def _histogram(xlo, xhi, y, yerr=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, overplot=False, clearwindow=True, yerrorbars=False, errstyle=None, errcolor=None, errthickness=None, fillcolor=None, fillopacity=None, fillstyle=None, xlog=False, ylog=False, linestyle=chips.chips_solid, linecolor=None, linethickness=None, symbolangle=None, symbolcolor=None, symbolfill=None, symbolsize=None, symbolstyle=chips.chips_none): if (not overplot) and clearwindow: _clear_window() if yerrorbars and yerr is not None: chips.add_histogram(xlo, xhi, y, yerr) else: chips.add_histogram(xlo, xhi, y) for var in ('errstyle', 'errcolor', 'errthickness', 'fillcolor', 'fillopacity', 'fillstyle', 'linestyle', 'linecolor', 'linethickness', 'symbolangle', 'symbolcolor', 'symbolfill', 'symbolsize', 'symbolstyle'): val = locals()[var] if val is not None: if 'color' in var: val = _check_hex_color(val) getattr(chips.advanced, 'set_histogram_' + var)(val) if not overplot: for log_axis, axis_id in izip((xlog, ylog), (chips.X_AXIS, chips.Y_AXIS)): if log_axis: chips.log_scale(axis_id) else: chips.linear_scale(axis_id) if title: ttl = title.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_title(ttl) if xlabel: xlbl = xlabel.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_xlabel(xlbl) if ylabel: ylbl = ylabel.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_ylabel(ylbl)
def _histogram(xlo, xhi, y, yerr=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, overplot=False, clearwindow=True, yerrorbars=False, errstyle=None, errcolor=None, errthickness=None, fillcolor=None, fillopacity=None, fillstyle=None, xlog=False, ylog=False, linestyle=chips.chips_solid, linecolor=None, linethickness=None, symbolangle=None, symbolcolor=None, symbolfill=None, symbolsize=None, symbolstyle=chips.chips_none): if (not overplot) and clearwindow: _clear_window() if yerrorbars and yerr is not None: chips.add_histogram(xlo, xhi, y, yerr) else: chips.add_histogram(xlo, xhi, y) for var in ('errstyle', 'errcolor', 'errthickness', 'fillcolor', 'fillopacity', 'fillstyle', 'linestyle', 'linecolor', 'linethickness', 'symbolangle', 'symbolcolor', 'symbolfill', 'symbolsize', 'symbolstyle'): val = locals()[var] if val is not None: if 'color' in var: val = _check_hex_color(val) getattr(chips.advanced, 'set_histogram_' + var)(val) if not overplot: for log_axis, axis_id in zip((xlog, ylog), (chips.X_AXIS, chips.Y_AXIS)): if log_axis: chips.log_scale(axis_id) else: chips.linear_scale(axis_id) if title: ttl = title.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_title(ttl) if xlabel: xlbl = xlabel.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_xlabel(xlbl) if ylabel: ylbl = ylabel.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_ylabel(ylbl)
def _contour(x0, x1, y, levels=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, overcontour=False, clearwindow=True, xlog=False, ylog=False, style=None, color=None, thickness=None, axis_pad=0.05): if (not overcontour) and clearwindow: _clear_window() # Catch NANs before sending to ChIPS bad = list(numpy.where(numpy.isnan(y)==True)).pop(0) bad_vals = numpy.array(y[bad]) y[bad] = 0.0 if levels is None: chips.add_contour(x0, x1, y) else: levels = numpy.asarray(levels, numpy.float_) chips.add_contour(x0, x1, y, levels) y[bad] = bad_vals for var in ('style', 'color', 'thickness'): val = locals()[var] if val is not None: if 'color' in var: val = _check_hex_color(val) getattr(chips.advanced, 'set_contour_' + var)(val) chips.advanced.set_axis_pad(axis_pad) chips.set_data_aspect_ratio() chips.limits(chips.X_AXIS, x0.min(), x0.max()) chips.limits(chips.Y_AXIS, x1.min(), x1.max()) if not overcontour: for log_axis, axis_id in izip((xlog, ylog), (chips.X_AXIS, chips.Y_AXIS)): if log_axis: chips.log_scale(axis_id) else: chips.linear_scale(axis_id) if title: ttl = title.