Esempio n. 1
def maximum_filter_2d(
    arr2D, footprint
):  ## Make sure arr2D is our datatype float32 and footprint of int32
    arr2DMaxed = numpy.empty_like(arr2D)
    head, tail = os.path.split(
    )  # Used so that we can always get the kernel which should be in the same directory as this file

    maxFunction = open(head + "/2DSlidingMaxFootprintKernel.c", "rt")
    maxFunction = SourceModule(
    slidingMaxKernel = maxFunction.get_function("slidingMaxiumum2D")

    blockSize = [
        16, 16
    ]  # To-do: Add a variable to this, can affect performance based on GPU
    gridSize = getGridSize(
        blockSize, arr2D.shape
    )  # Get the size of our grid based on the size of a grid (blocksize)

        cuda.In(arr2D),  # Input
        cuda.Out(arr2DMaxed),  # Output
        numpy.int32(footprint.shape[1]),  # Kernel Size
        numpy.int32(arr2D.shape[1]),  # Row Stride
        numpy.int32(1),  # Column Stride
        numpy.int32(int(arr2D.shape[1])),  # Array Column Count
        numpy.int32(int(arr2D.shape[0])),  # Array Row Count
        block=(blockSize[0], blockSize[1], 1),
        grid=(gridSize[0], gridSize[1], 1))

    return arr2DMaxed