Esempio n. 1
    def test_nested_private_SQ(self):
        """Can successfully read a private SQ which contains additional SQs."""
        # From issue 113. When a private SQ of undefined length is used, the
        #   sequence is read in and the length of the SQ is determined upon
        #   identification of the SQ termination sequence. When using nested
        #   Sequences, the first termination sequence encountered actually
        #   belongs to the nested Sequence not the parent, therefore the
        #   remainder of the file is not read in properly
        ds = dcmread(nested_priv_SQ_name)

        # Make sure that the entire dataset was read in
        pixel_data_tag = TupleTag((0x7fe0, 0x10))
        assert pixel_data_tag in ds

        # Check that the DataElement is indeed a Sequence
        tag = TupleTag((0x01, 0x01))
        seq0 = ds[tag]
        assert 'SQ' == seq0.VR

        # Now verify the presence of the nested private SQ
        seq1 = seq0[0][tag]
        assert 'SQ' == seq1.VR

        # Now make sure the values that are parsed are correct
        assert b'Double Nested SQ' == seq1[0][tag].value
        assert b'Nested SQ' == seq0[0][0x01, 0x02].value
Esempio n. 2
def absorb_delimiter_item(
    fp: BinaryIO, is_little_endian: bool, delimiter: BaseTag
) -> None:
    """Read (and ignore) undefined length sequence or item terminators."""
    if is_little_endian:
        struct_format = "<HHL"
        struct_format = ">HHL"
    group, elem, length = unpack(struct_format,
    tag = TupleTag((group, elem))
    if tag != delimiter:
            "Did not find expected delimiter "
            f"'{dictionary_description(delimiter)}', instead found "
            f"{tag} at file position 0x{fp.tell() - 8:X}"
        ) - 8)

    logger.debug("%04x: Found Delimiter '%s'", fp.tell() - 8,

    if length == 0:
        logger.debug("%04x: Read 0 bytes after delimiter", fp.tell() - 4)
        logger.debug("%04x: Expected 0x00000000 after delimiter, found 0x%x",
                     fp.tell() - 4, length)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_no_transfer_syntax_in_meta(self):
        """Read file with file_meta, but has no TransferSyntaxUID in it."""
        # From issue 258: if file has file_meta but no TransferSyntaxUID in it,
        #   should assume default transfer syntax
        ds = dcmread(meta_missing_tsyntax_name)  # is default transfer syntax

        # Repeat one test from nested private sequence test to maker sure
        #    file was read correctly
        pixel_data_tag = TupleTag((0x7fe0, 0x10))
        assert pixel_data_tag in ds
    def testNoTransferSyntaxInMeta(self):
        """Read file with file_meta, but has no TransferSyntaxUID in it............"""
        # From issue 258: if file has file_meta but no TransferSyntaxUID in it,
        #   should assume default transfer syntax
        ds = read_file(meta_missing_tsyntax_name)  # is dicom default transfer syntax

        # Repeat one test from nested private sequence test to maker sure
        #    file was read correctly
        pixel_data_tag = TupleTag((0x7fe0, 0x10))
        self.assertTrue(pixel_data_tag in ds,
                        "Failed to properly read a file with no Transfer Syntax in file_meta")
Esempio n. 5
def _is_implicit_vr(fp, implicit_vr_is_assumed, is_little_endian, stop_when):
    """Check if the real VR is explicit or implicit.

    fp : an opened file object
    implicit_vr_is_assumed : bool
        True if implicit VR is assumed.
        If this does not match with the real transfer syntax, a user warning
        will be issued.
    is_little_endian : bool
        True if file has little endian transfer syntax.
        Needed to interpret the first tag.
    stop_when : None, optional
        Optional call_back function which can terminate reading.
        Needed to check if the next tag still belongs to the read dataset.

    True if implicit VR is used, False otherwise.
    tag_bytes =
    vr =
    if len(vr) < 2:
        return implicit_vr_is_assumed

    # it is sufficient to check if the VR is in valid ASCII range, as it is
    # extremely unlikely that the tag length accidentally has such a
    # representation - this would need the first tag to be longer than 16kB
    # (e.g. it should be > 0x4141 = 16705 bytes)
    vr1 = ord(vr[0]) if in_py2 else vr[0]
    vr2 = ord(vr[1]) if in_py2 else vr[1]
    found_implicit = not (0x40 < vr1 < 0x5B and 0x40 < vr2 < 0x5B)

    if found_implicit != implicit_vr_is_assumed:
        # first check if the tag still belongs to the dataset if stop_when
        # is given - if not, the dataset is empty and we just return
        endian_chr = "<" if is_little_endian else ">"
        tag = TupleTag(unpack(endian_chr + "HH", tag_bytes))
        if stop_when is not None and stop_when(tag, vr, 0):
            return found_implicit

        # got to the real problem - warn or raise depending on config
        found_vr = 'implicit' if found_implicit else 'explicit'
        expected_vr = 'implicit' if not found_implicit else 'explicit'
        message = ('Expected {0} VR, but found {1} VR - using {1} VR for '
                   'reading'.format(expected_vr, found_vr))
        if config.enforce_valid_values:
            raise InvalidDicomError(message)
        warnings.warn(message, UserWarning)
    return found_implicit
Esempio n. 6
    def read_frame_raw(self, index: int) -> bytes:
        """Reads the raw pixel data of an individual frame item.

        index: int
            Zero-based frame index

            Pixel data of a given frame item encoded in the transfer syntax.

