet. Each row in the array represents a single polarity event. The first number is the timestamp. The second number is the X position of the event. The third number is the Y position of the event. The fourth number represents the polarity of the event (positive or negative).<br/> If the `noise_filter` option is set to `True`, this array has an additional column at the end. The last column represents the validity of the corresponding event. Filtered events will be marked as 0. num_events: `int`<br/> number of the polarity events available in the packet. """ num_events, polarity = self.get_event_packet(packet_header, libcaer.POLARITY_EVENT) if noise_filter is True: polarity = self.noise_filter.apply(polarity) events = libcaer.get_filtered_polarity_event( polarity, num_events * 5).reshape(num_events, 5) else: events = libcaer.get_polarity_event(polarity, num_events * 4).reshape( num_events, 4) return events, num_events def get_event(self, mode="events"): """Get Event. # Returns pol_events: `numpy.ndarray`<br/> a 2-D array that has the shape of (N, 4) where N is the number of events in the event packet. Each row in the array represents a single polarity event. The first number is the timestamp. The second number is the X position of the event. The third number is the Y position of the event. The fourth number represents the polarity of the event (positive or negative).<br/> If the `noise_filter` option is set to `True`, this array has an additional column at the end. The last column represents the validity of the corresponding event. Filtered events will be marked as 0. num_pol_events: `int`<br/> number of the polarity events available in the packet. special_events: `numpy.ndarray`<br/> a 2-D array that has the shape of (N, 2) where N is the number of events in the event packet. Each row in the array represents a single special event. The first value is the timestamp of the event. The second value is the special event data. num_special_events: `int`<br/> number of the special events in the packet. """ packet_container, packet_number = self.get_packet_container() if packet_container is not None: num_pol_event = 0 num_special_event = 0 pol_events = None special_events = None for packet_id in range(packet_number): packet_header, packet_type = self.get_packet_header( packet_container, packet_id) if packet_type == libcaer.POLARITY_EVENT: if mode == "events": events, num_events = self.get_polarity_event( packet_header, self.filter_noise) pol_events = np.hstack((pol_events, events)) \ if pol_events is not None else events elif mode == "events_hist": hist, num_events = \ self.get_polarity_hist( packet_header, device_type=self.chip_id) pol_events = hist if pol_events is None else \ pol_events+hist elif mode == "counter_neuron": hist, num_events = \ self.get_counter_neuron_event( packet_header, device_type=self.chip_id) pol_events = hist if pol_events is None else \ pol_events+hist num_pol_event += num_events elif packet_type == libcaer.SPECIAL_EVENT: events, num_events = self.get_special_event(packet_header) special_events = np.hstack((special_events, events)) \ if special_events is not None else events num_special_event += num_events libcaer.caerEventPacketContainerFree(packet_container) return (pol_events, num_pol_event, special_events, num_special_event) else: return None