def method_free_handle(self): if self.bass_handle: channel_info = self.method_get_channel_info() if channel_info.ctype >= pybass.BASS_CTYPE_MUSIC_MOD: if not pybass.BASS_MusicFree(self.bass_handle): print 'BASS_MusicFree error', pybass.get_error_description(pybass.BASS_ErrorGetCode()) else: self.bass_handle = 0 elif channel_info.ctype >= pybass.BASS_CTYPE_STREAM: if not pybass.BASS_StreamFree(self.bass_handle): print 'BASS_StreamFree error', pybass.get_error_description(pybass.BASS_ErrorGetCode()) else: self.bass_handle = 0
#const char* _stdcall TAGS_Read( DWORD dwHandle, const char* fmt ); TAGS_Read = func_type(ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_char_p)(('TAGS_Read', tags_module)) # retrieves the current version #DWORD _stdcall TAGS_GetVersion(); TAGS_GetVersion = func_type(ctypes.c_ulong)(('TAGS_GetVersion', tags_module)) if __name__ == "__main__": print 'TAGS implemented Version', TAGS_VERSION print 'TAGS real Version', TAGS_GetVersion() import pybass if not pybass.BASS_Init(-1, 44100, 0, 0, 0): print 'BASS_Init error', pybass.get_error_description( pybass.BASS_ErrorGetCode()) else: handle = pybass.BASS_StreamCreateFile(False, 'test.ogg', 0, 0, 0) if handle == 0: print 'BASS_StreamCreateFile error', pybass.get_error_description( pybass.BASS_ErrorGetCode()) else: fmt = '%IFV1(%ITRM(%TRCK),%ITRM(%TRCK). )%IFV2(%ITRM(%ARTI),%ICAP(%ITRM(%ARTI)),no artist) - %IFV2(%ITRM(%TITL),%ICAP(%ITRM(%TITL)),no title)%IFV1(%ITRM(%ALBM), - %IUPC(%ITRM(%ALBM)))%IFV1(%YEAR, %(%YEAR%))%IFV1(%ITRM(%GNRE), {%ITRM(%GNRE)})%IFV1(%ITRM(%CMNT), [%ITRM(%CMNT)])' tags = TAGS_Read(handle, fmt) print tags if not pybass.BASS_StreamFree(handle): print 'BASS_StreamFree error', pybass.get_error_description( pybass.BASS_ErrorGetCode()) if not pybass.BASS_Free(): print 'BASS_Free error', pybass.get_error_description( pybass.BASS_ErrorGetCode())
def freehandle(handle): """ Free a handle """ return dll.BASS_StreamFree(handle)
def Quit(self): self.loop = False if pybass.BASS_ChannelIsActive(self.hStream) == 1: pybass.BASS_StreamFree(self.hStream)
def InitAudio(self): ###### # import ctypes # from packages.pybassex import pybassex # ex = pybassex() # path = 'C:\\Users\\tkmix\\Desktop\\WORK\\macrobox-player\\source\\packages\\bass_vst.dll' # bass_module = ctypes.WinDLL(path) # func_type = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE # QWORD = ctypes.c_int64 # HSTREAM = ctypes.c_ulong # BASS_VST_ChannelSetDSP = func_type( # ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int64, ctypes.c_ulong)(('BASS_VST_ChannelSetDSP', bass_module)) # BASS_VST_GetParam = func_type( # ctypes.c_bool, HSTREAM, ctypes.c_int64)(('BASS_VST_GetParam', bass_module)) # # BASS_VST_SetParam = func_type( # # ctypes.c_bool, HSTREAM, ctypes.c_int64, ctypes.c_float)(('BASS_VST_SetParam', bass_module)) # BASS_VST_SetParam = func_type( # ctypes.c_bool, HSTREAM, ctypes.c_int64, ctypes.c_float)(('BASS_VST_SetParam', bass_module)) # BASS_VST_EmbedEditor = func_type( # ctypes.c_bool, HSTREAM, ctypes.c_int64)(('BASS_VST_EmbedEditor', bass_module)) # BASS_VST_SetScope = func_type( # ctypes.c_bool, HSTREAM, ctypes.c_int64)(('BASS_VST_SetScope', bass_module)) # BASS_VST_GetInfo = func_type( # HSTREAM, ctypes.c_ulong)(('BASS_VST_GetInfo', bass_module)) ###### self.parent.parent.ListBox.List.pending.SkipStopIcon = True if self.path == self.parent.cue.path: is_position_set = True else: is_position_set = False self.path = self.parent.cue.path if pybass.BASS_ChannelIsActive(self.hStream) == 1: pybass.BASS_StreamFree(self.hStream) if sys.platform.startswith('win'): flags = pybass.BASS_STREAM_PRESCAN | pybass.BASS_UNICODE elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): flags = pybass.BASS_STREAM_PRESCAN self.path = self.path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) self.hStream = pybass.BASS_StreamCreateFile(False, self.path, 0, 0, flags) ###### # print(dir(pybass)) # from pybass import pybass_vst vst_plugin_name = 'LoudMax64.dll' vst_plugin_name = 