Esempio n. 1
def _array(size_or_vals, dtype=None):
    from pyclibrary import build_array
    import ctypes
    if size_or_vals is None:
        return None
        _ = iter(size_or_vals)
    except TypeError:
        # Not iterable, so assume it's the size and create an empty array
        size = size_or_vals
        return build_array(_bf, dtype, size=size)
        # Iterable, so convert it to a ctypes array
        vals = size_or_vals
        if len(vals) == 0:
            return None
        if dtype is None:
            # Try to deduce type
            if isinstance(vals[0], int):
                dtype = ctypes.c_int
            elif isinstance(vals[0], float):
                dtype = ctypes.c_double
            elif isinstance(vals[0], basestring):
                dtype = ctypes.c_char_p
            elif isinstance(vals[0], _bf.BFarray):
                # Note: PyCLibrary does this automatically for scalar args,
                #         but we must do it manually here for arrays.
                dtype = ctypes.POINTER(_bf.BFarray)
                vals = [ctypes.pointer(val) for val in vals]
            #	dtype = type(vals[0])
                raise TypeError("Cannot deduce C type from ", type(vals[0]))
        return build_array(_bf, dtype, size=len(vals), vals=vals)
Esempio n. 2
    def list_boards(self):
        """List the detectd board.

        arr = build_array(self.library, self.library.InfoListEntry, 50)
        assert self.library.ControlUnit_ListDevices(, arr, 50)
        return arr
Esempio n. 3
    def get_traces(self, duration, delay, records_per_capture):
        """Acquire the average signal on both channels.

        duration : float
            Time during which to acquire the data (in seconds)

        delay : float
            Time to wait after a trigger before starting next measure
            (in seconds).

        records_per_capture : int
            Number of records to acquire (per channel)

        # Set trigger delay
        n = int(round(delay/2e-9))
        assert 0 < n < 62, 'Delay must be at most 61 cycles (%d)' % n
        self._dll.SetExternalTriggerDelay(self._cu_id, self._id, n)

        # Number of samples per record.
        samples_per_sec = 500e6
        samples_per_record = int(samples_per_sec*duration)

        self._dll.MultiRecordSetup(self._cu_id, self._id, records_per_capture,

        # Alloc memory for both channels (using numpy arrays) so that we get
        # records one by one and average them in numpy arrays (float)
        ch1_buff = np.empty(samples_per_record, dtype=np.int16)
        ch2_buff = np.empty(samples_per_record, dtype=np.int16)
        buffers = build_array('void *', 2,
                              [cast_to(self._dll, 'void *',
                               cast_to(self._dll, 'void *',
        ch1_avg = np.zeros(samples_per_record)
        ch2_avg = np.zeros(samples_per_record)

        while not self._dll.ArmTrigger(self._cu_id, self._id):

        retrieved_records = 0
        cu = self._cu_id
        id_ = self._id
        t = 1.*samples_per_sec/samples_per_record/10
        bytes_per_sample = self._dll.GetNofBytesPerSample(cu, id_)[0]
        while retrieved_records < records_per_capture:
            # Wait for a record to be acquired.
            while not self._dll.GetAcquired(cu, id_):
            self._dll.GetData(buffers, samples_per_record, bytes_per_sample, 0,
                              1, 0x3, 0, samples_per_record, 0x00)
            ch1_avg += ch1_buff
            ch2_avg += ch2_buff

        self._dll.MultiRecordClose(self._cu_id, self._id)

        ch1_avg /= records_per_capture
        ch2_avg /= records_per_capture

        # Get the offset in volt for each channel (range is 1 V)
        ch1_offset = float(self._dll.GetAdjustableBias(cu, id_, 1)[-1])/2**15*1
        ch2_offset = float(self._dll.GetAdjustableBies(cu, id_, 2)[-1])/2**15*1

        # Get the real values in volt
        ch1_avg -= 2**15
        ch1_avg /= 65535
        ch1_avg += ch1_offset
        ch2_avg -= 2**15
        ch2_avg /= 65535
        ch2_avg += ch2_offset

        return ch1_avg, ch2_avg