def spend_pkh_fund(tx_ins, in_keys, tx_outs): """ p2pkh address send to p2pkh p2sh transaction :param tx_ins: list with tuple(tx_id, idx, balance, address) :param in_keys: list of private keys in hex format corresponding to each input :param tx_outs: balance, receiver_address :return: raw hex and tx id """ _txs_in = [] _un_spent = [] for tx_id, idx, balance, address in tx_ins: # must h2b_rev NOT h2b tx_id_b = h2b_rev(tx_id) _txs_in.append(TxIn(tx_id_b, idx)) script = network.contract.for_address(address) _un_spent.append(Spendable(balance, script, tx_id_b, idx)) _txs_out = [] for balance, receiver_address in tx_outs: _txs_out.append( TxOut(balance, network.contract.for_address(receiver_address))) version, lock_time = 1, 0 tx = Tx(version, _txs_in, _txs_out, lock_time) tx.set_unspents(_un_spent) solver = build_hash160_lookup([int(pri_hex, 16) for pri_hex in in_keys], [secp256k1_generator]) tx.sign(solver, hash_type=SIGHASH_ALL) return tx.as_hex(),
def tether_tx(tx_ins, in_keys, send_amount, receiver, change_address): """ simple usdt transaction different address's utxo can be used for mine fee, but should be aware sender is determined by the first input in the tx bitcoin change can also be sent back to different address, but should be aware receiver is indicated by the last output address that is not the sender :param tx_ins: utxo from the sender :param in_keys: list of private keys in hex format corresponding to each input :param send_amount: (display amount) * (10 ** 8) :param receiver: address to receive usdt :param change_address: address to receive btc change """ _txs_in = [] _un_spent = [] total_bal = 0 for tx_id, idx, balance, address in tx_ins: total_bal += balance # must h2b_rev NOT h2b tx_id_b = h2b_rev(tx_id) _txs_in.append(TxIn(tx_id_b, idx)) _un_spent.append( Spendable(balance, network.contract.for_address(address), tx_id_b, idx)) satoshi_per_byte = recommend_satoshi_per_byte() txn_fee = estimate_p2pkh_tx_bytes(len(tx_ins), 3) * satoshi_per_byte _txs_out = [ TxOut(total_bal - txn_fee - MIN_BTC_OUT, network.contract.for_address(change_address)), TxOut(0, binascii.unhexlify(omni_tether_script(send_amount))), TxOut(MIN_BTC_OUT, network.contract.for_address(receiver)) ] version, lock_time = 1, 0 tx = Tx(version, _txs_in, _txs_out, lock_time) tx.set_unspents(_un_spent) solver = build_hash160_lookup([int(pri_hex, 16) for pri_hex in in_keys], [secp256k1_generator]) signed_tx = tx.sign(solver, hash_type=SIGHASH_ALL) return signed_tx.as_hex(),
def tether_tx_flush(tx_ins, private_key, send_amount, receiver): """ this is just a tool function that sends all btc and usdt fund to the same receiver address params are same with tether_tx """ _txs_in = [] _un_spent = [] total_bal = 0 for tx_id, idx, balance, address in tx_ins: total_bal += balance # must h2b_rev NOT h2b tx_id_b = h2b_rev(tx_id) _txs_in.append(TxIn(tx_id_b, idx)) _un_spent.append( Spendable(balance, network.contract.for_address(address), tx_id_b, idx)) txn_fee = estimate_p2pkh_tx_bytes(len(tx_ins), 2) * recommend_satoshi_per_byte() _txs_out = [ TxOut(0, binascii.unhexlify(omni_tether_script(send_amount))), TxOut(total_bal - txn_fee, network.contract.for_address(receiver)) ] version, lock_time = 1, 0 tx = Tx(version, _txs_in, _txs_out, lock_time) tx.set_unspents(_un_spent) solver = build_hash160_lookup([int(private_key, 16)] * len(tx_ins), [secp256k1_generator]) signed_tx = tx.sign(solver, hash_type=SIGHASH_ALL) return signed_tx.as_hex(),