def namecoin_to_bitcoin_address( nmc_address ):
    Convert a namecoin address to a bitcoin address.
    The only difference is the version number.
    return pybitcoin.b58check_encode( pybitcoin.b58check_decode( nmc_address ), version_byte=0 )
def address_reencode(address):
    Depending on whether or not we're in testnet
    or mainnet, re-encode an address accordingly.
    vb = pybitcoin.b58check_version_byte(address)

    if os.environ.get("ZONEFILEMANAGE_TESTNET") == "1":
        if vb == 0 or vb == 111:
            # convert to testnet p2pkh
            vb = 111

        elif vb == 5 or vb == 196:
            # convert to testnet p2sh
            vb = 196

            raise ValueError("unrecognized address %s" % address)

        if vb == 0 or vb == 111:
            # convert to mainnet p2pkh
            vb = 0

        elif vb == 5 or vb == 196:
            # convert to mainnet p2sh
            vb = 5

            raise ValueError("unrecognized address %s" % address)

    return pybitcoin.b58check_encode(pybitcoin.b58check_decode(address), vb)
Esempio n. 3
def bip38_decrypt(b58check_encrypted_private_key, passphrase, n=16384, r=8, p=8):
    # decode private key from base 58 check to binary
    encrypted_private_key = b58check_decode(b58check_encrypted_private_key)
    # parse the encrypted key different byte sections
    bip38_key_identification_byte = encrypted_private_key[0:1]
    flagbyte = encrypted_private_key[1:2]
    address_checksum = encrypted_private_key[2:6]
    encrypted_half_1 = encrypted_private_key[6:6+16]
    encrypted_half_2 = encrypted_private_key[6+16:6+32]
    # derive a unique key from the passphrase and the address checksum
    scrypt_derived_key = scrypt.hash(passphrase, address_checksum, n, r, p)
    derived_half_1 = scrypt_derived_key[0:32]
    derived_half_2 = scrypt_derived_key[32:64]
    # decrypt the encrypted halves
    aes =
    decrypted_half_1 = aes.decrypt(encrypted_half_1)
    decrypted_half_2 = aes.decrypt(encrypted_half_2)
    # get the original private key from the encrypted halves + the derived half
    decrypted_private_key = '%064x' % (long(binascii.hexlify(decrypted_half_1 + decrypted_half_2), 16) ^ long(binascii.hexlify(derived_half_1), 16))
    # get the address corresponding to the private key
    k = BitcoinKeypair(decrypted_private_key)
    address = k.address()
    # make sure the address matches the checksum in the original encrypted key
    if address_checksum != sha256(sha256(address).digest()).digest()[0:4]:
        raise ValueError('Invalid private key and password combo.')
    # return the decrypted private key
    return k.private_key()
Esempio n. 4
def get_import_update_hash_from_outputs( outputs, recipient ):
    This is meant for NAME_IMPORT operations, which 
    have five outputs:  the OP_RETURN, the sender (i.e.
    the namespace owner), the name's recipient, the
    name's update hash, and the burn output.
    This method extracts the name update hash from
    the list of outputs.
    By construction, the update hash address in 
    the NAME_IMPORT operation is the first 
    non-OP_RETURN output that is *not* the recipient.
    ret = None
    count = 0
    for output in outputs:
        output_script = output['scriptPubKey']
        output_asm = output_script.get('asm')
        output_hex = output_script.get('hex')
        output_addresses = output_script.get('addresses')
        if output_asm[0:9] != 'OP_RETURN' and output_hex is not None and output_hex != recipient:
            ret = hexlify( b58check_decode( str(output_addresses[0]) ) )
    if ret is None:
       raise Exception("No update hash found")
    return ret 
Esempio n. 5
def get_script_pubkey_from_addr( address ):
   Make a p2pkh script from an address
   hash160 = pybitcoin.b58check_decode(address).encode('hex')
   script_pubkey = pybitcoin.script_to_hex( 'OP_DUP OP_HASH160 %s OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG' % hash160)
   return script_pubkey
Esempio n. 6
def namecoin_to_bitcoin_address( nmc_address ):
    Convert a namecoin address to a bitcoin address.
    The only difference is the version number.
    return pybitcoin.b58check_encode( pybitcoin.b58check_decode( nmc_address ), version_byte=0 )
Esempio n. 7
def get_import_update_hash_from_outputs(outputs, recipient):
    This is meant for NAME_IMPORT operations, which 
    have five outputs:  the OP_RETURN, the sender (i.e.
    the namespace owner), the name's recipient, the
    name's update hash, and the burn output.
    This method extracts the name update hash from
    the list of outputs.
    By construction, the update hash address in 
    the NAME_IMPORT operation is the first 
    non-OP_RETURN output that is *not* the recipient.