'LoudMaxLite64.dll' # vst_plugin_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'packages', vst_plugin_name) vst_plugin_path = os.path.join('assets', 'dlls', vst_plugin_name) if hasattr(sys, '_MEIPASS'): vst_plugin_path = os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, vst_plugin_path) else: vst_plugin_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), vst_plugin_path) # BASS_VST_KEEP_CHANS = 0x00000001 flags = pybass.BASS_UNICODE | pybass.BASS_VST_KEEP_CHANS self.vstHandle = pybass.BASS_VST_ChannelSetDSP(self.hStream, vst_plugin_path, flags, 0) pybass.BASS_VST_SetParam(self.vstHandle, 0, 0.0) pybass.BASS_VST_SetParam(self.vstHandle, 1, 1.0) pybass.BASS_VST_SetParam(self.vstHandle, 2, 0.0) pybass.BASS_VST_SetParam(self.vstHandle, 3, 0.0) # print(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'packages', 'LoudMax64.dll')) # self.parent.Show() # x = BASS_VST_SetScope(self.vstHandle, 123) # dialog = wx.TextEntryDialog(self.parent.parent.parent, 'Enter Your Name', 'Text Entry Dialog') # BASS_VST_EmbedEditor(self.vstHandle, dialog.GetHandle()) # dialog.ShowModal() # if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # self.text.SetValue('Name entered:' + dialog.GetValue()) # dialog.Destroy() # BASS_VST_EmbedEditor(self.vstHandle, self.parent.GetHandle()) # print() # param = BASS_VST_GetParam(self.vstHandle, 0) # info = None # BASS_VST_SetParam(self.vstHandle, 1, 1.0) # print(param) # param = BASS_VST_GetParam(self.vstHandle, 1) # print(param) ###### self.parent.cue.hStream = self.hStream audio.set_volume(self.hStream, 0.0) if self.resume is not None: resume = self.resume if self.resume < 0: duration = audio.get_duration(self.hStream) resume = duration + self.resume audio.set_position(self.hStream, resume) pybass.BASS_ChannelPlay(self.hStream, False) self.fadein.cnt = self.fadein.time if is_position_set is False and self.parent.IsLoopOn(): self.fadein.cnt = self.fadein.time else: self.parent.SetVolume() self.resume = None self.pending = False # self.parent.FocusPlayingItem() self.parent.parent.ListTab.reInitBuffer = True self.parent.parent.ListBox.List.reInitBuffer = True
def mfeats_single(path, queue=None): # uses mono data # tic = time.time() find_key = True find_gain = False key, bit, error = ('', 16, 0) path = os.path.abspath(path) mdx = makemdx(path) # key_analysis_fs = 6000 # waveform_length = 2000 # waveform_oversampling = 20 # key_analysis_fs = 6000 # waveform_length = 2500 # waveform_oversampling = 20 waveform_length = 10000 waveform_oversampling = 20 best_highlight_duration_beat = 32 * 2 # best_highlight_duration_beat = 16 * 2 version = MFEATS_VERSION init_bass_decode() channel = get_channel(path) hstream = pybass.BASS_StreamCreateFile( False, path, 0, 0, pybass.BASS_STREAM_DECODE | pybass.BASS_STREAM_PRESCAN | pybass.BASS_UNICODE) fs = ctypes.c_float() pybass.BASS_ChannelGetAttribute(hstream, pybass.BASS_ATTRIB_FREQ, ctypes.byref(fs)) fs = int(fs.value) hlength = pybass.BASS_ChannelGetLength(hstream, pybass.BASS_POS_BYTE) duration = pybass.BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(hstream, hlength) total_frame_length = hlength / 2 if hstream == 0: error = 1 if error == 1: mfeats_data = MFEATS(mdx=mdx, path=path, date=time.time(), version=version, error=1) if queue is not None: queue.put(mfeats_data) return else: return mfeats_data if total_frame_length / 2 < waveform_length: waveform_length = total_frame_length / 2 frame_length = int(1.0 * total_frame_length / waveform_length) * 2 if int(frame_length) % 8 != 0: frame_length += (8 - int(frame_length) % 8) gap = total_frame_length / frame_length - waveform_length waveform = numpy.linspace(0, 0, int(round(waveform_length + gap))) highlight_raw_points = numpy.linspace(0, 0, int(round(waveform_length + gap))) frame_raw = numpy.arange(frame_length, dtype=ctypes.c_short) jump = 1.0 * frame_length / waveform_oversampling analyze_frame, tempo_frame, tempo_fs = ([], [], 200) for cnt, frame_position in enumerate( numpy.arange(0, total_frame_length - frame_length, frame_length)): pybass.BASS_ChannelGetData( hstream, frame_raw.