Esempio n. 1
 def match_elo(rating):
     ratings = Rank_Elo.query().all()
     best = None
     deviation = 99999999
     for r in ratings:
         if (best is None or abs(r.value.value - rating.value.value) <
             deviation) and r.player_id.value != rating.player_id.value:
             best = r
             deviation = abs(r.value.value - rating.value.value)
     return best
Esempio n. 2
 def match_elo(rating):
     ratings = Rank_Elo.query().all()
     best = None
     deviation = 99999999
     for r in ratings:
         if (best is None or abs(r.value.value - rating.value.value) <
                 deviation) and r.player_id.value != rating.player_id.value:
             best = r
             deviation = abs(r.value.value - rating.value.value)
     return best
Esempio n. 3
    def best_worst_elo():
        ranks = Rank_Elo.query().all()
        ranks = sorted(ranks, key=lambda x: x.value.value, reverse=best)

        # the table to print out
        table = [['Rank', 'Rating', 'Nick', 'Firstname', 'Lastname', 'ID']]
        #print "Rank\tRating\tNick\tForename\tSurname\tid"

        for i in range(min(args.amount, len(ranks))):
            player = Player().query().get(player_id=ranks[i].player_id.value)
            #print "%d\t%d\t%s\t%s,\t%s\t%s" % (i + 1, ranks[i].value.value,
            #    player.nickname.value, player.firstname.value,
            #    player.lastname.value, player.player_id.value)
            table.append([i + 1, ranks[i].value.value,
                player.nickname.value, player.firstname.value,
                player.lastname.value, player.player_id.value])
Esempio n. 4
    def best_worst_elo():
        ranks = Rank_Elo.query().all()
        ranks = sorted(ranks, key=lambda x: x.value.value, reverse=best)

        # the table to print out
        table = [['Rank', 'Rating', 'Nick', 'Firstname', 'Lastname', 'ID']]
        #print "Rank\tRating\tNick\tForename\tSurname\tid"

        for i in range(min(args.amount, len(ranks))):
            player = Player().query().get(player_id=ranks[i].player_id.value)
            #print "%d\t%d\t%s\t%s,\t%s\t%s" % (i + 1, ranks[i].value.value,
            #    player.nickname.value, player.firstname.value,
            #    player.lastname.value, player.player_id.value)
                i + 1, ranks[i].value.value, player.nickname.value,
                player.firstname.value, player.lastname.value,
Esempio n. 5
    def update_elo():
        sys.stdout.write("Query matches...")
        matches = Match1on1.query().all()
        sys.stdout.write("\rBeginning to update %d matches" % len(matches))
        print ""

        # constants
        conf = utils.get_config(args)
        k = conf["elo.chess.k"]
        func = conf["elo.chess.function"]

        # Query all ratings and store it in a dictionary. This is done to store
        # the newest rating data in memory. We do not have to commit.
        ratings = Rank_Elo.query().all()
        rdict = {}
        for r in ratings:
            rdict[r.player_id.value] = r

        updates = 0
        for match in matches:
            rating1 = rdict[match.player1.value]
            rating2 = rdict[match.player2.value]

            result = elo.elo1on1(rating1.value.value, rating2.value.value,
                                 match.outcome.value, k, func)
            rating1.value = result[0]
            rating2.value = result[1]

            updates = updates + 1
            if updates % 50 == 0:
                sys.stdout.write("\r" + "Updated %d matches..." % updates)

        # update table
        for r in ratings:
        print "\rUpdated", updates, "matches."
Esempio n. 6
    def update_elo():
        sys.stdout.write("Query matches...")
        matches = Match1on1.query().all()
        sys.stdout.write("\rBeginning to update %d matches" % len(matches))
        print ""

        # constants
        conf = utils.get_config(args)
        k = conf["elo.chess.k"]
        func = conf["elo.chess.function"]

        # Query all ratings and store it in a dictionary. This is done to store
        # the newest rating data in memory. We do not have to commit.
        ratings = Rank_Elo.query().all()
        rdict = {}
        for r in ratings:
            rdict[r.player_id.value] = r

        updates = 0
        for match in matches:
            rating1 = rdict[match.player1.value]
            rating2 = rdict[match.player2.value]

            result = elo.elo1on1(rating1.value.value, rating2.value.value,
                match.outcome.value, k, func)
            rating1.value = result[0]
            rating2.value = result[1]

            updates = updates + 1
            if updates % 50 == 0:
                sys.stdout.write("\r" + "Updated %d matches..." % updates)

        # update table
        for r in ratings:
        print "\rUpdated", updates, "matches."
Esempio n. 7
 def rating_elo(player):
     if player is None:
         return None
     return Rank_Elo.query().get(player_id=player.player_id.value)
Esempio n. 8
 def clear_elo():
     ranks = Rank_Elo.query().all()
     for rank in ranks:
         rank.value = 1500
Esempio n. 9
def predict(args):
    Reads match constellations from an input file and writes the
    results to a specified output file.

