def __addNewProject__(self, core=None, threadBlock=True, focused=False, projectType=None): """ @summary: Add new project. @param core: Core that will be added. Default value is None @param threadBlock: True if it will be locked gtk-loop. Default True @param focused: True if new tab project will get the focus. """ __log__.debug("Add new project: core=%s | threadBlock=%s | focused=%s | projectType=%s" % (core, threadBlock, focused, projectType)) if (core == None): core = CamCore(temp=__TEMP_FOLDER__, projectType=projectType) __log__.debug("New core created. %s" % core) text = "" if (core.getName() == ""): text = "%s_%d" % (_("Project"), len(self.__lsTabs__)) else: text = core.getName()"Project name %s" % text) tab = TabProject(core, name=text, iconsPath=os.path.join(__ICONS_FOLDER__), iconName=core.getProjectType().getIconName()) tab.setCloseCallback(self.__closeProject__) __log__.debug("Callbacks set") core.setName(text) tab.addToNotebook(self.__nbProjects__, threadBlock=threadBlock, focused=focused) tab.load() self.__lsTabs__.append(tab) if (self.__currentTab__ == None): __log__.debug("There is not current tab. It will set %s as current tab." % core.getName()) self.__currentTab__ = tab __log__.debug("New project added to project notebook") self.__enableOptions__(blockGtk=threadBlock)
def __openProjectEvent__ (self, b): """ @summary: Handle open project action. @param b: Button that threw event. """ fileSel = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title=_("Open project"), parent=self.__mainWindow__, action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OPEN, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT)) fileSel.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) filterCam = gtk.FileFilter() filterCam.set_name(_("PyCamimg file")) filterCam.add_pattern("*%s" % self.PYCAMIMG_FILE_EXTENSION) fileSel.add_filter(filterCam) fileSel.set_modal(True) fileSel.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT) if ( == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT): filename = fileSel.get_filename() __log__.debug("Open project from %s" % filename) if (not filename.endswith(self.PYCAMIMG_FILE_EXTENSION)): filename = "%s%s" % (filename, self.PYCAMIMG_FILE_EXTENSION) try: core = CamCore.load(filename, tempFolder=__TEMP_FOLDER__) except Exception, e: __log__.error("It could not load project from %s. %s" % (filename, e)) FactoryControls.getMessage(_("An error was occurred when it was loading project from %s" % filename), type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, title=_("Open project"), parent=self.__mainWindow__) return finally: