Esempio n. 1
    def add_zerolag(self, full_file):
        start = get_start_dur(full_file)[0]
        with h5py.File(full_file, 'r') as f:
            # get stat values & threshold
            _stats = f['foreground/stat'][:]
            _keepstat = _stats > self.thr

            # get templates & apply filter
            _tids = f['foreground/template_id'][:]
            # we need the template filter to have already been made
            assert self.in_bin is not None
            _keep = np.logical_and(_keepstat, self.in_bin[_tids])
            massp = self.tpars[_tids][_keep]  # filtered template params

            # assign times and coinc types
            _times = {}
            for i in self.ifos:
                _times[i] = f['foreground/' + i + '/time'][:][_keep]
            # if an ifo doesn't participate, time is sentinel value -1
            # event time is mean of remaining positive GPS times
            meantimes = np.array(
                [coinc_meanigz(ts)[0] for ts in zip(*_times.values())])
            _ctype = self.get_ctypes(_times)
            if len(_ctype) == 0:
                if self.args.verbose:
                    print('No events in ' + start)
            # filter events
            in_ctypes = np.array([cty in self.coinc_types for cty in _ctype])
            meantimes = meantimes[in_ctypes]
            # get coinc time as strings
            # (strings may have different lengths)
            _ctime = np.repeat(np.array([''], dtype=object), len(meantimes))
            for ct in self.allctimestring:
                intime = self.in_coinc_time_excl(f, ct, meantimes)
                _ctime[intime == 1] = ct
                if self.args.verbose:
                    print('Got %i events in %s time' %
                          (len(_ctime[intime == 1]), ct))
            # store
            self.stat = np.append(self.stat, _stats[_keep][in_ctypes])
            try:  # injection analyses only have 'ifar_exc', not 'ifar'
                self.ifar = np.append(
                    self.ifar, f['foreground/ifar'][:][_keep][in_ctypes])
            except KeyError:
                self.ifar = np.append(
                    self.ifar, f['foreground/ifar_exc'][:][_keep][in_ctypes])
            self.gpst = np.append(self.gpst, meantimes)
            self.masspars = np.append(self.masspars, massp)
            self.start = np.append(self.start,
                                   int(start) * np.ones_like(meantimes))
            self.ctime = np.append(self.ctime, _ctime)
            self.ctype = np.append(self.ctype, _ctype[in_ctypes])
Esempio n. 2
    def add_injections(self, inj_file, fg_file):
        # fg_file only needed for coinc time info :/

        with h5py.File(inj_file, 'r') as jf:
            # get stat values and threshold
            _injstat = jf['found_after_vetoes/stat'][:]
            _keepstat = _injstat > self.thr

            # get template ids and filter
            _injtid = jf['found_after_vetoes/template_id'][:]
            assert self.in_bin is not None
            _keep = np.logical_and(_keepstat, self.in_bin[_injtid])
            _injstat = _injstat[_keep]

            # assign coinc types
            _times = {}
            for i in self.ifos:
                _times[i] = jf['found_after_vetoes/' + i + '/time'][:][_keep]
            meantimes = np.array(
                [coinc_meanigz(ts)[0] for ts in zip(*_times.values())])
            _ctype = self.get_ctypes(_times)
            # get coinc time as strings
            # (strings may have different lengths)
            _ctime = np.repeat(np.array([''], dtype=object), len(meantimes))
            for ct in self.allctimestring:
                # get coinc time info from segments in fg file
                intime = self.in_coinc_time_excl(h5py.File(fg_file, 'r'), ct,
                _ctime[intime == 1] = ct  # do we need this?
                if self.args.verbose:
                    print('Got %i ' % (intime == 1).sum() +
                          'inj in %s time' % ct)
                # filter by coinc type and add to array
                for cty in self.coinc_types:
                    if not type_in_time(ct, cty):
                    my_vals = _injstat[np.logical_and(_ctype == cty,
                                                      intime == 1)]
                    if self.args.verbose:
                        print('%d ' % len(my_vals) + 'are %s coincs' % cty)
                    if (ct, cty) not in self.inj_vals:  # initialize
                        self.inj_vals[(ct, cty)] = np.array([])
                    if len(my_vals) > 0:
                        self.inj_vals[(ct, cty)] = \
                                  np.append(self.inj_vals[(ct, cty)], my_vals)
                del intime, my_vals