Esempio n. 1
    def testImplVRLittleEndianUndefLength(self):
        """Raw read: Impl VR Little Endian with undefined length................"""
        # (7fe0,0010), OB, 2-byte reserved, 4-byte-length (UNDEFINED)
        hexstr1 = "e0 7f 10 00 ff ff ff ff"
        hexstr2 = " 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a"  # 'content'
        hexstr3 = " fe ff dd e0 00 00 00 00"          # Sequence Delimiter
        hexstr = hexstr1 + hexstr2 + hexstr3
        infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
        expected = ((0x7fe0, 0x10), 'OB or OW', 0xffffffff, b'ABCDEFGHIJ', 0x8, True, True)
        de_gen = data_element_generator(infile, is_implicit_VR=True, is_little_endian=True)
        got = next(de_gen)
        msg_loc = "in read of undefined length Implicit VR ='OB' short value)"
        self.assertEqual(got, expected, "Expected: %r, got %r in %s" % (expected, got, msg_loc))

        # Test again such that delimiter crosses default 128-byte read "chunks", etc
        for multiplier in (116, 117, 118, 120):
            multiplier = 116
            hexstr2b = hexstr2 + " 00" * multiplier
            hexstr = hexstr1 + hexstr2b + hexstr3
            infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
            expected = len('ABCDEFGHIJ' + '\0' * multiplier)
            de_gen = data_element_generator(infile, is_implicit_VR=True, is_little_endian=True)
            got = next(de_gen)
            got_len = len(got.value)
            msg_loc = "in read of undefined length Implicit VR with 'multiplier' %d" % multiplier
            self.assertEqual(expected, got_len, "Expected value length %d, got %d in %s" % (expected, got_len, msg_loc))
            msg = "Unexpected value start with multiplier %d on Implicit VR undefined length" % multiplier
            self.assertTrue(got.value.startswith(b'ABCDEFGHIJ\0'), msg)
Esempio n. 2
    def testImplVRLittleEndianUndefLength(self):
        """Raw read: Impl VR Little Endian with undefined length..."""
        # (7fe0,0010), OB, 2-byte reserved, 4-byte-length (UNDEFINED)
        hexstr1 = "e0 7f 10 00 ff ff ff ff"
        hexstr2 = " 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a"  # 'content'
        hexstr3 = " fe ff dd e0 00 00 00 00"  # Sequence Delimiter
        hexstr = hexstr1 + hexstr2 + hexstr3
        infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
        expected = ((0x7fe0, 0x10), 'OB or OW', 0xffffffff, b'ABCDEFGHIJ', 0x8,
                    True, True)
        de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
        assert expected == next(de_gen)

        # Test again such that delimiter crosses default 128-byte "chunks"
        for multiplier in (116, 117, 118, 120):
            multiplier = 116
            hexstr2b = hexstr2 + " 00" * multiplier
            hexstr = hexstr1 + hexstr2b + hexstr3
            infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
            expected = len('ABCDEFGHIJ' + '\0' * multiplier)
            de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
            got = next(de_gen)
            assert expected == len(got.value)
            assert got.value.startswith(b'ABCDEFGHIJ\0')
Esempio n. 3
    def testEmptyItem(self):
        """Read sequence with a single empty item..."""
        # This is fix for issue 27
        hexstr = (
            "08 00 32 10"  # (0008, 1032) SQ "Procedure Code Sequence"
            " 08 00 00 00"  # length 8
            " fe ff 00 e0"  # (fffe, e000) Item Tag
            " 00 00 00 00"  # length = 0
        ) + (  # --------------- end of Sequence
            " 08 00 3e 10"  # (0008, 103e) LO "Series Description"  nopep8
            " 0c 00 00 00"  # length     nopep8
            " 52 20 41 44 44 20 56 49 45 57 53 20"  # value     nopep8
        # "\x08\x00\x32\x10\x08\x00\x00\x00\xfe\xff\x00\xe0\x00\x00\x00\x00"
        # from issue 27, procedure code sequence (0008,1032)
        # hexstr += "\x08\x00\x3e\x10\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x52\x20
        # \x41\x44\x44\x20\x56\x49\x45\x57\x53\x20"
        # data element following

