Esempio n. 1
class TestTaskRepositoryForTaskrunQueries(Test):
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestTaskRepositoryForTaskrunQueries, self).setUp()
        self.task_repo = TaskRepository(db)

    def test_get_task_run_return_none_if_no_task_run(self):
        """Test get_task_run method returns None if there is no taskrun with the
        specified id"""

        taskrun = self.task_repo.get_task_run(200)

        assert taskrun is None, taskrun

    def test_get_task_run_returns_task_run(self):
        """Test get_task_run method returns a taskrun if exists"""

        taskrun = TaskRunFactory.create()

        retrieved_taskrun = self.task_repo.get_task_run(

        assert taskrun == retrieved_taskrun, retrieved_taskrun

    def test_get_task_run_by(self):
        """Test get_task_run_by returns a taskrun with the specified attribute"""

        taskrun = TaskRunFactory.create(info='info')

        retrieved_taskrun = self.task_repo.get_task_run_by(

        assert taskrun == retrieved_taskrun, retrieved_taskrun

    def test_get_task_run_by_returns_none_if_no_task_run(self):
        """Test get_task_run_by returns None if no taskrun matches the query"""


        taskrun = self.task_repo.get_task_run_by(info='other info')

        assert taskrun is None, taskrun

    def test_filter_task_runs_by_no_matches(self):
        """Test filter_task_runs_by returns an empty list if no taskruns match
        the query"""


        retrieved_taskruns = self.task_repo.filter_task_runs_by(info='other')

        assert isinstance(retrieved_taskruns, list)
        assert len(retrieved_taskruns) == 0, retrieved_taskruns

    def test_filter_task_runs_by_one_condition(self):
        """Test filter_task_runs_by returns a list of taskruns that meet the
        filtering condition"""

        TaskRunFactory.create_batch(3, info='info')
        should_be_missing = TaskFactory.create(info='other info')

        retrieved_taskruns = self.task_repo.filter_task_runs_by(info='info')

        assert len(retrieved_taskruns) == 3, retrieved_taskruns
        assert should_be_missing not in retrieved_taskruns, retrieved_taskruns

    def test_filter_task_runs_by_multiple_conditions(self):
        """Test filter_task_runs_by supports multiple-condition queries"""

        TaskRunFactory.create(info='info', user_ip='')
        taskrun = TaskRunFactory.create(info='info', user_ip='')

        retrieved_taskruns = self.task_repo.filter_task_runs_by(
            info='info', user_ip='')

        assert len(retrieved_taskruns) == 1, retrieved_taskruns
        assert taskrun in retrieved_taskruns, retrieved_taskruns

    def test_filter_task_runs_support_yield_option(self):
        """Test that filter_task_runs_by with the yielded=True option returns
        the results as a generator"""

        task_runs = TaskRunFactory.create_batch(2, info='info')

        yielded_task_runs = self.task_repo.filter_task_runs_by(info='info',

        import types
        assert isinstance(yielded_task_runs.__iter__(), types.GeneratorType)
        for taskrun in yielded_task_runs:
            assert taskrun in task_runs

    def test_filter_tasks_limit_offset(self):
        """Test that filter_tasks_by supports limit and offset options"""

        all_task_runs = self.task_repo.filter_task_runs_by()

        first_two = self.task_repo.filter_task_runs_by(limit=2)
        last_two = self.task_repo.filter_task_runs_by(limit=2, offset=2)

        assert len(first_two) == 2, first_two
        assert len(last_two) == 2, last_two
        assert first_two == all_task_runs[:2]
        assert last_two == all_task_runs[2:]

    def test_count_task_runs_with_no_matches(self):
        """Test count_task_runs_with returns 0 if no taskruns match the query"""


        count = self.task_repo.count_task_runs_with(info='other info')

        assert count == 0, count

    def test_count_task_runs_with_one_condition(self):
        """Test count_task_runs_with returns the number of taskruns that meet the
        filtering condition"""

        TaskRunFactory.create_batch(3, info='info')
        should_be_missing = TaskRunFactory.create(info='other info')

        count = self.task_repo.count_task_runs_with(info='info')

        assert count == 3, count

    def test_count_task_runs_with_multiple_conditions(self):
        """Test count_task_runs_with supports multiple-condition queries"""

        TaskRunFactory.create(info='info', user_ip='')
        taskrun = TaskRunFactory.create(info='info', user_ip='')

        count = self.task_repo.count_task_runs_with(info='info',

        assert count == 1, count
Esempio n. 2
class TestUserRepository(Test):