            When frame could not be read

        if index > self.number_of_frames:
            raise ValueError('Frame index exceeds number of frames in image.')
        logger.debug(f'read frame #{index}')

        frame_offset = self._basic_offset_table[index] + frame_offset, 0)
        if self.metadata.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID.is_encapsulated:
                stop_at = self._basic_offset_table[index + 1] - frame_offset
            except IndexError:
                # For the last frame, there is no next offset available.
                stop_at = -1
            n = 0
            # A frame may consist of multiple items (fragments).
            fragments = []
            while True:
                tag = TupleTag(self._fp.read_tag())
                if n == stop_at or int(tag) == SequenceDelimiterTag:
                if int(tag) != ItemTag:
                    raise ValueError(f'Failed to read frame #{index}.')
                length = self._fp.read_UL()
                n += 4 + 4 + length
            frame_data = b''.join(fragments)
            frame_data =

        if len(frame_data) == 0:
            raise IOError(f'Failed to read frame #{index}.')

        return frame_data
Esempio n. 7
    def testNestedPrivateSQ(self):
        """Can successfully read a private SQ which contains additional
        # From issue 113. When a private SQ of undefined length is used, the
        #   sequence is read in and the length of the SQ is determined upon
        #   identification of the SQ termination sequence. When using nested
        #   Sequences, the first termination sequence encountered actually
        #   belongs to the nested Sequence not the parent, therefore the
        #   remainder of the file is not read in properly
        ds = read_file(nested_priv_SQ_name)

        # Make sure that the entire dataset was read in
        pixel_data_tag = TupleTag((0x7fe0, 0x10))
        self.assertTrue(pixel_data_tag in ds,
                        "Entire dataset was not parsed properly. PixelData is "
                        "not present")

        # Check that the DataElement is indeed a Sequence
        tag = TupleTag((0x01, 0x01))
        seq0 = ds[tag]
        self.assertEqual(seq0.VR, 'SQ',
                         "First level sequence not parsed properly")

        # Now verify the presence of the nested private SQ
        seq1 = seq0[0][tag]
        self.assertEqual(seq1.VR, 'SQ',
                         "Second level sequence not parsed properly")

        # Now make sure the values that are parsed are correct
        got = seq1[0][tag].value
        expected = b'Double Nested SQ'
        self.assertEqual(got, expected,
                         "Expected a value of %s, got %s'" % (expected, got))

        got = seq0[0][0x01, 0x02].value
        expected = b'Nested SQ'
        self.assertEqual(got, expected,
                         "Expected a value of %s, got %s'" % (expected, got))
Esempio n. 8
def absorb_delimiter_item(fp, is_little_endian, delimiter):
    """Read (and ignore) undefined length sequence or item terminators."""
    if is_little_endian:
        struct_format = "<HHL"
        struct_format = ">HHL"
    group, elem, length = unpack(struct_format,
    tag = TupleTag((group, elem))
    if tag != delimiter:
        msg = "Did not find expected delimiter '%s'" % dictionary_description(delimiter)
        msg += ", instead found %s at file position 0x%x" % (str(tag), fp.tell() - 8)
        logger.warn(msg) - 8)
    logger.debug("%04x: Found Delimiter '%s'", fp.tell() - 8, dictionary_description(delimiter))
    if length == 0:
        logger.debug("%04x: Read 0 bytes after delimiter", fp.tell() - 4)
        logger.debug("%04x: Expected 0x00000000 after delimiter, found 0x%x", fp.tell() - 4, length)
Esempio n. 9
def _get_bot(fp: DicomFile, number_of_frames: int) -> List[int]:
    """Tries to read the value of the Basic Offset Table (BOT) item and builds
    it in case it is empty.

    fp: pydicom.filebase.DicomFile
        Pointer for DICOM PS3.10 file stream positioned at the first byte of
        the Pixel Data element
    number_of_frames: int
        Number of frames contained in the Pixel Data element

        Offset of each Frame item in bytes from the first byte of the Pixel Data
        element following the BOT item

    Moves the pointer to the first byte of the open file following the BOT item
    (the first byte of the first Frame item).

    logger.debug('read Basic Offset Table')
    basic_offset_table = _read_bot(fp)

    first_frame_offset = fp.tell()
    tag = TupleTag(fp.read_tag())
    if int(tag) != ItemTag:
        raise ValueError('Reading of Basic Offset Table failed'), 0)

    # Basic Offset Table item must be present, but it may be empty
    if len(basic_offset_table) == 0:
        logger.debug('Basic Offset Table item is empty')
    if len(basic_offset_table) != number_of_frames:
        logger.debug('build Basic Offset Table item')
        basic_offset_table = _build_bot(fp, number_of_frames=number_of_frames)

    return basic_offset_table
Esempio n. 10
def convert_tag(byte_string, is_little_endian, offset=0):
    """Return a decoded :class:`BaseTag<pydicom.tag.BaseTag>` from the encoded

    byte_string : bytes
        The encoded tag.
    is_little_endian : bool
        ``True`` if the encoding is little endian, ``False`` otherwise.
    offset : int, optional
        The byte offset in `byte_string` to the start of the tag.