        fp = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
        gen = data_element_generator(fp,
        raw_seq = next(gen)
        seq = convert_value("SQ", raw_seq)
        assert isinstance(seq, Sequence)
        assert 1 == len(seq)
        assert 0 == len(seq[0])
        elem2 = next(gen)
        assert 0x0008103e == elem2.tag
Esempio n. 4
    def testEmptyItem(self):
        """Read sequence with a single empty item..............................."""
        # This is fix for issue 27
        hexstr = (
            "08 00 32 10"    # (0008, 1032) SQ "Procedure Code Sequence"
            " 08 00 00 00"    # length 8
            " fe ff 00 e0"    # (fffe, e000) Item Tag
            " 00 00 00 00"    # length = 0
        ) + (             # --------------- end of Sequence
            " 08 00 3e 10"    # (0008, 103e) LO "Series Description"  nopep8
            " 0c 00 00 00"    # length     nopep8
            " 52 20 41 44 44 20 56 49 45 57 53 20"  # value     nopep8
        # "\x08\x00\x32\x10\x08\x00\x00\x00\xfe\xff\x00\xe0\x00\x00\x00\x00" # from issue 27, procedure code sequence (0008,1032)
        # hexstr += "\x08\x00\x3e\x10\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x52\x20\x41\x44\x44\x20\x56\x49\x45\x57\x53\x20" # data element following

        fp = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
        gen = data_element_generator(fp, is_implicit_VR=True, is_little_endian=True)
        raw_seq = next(gen)
        seq = convert_value("SQ", raw_seq)

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(seq, Sequence), "Did not get Sequence, got type {0}".format(str(type(seq))))
        self.assertTrue(len(seq) == 1, "Expected Sequence with single (empty) item, got {0:d} item(s)".format(len(seq)))
        self.assertTrue(len(seq[0]) == 0, "Expected the sequence item (dataset) to be empty")
        elem2 = next(gen)
        self.assertEqual(elem2.tag, 0x0008103e, "Expected a data element after empty sequence item")
    def testExplVRLittleEndianEncapsulatedUndefLengthBadDelimiterLength(self):
        """Raw read: Expl VR Little Endian encapsulated pixel data with
        undefined length and a bad (non-zero) sequence delimiter length..."""

        hexstr = (
            "e0 7f 10 00"  # (7fe0, 0010) Pixel Data
            "4f 42 00 00"  # VR OB, 2 bytes reserved
            "ff ff ff ff"  # -1 undefined length
            "fe ff 00 e0"  # (fffe, e000) Item Tag
            "10 00 00 00"  # Item (dataset) Length
            "41 42 43 44"
            "45 46 47 48"
            "49 4a 4b 4c"
            "4d 4e 4f 50"
            "fe ff dd e0"  # (fffe, edd) Sequence Delimiter
            "12 13 14 15"  # bad non-0 required Item Length Field

        infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
        expected = (
            (0x7fe0, 0x10),
            0xffffffff,  # declared value length
            12,  # value starts 12 bytes after beginning of element
            False,  # is Implicit VR
            True,  # is Little Endian
        de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
        assert expected == next(de_gen)
        assert 44 == infile.tell()
    def testExplVRLittleEndianEncapsulatedUndefLengthDeferred(self):
        """Raw read: Expl VR Little Endian encapsulated pixel data with
        undefined length that's longer than defer_size..."""

        hexstr = (
            "e0 7f 10 00"  # (7fe0, 0010) Pixel Data
            "4f 42 00 00"  # VR OB, 2 bytes reserved
            "ff ff ff ff"  # -1 undefined length
            "fe ff 00 e0"  # (fffe, e000) Item Tag
            "14 00 00 00"  # Item (dataset) Length
            "41 42 43 44"
            "45 46 47 48"
            "49 4a 4b 4c"
            "4d 4e 4f 50"
            "51 52 53 54"
            "fe ff dd e0"  # (fffe, edd) Sequence Delimiter
            "00 00 00 00"  # required Item Length Field of value 0

        infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
        expected = (
            (0x7fe0, 0x10),
            0xffffffff,  # declared value length
            None,  # extracted data
            12,  # value starts 12 bytes after beginning of element
            False,  # is Implicit VR
            True,  # is Little Endian
        de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
        assert expected == next(de_gen)
        assert 48 == infile.tell()
Esempio n. 7
 def test_little_endian_explicit(self):
     """Test reading little endian explicit VR data"""
     # (0010, 0010) PatientName PN 6 ABCDEF
     bytestream = (b'\x10\x00\x10\x00' b'PN' b'\x06\x00' b'ABCDEF')
     fp = BytesIO(bytestream)
     # fp, is_implicit_VR, is_little_endian,
     gen = data_element_generator(fp, False, True)
     elem = DataElement(0x00100010, 'PN', 'ABCDEF')
     assert elem == DataElement_from_raw(next(gen), 'ISO_IR 100')
Esempio n. 8
 def testImplVRLittleEndian(self):
     """Raw read: Implicit VR Little Endian.................................."""
     # (0008,212a) {IS} 4-byte-length, value '1 '
     infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes("08 00 2a 21 02 00 00 00 31 20"))
     expected = ((8, 0x212a), None, 2, b'1 ', 0x8, True, True)
     de_gen = data_element_generator(infile, is_implicit_VR=True, is_little_endian=True)
     got = next(de_gen)
     msg_loc = "in read of Implicit VR='IS' data element (short length format)"
     self.assertEqual(got, expected, "Expected: %r, got %r in %s" % (expected, got, msg_loc))
Esempio n. 9
 def testExplVRLittleEndianLongLength(self):
     """Raw read: Explicit VR Little Endian long length......................"""
     # (0002,0001) OB 2-byte-reserved 4-byte-length, value 0x00 0x01
     infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes("02 00 01 00 4f 42 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 01"))
     expected = ((2, 1), 'OB', 2, b'\00\01', 0xc, False, True)
     de_gen = data_element_generator(infile, is_implicit_VR=False, is_little_endian=True)
     got = next(de_gen)
     msg_loc = "in read of Explicit VR='OB' data element (long length format)"
     self.assertEqual(got, expected, "Expected: %r, got %r in %s" % (expected, got, msg_loc))
Esempio n. 10
    def testImplVRLittleEndian(self):
        """Raw read: Implicit VR Little Endian..."""
        # (0008,212a) {IS} 4-byte-length, value '1 '
        infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes("08 00 2a 21 02 00 00 00 31 20"))

        expected = ((8, 0x212a), None, 2, b'1 ', 0x8, True, True)

        de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
        assert expected == next(de_gen)
Esempio n. 11
    def testExplVRLittleEndianLongLength(self):
        """Raw read: Explicit VR Little Endian long length..."""
        # (0002,0001) OB 2-byte-reserved 4-byte-length, value 0x00 0x01
        bytes_input = "02 00 01 00 4f 42 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 01"
        infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes(bytes_input))
        expected = ((2, 1), 'OB', 2, b'\00\01', 0xc, False, True)

        de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
        assert expected == next(de_gen)
Esempio n. 12
 def test_little_endian_implicit(self):
     """Test reading little endian implicit VR data"""
     # (0010, 0010) PatientName PN 6 ABCDEF
     bytestream = b'\x10\x00\x10\x00' \
                  b'\x06\x00\x00\x00' \
     fp = BytesIO(bytestream)
     gen = data_element_generator(fp, is_implicit_VR=True,
     elem = DataElement(0x00100010, 'PN', 'ABCDEF')
     assert elem == DataElement_from_raw(next(gen), 'ISO_IR 100')
Esempio n. 13
 def testExplVRLittleEndianShortLength(self):
     """Raw read: Explicit VR Little Endian short length....................."""
     # (0008,212a) IS 2-byte-length, value '1 '
     infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes("08 00 2a 21 49 53 02 00 31 20"))
     # XXX Assumes that a RawDataElement doesn't convert the value based
     # upon the VR value, thus it will remain a byte string since that is
     # the input
     expected = ((8, 0x212a), 'IS', 2, b'1 ', 0x8, False, True)
     de_gen = data_element_generator(infile, is_implicit_VR=False, is_little_endian=True)
     got = next(de_gen)
     msg_loc = "in read of Explicit VR='IS' data element (short length format)"
     self.assertEqual(got, expected, "Expected: %r, got %r in %s" % (expected, got, msg_loc))
Esempio n. 14
 def test_big_endian_explicit(self):
     """Test reading big endian explicit VR data"""
     # (0010, 0010) PatientName PN 6 ABCDEF
     bytestream = b'\x00\x10\x00\x10' \
                  b'PN' \
                  b'\x00\x06' \
     fp = BytesIO(bytestream)
     # fp, is_implicit_VR, is_little_endian,
     gen = data_element_generator(fp, False, False)
     elem = DataElement(0x00100010, 'PN', 'ABCDEF')
     assert elem == DataElement_from_raw(next(gen), 'ISO_IR 100')
Esempio n. 15
 def testExplVRLittleEndianShortLength(self):
     """Raw read: Explicit VR Little Endian short length..."""
     # (0008,212a) IS 2-byte-length, value '1 '
     infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes("08 00 2a 21 49 53 02 00 31 20"))
     # XXX Assumes that a RawDataElement doesn't convert the value based
     # upon the VR value, thus it will remain a byte string since that is
     # the input
     expected = ((8, 0x212a), 'IS', 2, b'1 ', 0x8, False, True)
     de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
     assert expected == next(de_gen)
Esempio n. 16
    def testExplVRLittleEndianUndefLength(self):
        """Raw read: Expl VR Little Endian with undefined length..."""
        # (7fe0,0010), OB, 2-byte reserved, 4-byte-length (UNDEFINED)
        hexstr1 = "e0 7f 10 00 4f 42 00 00 ff ff ff ff"
        hexstr2 = " 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a"  # 'content'
        hexstr3 = " fe ff dd e0 00 00 00 00"  # Sequence Delimiter
        hexstr = hexstr1 + hexstr2 + hexstr3
        infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
        expected = ((0x7fe0, 0x10), 'OB', 0xffffffff, b'ABCDEFGHIJ', 0xc,
                    False, True)

        de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
        got = next(de_gen)
        msg_loc = "in read of undefined length Explicit VR ='OB' short value)"
            got, expected,
            "Expected: %r, got %r in %s" % (expected, got, msg_loc))

        # Test again such that delimiter crosses default 128-byte "chunks"
        for multiplier in (116, 117, 118, 120):
            multiplier = 116
            hexstr2b = hexstr2 + " 00" * multiplier
            hexstr = hexstr1 + hexstr2b + hexstr3
            infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
            expected = len('ABCDEFGHIJ' + '\0' * multiplier)
            de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
            got = next(de_gen)
            got_len = len(got.value)
            msg_loc = "in read of undefined length Explicit VR ='OB'"
            msg_loc = "%s with 'multiplier' %d" % (msg_loc, multiplier)
                expected, got_len, "Expected value length %d, got %d in %s" %
                (expected, got_len, msg_loc))
            msg = "Unexpected value start with multiplier %d" % (multiplier)
            msg = "%s on Expl VR undefined length" % (msg)
            self.assertTrue(got.value.startswith(b'ABCDEFGHIJ\0'), msg)
Esempio n. 17
 def testImplVRLittleEndian(self):
     """Raw read: Implicit VR Little Endian.................................."""
     # (0008,212a) {IS} 4-byte-length, value '1 '
     infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes("08 00 2a 21 02 00 00 00 31 20"))
     expected = ((8, 0x212a), None, 2, b'1 ', 0x8, True, True)
     de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
     got = next(de_gen)
     msg_loc = "in read of Implicit VR='IS' data element (short length format)"
         got, expected,
         "Expected: %r, got %r in %s" % (expected, got, msg_loc))
Esempio n. 18
 def testExplVRLittleEndianLongLength(self):
     """Raw read: Explicit VR Little Endian long length......................"""
     # (0002,0001) OB 2-byte-reserved 4-byte-length, value 0x00 0x01
     infile = BytesIO(
         hex2bytes("02 00 01 00 4f 42 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 01"))
     expected = ((2, 1), 'OB', 2, b'\00\01', 0xc, False, True)
     de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
     got = next(de_gen)
     msg_loc = "in read of Explicit VR='OB' data element (long length format)"
         got, expected,
         "Expected: %r, got %r in %s" % (expected, got, msg_loc))
Esempio n. 19
    def testExplVRBigEndian_UndefinedLengthSeq(self):
        """Raw read: ExplVR BigEndian Undefined Length SQ..."""
        # Create a fictional sequence with bytes directly,
        #    similar to PS 3.5-2008 Table 7.5-2 p42
        hexstr = (
            "30 0a 00 B0"  # (300a, 00b0) Beam Sequence
            " 53 51"  # SQ
            " 00 00"  # reserved
            " ff ff ff ff"  # undefined length
            " ff fe e0 00"  # (fffe, e000) Item Tag
            " 00 00 00 18"  # Item (dataset) Length
            " 30 0a 00 c0"  # (300A, 00C0) Beam Number
            " 49 53"  # IS
            " 00 02"  # length
            " 31 20"  # value '1 '
            " 30 0a 00 c2"  # (300A, 00C2) Beam Name
            " 4c 4F"  # LO
            " 00 06"  # length
            " 42 65 61 6d 20 31"  # value 'Beam 1'
            # -------------
            " ff fe e0 00"  # (fffe, e000) Item Tag
            " 00 00 00 18"  # Item (dataset) Length
            " 30 0a 00 c0"  # (300A, 00C0) Beam Number
            " 49 53"  # IS
            " 00 02"  # length
            " 32 20"  # value '2 '
            " 30 0a 00 c2"  # (300A, 00C2) Beam Name
            " 4C 4F"  # LO
            " 00 06"  # length
            " 42 65 61 6d 20 32"  # value 'Beam 2'
            " ff fe E0 dd"  # SQ delimiter
            " 00 00 00 00"  # zero length

        infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
        de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
        seq = next(de_gen)
        # Note seq itself is not a raw data element.
        #     The parser does parse undefined length SQ

        # The sequence is parsed, but only into raw data elements.
        # They will be converted when asked for. Check some:
        got = seq[0].BeamNumber
        self.assertTrue(got == 1,
                        "Expected Beam Number 1, got {0!r}".format(got))
        got = seq[1].BeamName
        self.assertTrue(got == 'Beam 2',
                        "Expected Beam Name 'Beam 2', got {0:s}".format(got))
Esempio n. 20
    def testExplVRBigEndian_UndefinedLengthSeq(self):
        """Raw read: ExplVR BigEndian Undefined Length SQ..."""
        # Create a fictional sequence with bytes directly,
        #    similar to PS 3.5-2008 Table 7.5-2 p42
        hexstr = (
            "30 0a 00 B0"    # (300a, 00b0) Beam Sequence
            " 53 51"         # SQ
            " 00 00"         # reserved
            " ff ff ff ff"    # undefined length
            " ff fe e0 00"    # (fffe, e000) Item Tag
            " 00 00 00 18"    # Item (dataset) Length
            " 30 0a 00 c0"    # (300A, 00C0) Beam Number
            " 49 53"          # IS
            " 00 02"          # length
            " 31 20"          # value '1 '
            " 30 0a 00 c2"    # (300A, 00C2) Beam Name
            " 4c 4F"          # LO
            " 00 06"          # length
            " 42 65 61 6d 20 31"  # value 'Beam 1'
            # -------------
            " ff fe e0 00"    # (fffe, e000) Item Tag
            " 00 00 00 18"    # Item (dataset) Length
            " 30 0a 00 c0"    # (300A, 00C0) Beam Number
            " 49 53"          # IS
            " 00 02"          # length
            " 32 20"          # value '2 '
            " 30 0a 00 c2"    # (300A, 00C2) Beam Name
            " 4C 4F"          # LO
            " 00 06"          # length
            " 42 65 61 6d 20 32"  # value 'Beam 2'
            " ff fe E0 dd"    # SQ delimiter
            " 00 00 00 00"    # zero length

        infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
        de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
        seq = next(de_gen)
        # Note seq itself is not a raw data element.
        #     The parser does parse undefined length SQ

