Esempio n. 1
 def test_append(self):
     text = HRef('/', 'Chuck Norris')
     assert (
         text +
         ' wins!').render_as('html') == '<a href="/">Chuck Norris</a> wins!'
     assert text.append(' wins!').render_as(
         'html') == '<a href="/">Chuck Norris wins!</a>'
Esempio n. 2
    def test__contains__(self):
        tag = HRef('info.html', Text(), Text('Mary ', 'had ', 'a little lamb'))
        assert not 'mary' in tag
        assert 'Mary' in tag
        assert 'had a little' in tag

        text = Text('This ', HRef('/', 'is'), ' good')
        assert not 'This is' in text
    def test_lower(self):
        assert HRef('/').lower() == HRef('/')

        href = HRef('', 'Hyperlinked text.')
        assert href.lower().render_as('latex') == '\\href{}{hyperlinked text.}'

        tag = HRef('info.html', Text(), Text('Mary ', 'had ', 'a little lamb'))
        assert tag.lower().render_as('html') == '<a href="info.html">mary had a little lamb</a>'
    def test_upper(self):
        assert HRef('/').upper() == HRef('/')

        href = HRef('', 'Hyperlinked text.')
        assert href.upper().render_as('latex') == '\\href{}{HYPERLINKED TEXT.}'

        tag = HRef('info.html', Text(), Text('Mary ', 'had ', 'a little lamb'))
        assert tag.upper().render_as('html') == '<a href="info.html">MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB</a>'
Esempio n. 5
    def test__getitem__(self):
        t = Tag('em', '1234567890')

        assert_raises(TypeError, lambda: 1 in t)

        assert t == Tag('em', '1234567890')
        assert t[:] == t
        assert t[:0] == Tag('em', '')
        assert t[:1] == Tag('em', '1')
        assert t[:3] == Tag('em', '123')
        assert t[:5] == Tag('em', '12345')
        assert t[:7] == Tag('em', '1234567')
        assert t[:10] == Tag('em', '1234567890')
        assert t[:100] == Tag('em', '1234567890')
        assert t[:-100] == Tag('em', '')
        assert t[:-10] == Tag('em', '')
        assert t[:-9] == Tag('em', '1')
        assert t[:-7] == Tag('em', '123')
        assert t[:-5] == Tag('em', '12345')
        assert t[:-3] == Tag('em', '1234567')
        assert t[-100:] == Tag('em', '1234567890')
        assert t[-10:] == Tag('em', '1234567890')
        assert t[-9:] == Tag('em', '234567890')
        assert t[-7:] == Tag('em', '4567890')
        assert t[-5:] == Tag('em', '67890')
        assert t[-3:] == Tag('em', '890')
        assert t[1:] == Tag('em', '234567890')
        assert t[3:] == Tag('em', '4567890')
        assert t[5:] == Tag('em', '67890')
        assert t[7:] == Tag('em', '890')
        assert t[10:] == Tag('em', '')
        assert t[100:] == Tag('em', '')
        assert t[0:10] == Tag('em', '1234567890')
        assert t[0:100] == Tag('em', '1234567890')
        assert t[2:3] == Tag('em', '3')
        assert t[2:4] == Tag('em', '34')
        assert t[3:7] == Tag('em', '4567')
        assert t[4:7] == Tag('em', '567')
        assert t[4:7] == Tag('em', '567')
        assert t[7:9] == Tag('em', '89')
        assert t[100:200] == Tag('em', '')

        t = Tag('strong', '123', Tag('em', '456', HRef('/', '789')), '0')
        assert t[:3] == Tag('strong', '123')
        assert t[:5] == Tag('strong', '123', Tag('em', '45'))
        assert t[:7] == Tag('strong', '123', Tag('em', '456', HRef('/', '7')))
        assert t[:10] == Tag('strong', '123', Tag('em', '456',
                                                  HRef('/', '789')), '0')
        assert t[:100] == Tag('strong', '123',
                              Tag('em', '456', HRef('/', '789')), '0')
        assert t[:-7] == Tag('strong', '123')
        assert t[:-5] == Tag('strong', '123', Tag('em', '45'))
        assert t[:-3] == Tag('strong', '123', Tag('em', '456', HRef('/', '7')))
Esempio n. 6
    def test__getitem__(self):
        t = Text('123', Text('456', Text('78'), '9'), '0')