        The decoded tag.
    if is_little_endian:
        struct_format = "<HH"
        struct_format = ">HH"
    return TupleTag(unpack(struct_format, byte_string[offset:offset + 4]))
Esempio n. 11
def convert_tag(
    byte_string: bytes, is_little_endian: bool, offset: int = 0
) -> BaseTag:
    """Return a decoded :class:`BaseTag<pydicom.tag.BaseTag>` from the encoded

    byte_string : bytes
        The encoded tag.
    is_little_endian : bool
        ``True`` if the encoding is little endian, ``False`` otherwise.
    offset : int, optional
        The byte offset in `byte_string` to the start of the tag.

        The decoded tag.
    fmt = "<HH" if is_little_endian else ">HH"
    value = cast(Tuple[int, int], unpack(fmt, byte_string[offset:offset + 4]))
    return TupleTag(value)
Esempio n. 12
def _read_bot(fp: DicomFile) -> List[int]:
    """Reads the Basic Offset Table (BOT) item of an encapsulated Pixel Data

    fp: pydicom.filebase.DicomFile
        Pointer for DICOM PS3.10 file stream positioned at the first byte of
        the Pixel Data element

        Offset of each Frame item in bytes from the first byte of the Pixel Data
        element following the BOT item

    Moves the pointer to the first byte of the open file following the BOT item
    (the first byte of the first Frame item).

        When file pointer is not positioned at first byte of Pixel Data element

    tag = TupleTag(fp.read_tag())
    if int(tag) not in _PIXEL_DATA_TAGS:
        raise IOError(
            'Expected file pointer at first byte of Pixel Data element.')
    # Skip Pixel Data element header (tag, VR, length)
    pixel_data_element_value_offset = data_element_offset_to_value(
        fp.is_implicit_VR, 'OB') - 4, 1)
    is_empty, offsets = get_frame_offsets(fp)
    return offsets
Esempio n. 13
def desensitization(save_path, filepath, originalDataPath, tuomin_path):
    necessary_tag = [
        (0x0008, 0x0090),  # Referring Physician's Name
        (0x0010, 0x0010),  # Patient's Name
        (0x0010, 0x1040),  # Patient's Address
    unnecessar_tag = [
        (0x0008, 0x0080),  # Institution Name
        (0x0008, 0x0081),  # Institution Address
        (0x0008, 0x0092),  # Referring Physician Address
        (0x0008, 0x1040),  # Institutional Department Name
        (0x0008, 0x1048),  # Physician(s) of Record
        (0x0008, 0x1050),  # Performing Physician's Name
        (0x0010, 0x2154),  # Patient's Telephone Numbers
        (0x0032, 0x1032),  # Requesting Physician
        (0x0008, 0x0000),  # [Patient's Name]
        (0x0018, 0x1151),

    # 标签脱敏
        info = pydicom.read_file(filepath, force=True)
            if hasattr(info, 'InstanceNumber'):
                ID = str(info.SeriesInstanceUID) + '_' + str(info.InstanceNumber)
                ID = str(info.SeriesInstanceUID)
            if hasattr(info, 'InstanceNumber'):
                ID = str(info.StudyInstanceUID) + '_' + str(info.InstanceNumber)
                ID = str(info.StudyInstanceUID)
        SeriesInstanceUID = info.SeriesInstanceUID
        file_name = filepath.split('/')[-1]
        folder_name = filepath.replace(originalDataPath, '')
        folder_name1 = folder_name.replace(file_name, '')
        folder_path = save_path + folder_name1
        except OSError:
        for necessary in necessary_tag:
            name = necessary[1]
            tag = TupleTag(necessary)
                info[tag].value = 'Anonymized by inferVISION '
                # print info[tag].value
            except KeyError:
                if name == 144:
                    info.add_new(0x80090, 'PN', 'Anonymized by inferVISION ')
                if name == 16:
                    info.add_new(0x100010, 'PN', 'Anonymized by inferVISION ')
                if name == 4160:
                    info.add_new(0x101040, 'LO', 'Anonymized by inferVISION ')
        for unnecessar in unnecessar_tag:
            tag = TupleTag(unnecessar)
            info.pop(tag, None)
        print(filepath + "   Sensitive information has been deleted!!!!")
        out_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name)
        # try:
        #     st = info.SliceThickness
            #     info[0x0018,0x1151].value = int(float(info[0x0018,0x1151].value))
            # 由于源文件file_meta缺失导致文件无法重写保存的原因
            info.file_meta.MediaStorageSOPClassUID = info.SOPClassUID
            info.file_meta.MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID = info.SOPInstanceUID
            info.file_meta.ImplementationClassUID = info.SOPClassUID
        os.system('gdcmconv  -raw %s %s' % (out_path, out_path))
                            format = ' %(name)s - %(levelname)s -%(module)s:  %(message)s',
                            filename=tuomin_path,  # 此处为脱敏日志路径
        # format = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s -%(module)s:  %(message)s',
        # datefmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %p',
        # level = 10'  %s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t' % ('2018-01-02',ID, filepath, "Sensitive information has been removed!!"))
        with open(originalDataPath + str(i) + '_error.log', 'a+') as errorfile:
            print >> errorfile, filepath
Esempio n. 14
def data_element_generator(
    fp: BinaryIO,
    is_implicit_VR: bool,
    is_little_endian: bool,
    stop_when: Optional[Callable[[BaseTag, Optional[str], int], bool]] = None,
    defer_size: Optional[Union[int, str, float]] = None,
    encoding: Union[str, MutableSequence[str]] = default_encoding,
    specific_tags: Optional[List[BaseTag]] = None
) -> Iterator[Union[RawDataElement, DataElement]]:
    """Create a generator to efficiently return the raw data elements.