        # The sequence is parsed, but only into raw data elements.
        # They will be converted when asked for. Check some:
        got = seq[0].BeamNumber
        self.assertTrue(got == 1,
                        "Expected Beam Number 1, got {0!r}".format(got))
        got = seq[1].BeamName
        self.assertTrue(got == 'Beam 2',
                        "Expected Beam Name 'Beam 2', got {0:s}".format(got))
Esempio n. 21
 def test_read_file_does_not_raise(self):
     """Test that reading from DicomBytesIO does not raise on EOF.
     Regression test for #358."""
     ds = dcmread(mr_name)
     fp = DicomBytesIO()
     de_gen = data_element_generator(fp, False, True)
         while True:
     except StopIteration:
     except EOFError:'Unexpected EOFError raised')
Esempio n. 22
 def test_dcmread_does_not_raise(self):
     """Test that reading from DicomBytesIO does not raise on EOF.
     Regression test for #358."""
     ds = dcmread(mr_name)
     fp = DicomBytesIO()
     ds.save_as(fp, write_like_original=True)
     de_gen = data_element_generator(fp, False, True)
         while True:
     except StopIteration:
     except EOFError:'Unexpected EOFError raised')
Esempio n. 23
 def testExplVRLittleEndianShortLength(self):
     """Raw read: Explicit VR Little Endian short length..."""
     # (0008,212a) IS 2-byte-length, value '1 '
     infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes("08 00 2a 21 49 53 02 00 31 20"))
     # XXX Assumes that a RawDataElement doesn't convert the value based
     # upon the VR value, thus it will remain a byte string since that is
     # the input
     expected = ((8, 0x212a), 'IS', 2, b'1 ', 0x8, False, True)
     de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
     got = next(de_gen)
     msg_loc = "in read of Explicit VR='IS'"
     msg_loc = "%s data element (short length format)" % (msg_loc)
         got, expected,
         "Expected: %r, got %r in %s" % (expected, got, msg_loc))
    def testExplVRLittleEndianEncapsulatedUndefLengthAndItemLengthMIssing(
        """Raw read: Expl VR Little Endian encapsulated pixel data with
        undefined length and whose fragment (Item) ends before its length
        is specified..."""

        hexstr = (
            "e0 7f 10 00"  # (7fe0, 0010) Pixel Data
            "4f 42 00 00"  # VR OB, 2 bytes reserved
            "ff ff ff ff"  # -1 undefined length
            "fe ff 00 e0"  # (fffe, e000) Item Tag

        infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
        de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
        with pytest.raises(EOFError):
    def testExplVRLittleEndianEncapsulatedUndefLengthTwoFragments(self):
        """Raw read: Expl VR Little Endian encapsulated pixel data with
        undefined length broken into two defined-length fragments..."""

        hexstr = (
            "e0 7f 10 00"  # (7fe0, 0010) Pixel Data
            "4f 42 00 00"  # VR OB, 2 bytes reserved
            "ff ff ff ff"  # -1 undefined length
            "fe ff 00 e0"  # (fffe, e000) Item Tag
            "18 00 00 00"  # Item (dataset) Length
            "41 42 43 44"
            "45 46 47 48"
            "49 4a 4b 4c"
            "4d 4e 4f 50"
            "51 52 53 54"
            "55 56 57 58"
            "fe ff 00 e0"  # (fffe, e000) Item Tag
            "14 00 00 00"  # Item (dataset) Length
            "41 42 43 44"
            "45 46 47 48"
            "49 4a 4b 4c"
            "4d 4e 4f 50"
            "51 52 53 54"
            "fe ff dd e0"  # (fffe, edd) Sequence Delimiter
            "00 00 00 00"  # required Item Length Field of value 0

        infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
        expected = (
            (0x7fe0, 0x10),
            0xffffffff,  # declared value length
            12,  # value starts 12 bytes after beginning of element
            False,  # is Implicit VR
            True,  # is Little Endian
        de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
        assert expected == next(de_gen)
        assert 80 == infile.tell()
Esempio n. 26
    def testImplVRBigEndian_ExplicitLengthSeq(self):
        """Raw read: ImplVR BigEndian SQ with explicit lengths..."""
        # Create a fictional sequence with bytes directly,
        #    similar to PS 3.5-2008 Table 7.5-1 p42
        hexstr = (
            "30 0a 00 B0"    # (300a, 00b0) Beam Sequence
            " 00 00 00 40"    # length
            " ff fe e0 00"    # (fffe, e000) Item Tag
            " 00 00 00 18"    # Item (dataset) Length
            " 30 0a 00 c0"    # (300A, 00C0) Beam Number
            " 00 00 00 02"    # length
            " 31 20"          # value '1 '
            " 30 0a 00 c2"    # (300A, 00C2) Beam Name
            " 00 00 00 06"    # length
            " 42 65 61 6d 20 31"  # value 'Beam 1'
            # -------------
            " ff fe e0 00"    # (fffe, e000) Item Tag
            " 00 00 00 18"    # Item (dataset) Length
            " 30 0a 00 c0"    # (300A, 00C0) Beam Number
            " 00 00 00 02"    # length
            " 32 20"          # value '2 '
            " 30 0a 00 c2"    # (300A, 00C2) Beam Name
            " 00 00 00 06"    # length
            " 42 65 61 6d 20 32"  # value 'Beam 2'

        infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
        de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
        raw_seq = next(de_gen)
        seq = convert_value("SQ", raw_seq)