    ret = None
    count = 0
    for output in outputs:

        output_script = output['scriptPubKey']
        output_asm = output_script.get('asm')
        output_hex = output_script.get('hex')
        output_addresses = output_script.get('addresses')

        if output_asm[
                9] != 'OP_RETURN' and output_hex is not None and output_hex != recipient:

            ret = b58check_decode(str(output_addresses[0]))

    if ret is None:
        raise Exception("No update hash found")

    return ret
Esempio n. 8
def bip38_decrypt(b58check_encrypted_private_key,
    # decode private key from base 58 check to binary
    encrypted_private_key = b58check_decode(b58check_encrypted_private_key)
    # parse the encrypted key different byte sections
    bip38_key_identification_byte = encrypted_private_key[0:1]
    flagbyte = encrypted_private_key[1:2]
    address_checksum = encrypted_private_key[2:6]
    encrypted_half_1 = encrypted_private_key[6:6 + 16]
    encrypted_half_2 = encrypted_private_key[6 + 16:6 + 32]
    # derive a unique key from the passphrase and the address checksum
    scrypt_derived_key = scrypt.hash(passphrase, address_checksum, n, r, p)
    derived_half_1 = scrypt_derived_key[0:32]
    derived_half_2 = scrypt_derived_key[32:64]
    # decrypt the encrypted halves
    aes =
    decrypted_half_1 = aes.decrypt(encrypted_half_1)
    decrypted_half_2 = aes.decrypt(encrypted_half_2)
    # get the original private key from the encrypted halves + the derived half
    decrypted_private_key = '%064x' % (
        long(binascii.hexlify(decrypted_half_1 + decrypted_half_2), 16)
        ^ long(binascii.hexlify(derived_half_1), 16))
    # get the address corresponding to the private key
    k = BitcoinKeypair(decrypted_private_key)
    address = k.address()
    # make sure the address matches the checksum in the original encrypted key
    if address_checksum != sha256(sha256(address).digest()).digest()[0:4]:
        raise ValueError('Invalid private key and password combo.')
    # return the decrypted private key
    return k.private_key()
Esempio n. 9
def address_reencode( address ):
    Depending on whether or not we're in testnet 
    or mainnet, re-encode an address accordingly.
    vb = pybitcoin.b58check_version_byte( address )

    if os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_TESTNET") == "1":
        if vb == 0 or vb == 111:
            # convert to testnet p2pkh
            vb = 111

        elif vb == 5 or vb == 196:
            # convert to testnet p2sh
            vb = 196

            raise ValueError("unrecognized address %s" % address)

        if vb == 0 or vb == 111:
            # convert to mainnet p2pkh
            vb = 0

        elif vb == 5 or vb == 196:
            # convert to mainnet p2sh
            vb = 5

            raise ValueError("unrecognized address %s" % address)

    return pybitcoin.b58check_encode( pybitcoin.b58check_decode(address), vb )
def addr_reencode( addr ):
    Encode addr to testnet
    return pybitcoin.b58check_encode( pybitcoin.b58check_decode( addr ), version_byte=111 )
def testnet_encode( pk_wif ):
    s = pybitcoin.b58check_decode(pk_wif )
    s = '\xef' + s
    ret = base58.b58encode( s + pybitcoin.bin_double_sha256(s)[0:4] )
    return ret
Esempio n. 12
def addr_reencode( addr ):
    Encode addr to testnet
    return pybitcoin.b58check_encode( pybitcoin.b58check_decode( addr ), version_byte=111 )
Esempio n. 13
def testnet_encode( pk_wif ):
    s = pybitcoin.b58check_decode(pk_wif )
    s = '\xef' + s
    ret = base58.b58encode( s + pybitcoin.bin_double_sha256(s)[0:4] )
    return ret