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestUserRepository, self).setUp()
        self.user_repo = UserRepository(db)
        self.task_repo = TaskRepository(db)

    def test_get_return_none_if_no_user(self):
        """Test get method returns None if there is no user with the
        specified id"""

        user = self.user_repo.get(200)

        assert user is None, user

    def test_get_returns_user(self):
        """Test get method returns a user if exists"""

        user = UserFactory.create()

        retrieved_user = self.user_repo.get(

        assert user == retrieved_user, retrieved_user

    def test_get_by_name_return_none_if_no_user(self):
        """Test get_by_name returns None when a user with the specified
        name does not exist"""

        user = self.user_repo.get_by_name('thisuserdoesnotexist')

        assert user is None, user

    def test_get_by_name_returns_the_user(self):
        """Test get_by_name returns a user if exists"""

        user = UserFactory.create()

        retrieved_user = self.user_repo.get_by_name(

        assert user == retrieved_user, retrieved_user

    def test_get_by(self):
        """Test get_by returns a user with the specified attribute"""

        user = UserFactory.create(name='Jon Snow')

        retrieved_user = self.user_repo.get_by(

        assert user == retrieved_user, retrieved_user

    def test_get_by_returns_none_if_no_user(self):
        """Test get_by returns None if no user matches the query"""

        UserFactory.create(name='Tyrion Lannister')

        user = self.user_repo.get_by(name='no_name')

        assert user is None, user

    def get_all_returns_list_of_all_users(self):
        """Test get_all returns a list of all the existing users"""

        users = UserFactory.create_batch(3)

        retrieved_users = self.user_repo.get_all()

        assert isinstance(retrieved_users, list)
        assert len(retrieved_users) == len(users), retrieved_users
        for user in retrieved_users:
            assert user in users, user

    def test_filter_by_no_matches(self):
        """Test filter_by returns an empty list if no users match the query"""

        UserFactory.create(name='reek', fullname='Theon Greyjoy')

        retrieved_users = self.user_repo.filter_by(name='asha')

        assert isinstance(retrieved_users, list)
        assert len(retrieved_users) == 0, retrieved_users

    def test_filter_by_one_condition(self):
        """Test filter_by returns a list of users that meet the filtering

        UserFactory.create_batch(3, locale='es')
        should_be_missing = UserFactory.create(locale='fr')

        retrieved_users = self.user_repo.filter_by(locale='es')

        assert len(retrieved_users) == 3, retrieved_users
        assert should_be_missing not in retrieved_users, retrieved_users

    def test_filter_by_multiple_conditions(self):
        """Test filter_by supports multiple-condition queries"""

        UserFactory.create_batch(2, locale='es', privacy_mode=True)
        user = UserFactory.create(locale='es', privacy_mode=False)

        retrieved_users = self.user_repo.filter_by(locale='es',

        assert len(retrieved_users) == 1, retrieved_users
        assert user in retrieved_users, retrieved_users

    def test_filter_by_limit_offset(self):
        """Test that filter_by supports limit and offset options"""

        all_users = self.user_repo.filter_by()

        first_two = self.user_repo.filter_by(limit=2)
        last_two = self.user_repo.filter_by(limit=2, offset=2)

        assert len(first_two) == 2, first_two
        assert len(last_two) == 2, last_two
        assert first_two == all_users[:2]
        assert last_two == all_users[2:]

    def test_search_by_name_returns_list(self):
        """Test search_by_name returns a list with search results"""

        search = self.user_repo.search_by_name('')

        assert isinstance(search, list), search.__class__

    def test_search_by_name(self):
        """Test search_by_name returns a list with the user if searching by
        either its name or fullname"""

        user = UserFactory.create(name='greenseer', fullname='Jojen Reed')

        search_by_name = self.user_repo.search_by_name('greenseer')
        search_by_fullname = self.user_repo.search_by_name('Jojen Reed')

        assert user in search_by_name, search_by_name
        assert user in search_by_fullname, search_by_fullname

    def test_search_by_name_capital_lower_letters(self):
        """Test search_by_name works the same with capital or lower letters"""

        user_capitals = UserFactory.create(name='JOJEN')
        user_lowers = UserFactory.create(name='meera')

        search_lower = self.user_repo.search_by_name('jojen')
        search_capital = self.user_repo.search_by_name('MEERA')

        assert user_capitals in search_lower, search_lower
        assert user_lowers in search_capital, search_capital

    def test_search_by_name_substrings(self):
        """Test search_by_name works when searching by a substring"""