    :param args: A list with arguments from the argument parser
    :type args: namespace
    if os.path.abspath(args.ifile) == os.path.abspath(args.ofile):
        print "You tried to overwrite your input with your output file."
        print "Aborted."

    if args.algorithm == "glicko":
        print "Not implemented yet"

        modes = {True: "incremental", False: "non-incremental"}
        print "Predicting the matches in %s mode" % modes[args.incremental]
        print "Open %s and write into %s..." % (args.ifile, args.ofile)
        csvfile, reader, hasHeader = utils.get_csv(args.ifile)
        ofile = open(args.ofile, 'w')
        line = 0

        if hasHeader:
            print "\tFirst line of csv file is ignored. It seems to be a " \
                  "header row.\n"

        # constants
        conf = utils.get_config(args)
        k = conf["elo.chess.k"]
        func = conf["elo.chess.function"]

        # Query all ratings and store it in a dictionary. This is done for
        # faster access and on-the-fly calculation of new elo values
        ratings = Rank_Elo.query().all()
        rdict = {}
        for r in ratings:
            player = Player.query().get(player_id=r.player_id.value)
            rdict[player.nickname.value] = r

        for row in reader:
            if line != 0 or (line == 0 and not hasHeader):
                ratings = (rdict.get(row[1], None), rdict.get(row[2], None))
                if ratings[0] is None or ratings[1] is None:
                value1 = ratings[0].value.value
                value2 = ratings[1].value.value

                if (value1 > value2):
                    outcome = 1
                elif (value1 < value2):
                    outcome = 0
                    outcome = 0.5

                if args.incremental:
                    result = elo.elo1on1(value1, value2, outcome, k, func)
                    ratings[0].value = result[0]
                    ratings[1].value = result[1]

                ofile.write("%s,%s,%s,%s\n" %
                            (row[0], row[1], row[2], str(outcome)))
            elif line == 0 and hasHeader:
                ofile.write('"%s","%s","%s","Statistically most possible ' \
                            'outcome"\n' % (row[0], row[1], row[2]))
            if line % 13 == 0:
                sys.stdout.write("\rWrote %d entries to the out file" % line)
            line = line + 1
        print "\rWrote %d entries to the out file" % (line -
                                                      (1 if hasHeader else 0))

    except csv.Error:
        print "Error importing %s in line %d" % (args.ifile, line)
    except IOError:
        print "One file is missing. Either %s or %s" % (args.ifile, args.ofile)
Esempio n. 10
 def clear_elo():
     ranks = Rank_Elo.query().all()
     for rank in ranks:
         rank.value = 1500
Esempio n. 11
def predict(args):
    Reads match constellations from an input file and writes the
    results to a specified output file.

    :param args: A list with arguments from the argument parser
    :type args: namespace
    if os.path.abspath(args.ifile) == os.path.abspath(args.ofile):
        print "You tried to overwrite your input with your output file."
        print "Aborted."

    if args.algorithm == "glicko":
        print "Not implemented yet"

        modes = {True: "incremental", False: "non-incremental"}
        print "Predicting the matches in %s mode" % modes[args.incremental]
        print "Open %s and write into %s..." % (args.ifile, args.ofile)
        csvfile, reader, hasHeader = utils.get_csv(args.ifile)
        ofile = open(args.ofile, 'w')
        line = 0

        if hasHeader:
            print "\tFirst line of csv file is ignored. It seems to be a " \
                  "header row.\n"

        # constants
        conf = utils.get_config(args)
        k = conf["elo.chess.k"]
        func = conf["elo.chess.function"]

        # Query all ratings and store it in a dictionary. This is done for
        # faster access and on-the-fly calculation of new elo values
        ratings = Rank_Elo.query().all()
        rdict = {}
        for r in ratings:
            player = Player.query().get(player_id=r.player_id.value)
            rdict[player.nickname.value] = r

        for row in reader:
            if line != 0 or (line == 0 and not hasHeader):
                ratings = (rdict.get(row[1], None), rdict.get(row[2], None))
                if ratings[0] is None or ratings[1] is None:
                value1 = ratings[0].value.value
                value2 = ratings[1].value.value

                if (value1 > value2):
                    outcome = 1
                elif (value1 < value2):
                    outcome = 0
                    outcome = 0.5

                if args.incremental:
                    result = elo.elo1on1(value1, value2, outcome, k, func)
                    ratings[0].value = result[0]
                    ratings[1].value = result[1]

                ofile.write("%s,%s,%s,%s\n" % (row[0], row[1], row[2],
            elif line == 0 and hasHeader:
                ofile.write('"%s","%s","%s","Statistically most possible ' \
                            'outcome"\n' % (row[0], row[1], row[2]))
            if line % 13 == 0:
                sys.stdout.write("\rWrote %d entries to the out file" % line)
            line = line + 1
        print "\rWrote %d entries to the out file" % (
            line - (1 if hasHeader else 0))

    except csv.Error:
        print "Error importing %s in line %d" % (args.ifile, line)
    except IOError:
        print "One file is missing. Either %s or %s" % (args.ifile, args.ofile)