Esempio n. 1
def binary_op_dtype_propagation(*, strict: bool) -> RootValidatorType:
    def _impl(cls: Type[pydantic.BaseModel],
              values: RootValidatorValuesType) -> RootValidatorValuesType:
        common_dtype = verify_and_get_common_dtype(
            cls, [values["left"], values["right"]], strict=strict)

        if common_dtype:
            if isinstance(values["op"], ArithmeticOperator):
                if common_dtype is not DataType.BOOL:
                    values["dtype"] = common_dtype
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Boolean expression is not allowed with arithmetic operation."
            elif isinstance(values["op"], LogicalOperator):
                if common_dtype is DataType.BOOL:
                    values["dtype"] = DataType.BOOL
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Arithmetic expression is not allowed in boolean operation."
            elif isinstance(values["op"], ComparisonOperator):
                values["dtype"] = DataType.BOOL

        return values

    return root_validator(allow_reuse=True, skip_on_failure=True)(_impl)
Esempio n. 2
def assign_stmt_dtype_validation(*, strict: bool) -> RootValidatorType:
    def _impl(cls: Type[pydantic.BaseModel],
              values: RootValidatorValuesType) -> RootValidatorValuesType:
        verify_and_get_common_dtype(cls, [values["left"], values["right"]],
        return values

    return root_validator(allow_reuse=True, skip_on_failure=True)(_impl)
Esempio n. 3
def ternary_op_dtype_propagation(*, strict: bool) -> RootValidatorType:
    def _impl(cls: Type[pydantic.BaseModel],
              values: RootValidatorValuesType) -> RootValidatorValuesType:
        common_dtype = verify_and_get_common_dtype(
            cls, [values["true_expr"], values["false_expr"]], strict=strict)
        if common_dtype:
            values["dtype"] = common_dtype
        return values

    return root_validator(allow_reuse=True, skip_on_failure=True)(_impl)
Esempio n. 4
def native_func_call_dtype_propagation(*,
                                       strict: bool = True
                                       ) -> RootValidatorType:
    def _impl(cls: Type[pydantic.BaseModel],
              values: RootValidatorValuesType) -> RootValidatorValuesType:
        # assumes all NativeFunction args have a common dtype
        common_dtype = verify_and_get_common_dtype(cls,
        if common_dtype:
            values["dtype"] = common_dtype
        return values

    return root_validator(allow_reuse=True, skip_on_failure=True)(_impl)
Esempio n. 5
def validate_dtype_is_set() -> RootValidatorType:
    def _impl(cls: Type[pydantic.BaseModel],
              values: RootValidatorValuesType) -> RootValidatorValuesType:
        dtype_nodes: List[Node] = []
        for v in flatten_list(values.values()):
            if isinstance(v, Node):

        nodes_without_dtype = []
        for node in dtype_nodes:
            if not node.dtype:

        if len(nodes_without_dtype) > 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "Nodes without dtype detected {}".format(nodes_without_dtype))
        return values

    return root_validator(allow_reuse=True, skip_on_failure=True)(_impl)
Esempio n. 6
    class Model(BaseModel):
        a: int = 1
        b: str

        def repeat_b(cls, v):
            return v * 2

        if validator_classmethod:
            repeat_b = classmethod(repeat_b)
        repeat_b = validator('b')(repeat_b)

        def example_root_validator(cls, values):
            if 'snap' in values.get('b', ''):
                raise ValueError('foobar')
            return dict(values, b='changed')

        if root_validator_classmethod:
            example_root_validator = classmethod(example_root_validator)
        example_root_validator = root_validator(example_root_validator)
Esempio n. 7
def validate_symbol_refs() -> RootValidatorType:
    """Validate that symbol refs are found in a symbol table valid at the current scope."""
    def _impl(cls: Type[pydantic.BaseModel],
              values: RootValidatorValuesType) -> RootValidatorValuesType:
        class SymtableValidator(NodeVisitor):
            def __init__(self) -> None:
                self.missing_symbols: List[str] = []

            def visit_Node(self, node: Node, *, symtable: Dict[str, Any],
                           **kwargs: Any) -> None:
                for name, metadata in node.__node_children__.items():
                    if isinstance(metadata["definition"].type_,
                                  type) and issubclass(
                                      metadata["definition"].type_, SymbolRef):
                        if getattr(node, name) and getattr(
                                node, name) not in symtable:
                            self.missing_symbols.append(getattr(node, name))

                if isinstance(node, SymbolTableTrait):
                    symtable = {**symtable, **node.symtable_}
                self.generic_visit(node, symtable=symtable, **kwargs)

            def apply(cls, node: Node, *, symtable: Dict[str,
                                                         Any]) -> List[str]:
                instance = cls()
                instance.visit(node, symtable=symtable)
                return instance.missing_symbols

        missing_symbols = []
        for v in values.values():
                SymtableValidator.apply(v, symtable=values["symtable_"]))

        if len(missing_symbols) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Symbols {} not found.".format(missing_symbols))

        return values

    return root_validator(allow_reuse=True, skip_on_failure=True)(_impl)
Esempio n. 8
def validate_lvalue_dims(
    vertical_loop_type: Type[Node], decl_type: Type[Node]
) -> RootValidatorType:
    Validate lvalue dimensions using the root node symbol table.