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_title(ttl) if xlabel: xlbl = xlabel.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_xlabel(xlbl) if ylabel: ylbl = ylabel.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_ylabel(ylbl)
def _contour(x0, x1, y, levels=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, overcontour=False, clearwindow=True, xlog=False, ylog=False, style=None, color=None, thickness=None, axis_pad=0.05): if (not overcontour) and clearwindow: _clear_window() # Catch NANs before sending to ChIPS bad = list(numpy.where(numpy.isnan(y)==True)).pop(0) bad_vals = numpy.array(y[bad]) y[bad] = 0.0 if levels is None: chips.add_contour(x0, x1, y) else: levels = numpy.asarray(levels, numpy.float_) chips.add_contour(x0, x1, y, levels) y[bad] = bad_vals for var in ('style', 'color', 'thickness'): val = locals()[var] if val is not None: if 'color' in var: val = _check_hex_color(val) getattr(chips.advanced, 'set_contour_' + var)(val) chips.advanced.set_axis_pad(axis_pad) chips.set_data_aspect_ratio() chips.limits(chips.X_AXIS, x0.min(), x0.max()) chips.limits(chips.Y_AXIS, x1.min(), x1.max()) if not overcontour: for log_axis, axis_id in zip((xlog, ylog), (chips.X_AXIS, chips.Y_AXIS)): if log_axis: chips.log_scale(axis_id) else: chips.linear_scale(axis_id) if title: ttl = title.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_title(ttl) if xlabel: xlbl = xlabel.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_xlabel(xlbl) if ylabel: ylbl = ylabel.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_ylabel(ylbl)
def fit_lines(linelist, id = None, delta_lam = .2, plot = False, outfile = None): mymodel = filili.multilinemanager.GaussLines('const1d', id = id, baseline = baseline) linelist['fililiname'] = [''] * len(linelist['linename']) for i in range(len(linelist['linename'])): lname = linelist['linename'][i] lwave = linelist['wave'][i] previouslines = set(mymodel.line_name_list()) mymodel.add_line(linename = filter(lambda x: x.isalnum(), lname), pos = lwave) linenamelist = mymodel.line_name_list() newline = (set(linenamelist) - previouslines).pop() linelist['fililiname'][i] = newline if i ==0: firstline = linenamelist[0] ui.get_model_component(firstline).pos.max = lwave + delta_lam/10. ui.get_model_component(firstline).pos.min = lwave - delta_lam/10. else: dl = lwave - linelist['wave'][0], ui.get_model_component(firstline).pos + dl) #ui.set_analysis("wave") ui.ignore(None, None) #ignores all data ui.notice(min(linelist['wave'])-delta_lam, max(linelist['wave']) + delta_lam) if plot: ui.plot_fit(id) if has_chips: pychips.set_curve("crv1",["err.*","true"]) pychips.set_plot_title(linelist['name']) if outfile is not None: pychips.print_window(outfile, ['clobber','true']) elif has_mpl: plt.title(linelist['name']) if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile) else: raise NoPlottingSystemError("Neither pychips nor matplotlib are found.")
