Esempio n. 1
def cg_secp_ilp(
        cg: ComputationConstraintsHyperGraph,
        agents: List[AgentDef],
        already_assigned: Distribution,
        computation_memory: Callable[[ComputationNode], float],
        communication_load: Callable[[ComputationNode, str], float],
        timeout=600,  # Max 10 min
) -> Distribution:
    start_t = time.time()

    agents = list(agents)
    agents_names = [ for a in agents]

    # Only keep computations for which we actually need to find an agent.
    comps_to_host = [
        c for c in cg.node_names() if not already_assigned.has_computation(c)

    # x_i^k : binary variable indicating if var x_i is hosted on agent a_k.
    xs = _build_cs_binvar(comps_to_host, agents_names)
    # alpha_ijk : binary variable indicating if  x_i and f_j are both on a_k.
    alphas = _build_alphaijk_binvars(cg, agents_names)
    logger.debug(f"alpha_ijk {alphas}")

    # LP problem with objective function (total communication cost).
    pb = LpProblem("distribution", LpMinimize)
    pb += (
        _objective_function(cg, communication_load, alphas, agents_names),
        "Communication costs",

    # Constraints.
    # All variable computations must be hosted:
    for i in comps_to_host:
        pb += (
            lpSum([xs[(i, k)] for k in agents_names]) == 1,
            "var {} is hosted".format(i),
    # Each agent must host at least one computation:
    # We only need this constraints for agents that do not already host a
    # computation:
    empty_agents = [
        a for a in agents_names if not already_assigned.computations_hosted(a)
    for k in empty_agents:
        pb += (
            lpSum([xs[(i, k)] for i in comps_to_host]) >= 1,
            "atleastone {}".format(k),

    # Memory capacity constraint for agents
    for a in agents:
        # Decrease capacity for already hosted computations
        capacity = a.capacity - sum([
            secp_computation_memory_in_cg(c, cg, computation_memory)
            for c in already_assigned.computations_hosted(

        pb += (
                secp_computation_memory_in_cg(i, cg, computation_memory) *
                xs[(i,] for i in comps_to_host
            ]) <= capacity,
            "memory {}".format(,

    # Linearization constraints for alpha_ijk.
    for (i, j), k in alphas:

        if i in comps_to_host and j in comps_to_host:
            pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] <= xs[(i, k)], "lin1 {}{}{}".format(
                i, j, k)
            pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] <= xs[(j, k)], "lin2 {}{}{}".format(
                i, j, k)
            pb += (
                alphas[((i, j), k)] >= xs[(i, k)] + xs[(j, k)] - 1,
                "lin3 {}{}{}".format(i, j, k),

        elif i in comps_to_host and j not in comps_to_host:
            # Var is free, factor is already hosted
            if already_assigned.agent_for(j) == k:
                pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == xs[(i, k)]
                pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == 0

        elif i not in comps_to_host and j in comps_to_host:
            # if i is not in vars_vars_to_host, it means that it's a
            # computation that is already hosted (from  hints)
            if already_assigned.agent_for(i) == k:
                pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == xs[(j, k)]
                pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == 0

            # i and j are both alredy hosted
            if (already_assigned.agent_for(i) == k
                    and already_assigned.agent_for(j) == k):
                pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == 1
                pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == 0

    # the timeout for the solver must be monierd by the time spent to build the pb:
    remaining_time = round(timeout - (time.time() - start_t)) - 2

    # Now solve our LP
    status = pb.solve(
                 options=["--pcost", "--tmlim",

    if status != LpStatusOptimal:
        raise ImpossibleDistributionException("No possible optimal"
                                              " distribution ")
        logger.debug("GLPK cost : %s", pulp.value(pb.objective))

        comp_dist = already_assigned
        for k in agents_names:

            agt_vars = [
                i for i, ka in xs if ka == k and pulp.value(xs[(i, ka)]) == 1
            comp_dist.host_on_agent(k, agt_vars)

        return comp_dist
Esempio n. 2
def fg_secp_ilp(
    cg: ComputationsFactorGraph,
    agents: List[AgentDef],
    already_assigned: Distribution,
    computation_memory: Callable[[ComputationNode], float],
    communication_load: Callable[[ComputationNode, str], float],
) -> Distribution:

    variables = [n for n in cg.nodes if n.type == "VariableComputation"]
    factors = [n for n in cg.nodes if n.type == "FactorComputation"]

    agents = list(agents)
    agents_names = [ for a in agents]

    # Only keep computations for which we actually need to find an agent.
    vars_to_host = [ for v in variables
        if not already_assigned.has_computation(
    facs_to_host = [ for f in factors if not already_assigned.has_computation(