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_short)), int(frame_length * 2)) mono_frame = deepcopy(frame_raw[::channel]) analyze_frame += [mono_frame] if jump < waveform_oversampling: waveform[cnt] = numpy.max(numpy.abs(mono_frame)) else: points = [ numpy.max(numpy.abs(mono_frame[int(i):int(i + jump)])) for i in numpy.arange(0, frame_length / channel - jump, jump) ] waveform[cnt] = numpy.mean(points) highlight_raw_points[cnt] = numpy.mean(numpy.abs(mono_frame)) # collect frames for long term analysis alength = len(analyze_frame) * len(analyze_frame[-1]) if alength >= fs * 30 or alength * channel >= total_frame_length - frame_length: analyze_frame = numpy.concatenate(analyze_frame, axis=0) num = int(len(analyze_frame) / (1.0 * fs / tempo_fs)) tempo_frame += [ numpy.abs( numpy.interp( numpy.linspace(0, len(analyze_frame) - 1, num), numpy.arange(len(analyze_frame)), analyze_frame)) ] # key_frame_length = int(fs*0.25); key_frame_jump = 0.8 # for i in range(0, len(analyze_frame)-key_frame_length,\ # int(key_frame_length*key_frame_jump)): # spectrum = numpy.fft.fft(\ # analyze_frame[i:i+key_frame_length],\ # int(fs*key_analysis_resolution)) # spectrum = numpy.abs(spectrum[1:int(len(spectrum)/2)]) # notes = spectrum_to_note_by_max(spectrum, note_freq_div) # chromagram += [note_to_chroma_by_max(notes)] analyze_frame = [] # waveform waveform = numpy.int8(waveform / (2**8)) # tempo analysis with tempo_frame # if duration > 60: # tempo_frame = numpy.concatenate(tempo_frame, axis=0) # tempo = get_tempo(tempo_frame, tempo_fs) # else: tempo = 0.0 tempo_frame = numpy.concatenate(tempo_frame, axis=0) tempo = get_tempo(tempo_frame, tempo_fs) xtempo = tempo if xtempo <= 95: xtempo = xtempo * 2.0 if xtempo == 0: until_duration = duration else: until_duration = 60.0 / xtempo * best_highlight_duration_beat # highlight analysis with highlight_raw_points jump = 1 duratsum = [] highlight_length = until_duration * len(highlight_raw_points) / duration duratsum = numpy.linspace(0, 0, len(highlight_raw_points)) # limit_factor = 1-(duration-60.0)/duration # if limit_factor > 1.00: limit_factor = 0.00 # if limit_factor < 0.25: limit_factor = 0.25 # limithead = limit_factor # limittail = limit_factor # highlight_raw_points[:int(len(highlight_raw_points)*limithead)] = 0 # highlight_raw_points[-int(len(highlight_raw_points)*limittail):] = 0 limit_factor = 1 - (duration - 60.0) / duration if limit_factor > 1.00: limit_factor = 0.00 if limit_factor < 0.25: limit_factor = 0.25 htlength = int(len(highlight_raw_points) * limit_factor) window = numpy.hamming(htlength * 2) highlight_raw_points[: htlength] = highlight_raw_points[: htlength] * window[: htlength] highlight_raw_points[ -htlength:] = highlight_raw_points[-htlength:] * window[htlength:] for cnt in numpy.arange(0, len(highlight_raw_points) - highlight_length, jump): thdata = numpy.mean( highlight_raw_points[int(cnt):int(cnt + highlight_length)]) duratsum[int(cnt)] = thdata pntadd = numpy.argmax(duratsum) offset_time = 1.0 * jump * pntadd / (len(highlight_raw_points) / duration) highlight = (offset_time, until_duration) # autogain analysis in highlight period autogain = 0.4 if find_gain: if duration > 60: autogain_analysis_length = highlight[1] if duration - highlight[0] < autogain_analysis_length: autogain_analysis_length = duration - highlight[0] frame_length = fs * channel * autogain_analysis_length byte_position = pybass.BASS_ChannelSeconds2Bytes( hstream, highlight[0]) pybass.BASS_ChannelSetPosition(hstream, byte_position, False) frame_raw = numpy.arange(frame_length, dtype=ctypes.c_short) pybass.BASS_ChannelGetData( hstream, frame_raw.