    .. note::

        This function is used internally - usually there is no need to call it
        from user code. To read data from a DICOM file, :func:`dcmread`
        shall be used instead.

    fp : file-like
        The file-like to read from.
    is_implicit_VR : bool
        ``True`` if the data is encoded as implicit VR, ``False`` otherwise.
    is_little_endian : bool
        ``True`` if the data is encoded as little endian, ``False`` otherwise.
    stop_when : None, callable, optional
        If ``None`` (default), then the whole file is read. A callable which
        takes tag, VR, length, and returns ``True`` or ``False``. If it
        returns ``True``, ``read_data_element`` will just return.
    defer_size : int, str or float, optional
        See :func:`dcmread` for parameter info.
    encoding : Union[str, MutableSequence[str]]
        Encoding scheme
    specific_tags : list or None
        See :func:`dcmread` for parameter info.

    RawDataElement or DataElement
        Yields DataElement for undefined length UN or SQ, RawDataElement
    # Summary of DICOM standard PS3.5-2008 chapter 7:
    # If Implicit VR, data element is:
    #    tag, 4-byte length, value.
    #        The 4-byte length can be FFFFFFFF (undefined length)*
    # If Explicit VR:
    #    if OB, OW, OF, SQ, UN, or UT:
    #       tag, VR, 2-bytes reserved (both zero), 4-byte length, value
    #           For all but UT, the length can be FFFFFFFF (undefined length)*
    #   else: (any other VR)
    #       tag, VR, (2 byte length), value
    # * for undefined length, a Sequence Delimitation Item marks the end
    #        of the Value Field.
    # Note, except for the special_VRs, both impl and expl VR use 8 bytes;
    #    the special VRs follow the 8 bytes with a 4-byte length

    # With a generator, state is stored, so we can break down
    #    into the individual cases, and not have to check them again for each
    #    data element
    from pydicom.values import convert_string

    if is_little_endian:
        endian_chr = "<"
        endian_chr = ">"

    # assign implicit VR struct to variable as use later if VR assumed missing
    implicit_VR_struct = Struct(endian_chr + "HHL")
    if is_implicit_VR:
        element_struct = implicit_VR_struct
    else:  # Explicit VR
        # tag, VR, 2-byte length (or 0 if special VRs)
        element_struct = Struct(endian_chr + "HH2sH")
        extra_length_struct = Struct(endian_chr + "L")  # for special VRs
        extra_length_unpack = extra_length_struct.unpack  # for lookup speed

    # Make local variables so have faster lookup
    fp_read =
    fp_tell = fp.tell
    logger_debug = logger.debug
    debugging = config.debugging
    element_struct_unpack = element_struct.unpack
    defer_size = size_in_bytes(defer_size)

    tag_set = {Tag(tag) for tag in specific_tags} if specific_tags else set()
    has_tag_set = bool(tag_set)
    if has_tag_set:
        tag_set.add(Tag(0x00080005))  # Specific Character Set

    while True:
        # VR: Optional[str]

        # Read tag, VR, length, get ready to read value
        bytes_read = fp_read(8)
        if len(bytes_read) < 8:
            return  # at end of file

        if debugging:
            debug_msg = f"{fp.tell() - 8:08x}: {bytes2hex(bytes_read)}"

        if is_implicit_VR:
            # must reset VR each time; could have set last iteration (e.g. SQ)
            VR = None
            group, elem, length = element_struct_unpack(bytes_read)
        else:  # explicit VR
            group, elem, VR, length = element_struct_unpack(bytes_read)
            # defend against switching to implicit VR, some writer do in SQ's
            # issue 1067, issue 1035

            if not (b'AA' <= VR <= b'ZZ') and config.assume_implicit_vr_switch:
                # invalid VR, must be 2 cap chrs, assume implicit and continue
                VR = None
                group, elem, length = implicit_VR_struct.unpack(bytes_read)
                VR = VR.decode(default_encoding)
                if VR in extra_length_VRs:
                    bytes_read = fp_read(4)
                    length = extra_length_unpack(bytes_read)[0]
                    if debugging:
                        debug_msg += " " + bytes2hex(bytes_read)

        if debugging:
            debug_msg = "%-47s  (%04x, %04x)" % (debug_msg, group, elem)
            if not is_implicit_VR:
                debug_msg += " %s " % VR
            if length != 0xFFFFFFFF:
                debug_msg += "Length: %d" % length
                debug_msg += "Length: Undefined length (FFFFFFFF)"

        # Positioned to read the value, but may not want to -- check stop_when
        value_tell = fp_tell()
        tag = TupleTag((group, elem))
        if stop_when is not None:
            # XXX VR may be None here!! Should stop_when just take tag?
            if stop_when(tag, VR, length):
                if debugging:
                    logger_debug("Reading ended by stop_when callback. "
                                 "Rewinding to start of data element.")
                rewind_length = 8
                if not is_implicit_VR and VR in extra_length_VRs:
                    rewind_length += 4
       - rewind_length)

