Esempio n. 1
    def _calc_reward_end_effector(self):
        """Get the end effector reward."""
        env = self._env
        robot = env.robot
        sim_model = robot.quadruped
        ref_model = self._ref_model
        pyb = self._get_pybullet_client()

        root_pos_ref = self._get_ref_base_position()
        root_rot_ref = self._get_ref_base_rotation()
        root_pos_sim = self._get_sim_base_position()
        root_rot_sim = self._get_sim_base_rotation()

        heading_rot_ref = self._calc_heading_rot(root_rot_ref)
        heading_rot_sim = self._calc_heading_rot(root_rot_sim)
        inv_heading_rot_ref = transformations.quaternion_conjugate(
        inv_heading_rot_sim = transformations.quaternion_conjugate(

        end_eff_err = 0.0
        num_joints = self._get_num_joints()
        height_err_scale = self._end_effector_height_err_scale

        for j in range(num_joints):
            is_end_eff = (j in robot._foot_link_ids)
            if (is_end_eff):
                end_state_ref = pyb.getLinkState(ref_model, j)
                end_state_sim = pyb.getLinkState(sim_model, j)
                end_pos_ref = np.array(end_state_ref[0])
                end_pos_sim = np.array(end_state_sim[0])

                rel_end_pos_ref = end_pos_ref - root_pos_ref
                rel_end_pos_ref = pose3d.QuaternionRotatePoint(
                    rel_end_pos_ref, inv_heading_rot_ref)

                rel_end_pos_sim = end_pos_sim - root_pos_sim
                rel_end_pos_sim = pose3d.QuaternionRotatePoint(
                    rel_end_pos_sim, inv_heading_rot_sim)

                rel_end_pos_diff = rel_end_pos_ref - rel_end_pos_sim
                end_pos_diff_height = end_pos_ref[2] - end_pos_sim[2]
                # print("end_pos_ref j = ", j, " ", end_pos_ref)
                # print("rel_end_pos_ref j = ", j, " ", rel_end_pos_ref)

                end_pos_err = (rel_end_pos_diff[0] * rel_end_pos_diff[0] +
                               rel_end_pos_diff[1] * rel_end_pos_diff[1] +
                               height_err_scale * end_pos_diff_height *

                end_eff_err += end_pos_err

        end_effector_reward = np.exp(-self._end_effector_err_scale *

        return end_effector_reward
Esempio n. 2
def imitation_terminal_condition(env,
                                 rot_fail_threshold=0.5 * np.pi):
    """A terminal condition for motion imitation task.

    env: An instance of MinitaurGymEnv
    dist_fail_threshold: Max distance the simulated character's root is allowed
      to drift from the reference motion before the episode terminates.
    rot_fail_threshold: Max rotational difference between simulated character's
      root and the reference motion's root before the episode terminates.

    A boolean indicating if episode is over.

    pyb = env._pybullet_client
    task = env._task

    motion_over = task.is_motion_over()
    foot_links = env.robot.GetFootLinkIDs()
    ground = env.get_ground()

    contact_fall = False
    # sometimes the robot can be initialized with some ground penetration
    # so do not check for contacts until after the first env step.
    if env.env_step_counter > 0:
        robot_ground_contacts = env.pybullet_client.getContactPoints(
            bodyA=env.robot.quadruped, bodyB=ground)

        for contact in robot_ground_contacts:
            if contact[3] not in foot_links:
                contact_fall = True

    root_pos_ref, root_rot_ref = pyb.getBasePositionAndOrientation(
    root_pos_sim, root_rot_sim = pyb.getBasePositionAndOrientation(

    root_pos_diff = np.array(root_pos_ref) - np.array(root_pos_sim)
    root_pos_fail = ( >
                     dist_fail_threshold * dist_fail_threshold)

    root_rot_diff = transformations.quaternion_multiply(
    _, root_rot_diff_angle = pose3d.QuaternionToAxisAngle(root_rot_diff)
    root_rot_diff_angle = motion_util.normalize_rotation_angle(
    root_rot_fail = (np.abs(root_rot_diff_angle) > rot_fail_threshold)

    done = motion_over \
        or contact_fall \
        or root_pos_fail \
        or root_rot_fail

    return done
  def _calc_cycle_delta_heading(self):
    """Calculates the net change in the root heading after a cycle.

      Net change in heading.
    first_frame = self._frames[0]
    last_frame = self._frames[-1]

    rot_start = self.get_frame_root_rot(first_frame)
    rot_end = self.get_frame_root_rot(last_frame)
    inv_rot_start = transformations.quaternion_conjugate(rot_start)
    drot = transformations.quaternion_multiply(rot_end, inv_rot_start)
    cycle_delta_heading = motion_util.calc_heading(drot)

    return cycle_delta_heading
  def _calc_frame_vels(self):
    """Calculates the frame velocity of each frame in the motion (self._frames).