    The following tree structure is expected::

        |- *
           |- `vertical_loop_type`
               |- loop_order: `LoopOrder`
               |- *
                  |- AssignStmt(`AssignStmt`)
                  |- left: `Node`, validated only if reference to `decl_type` in symtable
        |- symtable_: Symtable[name, Union[`decl_type`, *]]

        |- dimensions: `Tuple[bool, bool, bool]`

        A node type with an `LoopOrder` attribute named `loop_order`
        A declaration type with field dimension information in the format
        `Tuple[bool, bool, bool]` in an attribute named `dimensions`.

    def _impl(
        cls: Type[pydantic.BaseModel], values: RootValidatorValuesType
    ) -> RootValidatorValuesType:
        for _, children in values.items():
            _LvalueDimsValidator(vertical_loop_type, decl_type).visit(
                children, symtable=values["symtable_"]
        return values

    return root_validator(allow_reuse=True, skip_on_failure=True)(_impl)
Esempio n. 9
    def add_root_validator(
        cls: typing.Type["Model"],
        validator: typing.Union[AnyCallable, classmethod],
        pre: bool = False,
        skip_on_failure: bool = False,
        allow_reuse: bool = True,
        index: int = -1,
        """ """
        from inspect import signature
        from inspect import ismethod

        if isinstance(validator, classmethod) or ismethod(validator):
            validator = validator.__func__  # type:ignore

        func_name = validator.__name__

        # first level validation
        if any([func_name in cls_.__dict__ for cls_ in cls.mro()]):
            raise ConfigError(
                f"{cls} already has same name '{func_name}' method or attribute!"
        if func_name in cls.__fields__:
            raise ConfigError(
                f"{cls} already has same name '{func_name}' field!")

        # evaluate through root_validator
        validator = root_validator(pre=pre,

        validator_config = getattr(validator, ROOT_VALIDATOR_CONFIG_KEY)
        sig = signature(validator_config.func)
        arg_list = list(sig.parameters.keys())

        if len(arg_list) != 2:
            raise ConfigError(
                f"Invalid signature for root validator {func_name}: {sig}"
                ", should be: (cls, values).")

        if arg_list[0] != "cls":
            raise ConfigError(
                f"Invalid signature for root validator {func_name}: {sig}, "
                f'"{arg_list[0]}" not permitted as first argument, '
                "should be: (cls, values).")
        # check function signature
        if validator_config.pre:
            if index == -1:
            if index == -1:
                    (validator_config.skip_on_failure, validator_config.func))
                    (validator_config.skip_on_failure, validator_config.func))
        # inject to class
        setattr(validator, "__manually_injected__", True)  # noqa:B010
        setattr(cls, func_name, validator)
Esempio n. 10
def make_list_length_root_validator(
    length_name: str,
    length_incr: int = 0,
    list_required_with_length: bool = False,
    min_length: int = 0,
    Get a root_validator that checks the correct length (and presence) of several list fields in an object.

        *field_names (str): names of the instance variables that are a list and need checking.
        length_name (str): name of the instance variable that stores the expected length.
        length_incr (int): Optional extra increment of length value (e.g., to have +1 extra value in lists).
        list_required_with_length (obj:`bool`, optional): Whether each list *must* be present if the length
            attribute is present (and > 0) in the input values. Default: False. If False, list length is only
            checked for the lists that are not None.
        min_length (int): minimum for list length value, overrides length_name value if that is smaller.
            For example, to require list length 1 when length value is given as 0.

    def _get_incorrect_length_validation_message() -> str:
        """Make a string with a validation message, ready to be format()ed with
        field name and length name."""
        incrstring = f" + {length_incr}" if length_incr != 0 else ""
        minstring = f" (and at least {min_length})" if min_length > 0 else ""

        return (
            "Number of values for {} should be equal to the {} value"
            + incrstring
            + minstring
            + "."

    def _validate_listfield_length(
        field_name: str, field: Optional[List[Any]], requiredlength: int
        """Validate the length of a single field, which should be a list."""

        if field is not None and len(field) != requiredlength:
            raise ValueError(
                    field_name, length_name
        if field is None and list_required_with_length and requiredlength > 0:
            raise ValueError(
                f"List {field_name} cannot be missing if {length_name} is given."

        return field

    def validate_correct_length(cls, values: dict):
        """The actual validator, will loop across all specified field names in outer function."""
        length = values.get(length_name)
        if length is None:
            # length attribute not present, possibly defer validation to a subclass.
            return values

        requiredlength = max(length + length_incr, min_length)

        for field_name in field_names:
            field = values.get(field_name)
            values[field_name] = _validate_listfield_length(
                field_name, field, requiredlength

        return values

    return root_validator(allow_reuse=True)(validate_correct_length)
Esempio n. 11
    def validate_forbidden_fields(cls, values: dict):
        if (val := values.get(conditional_field_name)) is None or not comparison_func(
            val, conditional_value
            return values

        for field in field_names:
            if values.get(field) != None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"{field} is forbidden when {conditional_field_name} {operator_str(comparison_func)} {conditional_value}"

        return values

    return root_validator(allow_reuse=True)(validate_forbidden_fields)

def get_required_fields_validator(
    conditional_field_name: str,
    conditional_value: Any,
    comparison_func: Callable[[Any, Any], bool] = eq,
    Gets a validator that checks whether the fields are provided, if `conditional_field_name` is equal to `conditional_value`.
    The equality check can be overridden with another comparison operator function.

        *field_names (str): Names of the instance variables that need to be validated.
        conditional_field_name (str): Name of the instance variable on which the fields are dependent.