    # x_i^k : binary variable indicating if var x_i is hosted on agent a_k.
    xs = _build_xs_binvar(vars_to_host, agents_names)
    # f_j^k : binary variable indicating if factor f_j is hosted on agent a_k.
    fs = _build_fs_binvar(facs_to_host, agents_names)
    # alpha_ijk : binary variable indicating if  x_i and f_j are both on a_k.
    alphas = _build_alphaijk_binvars(cg, agents_names)
    logger.debug(f"alpha_ijk {alphas}")

    # LP problem with objective function (total communication cost).
    pb = LpProblem("distribution", LpMinimize)
    pb += (
        secp_dist_objective_function(cg, communication_load, alphas,
        "Communication costs",

    # Constraints.
    # All variable computations must be hosted:
    for i in vars_to_host:
        pb += (
            lpSum([xs[(i, k)] for k in agents_names]) == 1,
            "var {} is hosted".format(i),

    # All factor computations must be hosted:
    for j in facs_to_host:
        pb += (
            lpSum([fs[(j, k)] for k in agents_names]) == 1,
            "factor {} is hosted".format(j),

    # Each agent must host at least one computation:
    # We only need this constraints for agents that do not already host a
    # computation:
    empty_agents = [
        a for a in agents_names if not already_assigned.computations_hosted(a)
    for k in empty_agents:
        pb += (
            lpSum([xs[(i, k)] for i in vars_to_host]) +
            lpSum([fs[(j, k)] for j in facs_to_host]) >= 1,
            "atleastone {}".format(k),

    # Memory capacity constraint for agents
    for a in agents:
        # Decrease capacity for already hosted computations
        capacity = a.capacity - sum([
            secp_computation_memory_in_cg(c, cg, computation_memory)
            for c in already_assigned.computations_hosted(

        pb += (
                secp_computation_memory_in_cg(i, cg, computation_memory) * xs[
                    (i,] for i in vars_to_host
            ]) + lpSum([
                secp_computation_memory_in_cg(j, cg, computation_memory) * fs[
                    (j,] for j in facs_to_host
            ]) <= capacity,
            "memory {}".format(,

    # Linearization constraints for alpha_ijk.
    for link in cg.links:
        i, j = link.variable_node, link.factor_node
        for k in agents_names:

            if i in vars_to_host and j in facs_to_host:
                pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] <= xs[(i, k)], "lin1 {}{}{}".format(
                    i, j, k)
                pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] <= fs[(j, k)], "lin2 {}{}{}".format(
                    i, j, k)
                pb += (
                    alphas[((i, j), k)] >= xs[(i, k)] + fs[(j, k)] - 1,
                    "lin3 {}{}{}".format(i, j, k),

            elif i in vars_to_host and j not in facs_to_host:
                # Var is free, factor is already hosted
                if already_assigned.agent_for(j) == k:
                    pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == xs[(i, k)]
                    pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == 0

            elif i not in vars_to_host and j in facs_to_host:
                # if i is not in vars_vars_to_host, it means that it's a
                # computation that is already hosted (from  hints)
                if already_assigned.agent_for(i) == k:
                    pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == fs[(j, k)]
                    pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == 0

                # i and j are both alredy hosted
                if (already_assigned.agent_for(i) == k
                        and already_assigned.agent_for(j) == k):
                    pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == 1
                    pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == 0

    # Now solve our LP
    # status = pb.solve(GLPK_CMD())
    # status = pb.solve(GLPK_CMD(mip=1))
    # status = pb.solve(GLPK_CMD(mip=0, keepFiles=1,
    #                                options=['--simplex', '--interior']))
    status = pb.solve(GLPK_CMD(keepFiles=0, msg=False, options=["--pcost"]))

    if status != LpStatusOptimal:
        raise ImpossibleDistributionException("No possible optimal"
                                              " distribution ")
        logger.debug("GLPK cost : %s", pulp.value(pb.objective))

        comp_dist = already_assigned
        for k in agents_names:

            agt_vars = [
                i for i, ka in xs if ka == k and pulp.value(xs[(i, ka)]) == 1
            comp_dist.host_on_agent(k, agt_vars)

            agt_rels = [
                j for j, ka in fs if ka == k and pulp.value(fs[(j, ka)]) == 1
            comp_dist.host_on_agent(k, agt_rels)
        return comp_dist
Esempio n. 3
def factor_graph_lp_model(cg: ComputationsFactorGraph,
                          agents: List[AgentDef],
                          must_host: Dict[str, List],
    To distribute we need:
    * com : the communication cost of an edge between a var and a fact
    * mem_var : the memory footprint of a variable computation
    * mem_fac : the memory footprint of a factor computation
    These function depends on the algorithm.