      An array containing velocities at each frame in self._frames.
    num_frames = self.get_num_frames()
    frame_vel_size = self.get_frame_vel_size()
    dt = self.get_frame_duration()
    frame_vels = np.zeros([num_frames, frame_vel_size])

    for f in range(num_frames - 1):
      frame0 = self.get_frame(f)
      frame1 = self.get_frame(f + 1)

      root_pos0 = self.get_frame_root_pos(frame0)
      root_pos1 = self.get_frame_root_pos(frame1)

      root_rot0 = self.get_frame_root_rot(frame0)
      root_rot1 = self.get_frame_root_rot(frame1)

      joints0 = self.get_frame_joints(frame0)
      joints1 = self.get_frame_joints(frame1)

      root_vel = (root_pos1 - root_pos0) / dt

      root_rot_diff = transformations.quaternion_multiply(
          root_rot1, transformations.quaternion_conjugate(root_rot0))
      root_rot_diff_axis, root_rot_diff_angle = \
      root_ang_vel = (root_rot_diff_angle / dt) * root_rot_diff_axis

      joints_vel = (joints1 - joints0) / dt

      curr_frame_vel = np.zeros(frame_vel_size)
      self.set_frame_root_vel(root_vel, curr_frame_vel)
      self.set_frame_root_ang_vel(root_ang_vel, curr_frame_vel)
      self.set_frame_joints_vel(joints_vel, curr_frame_vel)

      frame_vels[f, :] = curr_frame_vel

    # replicate the velocity at the last frame
    if num_frames > 1:
      frame_vels[-1, :] = frame_vels[-2, :]

    return frame_vels
Esempio n. 5
    def _calc_reward_root_pose(self):
        """Get the root pose reward."""
        root_pos_ref = self._get_ref_base_position()
        root_rot_ref = self._get_ref_base_rotation()
        root_pos_sim = self._get_sim_base_position()
        root_rot_sim = self._get_sim_base_rotation()

        root_pos_diff = root_pos_ref - root_pos_sim
        root_pos_err =

        root_rot_diff = transformations.quaternion_multiply(
            root_rot_ref, transformations.quaternion_conjugate(root_rot_sim))
        _, root_rot_diff_angle = pose3d.QuaternionToAxisAngle(root_rot_diff)
        root_rot_diff_angle = motion_util.normalize_rotation_angle(
        root_rot_err = root_rot_diff_angle * root_rot_diff_angle

        root_pose_err = root_pos_err + 0.5 * root_rot_err
        root_pose_reward = np.exp(-self._root_pose_err_scale * root_pose_err)

        return root_pose_reward
Esempio n. 6
    def _calc_heading_rot(self, root_rotation):
        """Return a quaternion representing the heading rotation of q along the vertical axis (z axis).

    The heading is computing with respect to the robot's default root
    orientation (self._default_root_rotation). This is because different models
    have different coordinate systems, and some models may not have the z axis
    as the up direction.

      root_rotation: A quaternion representing the rotation of the robot's root.

      A quaternion representing the rotation about the z axis with respect to
      the default orientation.

        inv_default_rotation = transformations.quaternion_conjugate(
        rel_rotation = transformations.quaternion_multiply(
            root_rotation, inv_default_rotation)
        heading_rot = motion_util.calc_heading_rot(rel_rotation)
        return heading_rot
Esempio n. 7
    def _calc_heading(self, root_rotation):
        """Returns the heading of a rotation q, specified as a quaternion.

    The heading represents the rotational component of q along the vertical
    axis (z axis). The heading is computing with respect to the robot's default
    root orientation (self._default_root_rotation). This is because different
    models have different coordinate systems, and some models may not have the z
    axis as the up direction. This is similar to robot.GetTrueBaseOrientation(),
    but is applied both to the robot and reference motion.

      root_rotation: A quaternion representing the rotation of the robot's root.

      An angle representing the rotation about the z axis with respect to
      the default orientation.

        inv_default_rotation = transformations.quaternion_conjugate(
        rel_rotation = transformations.quaternion_multiply(
            root_rotation, inv_default_rotation)
        heading = motion_util.calc_heading(rel_rotation)
        return heading
Esempio n. 8
def TransOfQuaternionsRef2World(quat_from, quat_to):
    assert len(quat_from) == 4
    assert len(quat_to) == 4
    return transformations.quaternion_multiply(
        quat_to, transformations.quaternion_conjugate(quat_from))