def main(opt): # Use verbose option to control sherpa output logger = logging.getLogger("sherpa") logger.setLevel(LOGLEVELS[opt['verbose']]) events = extract_events(opt['evtfile'], opt['x'], opt['y'], opt['radius']) evt_ra_pnt = events.get_key('RA_PNT').value evt_dec_pnt = events.get_key('DEC_PNT').value evt_roll_pnt = events.get_key('ROLL_PNT').value asol = pycrates.read_file(opt['infile']) asol_times = asol.get_column('time').values # Sanity check the two input files asol_obsid = asol.get_key('OBS_ID').value evt_obsid = events.get_key('OBS_ID').value if asol_obsid != evt_obsid: v1("Error Aspect solution obsid {} != event file obsid {}".format(asol_obsid, evt_obsid)) # Extract event RA, Dec, and times from event file # Do the WCS transformation directly instead of using the pycrates RA/Dec properties to # work around intermittent bug wcs = events.get_transform("eqpos") evt_x = events.get_column("x").values evt_y = events.get_column("y").values rd = wcs.apply(np.column_stack([evt_x, evt_y])) evt_ra = rd[:, 0] evt_dec = rd[:, 1] evt_times = events.get_column('Time').values # Limit to only using events contained within the range of the aspect solution ok_times = (evt_times > asol_times[0]) & (evt_times < asol_times[-1]) if not np.any(ok_times): raise ValueError("No events in region are contained within time range of aspect solution.") # Limit this *in place* evt_ra = evt_ra[ok_times] evt_dec = evt_dec[ok_times] evt_times = evt_times[ok_times] if len(evt_times) < opt['src_min_counts']: v1("Warning only {} counts in src region. {} minimum suggested 'src_min_counts'".format( len(evt_times), opt['src_min_counts'])) ax_data = {} ax_map = {'yag': 'dy', 'zag': 'dz'} ax_data['yag'], ax_data['zag'] = get_event_yag_zag(evt_ra, evt_dec, evt_ra_pnt, evt_dec_pnt, evt_roll_pnt) # Store comments to print in block after all of the sherpa fit output fit_comments = [] plot_list = [] for data_id, ax in enumerate(['yag', 'zag']): fit_data = ax_data[ax] - np.mean(ax_data[ax]) mp, model = _fit_poly(fit_data, evt_times, opt['corr_poly_degree'], data_id=data_id) bin_centers, bin_mean, bin_std = time_bins(evt_times, fit_data) add_window(6, 4, "inches") add_curve((bin_centers - evt_times[0]) / 1000., bin_mean, [bin_std, +bin_std], ["", "none", "", "none", "", "cap"]) add_curve(mp.x / 1000., mp.y, ["", "none"]) # set minimum limit on fit plot in arcsecs and set this explicitly as a symmetric limit fit_ymax = max(0.3, np.max(np.abs(bin_mean - bin_std)), np.max(np.abs(bin_mean + bin_std))) limits(Y_AXIS, -1 * fit_ymax, fit_ymax) set_plot_xlabel("Observation elapsed/delta time (ks)") set_plot_ylabel("Position offset from mean, {} (arcsec)".format(ax)) set_plot_title("Fit of {} data (with time-binned event offsets)".format(ax)) fit_plot = "{}_fit_{}.png".format(opt['corr_plot_root'], ax) if os.path.exists(fit_plot) and opt['clobber'] == 'yes': os.unlink(fit_plot) plot_list.append(fit_plot) print_window(fit_plot) add_window(6, 4, "inches") data_plot = "{}_data_{}.png".format(opt['corr_plot_root'], ax) ui.get_data_plot_prefs()['yerrorbars'] = False ui.plot_fit(data_id) if os.path.exists(data_plot) and opt['clobber'] == 'yes': os.unlink(data_plot) # set minimum limit on data plot in arcsecs and set this explicitly as a symmetric limit data_ymax = max(2.0, np.max(np.abs(fit_data)) + .2) limits(Y_AXIS, -1 * data_ymax, data_ymax) set_plot_xlabel("Observation elapsed/delta time (s)") set_plot_ylabel("Position offset from mean, {} (arcsec)".format(ax)) set_plot_title("Raw data and fit in {}".format(ax)) plot_list.append(data_plot) print_window(data_plot) asol_corr = np.interp(asol_times, mp.x + evt_times[0], mp.y) asol_col_to_fix = asol.get_column(ax_map[ax]) fit_comments.append("Events show drift range of {:.2f} arcsec in {} axis".format( np.max(asol_corr) - np.min(asol_corr), ax)) fit_comments.append("Max absolute correction of {:.2f} arcsec for {} axis".format( np.max(np.abs(asol_corr)), ax)) # Convert the correction from arcsecs to mm (divide by 20) and add the correction # to the dy and dz columns in the file. asol_col_to_fix.values += (asol_corr / 20) # Add header keys saving the axis-specific parts of this correction write_key(asol, "ADC{}MN".format(ax.upper()), np.mean(ax_data[ax]), "Aspect Drift Corr. Mean of uncorr {} data".format(ax)) for deg in range(0, 1 + opt['corr_poly_degree']): write_key(asol, "ADC{}C{}".format(ax.upper(), deg), getattr(model, 'c{}'.format(deg)).val, "Aspect Drift Corr. {} model c{}".format(ax, deg)) # Add header keywords about fit write_key(asol, "ADCTIME0", evt_times[0], "Aspect Drift Corr. reference time") write_key(asol, "ADCSRCX", opt['x'], "Aspect Drift Corr. input src x") write_key(asol, "ADCSRCY", opt['y'], "Aspect Drift Corr. input src y") write_key(asol, "ADCSRCR", opt['radius'], "Aspect Drift Corr. input src radius", units='pix') write_key(asol, "ADCORDR", opt['corr_poly_degree'], "Aspect Drift Corr. model poly degree") write_key(asol, "ADCVER", VERSION, "Aspect Drift Corr. tool version") v2("-" * 60) v2("Fit results") for c in fit_comments: v2("\t{}".format(c)) v2("-" * 60) v2("Writing out corrected aspect solution file to {}".format(opt['outfile'])) v2("\tTo review fit see correction plots in:") for p in plot_list: v2("\t\t{}".format(p)) # Actually write out the new aspect solution file asol.write(opt['outfile'], clobber=opt['clobber']) # Add history add_tool_history(opt['outfile'], TOOLNAME, params=opt, toolversion=VERSION)
def main(opt): # Use verbose option to control sherpa output logger = logging.getLogger("sherpa") logger.setLevel(LOGLEVELS[opt['verbose']]) events = extract_events(opt['evtfile'], opt['x'], opt['y'], opt['radius']) evt_ra_pnt = events.get_key('RA_PNT').value evt_dec_pnt = events.get_key('DEC_PNT').value evt_roll_pnt = events.get_key('ROLL_PNT').value asol = pycrates.read_file(opt['infile']) asol_times = asol.get_column('time').values # Sanity check the two input files asol_obsid = asol.get_key('OBS_ID').value evt_obsid = events.get_key('OBS_ID').value if asol_obsid != evt_obsid: v1("Error Aspect solution obsid {} != event file obsid {}".format( asol_obsid, evt_obsid)) # Extract event RA, Dec, and times from event file # Do the WCS transformation directly instead of using the pycrates RA/Dec properties to # work around intermittent bug wcs = events.get_transform("eqpos") evt_x = events.get_column("x").values evt_y = events.get_column("y").values rd = wcs.apply(np.column_stack([evt_x, evt_y])) evt_ra = rd[:, 0] evt_dec = rd[:, 1] evt_times = events.get_column('Time').values # Limit to only using events contained within the range of the aspect solution ok_times = (evt_times > asol_times[0]) & (evt_times < asol_times[-1]) if not np.any(ok_times): raise ValueError( "No events in region are contained within time range of aspect solution." ) # Limit this *in place* evt_ra = evt_ra[ok_times] evt_dec = evt_dec[ok_times] evt_times = evt_times[ok_times] if len(evt_times) < opt['src_min_counts']: v1("Warning only {} counts in src region. {} minimum suggested 'src_min_counts'" .format(len(evt_times), opt['src_min_counts'])) ax_data = {} ax_map = {'yag': 'dy', 'zag': 'dz'} ax_data['yag'], ax_data['zag'] = get_event_yag_zag(evt_ra, evt_dec, evt_ra_pnt, evt_dec_pnt, evt_roll_pnt) # Store comments to print in block after all of the sherpa fit output fit_comments = [] plot_list = [] for data_id, ax in enumerate(['yag', 'zag']): fit_data = ax_data[ax] - np.mean(ax_data[ax]) mp, model = _fit_poly(fit_data, evt_times, opt['corr_poly_degree'], data_id=data_id) bin_centers, bin_mean, bin_std = time_bins(evt_times, fit_data) add_window(6, 4, "inches") add_curve( (bin_centers - evt_times[0]) / 1000., bin_mean, [bin_std, +bin_std], ["", "none", "", "none", "", "cap"]) add_curve(mp.x / 1000., mp.y, ["", "none"]) # set minimum limit on fit plot in arcsecs and set this explicitly as a symmetric limit fit_ymax = max(0.3, np.max(np.abs(bin_mean - bin_std)), np.max(np.abs(bin_mean + bin_std))) #limits(Y_AXIS, -1 * fit_ymax, fit_ymax) set_plot_xlabel("Observation elapsed/delta time (ks)") set_plot_ylabel("Position offset from mean, {} (arcsec)".format(ax)) set_plot_title( "Fit of {} data (with time-binned event offsets)".format(ax)) fit_plot = "{}_fit_{}.png".format(opt['corr_plot_root'], ax) if os.path.exists(fit_plot) and opt['clobber']: os.unlink(fit_plot) plot_list.append(fit_plot) print_window(fit_plot) add_window(6, 4, "inches") data_plot = "{}_data_{}.png".format(opt['corr_plot_root'], ax) ui.get_data_plot_prefs()['yerrorbars'] = False ui.plot_fit(data_id) if os.path.exists(data_plot) and opt['clobber']: os.unlink(data_plot) # set minimum limit on data plot in arcsecs and set this explicitly as a symmetric limit data_ymax = max(2.0, np.max(np.abs(fit_data)) + .2) #limits(Y_AXIS, -1 * data_ymax, data_ymax) set_plot_xlabel("Observation elapsed/delta time (s)") set_plot_ylabel("Position offset from mean, {} (arcsec)".format(ax)) set_plot_title("Raw data and fit in {}".format(ax)) plot_list.append(data_plot) print_window(data_plot) asol_corr = np.interp(asol_times, mp.x + evt_times[0], mp.y) asol_col_to_fix = asol.get_column(ax_map[ax]) fit_comments.append( "Events show drift range of {:.2f} arcsec in {} axis".format( np.max(asol_corr) - np.min(asol_corr), ax)) fit_comments.append( "Max absolute correction of {:.2f} arcsec for {} axis".format( np.max(np.abs(asol_corr)), ax)) # Convert the correction from arcsecs to mm (divide by 20) and add the correction # to the dy and dz columns in the file. asol_col_to_fix.values += (asol_corr / 20) # Add header keys saving the axis-specific parts of this correction write_key(asol, "ADC{}MN".format(ax.upper()), np.mean(ax_data[ax]), "Aspect Drift Corr. Mean of uncorr {} data".format(ax)) for deg in range(0, 1 + opt['corr_poly_degree']): write_key(asol, "ADC{}C{}".format(ax.upper(), deg), getattr(model, 'c{}'.format(deg)).val, "Aspect Drift Corr. {} model c{}".format(ax, deg)) # Add header keywords about fit write_key(asol, "ADCTIME0", evt_times[0], "Aspect Drift Corr. reference time") write_key(asol, "ADCSRCX", opt['x'], "Aspect Drift Corr. input src x") write_key(asol, "ADCSRCY", opt['y'], "Aspect Drift Corr. input src y") write_key(asol, "ADCSRCR", opt['radius'], "Aspect Drift Corr. input src radius", units='pix') write_key(asol, "ADCORDR", opt['corr_poly_degree'], "Aspect Drift Corr. model poly degree") write_key(asol, "ADCVER", VERSION, "Aspect Drift Corr. tool version") v2("-" * 60) v2("Fit results") for c in fit_comments: v2("\t{}".format(c)) v2("-" * 60) v2("Writing out corrected aspect solution file to {}".format( opt['outfile'])) v2("\tTo review fit see correction plots in:") for p in plot_list: v2("\t\t{}".format(p)) # Actually write out the new aspect solution file asol.write(opt['outfile'], clobber=opt['clobber'])