        user = UserFactory.create(name='Hodor')

        search = self.user_repo.search_by_name('odo')

        assert user in search, search

    def test_search_by_name_empty_string(self):
        """Test search_by_name returns an empty list when searching by '' """

        user = UserFactory.create(name='Brandon')

        search = self.user_repo.search_by_name('')

        assert len(search) == 0, search

    def test_total_users_no_users(self):
        """Test total_users return 0 if there are no users"""

        count = self.user_repo.total_users()

        assert count == 0, count

    def test_total_users_count(self):
        """Test total_users return 1 if there is one user"""

        count = self.user_repo.total_users()

        assert count == 1, count

    def test_save(self):
        """Test save persist the user"""

        user =
        assert self.user_repo.get( is None

        assert self.user_repo.get( == user, "User not saved"

    def test_save_fails_if_integrity_error(self):
        """Test save raises a DBIntegrityError if the instance to be saved lacks
        a required value"""

        user =

        assert_raises(DBIntegrityError,, user)

    def test_save_only_saves_users(self):
        """Test save raises a WrongObjectError when an object which is not
        a User instance is saved"""

        bad_object = dict()

        assert_raises(WrongObjectError,, bad_object)

    def test_update(self):
        """Test update persists the changes made to the user"""

        user = UserFactory.create(locale='en')
        user.locale = 'it'

        updated_user = self.user_repo.get(

        assert updated_user.locale == 'it', updated_user

    def test_update_fails_if_integrity_error(self):
        """Test update raises a DBIntegrityError if the instance to be updated
        lacks a required value"""

        user = UserFactory.create() = None

        assert_raises(DBIntegrityError, self.user_repo.update, user)

    def test_update_only_updates_users(self):
        """Test update raises a WrongObjectError when an object which is not
        a User instance is updated"""

        bad_object = dict()

        assert_raises(WrongObjectError, self.user_repo.update, bad_object)

    def test_get_users_no_args(self):
        """Test get users by id returns empty list
        assert self.user_repo.get_users(None) == []

    def test_get_users(self):

        tyrion = UserFactory.create(name='Tyrion Lannister')
        theon = UserFactory.create(name='reek', fullname='Theon Greyjoy')

        retrieved_users = self.user_repo.get_users([,])
        assert any(user == tyrion for user in retrieved_users)
        assert any(user == theon for user in retrieved_users)

    def test_delete_user(self):
        """Test USER delete works."""
        user = UserFactory.create()
        user_id =
        user = self.user_repo.get_by(id=user_id)
        assert == user_id
        user = self.user_repo.get_by(id=user_id)
        assert user is None

    def test_fake_user_id(self):
        """Test remove user ID works and it's replaced by a fake IP."""
        user = UserFactory.create()
        taskruns = TaskRunFactory.create_batch(3, user=user)
        fake_ips = []
        assert taskruns[0].user_id ==
        for taskrun in taskruns:
            taskrun = self.task_repo.get_task_run_by(
            assert taskrun.user_id is None
            assert taskrun.user_ip is not None
        assert len(set(fake_ips)) == 3

    def test_delete_user_with_task_runs(self):
        """Delete user with task runs works."""
        user = UserFactory.create()
        taskruns = TaskRunFactory.create_batch(3, user=user)
        fake_ips = []
        user_id =
        assert taskruns[0].user_id ==
        for taskrun in taskruns:
            taskrun = self.task_repo.get_task_run_by(
            assert taskrun.user_id is None
            assert taskrun.user_ip is not None
        assert len(set(fake_ips)) == 3
        user = self.user_repo.get_by(id=user_id)
        assert user is None
Esempio n. 3
class TestTaskRepositoryForTaskrunQueries(Test):

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestTaskRepositoryForTaskrunQueries, self).setUp()
        self.task_repo = TaskRepository(db)

    def test_get_task_run_return_none_if_no_task_run(self):
        """Test get_task_run method returns None if there is no taskrun with the
        specified id"""

        taskrun = self.task_repo.get_task_run(200)

        assert taskrun is None, taskrun

    def test_get_task_run_returns_task_run(self):
        """Test get_task_run method returns a taskrun if exists"""

        taskrun = TaskRunFactory.create()

        retrieved_taskrun = self.task_repo.get_task_run(

        assert taskrun == retrieved_taskrun, retrieved_taskrun

    def test_get_task_run_by(self):
        """Test get_task_run_by returns a taskrun with the specified attribute"""