        # Reading the value
        # First case (most common): reading a value with a defined length
        if length != 0xFFFFFFFF:
            # don't defer loading of Specific Character Set value as it is
            # needed immediately to get the character encoding for other tags
            if has_tag_set and tag not in tag_set:
                # skip the tag if not in specific tags
       + length)

            if (defer_size is not None and length > defer_size and
                    tag != BaseTag(0x00080005)):
                # Flag as deferred by setting value to None, and skip bytes
                value = None
                logger_debug("Defer size exceeded. "
                             "Skipping forward to next data element.")
       + length)
                value = (
                    fp_read(length) if length > 0
                    else cast(
                        Optional[bytes], empty_value_for_VR(VR, raw=True)
                if debugging:
                    dotdot = "..." if length > 20 else "   "
                    displayed_value = value[:20] if value else b''
                    logger_debug("%08x: %-34s %s %r %s" %
                                 (value_tell, bytes2hex(displayed_value),
                                  dotdot, displayed_value, dotdot))

            # If the tag is (0008,0005) Specific Character Set, then store it
            if tag == BaseTag(0x00080005):
                # *Specific Character String* is b'' for empty value
                encoding = convert_string(
                    cast(bytes, value) or b'', is_little_endian
                # Store the encoding value in the generator
                # for use with future elements (SQs)
                encoding = convert_encodings(encoding)

            yield RawDataElement(tag, VR, length, value, value_tell,
                                 is_implicit_VR, is_little_endian)

        # Second case: undefined length - must seek to delimiter,
        # unless is SQ type, in which case is easier to parse it, because
        # undefined length SQs and items of undefined lengths can be nested
        # and it would be error-prone to read to the correct outer delimiter
            # VR UN with undefined length shall be handled as SQ
            # see PS 3.5, section 6.2.2
            if VR == 'UN':
                VR = 'SQ'
            # Try to look up type to see if is a SQ
            # if private tag, won't be able to look it up in dictionary,
            #   in which case just ignore it and read the bytes unless it is
            #   identified as a Sequence
            if VR is None or VR == 'UN' and config.replace_un_with_known_vr:
                    VR = dictionary_VR(tag)
                except KeyError:
                    # Look ahead to see if it consists of items
                    # and is thus a SQ
                    next_tag = _unpack_tag(fp_read(4), endian_chr)
                    # Rewind the file
           - 4)
                    if next_tag == ItemTag:
                        VR = 'SQ'

            if VR == 'SQ':
                if debugging:
                        f"{fp_tell():08X}: Reading/parsing undefined length "

                seq = read_sequence(fp, is_implicit_VR,
                                    is_little_endian, length, encoding)
                if has_tag_set and tag not in tag_set:

                yield DataElement(tag, VR, seq, value_tell,
                delimiter = SequenceDelimiterTag
                if debugging:
                    logger_debug("Reading undefined length data element")
                value = read_undefined_length_value(
                    fp, is_little_endian, delimiter, defer_size

                # tags with undefined length are skipped after read
                if has_tag_set and tag not in tag_set:

                yield RawDataElement(tag, VR, length, value, value_tell,
                                     is_implicit_VR, is_little_endian)
Esempio n. 15
 def testGoodTuple(self):
     """Tags can be constructed with two-tuple of 2-byte integers."""
     TupleTag((0xFFFF, 0xFFee))
     tag = TupleTag((0x300a, 0x00b0))
     self.assertEqual(, 0x300a,
                      "Expected 0x300a, got %r" %
Esempio n. 16
    def open(self) -> None:
        """Opens file and reads metadata from it.

            When file cannot be found
            When file cannot be opened
            When DICOM metadata cannot be read from file
            When DICOM dataset contained in file does not represent an image

        Builds a Basic Offset Table to speed up subsequent frame-level access.

        logger.debug('read File Meta Information')
        file_meta = read_file_meta_info(self.filename)
        transfer_syntax_uid = UID(file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID)
            self._fp = DicomFile(str(self.filename), mode='rb')
            self._fp.is_little_endian = transfer_syntax_uid.is_little_endian
            self._fp.is_implicit_VR = transfer_syntax_uid.is_implicit_VR
        except FileNotFoundError:
            raise FileNotFoundError(f'File not found: "{self.filename}"')
        except Exception:
            raise OSError(
                f'Could not open file for reading: "{self.filename}"')
        logger.debug('read metadata elements')
            self._metadata = dcmread(self._fp, stop_before_pixels=True)
        except Exception as err:
            raise IOError(
                f'DICOM metadata cannot be read from file "{self.filename}": '
        self._pixel_data_offset = self._fp.tell()
        # Determine whether dataset contains a Pixel Data element
            tag = TupleTag(self._fp.read_tag())
        except EOFError:
            raise ValueError(
                'Dataset does not represent an image information entity.')
        if int(tag) not in _PIXEL_DATA_TAGS:
            raise ValueError(
                'Dataset does not represent an image information entity.')
        self._as_float = False
        if int(tag) in _FLOAT_PIXEL_DATA_TAGS:
            self._as_float = True