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            1 in t

        assert t == Text('1234567890')
        assert t[:0] == Text('')
        assert t[:1] == Text('1')
        assert t[:3] == Text('123')
        assert t[:5] == Text('12345')
        assert t[:7] == Text('1234567')
        assert t[:10] == Text('1234567890')
        assert t[:100] == Text('1234567890')
        assert t[:-100] == Text('')
        assert t[:-10] == Text('')
        assert t[:-9] == Text('1')
        assert t[:-7] == Text('123')
        assert t[:-5] == Text('12345')
        assert t[:-3] == Text('1234567')
        assert t[-100:] == Text('1234567890')
        assert t[-10:] == Text('1234567890')
        assert t[-9:] == Text('234567890')
        assert t[-7:] == Text('4567890')
        assert t[-5:] == Text('67890')
        assert t[-3:] == Text('890')
        assert t[1:] == Text('234567890')
        assert t[3:] == Text('4567890')
        assert t[5:] == Text('67890')
        assert t[7:] == Text('890')
        assert t[10:] == Text('')
        assert t[100:] == Text('')
        assert t[0:10] == Text('1234567890')
        assert t[0:100] == Text('1234567890')
        assert t[2:3] == Text('3')
        assert t[2:4] == Text('34')
        assert t[3:7] == Text('4567')
        assert t[4:7] == Text('567')
        assert t[4:7] == Text('567')
        assert t[7:9] == Text('89')
        assert t[100:200] == Text('')

        t = Text('123', Tag('em', '456', HRef('/', '789')), '0')
        assert t[:3] == Text('123')
        assert t[:5] == Text('123', Tag('em', '45'))
        assert t[:7] == Text('123', Tag('em', '456', HRef('/', '7')))
        assert t[:10] == Text('123', Tag('em', '456', HRef('/', '789')), '0')
        assert t[:100] == Text('123', Tag('em', '456', HRef('/', '789')), '0')
        assert t[:-7] == Text('123')
        assert t[:-5] == Text('123', Tag('em', '45'))
        assert t[:-3] == Text('123', Tag('em', '456', HRef('/', '7')))
Esempio n. 7
    def test_upper(self):
        assert HRef('/').upper() == HRef('/')

        href = HRef('', 'Hyperlinked text.')
        assert href.upper().render_as('latex') == '\\href{}{HYPERLINKED TEXT.}'

        tag = HRef('info.html', Text(), Text('Mary ', 'had ', 'a little lamb'))
        assert tag.upper().render_as('html') == '<a href="info.html">MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB</a>'
Esempio n. 8
    def test_render_as(self):
        href = HRef('', 'Hyperlinked text.')
        assert href.render_as('latex') == '\\href{}{Hyperlinked text.}'
        assert href.render_as('html') == '<a href="">Hyperlinked text.</a>'
        assert href.render_as('plaintext') == 'Hyperlinked text.'

        tag = HRef('info.html', Text(), Text('Mary ', 'had ', 'a little lamb'))
        assert tag.render_as('html') == '<a href="info.html">Mary had a little lamb</a>'
Esempio n. 9
    def test_lower(self):
        assert HRef('/').lower() == HRef('/')

        href = HRef('', 'Hyperlinked text.')
        assert href.lower().render_as('latex') == '\\href{}{hyperlinked text.}'

        tag = HRef('info.html', Text(), Text('Mary ', 'had ', 'a little lamb'))
        assert tag.lower().render_as('html') == '<a href="info.html">mary had a little lamb</a>'
Esempio n. 10
def test_href_text():
    href = HRef('', Text('hyperlinked', ' text'))
        '<reference refuri="">'
        'hyperlinked text'
    def test_endswith(self):
        tag = HRef('info.html', Text(), Text('Mary ', 'had ', 'a little lamb'))
        assert tag.endswith('')
        assert not tag.endswith('B')
        assert tag.endswith('b')
        assert tag.endswith('lamb')

        tag = HRef('/', 'a', 'b', 'c')
        assert tag.endswith('bc')

        tag = HRef('/', 'This is good')
        assert tag.endswith(('good', 'wonderful'))
        assert not tag.endswith(('bad', 'awful'))

        text = Text('This ', HRef('/', 'is'), ' good')
        assert not text.endswith('is good')
Esempio n. 12
 def test__len__(self):
     assert len(Text()) == 0
     assert len(Text('Never', ' ', 'Knows', ' ',
                     'Best')) == len('Never Knows Best')
     assert len(Text('Never', ' ', Tag('em', 'Knows', ' '),
                     'Best')) == len('Never Knows Best')
     assert len(
         Text('Never', ' ', Tag('em', HRef('/', 'Knows'), ' '),
              'Best')) == len('Never Knows Best')
Esempio n. 13
 def test_join(self):
     assert six.text_type(Text(' ').join(['a', Text('b c')])) == 'a b c'
     assert six.text_type(Text(nbsp).join(['a', 'b', 'c'])) == 'a<nbsp>b<nbsp>c'
     assert six.text_type(nbsp.join(['a', 'b', 'c'])) == 'a<nbsp>b<nbsp>c'
     assert six.text_type(String('-').join(['a', 'b', 'c'])) == 'a-b-c'
     result = Tag('em', ' and ').join(['a', 'b', 'c']).render_as('html')
     assert result == 'a<em> and </em>b<em> and </em>c'
     result = HRef('/', ' and ').join(['a', 'b', 'c']).render_as('html')
     assert result == 'a<a href="/"> and </a>b<a href="/"> and </a>c'
    def test_render_as(self):
        href = HRef('', 'Hyperlinked text.')
        assert href.render_as('latex') == '\\href{}{Hyperlinked text.}'
        assert href.render_as('html') == '<a href="">Hyperlinked text.</a>'
        assert href.render_as('plaintext') == 'Hyperlinked text.'

        tag = HRef('info.html', Text(), Text('Mary ', 'had ', 'a little lamb'))
        assert tag.render_as('html') == '<a href="info.html">Mary had a little lamb</a>'
Esempio n. 15
    def test_capitalize(self):
        assert HRef('/').capitalize() == Text(HRef('/'))

        tag = HRef('info.html', Text(), Text('Mary ', 'had ', 'a Little Lamb'))
        assert tag.capitalize().render_as(
            'html') == '<a href="info.html">Mary had a little lamb</a>'
        assert tag.lower().capitalize().render_as(
            'html') == '<a href="info.html">Mary had a little lamb</a>'
Esempio n. 16
    def test_add_period(self):
        assert HRef('/').add_period() == HRef('/')

        tag = HRef('info.html', Text(), Text('Mary ', 'had ', 'a little lamb'))
        assert tag.add_period().render_as(
            'html') == '<a href="info.html">Mary had a little lamb.</a>'
        assert tag.add_period().add_period().render_as(
            'html') == '<a href="info.html">Mary had a little lamb.</a>'
    def test_add_period(self):
        assert HRef('/').add_period() == HRef('/')

        tag = HRef('info.html', Text(), Text('Mary ', 'had ', 'a little lamb'))
        assert tag.add_period().render_as('html') == '<a href="info.html">Mary had a little lamb.</a>'
        assert tag.add_period().add_period().render_as('html') == '<a href="info.html">Mary had a little lamb.</a>'
    def test_capitalize(self):
        assert HRef('/').capitalize() == Text(HRef('/'))

        tag = HRef('info.html', Text(), Text('Mary ', 'had ', 'a Little Lamb'))
        assert tag.capitalize().render_as('html') == '<a href="info.html">Mary had a little lamb</a>'
        assert tag.lower().capitalize().render_as('html') == '<a href="info.html">Mary had a little lamb</a>'
Esempio n. 19
    def format_article(self, param):
        entry = param["entry"]

            authors = []
            for author in entry.persons["author"]:
                text = ""
                if author.first_names is not None:
                    text += " ".join([s[0] + "." for s in author.first_names])
                    text += " "
                if author.middle_names is not None:
                    text += " ".join([s[0] + "." for s in author.middle_names])
                    text += " "
                if author.prelast_names is not None:
                    text += " ".join([s for s in author.prelast_names])
                    text += " "
                text += " ".join([s for s in author.last_names])
                authors.append(Text(text + ", "))

            title = ""
            in_protected = False
            for char in entry.fields["title"]:
                if char == "{":
                    in_protected = True
                elif char == "}":
                    in_protected = False
                    if in_protected:
                        title += char
                        # Capitalize title in unprotected areas
                        if len(title) == 0:
                            title += char.upper()
                            title += char.lower()
            title = Text('"', title, '," ')

            journal = Text(Tag("em", entry.fields["journal"]), ", ")

            if "volume" in entry.fields:
                volume = Text("vol. ", entry.fields["volume"], ", ")
                volume = Text()

            if "pages" in entry.fields:
                pages = Text("pp. ", entry.fields["pages"], ", ")
                pages = Text()

            date = entry.fields["year"]
            if "month" in entry.fields:
                date = entry.fields["month"] + " " + date
            date = Text(date, ". ")

            if "doi" in entry.fields:
                doi = Text(
                    "doi: ",
                    HRef("" + entry.fields["doi"],
                doi = Text()

            return Text(*authors, title, journal, volume, pages, date, doi)

            warnings.warn(f"Invalid BibTeX entry '{entry.key}'")
            return Text(entry.key)
Esempio n. 20
    def test__eq__(self):
        assert HRef('/', '') != ''
        assert HRef('/', '') != Text()
        assert HRef('/', '') != HRef('', '')
        assert HRef('/', '') == HRef('/', '')

        assert HRef('/', 'good') != HRef('', 'bad')
        assert HRef('/', 'good') != Text('good')
        assert HRef('/', 'good') == HRef('/', 'good')
        assert not (HRef('/', 'good') != HRef('/', 'good'))

        assert HRef('strong', '') != Tag('strong', '')
 def test_append(self):
     text = HRef('/', 'Chuck Norris')
     assert (text +  ' wins!').render_as('html') == '<a href="/">Chuck Norris</a> wins!'
     assert text.append(' wins!').render_as('html') == '<a href="/">Chuck Norris wins!</a>'
Esempio n. 22
    def test__str__(self):
        empty = HRef('/')
        assert six.text_type(empty) == ''

        text = Text('This ', HRef('/', 'is'), ' good')
        six.text_type(text) == 'This is good'
Esempio n. 23
 def test__init__(self):
     empty = HRef('/')
     assert empty.url == '/'
     assert == []
Esempio n. 24
    def test_startswith(self):
        tag = HRef('info.html', Text(), Text('Mary ', 'had ', 'a little lamb'))
        assert tag.startswith('')
        assert tag.startswith('M')
        assert tag.startswith('Mary')
        assert not tag.startswith('m')
        assert not tag.startswith('mary')

        tag = HRef('/', 'a', 'b', 'c')
        assert tag.startswith('ab')

        tag = HRef('/', 'This is good')
        assert tag.startswith(('This', 'That'))
        assert not tag.startswith(('That', 'Those'))

        text = Text('This ', HRef('/', 'is'), ' good')
        assert not text.startswith('This is')
Esempio n. 25
 def test_join(self):
     href = HRef('/', 'World Wide Web')
     result = Text('-').join(Text('Estimated size of the ', href).split())
     assert result == Text('Estimated-size-of-the-', HRef('/', 'World'), '-', HRef('/', 'Wide'), '-', HRef('/', 'Web'))
Esempio n. 26
    def test_split(self):
        empty = HRef('/')
        assert empty.split() == []
        assert empty.split('abc') == [empty]