        taskrun = TaskRunFactory.create(info='info')

        retrieved_taskrun = self.task_repo.get_task_run_by(

        assert taskrun == retrieved_taskrun, retrieved_taskrun

    def test_get_task_run_by_info_json(self):
        """Test get_task_run_by with JSON returns a
        taskrun with the specified attribute"""

        data = {'foo': 'bar'}
        taskrun = TaskRunFactory.create(info=data)

        info = 'foo::bar'
        retrieved_taskrun = self.task_repo.get_task_run_by(info=info)

        assert taskrun == retrieved_taskrun, retrieved_taskrun

    def test_get_task_run_by_info_json_fulltext(self):
        """Test get_task_run_by with JSON and fulltext returns a
        taskrun with the specified attribute"""

        data = {'foo': 'bar'}
        taskrun = TaskRunFactory.create(info=data)

        info = 'foo::bar'
        retrieved_taskrun = self.task_repo.get_task_run_by(info=info,

        assert taskrun == retrieved_taskrun, retrieved_taskrun

    def test_get_task_run_by_returns_none_if_no_task_run(self):
        """Test get_task_run_by returns None if no taskrun matches the query"""


        taskrun = self.task_repo.get_task_run_by(info='other info')

        assert taskrun is None, taskrun

    def test_filter_task_runs_by_no_matches(self):
        """Test filter_task_runs_by returns an empty list if no taskruns match
        the query"""


        retrieved_taskruns = self.task_repo.filter_task_runs_by(info='other')

        assert isinstance(retrieved_taskruns, list)
        assert len(retrieved_taskruns) == 0, retrieved_taskruns

    def test_filter_task_runs_by_one_condition(self):
        """Test filter_task_runs_by returns a list of taskruns that meet the
        filtering condition"""

        TaskRunFactory.create_batch(3, info='info')
        should_be_missing = TaskFactory.create(info='other info')

        retrieved_taskruns = self.task_repo.filter_task_runs_by(info='info')

        assert len(retrieved_taskruns) == 3, retrieved_taskruns
        assert should_be_missing not in retrieved_taskruns, retrieved_taskruns

    def test_filter_task_runs_by_multiple_conditions(self):
        """Test filter_task_runs_by supports multiple-condition queries"""

        TaskRunFactory.create(info='info', user_ip='')
        taskrun = TaskRunFactory.create(info='info', user_ip='')

        retrieved_taskruns = self.task_repo.filter_task_runs_by(info='info',

        assert len(retrieved_taskruns) == 1, retrieved_taskruns
        assert taskrun in retrieved_taskruns, retrieved_taskruns

    def test_filter_task_runs_by_multiple_conditions_fulltext(self):
        """Test filter_task_runs_by supports multiple-condition
        fulltext queries"""

        text = 'you agent something word'
        data = {'foo': 'bar', 'bar': text}
        TaskRunFactory.create(info=data, user_ip='')
        taskrun = TaskRunFactory.create(info=data, user_ip='')

        info = 'foo::bar|bar::agent'
        retrieved_taskruns = self.task_repo.filter_task_runs_by(info=info,

        assert len(retrieved_taskruns) == 1, retrieved_taskruns
        assert taskrun in retrieved_taskruns, retrieved_taskruns

        retrieved_taskruns = self.task_repo.filter_task_runs_by(info=info,
        assert len(retrieved_taskruns) == 0, retrieved_taskruns

    def test_filter_task_runs_support_yield_option(self):
        """Test that filter_task_runs_by with the yielded=True option returns
        the results as a generator"""

        task_runs = TaskRunFactory.create_batch(2, info='info')

        yielded_task_runs = self.task_repo.filter_task_runs_by(info='info',

        import types
        assert isinstance(yielded_task_runs.__iter__(), types.GeneratorType)
        for taskrun in yielded_task_runs:
            assert taskrun in task_runs

    def test_filter_tasks_runs_limit_offset(self):
        """Test that filter_tasks_by supports limit and offset options"""

        all_task_runs = self.task_repo.filter_task_runs_by()

        first_two = self.task_repo.filter_task_runs_by(limit=2)
        last_two = self.task_repo.filter_task_runs_by(limit=2, offset=2)

        assert len(first_two) == 2, first_two
        assert len(last_two) == 2, last_two
        assert first_two == all_task_runs[:2]
        assert last_two == all_task_runs[2:]

    def test_count_task_runs_with_no_matches(self):
        """Test count_task_runs_with returns 0 if no taskruns match the query"""


        count = self.task_repo.count_task_runs_with(info='other info')

        assert count == 0, count

    def test_count_task_runs_with_one_condition(self):
        """Test count_task_runs_with returns the number of taskruns that meet the
        filtering condition"""