        # The sequence is parsed, but only into raw data elements.
        # They will be converted when asked for. Check some:
        got = seq[0].BeamNumber
        self.assertTrue(got == 1,
                        "Expected Beam Number 1, got {0!r}".format(got))
        got = seq[1].BeamName
        self.assertTrue(got == 'Beam 2',
                        "Expected Beam Name 'Beam 2', got {0:s}".format(got))
Esempio n. 27
    def testImplVRBigEndian_ExplicitLengthSeq(self):
        """Raw read: ImplVR BigEndian SQ with explicit lengths..."""
        # Create a fictional sequence with bytes directly,
        #    similar to PS 3.5-2008 Table 7.5-1 p42
        hexstr = (
            "30 0a 00 B0"  # (300a, 00b0) Beam Sequence
            " 00 00 00 40"  # length
            " ff fe e0 00"  # (fffe, e000) Item Tag
            " 00 00 00 18"  # Item (dataset) Length
            " 30 0a 00 c0"  # (300A, 00C0) Beam Number
            " 00 00 00 02"  # length
            " 31 20"  # value '1 '
            " 30 0a 00 c2"  # (300A, 00C2) Beam Name
            " 00 00 00 06"  # length
            " 42 65 61 6d 20 31"  # value 'Beam 1'
            # -------------
            " ff fe e0 00"  # (fffe, e000) Item Tag
            " 00 00 00 18"  # Item (dataset) Length
            " 30 0a 00 c0"  # (300A, 00C0) Beam Number
            " 00 00 00 02"  # length
            " 32 20"  # value '2 '
            " 30 0a 00 c2"  # (300A, 00C2) Beam Name
            " 00 00 00 06"  # length
            " 42 65 61 6d 20 32"  # value 'Beam 2'

        infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
        de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
        raw_seq = next(de_gen)
        seq = convert_value("SQ", raw_seq)

        # The sequence is parsed, but only into raw data elements.
        # They will be converted when asked for. Check some:
        got = seq[0].BeamNumber
        self.assertTrue(got == 1,
                        "Expected Beam Number 1, got {0!r}".format(got))
        got = seq[1].BeamName
        self.assertTrue(got == 'Beam 2',
                        "Expected Beam Name 'Beam 2', got {0:s}".format(got))
Esempio n. 28
    def testImplVRLittleEndian_ExplicitLengthSeq(self):
        """Raw read: ImplVR Little Endian SQ with explicit lengths..."""
        # Create a fictional sequence with bytes directly,
        #    similar to PS 3.5-2008 Table 7.5-1 p42
        hexstr = (
            "0a 30 B0 00"  # (300a, 00b0) Beam Sequence
            " 40 00 00 00"  # length
            " fe ff 00 e0"  # (fffe, e000) Item Tag
            " 18 00 00 00"  # Item (dataset) Length
            " 0a 30 c0 00"  # (300A, 00C0) Beam Number
            " 02 00 00 00"  # length
            " 31 20"  # value '1 '
            " 0a 30 c2 00"  # (300A, 00C2) Beam Name
            " 06 00 00 00"  # length
            " 42 65 61 6d 20 31"  # value 'Beam 1'
            # -------------
            " fe ff 00 e0"  # (fffe, e000) Item Tag
            " 18 00 00 00"  # Item (dataset) Length
            " 0a 30 c0 00"  # (300A, 00C0) Beam Number
            " 02 00 00 00"  # length
            " 32 20"  # value '2 '
            " 0a 30 c2 00"  # (300A, 00C2) Beam Name
            " 06 00 00 00"  # length
            " 42 65 61 6d 20 32"  # value 'Beam 2'

        infile = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
        de_gen = data_element_generator(infile,
        raw_seq = next(de_gen)
        seq = convert_value("SQ", raw_seq)