def _plot(x, y, yerr=None, xerr=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, overplot=False, clearwindow=True, xerrorbars=False, yerrorbars=False, errstyle=None, errcolor=None, errthickness=None, xlog=False, ylog=False, linestyle=chips.chips_solid, linecolor=None, symbolstyle=chips.chips_none, symbolcolor=None, symbolsize=None, symbolfill=True, linethickness=None, xaxis=False, ratioline=False): if (not overplot) and clearwindow: _clear_window() if yerrorbars and (yerr is not None) and xerrorbars and (xerr is not None): xerr = xerr / 2. chips.add_curve(x, y, (yerr, yerr, xerr, xerr) ) elif yerrorbars and (yerr is not None): chips.add_curve(x, y, yerr) else: chips.add_curve(x, y) for var in ('errstyle', 'errcolor', 'errthickness', 'linestyle', 'linecolor', 'symbolstyle', 'symbolcolor', 'symbolsize', 'symbolfill', 'linethickness'): val = locals()[var] if val is not None: if 'color' in var: val = _check_hex_color(val) getattr(chips.advanced, 'set_curve_' + var)(val) if not overplot: for log_axis, axis_id in izip((xlog, ylog), (chips.X_AXIS, chips.Y_AXIS)): if log_axis: chips.log_scale(axis_id) else: chips.linear_scale(axis_id) if title: ttl = title.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_title(ttl) if xlabel: xlbl = xlabel.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_xlabel(xlbl) if ylabel: ylbl = ylabel.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_ylabel(ylbl) if xaxis: chips.add_hline(0); if ratioline: chips.add_hline(1);
def _plot(x, y, yerr=None, xerr=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, overplot=False, clearwindow=True, xerrorbars=False, yerrorbars=False, errstyle=None, errcolor=None, errthickness=None, xlog=False, ylog=False, linestyle=chips.chips_solid, linecolor=None, symbolstyle=chips.chips_none, symbolcolor=None, symbolsize=None, symbolfill=True, linethickness=None, xaxis=False, ratioline=False): if (not overplot) and clearwindow: _clear_window() if yerrorbars and (yerr is not None) and xerrorbars and (xerr is not None): xerr = xerr / 2. chips.add_curve(x, y, (yerr, yerr, xerr, xerr)) elif yerrorbars and (yerr is not None): chips.add_curve(x, y, yerr) else: chips.add_curve(x, y) for var in ('errstyle', 'errcolor', 'errthickness', 'linestyle', 'linecolor', 'symbolstyle', 'symbolcolor', 'symbolsize', 'symbolfill', 'linethickness'): val = locals()[var] if val is not None: if 'color' in var: val = _check_hex_color(val) getattr(chips.advanced, 'set_curve_' + var)(val) if not overplot: for log_axis, axis_id in izip((xlog, ylog), (chips.X_AXIS, chips.Y_AXIS)): if log_axis: chips.log_scale(axis_id) else: chips.linear_scale(axis_id) if title: ttl = title.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_title(ttl) if xlabel: xlbl = xlabel.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_xlabel(xlbl) if ylabel: ylbl = ylabel.replace('_', '\\_') chips.set_plot_ylabel(ylbl) if xaxis: chips.add_hline(0) if ratioline: chips.add_hline(1)