        TaskRunFactory.create_batch(3, info='info')
        should_be_missing = TaskRunFactory.create(info='other info')

        count = self.task_repo.count_task_runs_with(info='info')

        assert count == 3, count

    def test_count_task_runs_with_multiple_conditions(self):
        """Test count_task_runs_with supports multiple-condition queries"""

        TaskRunFactory.create(info='info', user_ip='')
        taskrun = TaskRunFactory.create(info='info', user_ip='')

        count = self.task_repo.count_task_runs_with(info='info',

        assert count == 1, count
class TestUserRepository(Test):
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestUserRepository, self).setUp()
        self.user_repo = UserRepository(db)
        self.task_repo = TaskRepository(db)

    def test_get_return_none_if_no_user(self):
        """Test get method returns None if there is no user with the
        specified id"""

        user = self.user_repo.get(200)

        assert user is None, user

    def test_get_returns_user(self):
        """Test get method returns a user if exists"""

        user = UserFactory.create()

        retrieved_user = self.user_repo.get(

        assert user == retrieved_user, retrieved_user

    def test_get_by_name_return_none_if_no_user(self):
        """Test get_by_name returns None when a user with the specified
        name does not exist"""

        user = self.user_repo.get_by_name('thisuserdoesnotexist')

        assert user is None, user

    def test_get_by_name_returns_the_user(self):
        """Test get_by_name returns a user if exists"""

        user = UserFactory.create()

        retrieved_user = self.user_repo.get_by_name(

        assert user == retrieved_user, retrieved_user

    def test_get_by(self):
        """Test get_by returns a user with the specified attribute"""

        user = UserFactory.create(name='Jon Snow')

        retrieved_user = self.user_repo.get_by(

        assert user == retrieved_user, retrieved_user

    def test_get_by_returns_none_if_no_user(self):
        """Test get_by returns None if no user matches the query"""

        UserFactory.create(name='Tyrion Lannister')

        user = self.user_repo.get_by(name='no_name')

        assert user is None, user

    def get_all_returns_list_of_all_users(self):
        """Test get_all returns a list of all the existing users"""

        users = UserFactory.create_batch(3)

        retrieved_users = self.user_repo.get_all()

        assert isinstance(retrieved_users, list)
        assert len(retrieved_users) == len(users), retrieved_users
        for user in retrieved_users:
            assert user in users, user

    def test_filter_by_no_matches(self):
        """Test filter_by returns an empty list if no users match the query"""

        UserFactory.create(name='reek', fullname='Theon Greyjoy')

        retrieved_users = self.user_repo.filter_by(name='asha')

        assert isinstance(retrieved_users, list)
        assert len(retrieved_users) == 0, retrieved_users

    def test_filter_by_one_condition(self):
        """Test filter_by returns a list of users that meet the filtering

        UserFactory.create_batch(3, locale='es')
        should_be_missing = UserFactory.create(locale='fr')

        retrieved_users = self.user_repo.filter_by(locale='es')

        assert len(retrieved_users) == 3, retrieved_users
        assert should_be_missing not in retrieved_users, retrieved_users

    def test_filter_by_multiple_conditions(self):
        """Test filter_by supports multiple-condition queries"""

        UserFactory.create_batch(2, locale='es', privacy_mode=True)
        user = UserFactory.create(locale='es', privacy_mode=False)

        retrieved_users = self.user_repo.filter_by(locale='es',

        assert len(retrieved_users) == 1, retrieved_users
        assert user in retrieved_users, retrieved_users

    def test_filter_by_limit_offset(self):
        """Test that filter_by supports limit and offset options"""

        all_users = self.user_repo.filter_by()

        first_two = self.user_repo.filter_by(limit=2)
        last_two = self.user_repo.filter_by(limit=2, offset=2)

        assert len(first_two) == 2, first_two
        assert len(last_two) == 2, last_two
        assert first_two == all_users[:2]
        assert last_two == all_users[2:]

    def test_search_by_name_returns_list(self):
        """Test search_by_name returns a list with search results"""

        search = self.user_repo.search_by_name('')

        assert isinstance(search, list), search.__class__

    def test_search_by_name(self):
        """Test search_by_name returns a list with the user if searching by
        either its name or fullname"""

        user = UserFactory.create(name='greenseer', fullname='Jojen Reed')

