def explore_object(name, obj, where=st): """ Explore methods of object. """ fn = select_method(name, obj, where=where) args, kwargs = select_arguments(fn, where=where) t0 = time.time() msg = st.empty() result = fn(*args, **kwargs)"Method executed in {} seconds.").format(fmt(time.time() - t0))) st.line() st.subheader(_("Method help and signature")) if result is not None: st.line() st.subheader(_("Function output")) if isinstance(result, plt.Axes): st.markdown(_("Function returned a matplotlib **ax** object. Showing it...")) st.pyplot(result.get_figure()) else: st.write(result)
def backcasting( predictor, window, curves, distance="RMS", columns=("cases", "deaths"), min_series=14, step=1, ): """ Perform a backcasting performance analysis of the given model. For the sake of this method, the model is just a function that receives an epidemic curve dataframe and a list of time windows and return the forecasts for cases and deaths for the specified times. """ windows = np.array(as_seq(windows)) min_window = windows.min(initial=len(curves)) def distance(x, y): return (x - y).dropna().abs() / x results = [] for k in range(min_window, len(curves) - min_series, step): data = curves.iloc[:-k] prediction = fn(data, windows) results.append(distance(curves, prediction)) st.write(results[-1]) return pd.concat(results, axis=0)
def main(**kwargs): df = sari_br_dataframe() st.write( df.astype({ k: str for k in df.dtypes[(df.dtypes == "string") | (df.dtypes == "category")].index })) x = df.reset_index()[["age", "id"]].groupby("age").count() st.bar_chart(x)
def main(region="BR", disease=covid19): st.css() params = sidebar( region=region, disease=disease,, 11, 10), secret_function=lambda: easter_egg(disease), ) if params is None: # Secret function was activated return debug = False if DEBUG and st.checkbox(_("Enable debug")):"Running in debug mode!")) st.html( """ <ul> <li><a href="#debug">{}</a></li> </ul>""".format( _("Debug section!") ) ) debug = True epidemiology = extract_keys(PARAMS, params) clinical = extract_keys(CLINICAL, params) # Run infections model m = cm = results = None try: m = model(disease=disease, **epidemiology) cm = m.clinical.overflow_model(icu_occupancy=0, hospital_occupancy=0, **clinical) cm.extra_info = params output(cm) finally: if debug: if results: st.html('<div style="height: 15rem"></div>') st.html('<h2 id="debug">{}</h2>'.format(_("Debug information"))) st.subheader(_("Generic parameters")) st.write(params) st.subheader(_("Epidemiological parameters")) st.write(epidemiology) st.subheader(_("Clinical parameters")) st.write(clinical) st.subheader(_("Output")) st.write(results) if m: st.line_chart( if cm: st.line_chart(cm[["infectious", "severe", "critical"]]) st.subheader(_("Distribution of deaths")) df = cm[DEATH_DISTRIBUTION_COLUMNS] df.columns = [DEATH_DISTRIBUTION_COL_NAMES[k] for k in df.columns] st.area_chart(df)
right: 0; bottom: 0; padding: 20px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } [type=radio]:checked ~ label { background: white; border-bottom: 1px solid white; z-index: 2; } [type=radio]:checked ~ label ~ .content { z-index: 1; } </style> """) st.write("dfsd") st.html(""" <div class="tabs"> <div class="tab"> <input type="radio" id="tab-1" name="tab-group-1" checked/> <label for="tab-1">Tab One</label> <div class="content">stuff one</div> </div> <div class="tab"> <input type="radio" id="tab-2" name="tab-group-1"> <label for="tab-2">Tab Two</label> <div class="content">stuff two</div> </div> </div> """)
"xlsx": _("Excel"), } mime = {"csv": "text/csv", "xls": "application/"} opt ="How do you want your data?"), list(opts), format_func=opts.get) df = pd.concat(data, axis=1) df.index = base.to_dates(df.index) df = df.astype(int) if not st.checkbox(_("Keep observed period")): df = df.iloc[data_size:] if opt == "show": st.write(df) else: df.index = [d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for d in df.index] if opt == "csv": fd = io.StringIO() df.to_csv(fd) data = fd.getvalue().encode("utf8") else: fd = io.BytesIO() df.to_excel(fd) data = fd.getvalue() data = base64.b64encode(data).decode("utf8") name = f"curves-%s.{opt}" % msg = _("Right click link to download") st.html(f'<a href="data:{opt};base64,{data}" download="{name}">{msg}</a>')