    * mem_var and mem_fac are given by the computation_memory method.
    * com is given by computation_memory

    variables = [n for n in cg.nodes if n.type == 'VariableComputation']
    factors = [n for n in cg.nodes if n.type == 'FactorComputation']

    agents = list(agents)
    agents_names = [ for a in agents]

    fixed_dist = Distribution(must_host)

    # Only keep computations for which we actually need to find an agent.
    vars_to_host = [ for v in variables if not fixed_dist.has_computation(
    facs_to_host = [ for f in factors if not fixed_dist.has_computation(

    # x_i^k : binary variable indicating if var x_i is hosted on agent a_k.
    xs = _build_xs_binvar(vars_to_host, agents_names)
    # f_j^k : binary variable indicating if factor f_j is hosted on agent a_k.
    fs = _build_fs_binvar(facs_to_host, agents_names)
    # alpha_ijk : binary variable indicating if  x_i and f_j are both on a_k.
    alphas = _build_alphaijk_binvars(cg, agents_names)

    # LP problem with objective function (total communication cost).
    pb = LpProblem('distribution', LpMinimize)
    pb += _objective_function(cg, communication_load, alphas,
                              agents_names), 'Communication costs'
    # Constraints.
    # All variable computations must be hosted:
    for i in vars_to_host:
        pb += lpSum([xs[(i, k)] for k in agents_names]) == 1, \
              'var {} is hosted'.format(i)

    # All factor computations must be hosted:
    for j in facs_to_host:
        pb += lpSum([fs[(j, k)] for k in agents_names]) == 1, \
              'factor {} is hosted'.format(j)

    # Each agent must host at least one computation:
    # We only need this constraints for agents that do not already host a
    # computation:
    empty_agents = [a for a in agents_names if not must_host[a]]
    for k in empty_agents:
        pb += lpSum([xs[(i, k)] for i in vars_to_host]) + \
              lpSum([fs[(j, k)] for j in facs_to_host]) >= 1, \
              'atleastone {}'.format(k)

    # Memory capacity constraint for agents
    for a in agents:
        # Decrease capacity for already hosted computations
        capacity = a.capacity - \
                   sum([_computation_memory_in_cg(c, cg, computation_memory)
                        for c in must_host[]])

        pb += lpSum([_computation_memory_in_cg(i, cg, computation_memory) *
                     xs[(i,] for i in vars_to_host]) \
            + lpSum([_computation_memory_in_cg(j, cg, computation_memory) *
                     fs[(j,] for j in facs_to_host]) <= capacity, \
            'memory {}'.format(

    # Linearization constraints for alpha_ijk.
    for link in cg.links:
        i, j = link.variable_node, link.factor_node
        for k in agents_names:

            if i in vars_to_host and j in facs_to_host:
                pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] <= xs[(i, k)], \
                    'lin1 {}{}{}'.format(i, j, k)
                pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] <= fs[(j, k)], \
                    'lin2 {}{}{}'.format(i, j, k)
                pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] >= xs[(i, k)] + fs[(j, k)] - 1, \
                    'lin3 {}{}{}'.format(i, j, k)

            elif i in vars_to_host and j not in facs_to_host:
                # Var is free, factor is already hosted
                if fixed_dist.agent_for(j) == k:
                    pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == xs[(i, k)]
                    pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == 0

            elif i not in vars_to_host and j in facs_to_host:
                # if i is not in vars_vars_to_host, it means that it's a
                # computation that is already hosted (from  hints)
                if fixed_dist.agent_for(i) == k:
                    pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == fs[(j, k)]
                    pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == 0

                # i and j are both alredy hosted
                if fixed_dist.agent_for(i) == k and fixed_dist.agent_for(j) \
                        == k:
                    pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == 1
                    pb += alphas[((i, j), k)] == 0

    # Now solve our LP
    # status = pb.solve(GLPK_CMD())
    # status = pb.solve(GLPK_CMD(mip=1))
    # status = pb.solve(GLPK_CMD(mip=0, keepFiles=1,
    #                                options=['--simplex', '--interior']))
    status = pb.solve(GLPK_CMD(keepFiles=0, msg=False, options=['--pcost']))

    if status != LpStatusOptimal:
        raise ImpossibleDistributionException("No possible optimal"
                                              " distribution ")
        logger.debug('GLPK cost : %s', value(pb.objective))

        comp_dist = fixed_dist
        for k in agents_names:

            agt_vars = [
                i for i, ka in xs if ka == k and value(xs[(i, ka)]) == 1
            comp_dist.host_on_agent(k, agt_vars)

            agt_rels = [
                j for j, ka in fs if ka == k and value(fs[(j, ka)]) == 1
            comp_dist.host_on_agent(k, agt_rels)
        return comp_dist