        # The sequence is parsed, but only into raw data elements.
        # They will be converted when asked for. Check some:
        assert 1 == seq[0].BeamNumber
        assert 'Beam 2' == seq[1].BeamName
Esempio n. 29
    def testEmptyItem(self):
        """Read sequence with a single empty item..."""
        # This is fix for issue 27
        hexstr = (
            "08 00 32 10"  # (0008, 1032) SQ "Procedure Code Sequence"
            " 08 00 00 00"  # length 8
            " fe ff 00 e0"  # (fffe, e000) Item Tag
            " 00 00 00 00"  # length = 0
        ) + (  # --------------- end of Sequence
            " 08 00 3e 10"  # (0008, 103e) LO "Series Description"  nopep8
            " 0c 00 00 00"  # length     nopep8
            " 52 20 41 44 44 20 56 49 45 57 53 20"  # value     nopep8
        # "\x08\x00\x32\x10\x08\x00\x00\x00\xfe\xff\x00\xe0\x00\x00\x00\x00"
        # from issue 27, procedure code sequence (0008,1032)
        # hexstr += "\x08\x00\x3e\x10\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x52\x20
        # \x41\x44\x44\x20\x56\x49\x45\x57\x53\x20"
        # data element following

        fp = BytesIO(hex2bytes(hexstr))
        gen = data_element_generator(fp,
        raw_seq = next(gen)
        seq = convert_value("SQ", raw_seq)

        got_type = "got type {0}".format(str(type(seq)))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(seq, Sequence),
                        "Did not get Sequence, %s" % got_type)
        expected = "Expected Sequence with single (empty) item"
        got = "got {0:d} item(s)".format(len(seq))
        self.assertTrue(len(seq) == 1, "%s, %s" % (expected, got))
        msg = "Expected the sequence item (dataset) to be empty"
        self.assertTrue(len(seq[0]) == 0, msg)
        elem2 = next(gen)
        self.assertEqual(elem2.tag, 0x0008103e,
                         "Expected a data element after empty sequence item")
Esempio n. 30
def read_dataset(fp, is_implicit_VR, is_little_endian, bytelength=None,
                 stop_when=None, defer_size=None,
                 parent_encoding=default_encoding, specific_tags=None):
    """Return a Dataset instance containing the next dataset in the file.

    fp : an opened file object
    is_implicit_VR : boolean
        True if file transfer syntax is implicit VR.
    is_little_endian : boolean
        True if file has little endian transfer syntax.
    bytelength : int, None, optional
        None to read until end of file or ItemDeliterTag, else
        a fixed number of bytes to read
    stop_when : None, optional
        optional call_back function which can terminate reading.
        See help for data_element_generator for details
    defer_size : int, None, optional
        Size to avoid loading large elements in memory.
        See ``dcmread`` for more parameter info.
    parent_encoding :
        optional encoding to use as a default in case
        a Specific Character Set (0008,0005) isn't specified
    specific_tags : list or None
        See ``dcmread`` for parameter info.

    a Dataset instance

    See Also
        A collection (dictionary) of Dicom `DataElement` instances.
    raw_data_elements = dict()
    fpStart = fp.tell()
    de_gen = data_element_generator(fp, is_implicit_VR, is_little_endian,
                                    stop_when, defer_size, parent_encoding,
        while (bytelength is None) or (fp.tell() - fpStart < bytelength):
            raw_data_element = next(de_gen)
            # Read data elements. Stop on some errors, but return what was read
            tag = raw_data_element.tag
            # Check for ItemDelimiterTag --dataset is an item in a sequence
            if tag == BaseTag(0xFFFEE00D):
            # Check if list element has length is 0
            if not is_implicit_VR and hasattr(raw_data_element, "length") and raw_data_element.tag < Tag(0x004,0x000):
                if raw_data_element.length == 0:
                    # rewind file pointer
           - 8)

            raw_data_elements[tag] = raw_data_element
    except StopIteration:
    except EOFError as details:
        # XXX is this error visible enough to user code with just logging?
        logger.error(str(details) + " in file " +
                     getattr(fp, "name", "<no filename>"))
    except NotImplementedError as details:

    return Dataset(raw_data_elements)