def handle(self, dataset_id, *args, **options):
        num_topics = options.get('num_topics')
        name = options.get('name')

        if not dataset_id:
            raise CommandError("Dataset id is required.")
            dataset_id = int(dataset_id)
        except ValueError:
            raise CommandError("Dataset id must be a number.")

        from pyanalysis.apps.enhance.tasks import default_topic_context, standard_topic_pipeline

        context = default_topic_context(name, dataset_id=dataset_id)
        standard_topic_pipeline(context, dataset_id=dataset_id, num_topics=int(num_topics))
Esempio n. 2
    def test_topic_modeling(self):
        """Generate some test messages and actually model topics"""

        randomseed = 1
        from numpy import random as nprandom
        import random

        n_messages = 50
        n_words = 5
        num_topics = 2

        topic_a_vocab = ['cat', 'hat', 'marbles']
        topic_b_vocab = ['oppossum', 'lasso', 'amalgam']
        total_words = len(topic_a_vocab) + len(topic_b_vocab)

        english, created = corpus_models.Language.objects.get_or_create(code='en', name="English")

        for i in xrange(n_messages):
            if i < n_messages / 2:
                vocab = topic_a_vocab
                vocab = topic_b_vocab

                text=" ".join(random.choice(vocab) for w in xrange(n_words)),

        context = tasks.default_topic_context("test_topic_modeling",
        tasks.standard_topic_pipeline(context,, num_topics=num_topics, multicore=False)

        dictionary = models.Dictionary.objects.get(name='test_topic_modeling')

        # Check the basic stats of the dictionary
        self.assertEquals(dictionary.num_docs, n_messages)
        self.assertEquals(dictionary.num_pos, n_messages * n_words)

        # Check the links to words
        self.assertEquals(dictionary.words.count(), total_words)

        # Check the links to topic models
        self.assertEquals(dictionary.topicmodel_set.count(), 1)
        topic_model = dictionary.topicmodel_set.first()
        self.assertLess(topic_model.perplexity, -1)

        # Check the number of topics
        self.assertEquals(topic_model.topics.count(), num_topics)
        topics = topic_model.topics.all()
        topic_a = topics[0]
        topic_b = topics[1]

        # Should be the proper number of messages with positive topic probabilities
        # The - 3 factor on the end allows a little wiggle room for randomness

        # Count the messages that prefer each topic
        from collections import defaultdict
        topic_count = defaultdict(int)
        for msg in self.dataset.message_set.all():
            topic = topic_model.get_probable_topic(msg)
            topic_count[topic] += 1

        self.assertEquals(topic_count, {
            topic_a: n_messages / 2,
            topic_b: n_messages / 2,

        # The words should be in the default topic names
        for word in topic_a_vocab + topic_b_vocab:
            self.assertTrue(word in or word in