Esempio n. 1

# connect to basecamp
print "Connecting to Basecamp"
print ""

conn = Basecamp(bc_url, bc_user, bc_pwd)

people = conn.people_id_map(our_company)

print "ID:Name"
for id in people:
    print "%d:%s" % (id, people[id])
print ""

projects = conn.project_id_map()

print "ID:Project"
for id in projects:
    print "%d:%s" % (id, projects[id])

# get all of the time entries
# a hash {project id:[time entires]}
time_entries = dict([(id, []) for id in projects])

# for each project id
for project in projects:
    print "Retrieving data for %s" % projects[project]
    # get ALL the entires for the project
    entries = conn.get_project_time(project)
    for entry in entries: