def create_collision_shape(geometry, pose=unit_pose()):
    point, quat = pose
    collision_args = {
        'collisionFramePosition': point,
        'collisionFrameOrientation': quat,
        'physicsClientId': CLIENT,
    if 'length' in collision_args:
        # TODO: pybullet bug visual => length, collision => height
        collision_args['height'] = collision_args['length']
        del collision_args['length']
    return p.createCollisionShape(**collision_args)
Esempio n. 2
def add_body_name(body, name=None, **kwargs):
    from pybullet_planning.interfaces.env_manager.pose_transformation import set_pose
    from pybullet_planning.interfaces.env_manager.savers import PoseSaver
    from pybullet_planning.interfaces.robots.body import get_name

    if name is None:
        name = get_name(body)
    with PoseSaver(body):
        set_pose(body, unit_pose())
        lower, upper = get_aabb(body)
    #position = (0, 0, upper[2])
    position = upper
    return add_text(name, position=position, parent=body, **kwargs)  # removeUserDebugItem
def create_visual_shape(geometry, pose=unit_pose(), color=RED, specular=None):
    if (color is None):  # or not has_gui():
        return NULL_ID
    point, quat = pose
    visual_args = {
        'rgbaColor': color,
        'visualFramePosition': point,
        'visualFrameOrientation': quat,
        'physicsClientId': CLIENT,
    if specular is not None:
        visual_args['specularColor'] = specular
    return p.createVisualShape(**visual_args)
Esempio n. 4
def approximate_as_prism(body, body_pose=unit_pose(), **kwargs):
    """get the AABB bounding box of a body

    Note: the generated AABB is not truly axis-aligned, bounding box under world axis x, y

    body : int
        pb body's index
    body_pose : [type], optional
        [description], by default unit_pose()

    tuple of (Point, float)
        bounding box center and extent length
    from pybullet_planning.interfaces.geometry.bounding_box import aabb_from_points, get_aabb_center, get_aabb_extent
    # TODO: make it just orientation
    vertices = apply_affine(body_pose, vertices_from_rigid(body, **kwargs))
    aabb = aabb_from_points(vertices)
    return get_aabb_center(aabb), get_aabb_extent(aabb)
Esempio n. 5
def sample_placement_on_aabb(top_body,
    # TODO: transform into the coordinate system of the bottom
    # TODO: maybe I should instead just require that already in correct frame
    for _ in range(max_attempts):
        theta = np.random.uniform(*CIRCULAR_LIMITS)
        rotation = Euler(yaw=theta)
        set_pose(top_body, multiply(Pose(euler=rotation), top_pose))
        center, extent = get_center_extent(top_body)
        lower = (np.array(bottom_aabb[0]) + percent * extent / 2)[:2]
        upper = (np.array(bottom_aabb[1]) - percent * extent / 2)[:2]
        if np.less(upper, lower).any():
        x, y = np.random.uniform(lower, upper)
        z = (bottom_aabb[1] + extent / 2.)[2] + epsilon
        point = np.array([x, y, z]) + (get_point(top_body) - center)
        pose = multiply(Pose(point, rotation), top_pose)
        set_pose(top_body, pose)
        return pose
    return None
Esempio n. 6
def approximate_as_prism(body, body_pose=unit_pose(), **kwargs):
    from pybullet_planning.interfaces.geometry.bounding_box import aabb_from_points, get_aabb_center, get_aabb_extent
    # TODO: make it just orientation
    vertices = apply_affine(body_pose, vertices_from_rigid(body, **kwargs))
    aabb = aabb_from_points(vertices)
    return get_aabb_center(aabb), get_aabb_extent(aabb)
def create_shape(geometry, pose=unit_pose(), collision=True, **kwargs):
    collision_id = create_collision_shape(geometry, pose=pose) if collision else NULL_ID
    visual_id = create_visual_shape(geometry, pose=pose, **kwargs)
    return collision_id, visual_id