        href = HRef('/', 'World Wide Web')
        assert href.split() == [HRef('/', 'World'), HRef('/', 'Wide'), HRef('/', 'Web')]
        result = Text('Estimated size of the ', href).split()
        assert result == [
            Text(HRef('/', 'World')),
            Text(HRef('/', 'Wide')),
            Text(HRef('/', 'Web')),

        text = Text(Tag('em', Text(Tag('strong', HRef('/', '  Very, very'), ' bad'), ' guys')), '! ')
        assert text.render_as('html') == '<em><strong><a href="/">  Very, very</a> bad</strong> guys</em>! '
        assert text.split(', ') == [
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', '  Very')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'very'), ' bad'), ' guys'), '! '),
        assert text.split(' ') == [
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'Very,')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'very')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', 'bad'))),
            Text(Tag('em', 'guys'), '!'),
        assert text.split(' ', keep_empty_parts=False) == [
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'Very,')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'very')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', 'bad'))),
            Text(Tag('em', 'guys'), '!'),
        assert text.split() == [
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'Very,')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'very')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', 'bad'))),
            Text(Tag('em', 'guys'), '!'),
        assert text.split(keep_empty_parts=True) == [
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'Very,')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'very')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', 'bad'))),
            Text(Tag('em', 'guys'), '!'),

        text = Text(' A', Tag('em', ' big', HRef('/', ' ', Tag('strong', 'no-no'), '!  ')))
        assert text.render_as('html') == ' A<em> big<a href="/"> <strong>no-no</strong>!  </a></em>'
        assert text.split('-') == [
            Text(' A', Tag('em', ' big', HRef('/', ' ', Tag('strong', 'no')))),
            Text(Tag('em', HRef('/', Tag('strong', 'no'), '!  '))),
        assert text.split(' ') == [
            Text(Tag('em', 'big')),
            Text(Tag('em', HRef('/', Tag('strong', 'no-no'), '!'))),
        assert text.split(' ', keep_empty_parts=False) == [
            Text(Tag('em', 'big')),
            Text(Tag('em', HRef('/', Tag('strong', 'no-no'), '!'))),
        assert text.split() == [
            Text(Tag('em', 'big')),
            Text(Tag('em', HRef('/', Tag('strong', 'no-no'), '!'))),
        assert text.split(keep_empty_parts=True) == [
            Text(Tag('em', 'big')),
            Text(Tag('em', HRef('/', Tag('strong', 'no-no'), '!'))),
Esempio n. 27
def test_href_text():
    href = HRef('', Text('hyperlinked', ' text'))
    assert render_str(href) == ('<reference refuri="">'
                                'hyperlinked text'
Esempio n. 28
 def test__add__(self):
     assert HRef('/', '') + HRef('/', '') == Text(HRef('/', ''))
     assert HRef('/', '') + HRef('strong', '') == Text(HRef('/', ''), HRef('strong', ''))
     assert HRef('/', 'Good') + HRef('/', '') == Text(HRef('/', 'Good'))
     assert HRef('/', 'Good') + HRef('/', ' job!') == Text(HRef('/', 'Good job!'))
     assert HRef('/', 'Good') + HRef('strong', ' job!') == Text(HRef('/', 'Good'), HRef('strong', ' job!'))
     assert HRef('/', 'Good') + Text(' job!') == Text(HRef('/', 'Good'), ' job!')
     assert Text('Good') + HRef('/', ' job!') == Text('Good', HRef('/', ' job!'))
    def test_split(self):
        empty = HRef('/')
        assert empty.split() == []
        assert empty.split('abc') == [empty]

        href = HRef('/', 'World Wide Web')
        assert href.split() == [HRef('/', 'World'), HRef('/', 'Wide'), HRef('/', 'Web')]
        result = Text('Estimated size of the ', href).split()
        assert result == [
            Text(HRef('/', 'World')),
            Text(HRef('/', 'Wide')),
            Text(HRef('/', 'Web')),