        # Reset the file pointer to the beginning of the Pixel Data element, 0)

        # Build the ICC Transformation object. This takes some time and should
        # be done only once to speedup subsequent color corrections.

        if self.metadata.SamplesPerPixel == 1:
            self._color_manager = None
                icc_profile = self.metadata.ICCProfile
            except AttributeError:
                    if len(self.metadata.OpticalPathSequence) > 1:
                        # This should not happen in case of a color image.
                            'color image contains more than one optical path')
                    optical_path_item = self.metadata.OpticalPathSequence[0]
                    icc_profile = optical_path_item.ICCProfile
                except (IndexError, AttributeError):
                    raise AttributeError(
                        'No ICC Profile found in image metadata.')
                self._color_manager = ColorManager(icc_profile)
            except ValueError:
                logger.warning('could not read ICC Profile')
                self._color_manager = None

        logger.debug('build Basic Offset Table')
        transfer_syntax_uid = self.metadata.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID
        if transfer_syntax_uid.is_encapsulated:
                self._basic_offset_table = _get_bot(
                    self._fp, number_of_frames=self.number_of_frames)
            except Exception as err:
                raise IOError(f'Failed to build Basic Offset Table: "{err}"')
            self._first_frame_offset = self._fp.tell()
            if self._fp.is_implicit_VR:
                header_offset = 4 + 4  # tag and length
                header_offset = 4 + 2 + 2 + 4  # tag, VR, reserved and length
            self._first_frame_offset = self._pixel_data_offset + header_offset
            n_pixels = self._pixels_per_frame
            bits_allocated = self.metadata.BitsAllocated
            if bits_allocated == 1:
                self._basic_offset_table = [
                    int(np.floor(i * n_pixels / 8))
                    for i in range(self.number_of_frames)
                self._basic_offset_table = [
                    i * self._bytes_per_frame_uncompressed
                    for i in range(self.number_of_frames)

        if len(self._basic_offset_table) != self.number_of_frames:
            raise ValueError(
                'Length of Basic Offset Table does not match Number of Frames.'
Esempio n. 17
def convert_tag(byte_string, is_little_endian, offset=0):
    if is_little_endian:
        struct_format = "<HH"
        struct_format = ">HH"
    return TupleTag(unpack(struct_format, byte_string[offset:offset + 4]))
def data_element_generator(fp,
    """:return: (tag, VR, length, value, value_tell,
                                 is_implicit_VR, is_little_endian)
    if is_little_endian:
        endian_chr = "<"
        endian_chr = ">"
    if is_implicit_VR:
        element_struct = Struct(endian_chr + "HHL")
    else:  # Explicit VR
        # tag, VR, 2-byte length (or 0 if special VRs)
        element_struct = Struct(endian_chr + "HH2sH")
        extra_length_struct = Struct(endian_chr + "L")  # for special VRs
        extra_length_unpack = extra_length_struct.unpack  # for lookup speed

    # Make local variables so have faster lookup
    fp_read =
    fp_tell = fp.tell
    element_struct_unpack = element_struct.unpack
    defer_size = size_in_bytes(defer_size)

    while True:
        # Read tag, VR, length, get ready to read value
        bytes_read = fp_read(8)
        if len(bytes_read) < 8:
            raise StopIteration  # at end of file

        if is_implicit_VR:
            # must reset VR each time; could have set last iteration (e.g. SQ)
            VR = None
            group, elem, length = element_struct_unpack(bytes_read)
        else:  # explicit VR
            group, elem, VR, length = element_struct_unpack(bytes_read)
            if VR in extra_length_VRs_b:
                bytes_read = fp_read(4)
                length = extra_length_unpack(bytes_read)[0]

        # Positioned to read the value, but may not want to -- check stop_when
        value_tell = fp_tell()
        if stop_when is not None:
            if stop_when(group, elem):
                rewind_length = 8
                if not is_implicit_VR and VR in extra_length_VRs_b:
                    rewind_length += 4
       - rewind_length)
                raise StopIteration

        # Reading the value
        # First case (most common): reading a value with a defined length
        if length != 0xFFFFFFFF:
            if defer_size is not None and length > defer_size:
                # Flag as deferred by setting value to None, and skip bytes
                value = None
       + length)
                value = fp_read(length)
            # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
            yield ((group, elem), VR, length, value, value_tell)

        # Second case: undefined length - must seek to delimiter,
        # unless is SQ type, in which case is easier to parse it, because
        # undefined length SQs and items of undefined lengths can be nested
        # and it would be error-prone to read to the correct outer delimiter
            # Try to look up type to see if is a SQ
            # if private tag, won't be able to look it up in dictionary,
            #   in which case just ignore it and read the bytes unless it is
            #   identified as a Sequence
            if VR is None:
                    VR = dictionary_VR((group, elem))
                except KeyError:
                    # Look ahead to see if it consists of items and
                    # is thus a SQ
                    next_tag = TupleTag(unpack(endian_chr + "HH", fp_read(4)))
                    # Rewind the file
           - 4)
                    if next_tag == ItemTag:
                        VR = b'SQ'

            if VR == b'SQ':
                yield ((group, elem), VR, length, None, value_tell)
                raise NotImplementedError("This reader does not handle "
                                          "undefined length except for SQ")
Esempio n. 19
 def test_tuple_tag(self):
     """Test quick tag construction with TupleTag."""
     self.assertEqual(TupleTag((0xFFFF, 0xFFee)), BaseTag(0xFFFFFFEE))
Esempio n. 20
 def test_tuple_tag(self):
     """Test quick tag construction with TupleTag."""
     assert TupleTag((0xFFFF, 0xFFee)) == BaseTag(0xFFFFFFEE)
Esempio n. 21
def _unpack_tag(b: bytes, endianness: str) -> BaseTag:
    return TupleTag(cast(Tuple[int, int], unpack(f"{endianness}HH", b)))
Esempio n. 22
def data_element_generator(fp,
    """Create a generator to efficiently return the raw data elements.