        search_by_name = self.user_repo.search_by_name('greenseer')
        search_by_fullname = self.user_repo.search_by_name('Jojen Reed')

        assert user in search_by_name, search_by_name
        assert user in search_by_fullname, search_by_fullname

    def test_search_by_name_capital_lower_letters(self):
        """Test search_by_name works the same with capital or lower letters"""

        user_capitals = UserFactory.create(name='JOJEN')
        user_lowers = UserFactory.create(name='meera')

        search_lower = self.user_repo.search_by_name('jojen')
        search_capital = self.user_repo.search_by_name('MEERA')

        assert user_capitals in search_lower, search_lower
        assert user_lowers in search_capital, search_capital

    def test_search_by_name_substrings(self):
        """Test search_by_name works when searching by a substring"""

        user = UserFactory.create(name='Hodor')

        search = self.user_repo.search_by_name('odo')

        assert user in search, search

    def test_search_by_name_empty_string(self):
        """Test search_by_name returns an empty list when searching by '' """

        user = UserFactory.create(name='Brandon')

        search = self.user_repo.search_by_name('')

        assert len(search) == 0, search

    def test_total_users_no_users(self):
        """Test total_users return 0 if there are no users"""

        count = self.user_repo.total_users()

        assert count == 0, count

    def test_total_users_count(self):
        """Test total_users return 1 if there is one user"""

        count = self.user_repo.total_users()

        assert count == 1, count

    def test_save(self):
        """Test save persist the user"""

        user =
        assert self.user_repo.get( is None

        assert self.user_repo.get( == user, "User not saved"

    def test_save_fails_if_integrity_error(self):
        """Test save raises a DBIntegrityError if the instance to be saved lacks
        a required value"""

        user =

        assert_raises(DBIntegrityError,, user)

    def test_save_only_saves_users(self):
        """Test save raises a WrongObjectError when an object which is not
        a User instance is saved"""

        bad_object = dict()

        assert_raises(WrongObjectError,, bad_object)

    def test_update(self):
        """Test update persists the changes made to the user"""

        user = UserFactory.create(locale='en')
        user.locale = 'it'

        updated_user = self.user_repo.get(

        assert updated_user.locale == 'it', updated_user

    def test_update_fails_if_integrity_error(self):
        """Test update raises a DBIntegrityError if the instance to be updated
        lacks a required value"""

        user = UserFactory.create() = None

        assert_raises(DBIntegrityError, self.user_repo.update, user)

    def test_update_only_updates_users(self):
        """Test update raises a WrongObjectError when an object which is not
        a User instance is updated"""

        bad_object = dict()

        assert_raises(WrongObjectError, self.user_repo.update, bad_object)

    def test_get_users_no_args(self):
        """Test get users by id returns empty list
        assert self.user_repo.get_users(None) == []

    def test_get_users(self):

        tyrion = UserFactory.create(name='Tyrion Lannister')
        theon = UserFactory.create(name='reek', fullname='Theon Greyjoy')
        robb = UserFactory.create(fullname='Robb Stark')

        retrieved_users = self.user_repo.get_users([,])
        assert any(user == tyrion for user in retrieved_users)
        assert any(user == theon for user in retrieved_users)
        assert all(user != robb for user in retrieved_users)

    def test_delete_user(self):
        """Test USER delete works."""
        user = UserFactory.create()
        user_id =
        user = self.user_repo.get_by(id=user_id)
        assert == user_id
        user = self.user_repo.get_by(id=user_id)
        assert user is None

    def test_fake_user_id(self):
        """Test remove user ID works and it's replaced by a fake IP."""
        user = UserFactory.create()
        taskruns = TaskRunFactory.create_batch(3, user=user)
        fake_ips = []
        assert taskruns[0].user_id ==
        for taskrun in taskruns:
            taskrun = self.task_repo.get_task_run_by(
            assert taskrun.user_id is None
            assert taskrun.user_ip is not None
        assert len(set(fake_ips)) == 3

    def test_delete_user_with_task_runs(self):
        """Delete user with task runs works."""
        user = UserFactory.create()
        taskruns = TaskRunFactory.create_batch(3, user=user)
        fake_ips = []
        user_id =
        assert taskruns[0].user_id ==
        for taskrun in taskruns:
            taskrun = self.task_repo.get_task_run_by(
            assert taskrun.user_id is None
            assert taskrun.user_ip is not None
        assert len(set(fake_ips)) == 3
        user = self.user_repo.get_by(id=user_id)
        assert user is None