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_short)), int(frame_length * 2)) mono_frame = frame_raw[::channel] / 32768.0 mono_frame = fir_filter(mono_frame, lowcut=500, highcut=fs / 2, fs=fs, order=15) mono_frame = fir_filter(mono_frame, lowcut=1000, highcut=fs / 2, fs=fs, order=7) mono_frame = fir_filter(mono_frame, lowcut=1000, highcut=fs / 2, fs=fs, order=5) mono_frame = fir_filter(mono_frame, lowcut=5000, highcut=fs / 2, fs=fs, order=5) if fs / 2 > 21000: mono_frame = fir_filter(mono_frame, lowcut=0, highcut=20000, fs=fs, order=45) mono_frame += fir_filter( mono_frame, lowcut=15000, highcut=fs / 2, fs=fs, order=5) * 0.5 rms = numpy.mean(mono_frame**2)**0.5 * 3 # spectrum = numpy.fft.fft(mono_frame, fs) # spectrum = numpy.abs(spectrum[1:int(len(spectrum)/2)]) # pylab.plot(spectrum); autogain = 0.14 / rms # key analysis in highlight period key = '' if find_key: chromagram, resolution = ([], 1.0) note_freq_div = get_note_freq_div(resolution) # note_window = get_note_window(fs, resolution, note_freq_div) if xtempo == 0: frame_length = int(fs * channel * 0.5) else: frame_length = int(fs * channel * (60.0 / xtempo)) offset_position, until_position = (highlight[0], fs * channel * until_duration * 2) if frame_length > total_frame_length: frame_length = total_frame_length - 1 if offset_position + until_position > total_frame_length: until_position = total_frame_length - offset_position frame_raw = numpy.arange(frame_length, dtype=ctypes.c_short) byte_position = pybass.BASS_ChannelSeconds2Bytes( hstream, offset_position) pybass.BASS_ChannelSetPosition(hstream, byte_position, False) for cnt, frame_position in enumerate( numpy.arange(0, total_frame_length - frame_length, frame_length)): pybass.BASS_ChannelGetData( hstream, frame_raw.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_short)), int(frame_length * 2)) mono_frame = frame_raw[::channel] / 32768.0 spectrum = numpy.fft.fft(mono_frame, int(fs * resolution)) spectrum = numpy.abs(spectrum[1:int(len(spectrum) / 2)]) if find_key: notes = spectrum_to_note_by_max(spectrum, note_freq_div) chromagram += [note_to_chroma_by_max(notes)] if (cnt + 1) * frame_length >= until_position: break scored_keys, key_scores, key_counts = ([], [0] * 24, [0] * 24) for chroma in chromagram: lag, score = get_chord_binaries_correlation_lag_score(chroma) scored_keys += [lag] key_counts[lag] += 1 key_scores[lag] += score key_scores = numpy.array(key_scores) max_key_scores = max(key_scores) if max_key_scores == 0.0: key = '' else: key_scores = key_scores / max_key_scores * 100 scored_key_idx = [] for i in range(1): value, pnt = find_max(key_scores) if value < 50: break scored_key_idx += [pnt[0]] key_scores[pnt[0]] = 0 string_keys = [] for i in range(len(scored_key_idx) - 1, -1, -1): if scored_key_idx[i] - 12 in scored_key_idx: scored_key_idx.pop(i) continue elif scored_key_idx[i] + 12 in scored_key_idx: scored_key_idx.pop(i) continue string_keys += [chord_idx_to_char(scored_key_idx[i])] string_keys = ' or '.join(string_keys) key = '%s' % (string_keys) # chromagram = numpy.array(chromagram).T # chromagram = numpy.flipud(chromagram) # pylab.imshow(chromagram, interpolation='nearest') # # pylab.grid(True) # md5 = file2md5(upath) tempo_type, key_type, save_tag = open_shelves( ('tempo_restict_type', 'key_format_type', 'auto_save_tag'), PREFERENCE_DB) if tempo_type is None or tempo_type == 0: pass elif tempo_type == 1 and tempo <= 95: tempo = tempo * 2.0 elif tempo_type == 2 and tempo >= 120: tempo = tempo * 0.5 if key_type is None: key_type = 1 key = convert_chord_type(key, key_type) if save_tag is None: save_tag = False if save_tag: mutagen_mp3 = mutagen.mp3.MP3(path) mutagen_mp3['TKEY'] = mutagen.id3.TKEY(encoding=3, text=[key]) mutagen_mp3['TBPM'] = mutagen.id3.TBPM(encoding=3, text=[tempo]) mfeats_data = MFEATS(mdx=mdx, path=path, key=key, tempo=tempo, duration=duration, highlight=highlight, waveform=waveform, date=time.time(), version=version, channel=channel, bit=bit, error=0, autogain=autogain) # pybass.BASS_Free() if pybass.BASS_ChannelIsActive(hstream) == 1: pybass.BASS_StreamFree(hstream) # print 'mfeats_single_finished: elapsed_time: %03.06fsec: %03.06fmsec/onesec'\ # % (time.time()-tic, (time.time()-tic)/duration*1000) # return mfeats_data if queue is not None: queue.put(mfeats_data) return else: return mfeats_data