    fp : file-like object
    is_implicit_VR : boolean
    is_little_endian : boolean
    stop_when : None, callable, optional
        If None (default), then the whole file is read.
        A callable which takes tag, VR, length,
        and returns True or False. If it returns True,
        read_data_element will just return.
    defer_size : int, str, None, optional
        See ``dcmread`` for parameter info.
    encoding :
        Encoding scheme
    specific_tags : list or None
        See ``dcmread`` for parameter info.

    VR : None if implicit VR, otherwise the VR read from the file
    length :
        the length as in the DICOM data element (could be
        DICOM "undefined length" 0xffffffffL)
    value_bytes :
        the raw bytes from the DICOM file
        (not parsed into python types)
    is_little_endian : boolean
        True if transfer syntax is little endian; else False.
    # Summary of DICOM standard PS3.5-2008 chapter 7:
    # If Implicit VR, data element is:
    #    tag, 4-byte length, value.
    #        The 4-byte length can be FFFFFFFF (undefined length)*
    # If Explicit VR:
    #    if OB, OW, OF, SQ, UN, or UT:
    #       tag, VR, 2-bytes reserved (both zero), 4-byte length, value
    #           For all but UT, the length can be FFFFFFFF (undefined length)*
    #   else: (any other VR)
    #       tag, VR, (2 byte length), value
    # * for undefined length, a Sequence Delimitation Item marks the end
    #        of the Value Field.
    # Note, except for the special_VRs, both impl and expl VR use 8 bytes;
    #    the special VRs follow the 8 bytes with a 4-byte length

    # With a generator, state is stored, so we can break down
    #    into the individual cases, and not have to check them again for each
    #    data element

    if is_little_endian:
        endian_chr = "<"
        endian_chr = ">"
    if is_implicit_VR:
        element_struct = Struct(endian_chr + "HHL")
    else:  # Explicit VR
        # tag, VR, 2-byte length (or 0 if special VRs)
        element_struct = Struct(endian_chr + "HH2sH")
        extra_length_struct = Struct(endian_chr + "L")  # for special VRs
        extra_length_unpack = extra_length_struct.unpack  # for lookup speed

    # Make local variables so have faster lookup
    fp_read =
    fp_tell = fp.tell
    logger_debug = logger.debug
    debugging = config.debugging
    element_struct_unpack = element_struct.unpack
    defer_size = size_in_bytes(defer_size)

    tag_set = set()
    has_specific_char_set = True
    if specific_tags is not None:
        for tag in specific_tags:
            if isinstance(tag, (str, compat.text_type)):
                tag = Tag(tag_for_keyword(tag))
            if isinstance(tag, BaseTag):
        has_specific_char_set = Tag(0x08, 0x05) in tag_set
        tag_set.add(Tag(0x08, 0x05))
    has_tag_set = len(tag_set) > 0

    while True:
        # Read tag, VR, length, get ready to read value
        bytes_read = fp_read(8)
        if len(bytes_read) < 8:
            return  # at end of file
        if debugging:
            debug_msg = "{0:08x}: {1}".format(fp.tell() - 8,

        if is_implicit_VR:
            # must reset VR each time; could have set last iteration (e.g. SQ)
            VR = None
            group, elem, length = element_struct_unpack(bytes_read)
        else:  # explicit VR
            group, elem, VR, length = element_struct_unpack(bytes_read)
            if not in_py2:
                VR = VR.decode(default_encoding)
            if VR in extra_length_VRs:
                bytes_read = fp_read(4)
                length = extra_length_unpack(bytes_read)[0]
                if debugging:
                    debug_msg += " " + bytes2hex(bytes_read)
        if debugging:
            debug_msg = "%-47s  (%04x, %04x)" % (debug_msg, group, elem)
            if not is_implicit_VR:
                debug_msg += " %s " % VR
            if length != 0xFFFFFFFF:
                debug_msg += "Length: %d" % length
                debug_msg += "Length: Undefined length (FFFFFFFF)"

        # Positioned to read the value, but may not want to -- check stop_when
        value_tell = fp_tell()
        tag = TupleTag((group, elem))
        if stop_when is not None:
            # XXX VR may be None here!! Should stop_when just take tag?
            if stop_when(tag, VR, length):
                if debugging:
                    logger_debug("Reading ended by stop_when callback. "
                                 "Rewinding to start of data element.")
                rewind_length = 8
                if not is_implicit_VR and VR in extra_length_VRs:
                    rewind_length += 4
       - rewind_length)

