Esempio n. 1
def test():
    DS = loadPybrainData()
    train, test = DS.splitWithProportion(0.1)
    fnn = joblib.load(PKL)
    # 预测test情况
    output = fnn.activateOnDataset(test)
    # ann.activate(onedata)可以只对一个数据进行预测
    outputs = []
    target = []
    count = 0
    for out in output:
        outs = out.argmax()
    for tar in test['target']:
        ta = tar.argmax()
    for i in range(0, len(target)):
        if outputs[i] == target[i]:
            count += 1

    right = count / len(target)  #单个字符正确率
    rate = (right**4)
    print("分类正确率是:%.4f%%" % (rate * 100))
    v = Validator()
    print(u'均方和差为:', v.MSE(output,
                           test['target']))  #计算test的原始值和预测值的均方差和,两者格式必须相等
Esempio n. 2
    def dataset_eval(dataset):
        """Return dataset hit rate and MSE"""
        # Transform output values to bit vectors, similar to the targets
        predicted = bit_array_transform(ff_network.activate(x)
                                        for x in dataset['input'])
        target = dataset['target']

        # Lists of positions holding predicted and target classes to compare
        predicted_pos = [list(x).index(1) for x in predicted]
        target_pos = [list(x).index(1) for x in target]

        hits = Validator.classificationPerformance(predicted_pos, target_pos)
        mse = Validator.MSE(predicted, target)
        return hits, mse
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, evolino_network, dataset, **kwargs):
        """ @param evolino_network: an instance of NetworkWrapper()
            @param dataset: The evaluation dataset
            @param evalfunc: Compares output to target values and returns a scalar, denoting the fitness.
                             Defaults to -mse(output, target).
            @param wtRatio: Float array of two values denoting the ratio between washout and training length.
                            Defaults to [1,2]
            @param verbosity: Verbosity level. Defaults to 0
        ap = KWArgsProcessor(self, kwargs)

        ap.add( 'verbosity', default=0 )
        ap.add( 'evalfunc',  default=lambda output, target: -Validator.MSE(output, target) )
        ap.add( 'wtRatio',   default=array([1,2], float) ) = evolino_network
        self.dataset = dataset
        self.max_fitness = -Infinity
Esempio n. 4
    plotname = os.path.join(plotdir, ('jpq2layers_plot' + str(iter)))

# set-up the neural network
nneuron = 5
mom = 0.98
netname = "LSL-" + str(nneuron) + "-" + str(mom)
mv = ModuleValidator()
v = Validator()

#create the test DataSet
x = numpy.arange(0.0, 1.0 + 0.01, 0.01)
s = 0.5 + 0.4 * numpy.sin(2 * numpy.pi * x)
tsts = SupervisedDataSet(1, 1)
tsts.setField('input', x.reshape(len(x), 1))
tsts.setField('target', s.reshape(len(s), 1))
#read the train DataSet from file
trndata = SupervisedDataSet.loadFromFile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'trndata'))

myneuralnet = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'myneuralnet.xml')
if os.path.isfile(myneuralnet):
    n = NetworkReader.readFrom(myneuralnet, name=netname)
    #calculate the test DataSet based on the trained Neural Network
    ctsts = mv.calculateModuleOutput(n, tsts)
    tserr = v.MSE(ctsts, tsts['target'])
    print 'MSE error on TSTS:', tserr
    myplot(trndata, tsts=tsts, ctsts=ctsts)
Esempio n. 5
tsts.setField('target', s.reshape(len(s), 1))

#read the train DataSet from file
trndata = SupervisedDataSet.loadFromFile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'trndata'))

#create the trainer

t = BackpropTrainer(n, learningrate=0.01, momentum=mom)
#train the neural network from the train DataSet

cterrori = 1.0
print("trainer momentum:" + str(mom))
for iter in range(25):
    t.trainOnDataset(trndata, 1000)
    ctrndata = mv.calculateModuleOutput(n, trndata)
    cterr = v.MSE(ctrndata, trndata['target'])
    relerr = abs(cterr - cterrori)
    cterrori = cterr
    print('iteration:', iter + 1, 'MSE error:', cterr)
    myplot(trndata, ctrndata, iter=iter + 1)
    if cterr < 1.e-5 or relerr < 1.e-7:
#write the network using xml file
myneuralnet = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'myneuralnet.xml')
if os.path.isfile(myneuralnet):
    NetworkWriter.appendToFile(n, myneuralnet)
    NetworkWriter.writeToFile(n, myneuralnet)

#calculate the test DataSet based on the trained Neural Network
ctsts = mv.calculateModuleOutput(n, tsts)