        text = Text(Tag('em', Text(Tag('strong', HRef('/', '  Very, very'), ' bad'), ' guys')), '! ')
        assert text.render_as('html') == '<em><strong><a href="/">  Very, very</a> bad</strong> guys</em>! '
        assert text.split(', ') == [
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', '  Very')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'very'), ' bad'), ' guys'), '! '),
        assert text.split(' ') == [
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'Very,')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'very')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', 'bad'))),
            Text(Tag('em', 'guys'), '!'),
        assert text.split(' ', keep_empty_parts=False) == [
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'Very,')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'very')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', 'bad'))),
            Text(Tag('em', 'guys'), '!'),
        assert text.split() == [
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'Very,')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'very')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', 'bad'))),
            Text(Tag('em', 'guys'), '!'),
        assert text.split(keep_empty_parts=True) == [
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'Very,')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', HRef('/', 'very')))),
            Text(Tag('em', Tag('strong', 'bad'))),
            Text(Tag('em', 'guys'), '!'),

        text = Text(' A', Tag('em', ' big', HRef('/', ' ', Tag('strong', 'no-no'), '!  ')))
        assert text.render_as('html') == ' A<em> big<a href="/"> <strong>no-no</strong>!  </a></em>'
        assert text.split('-') == [
            Text(' A', Tag('em', ' big', HRef('/', ' ', Tag('strong', 'no')))),
            Text(Tag('em', HRef('/', Tag('strong', 'no'), '!  '))),
        assert text.split(' ') == [
            Text(Tag('em', 'big')),
            Text(Tag('em', HRef('/', Tag('strong', 'no-no'), '!'))),
        assert text.split(' ', keep_empty_parts=False) == [
            Text(Tag('em', 'big')),
            Text(Tag('em', HRef('/', Tag('strong', 'no-no'), '!'))),
        assert text.split() == [
            Text(Tag('em', 'big')),
            Text(Tag('em', HRef('/', Tag('strong', 'no-no'), '!'))),
        assert text.split(keep_empty_parts=True) == [
            Text(Tag('em', 'big')),
            Text(Tag('em', HRef('/', Tag('strong', 'no-no'), '!'))),
Esempio n. 30
 def test_isalpha(self):
     assert not HRef('/').isalpha()
     assert not HRef('/', 'a b c').isalpha()
     assert HRef('/', 'abc').isalpha()
     assert HRef('/', u'文字').isalpha()
    def test_startswith(self):
        tag = HRef('info.html', Text(), Text('Mary ', 'had ', 'a little lamb'))
        assert tag.startswith('')
        assert tag.startswith('M')
        assert tag.startswith('Mary')
        assert not tag.startswith('m')
        assert not tag.startswith('mary')

        tag = HRef('/', 'a', 'b', 'c')
        assert tag.startswith('ab')

        tag = HRef('/', 'This is good')
        assert tag.startswith(('This', 'That'))
        assert not tag.startswith(('That', 'Those'))

        text = Text('This ', HRef('/', 'is'), ' good')
        assert not text.startswith('This is')
Esempio n. 32
    def test__unicode__(self):
        empty = HRef('/')
        assert unicode(empty) == ''

        text = Text('This ', HRef('/', 'is'), ' good')
        unicode(text) == 'This is good'
Esempio n. 33
    def test_endswith(self):
        tag = HRef('info.html', Text(), Text('Mary ', 'had ', 'a little lamb'))
        assert tag.endswith('')
        assert not tag.endswith('B')
        assert tag.endswith('b')
        assert tag.endswith('lamb')

        tag = HRef('/', 'a', 'b', 'c')
        assert tag.endswith('bc')

        tag = HRef('/', 'This is good')
        assert tag.endswith(('good', 'wonderful'))
        assert not tag.endswith(('bad', 'awful'))

        text = Text('This ', HRef('/', 'is'), ' good')
        assert not text.endswith('is good')
Esempio n. 34
 def test__len__(self):
     val = 'Tomato apple!'
     assert len(HRef('index', val)) == len(val)