        # Reading the value
        # First case (most common): reading a value with a defined length
        if length != 0xFFFFFFFF:
            # don't defer loading of Specific Character Set value as it is
            # needed immediately to get the character encoding for other tags
            if has_tag_set and tag not in tag_set:
                # skip the tag if not in specific tags
       + length)

            if (defer_size is not None and length > defer_size
                    and tag != BaseTag(0x00080005)):
                # Flag as deferred by setting value to None, and skip bytes
                value = None
                logger_debug("Defer size exceeded. "
                             "Skipping forward to next data element.")
       + length)
                value = fp_read(length)
                if debugging:
                    dotdot = "   "
                    if length > 12:
                        dotdot = "..."
                    logger_debug("%08x: %-34s %s %r %s" %
                                 (value_tell, bytes2hex(
                                     value[:12]), dotdot, value[:12], dotdot))

            # If the tag is (0008,0005) Specific Character Set, then store it
            if tag == BaseTag(0x00080005):
                from pydicom.values import convert_string
                encoding = convert_string(value,
                # Store the encoding value in the generator
                # for use with future elements (SQs)
                encoding = convert_encodings(encoding)
                if not has_specific_char_set:

            yield RawDataElement(tag, VR, length, value, value_tell,
                                 is_implicit_VR, is_little_endian)

        # Second case: undefined length - must seek to delimiter,
        # unless is SQ type, in which case is easier to parse it, because
        # undefined length SQs and items of undefined lengths can be nested
        # and it would be error-prone to read to the correct outer delimiter
            # Try to look up type to see if is a SQ
            # if private tag, won't be able to look it up in dictionary,
            #   in which case just ignore it and read the bytes unless it is
            #   identified as a Sequence
            if VR is None:
                    VR = dictionary_VR(tag)
                except KeyError:
                    # Look ahead to see if it consists of items
                    # and is thus a SQ
                    next_tag = TupleTag(unpack(endian_chr + "HH", fp_read(4)))
                    # Rewind the file
           - 4)
                    if next_tag == ItemTag:
                        VR = 'SQ'

            if VR == 'SQ':
                if debugging:
                    msg = "{0:08x}: Reading/parsing undefined length sequence"
                seq = read_sequence(fp, is_implicit_VR, is_little_endian,
                                    length, encoding)
                if has_tag_set and tag not in tag_set:
                yield DataElement(tag,
                delimiter = SequenceDelimiterTag
                if debugging:
                    logger_debug("Reading undefined length data element")
                value = read_undefined_length_value(fp, is_little_endian,
                                                    delimiter, defer_size)

                # If the tag is (0008,0005) Specific Character Set,
                # then store it
                if tag == (0x08, 0x05):
                    from pydicom.values import convert_string
                    encoding = convert_string(value,
                    # Store the encoding value in the generator for use
                    # with future elements (SQs)
                    encoding = convert_encodings(encoding)
                    if not has_specific_char_set:

                # tags with undefined length are skipped after read
                if has_tag_set and tag not in tag_set:
                yield RawDataElement(tag, VR, length, value, value_tell,
                                     is_implicit_VR, is_little_endian)
Esempio n. 23
def _build_bot(fp: DicomFile, number_of_frames: int) -> List[int]:
    """Builds a Basic Offset Table (BOT) item of an encapsulated Pixel Data

    fp: pydicom.filebase.DicomFile
        Pointer for DICOM PS3.10 file stream positioned at the first byte of
        the Pixel Data element following the empty Basic Offset Table (BOT)
    number_of_frames: int
        Total number of frames in the dataset

        Offset of each Frame item in bytes from the first byte of the Pixel Data
        element following the BOT item

    Moves the pointer back to the first byte of the Pixel Data element
    following the BOT item (the first byte of the first Frame item).

        When file pointer is not positioned at first byte of first Frame item
        after Basic Offset Table item or when parsing of Frame item headers
        When the number of offsets doesn't match the specified number of frames

    initial_position = fp.tell()
    offset_values = []
    current_offset = 0
    i = 0
    while True:
        frame_position = fp.tell()
        tag = TupleTag(fp.read_tag())
        if int(tag) == SequenceDelimiterTag:
        if int(tag) != ItemTag:
  , 0)
            raise IOError(
                'Building Basic Offset Table (BOT) failed. '
                f'Expected tag of Frame item #{i} at position {frame_position}.'
        length = fp.read_UL()
        if length % 2:
  , 0)
            raise IOError('Building Basic Offset Table (BOT) failed. '
                          f'Length of Frame item #{i} is not a multiple of 2.')
        elif length == 0:
  , 0)
            raise IOError('Building Basic Offset Table (BOT) failed. '
                          f'Length of Frame item #{i} is zero.')

        first_two_bytes =, 1)
        if not fp.is_little_endian:
            first_two_bytes = first_two_bytes[::-1]

        # In case of fragmentation, we only want to get the offsets to the
        # first fragment of a given frame. We can identify those based on the
        # JPEG and JPEG 2000 markers that should be found at the beginning and
        # end of the compressed byte stream.
        if first_two_bytes in _START_MARKERS:
            current_offset = frame_position - initial_position

        i += 1 - 2, 1)  # minus the first two bytes

    if len(offset_values) != number_of_frames:
        raise ValueError(
            'Number of frame items does not match specified Number of Frames.')
        basic_offset_table = offset_values, 0)
    return basic_offset_table