def test_modify_task_modifies_task_attributes( self, repo: FakeRepository, faker: Faker, task: Task, caplog: LogCaptureFixture, ) -> None: """ Given: An existent task. When: Using modify_task to modify the description. Then: The description is modified. """ now = description = faker.sentence() selector = TaskSelector(task_ids=[task.id_]) change = TaskChanges(task_attributes={"description": description}, ) services.modify_tasks(repo, selector, change) # act modified_task = repo.get(task.id_, [Task]) assert modified_task.description == description assert (modified_task.modified - now).total_seconds() < 2 assert ( "", logging.INFO, f"Modified task {task.id_}.", ) in caplog.record_tuples
def test_modify_child_task_parent_notifies_orphan_if_no_parent( self, repo: FakeRepository, task: Task, caplog: LogCaptureFixture, faker: Faker, ) -> None: """ Given: A task without parent When: modifying the task with modify_parent = True Then: A warning is shown that the task has no parent. """ selector = TaskSelector(task_ids=[task.id_]) description = faker.sentence() change = TaskChanges(task_attributes={"description": description}) services.modify_tasks(repo, selector, change, modify_parent=True) # act modified_task = repo.get(task.id_, [Task]) assert modified_task.description == description assert ( "", logging.WARNING, f"Task {task.id_} doesn't have a parent task.", ) in caplog.record_tuples
def test_modify_task_adds_tags(self, repo: FakeRepository, task: Task, faker: Faker) -> None: """ Given: A task without tags When: modifying it to add a tag Then: the tags are added """ selector = TaskSelector(task_ids=[task.id_]) tag = faker.word() change = TaskChanges(tags_to_add=[tag]) services.modify_tasks(repo, selector, change) # act modified_task = repo.get(task.id_, [Task]) assert modified_task.tags == [tag]
def test_modify_doesnt_change_task_if_change_changes_nothing( self, repo: FakeRepository, task: Task, caplog: LogCaptureFixture, faker: Faker) -> None: """ Given: A task When: modifying it's description to the same value Then: The modified task log message is not shown """ selector = TaskSelector(task_ids=[task.id_]) change = TaskChanges(task_attributes={"description": task.description}) services.modify_tasks(repo, selector, change) # act assert ( "", logging.INFO, f"Modified task {task.id_}.", ) not in caplog.record_tuples
def test_modify_task_removes_tags(self, repo: FakeRepository, task: Task, faker: Faker) -> None: """ Given: A task with a tag When: modifying it to remove the tag Then: the tags are removed, but the rest of the properties are kept. """ tag = faker.word() selector = TaskSelector(task_ids=[task.id_]) change = TaskChanges(tags_to_add=[tag]) services.modify_tasks(repo, selector, change) change = TaskChanges(tags_to_remove=[tag]) services.modify_tasks(repo, selector, change) # act modified_task = repo.get(task.id_, [Task]) assert modified_task.tags == [] assert modified_task.description == task.description
def test_modify_raises_error_if_task_not_found( self, repo: FakeRepository, faker: Faker, task: Task, caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None: """ Given: An inexistent task When: Using modify_tasks on an that task Then: An error is raised """ selector = TaskSelector(task_ids=[9999999]) change = TaskChanges(task_attributes={"description": faker.sentence()}, ) with pytest.raises( EntityNotFoundError, match= "There are no entities of type Task in the repository with id", ): services.modify_tasks(repo, selector, change) # act
def test_modify_task_warns_if_task_doesnt_have_any_tag( self, repo: FakeRepository, task: Task, caplog: LogCaptureFixture, faker: Faker) -> None: """ Given: A task without a tag When: modifying it to remove the tag Then: A warning is shown that the task doesn't have any tag to remove """ selector = TaskSelector(task_ids=[task.id_]) tag = faker.word() change = TaskChanges(tags_to_remove=[tag]) services.modify_tasks(repo, selector, change) # act assert ( "", logging.WARNING, f"Task {task.id_} doesn't have the tag {tag} assigned.", ) in caplog.record_tuples
def test_modify_task_modifies_parent_attributes( self, repo: FakeRepository, caplog: LogCaptureFixture, faker: Faker, insert_parent_task: Tuple[RecurrentTask, Task], ) -> None: """ Given: A recurrent task and it's child When: modifying the child with modify_parent = True Then: Both parent and child attributes are changed. """ parent_task, child_task = insert_parent_task selector = TaskSelector(task_ids=[child_task.id_]) description = faker.sentence() change = TaskChanges(task_attributes={"description": description}) services.modify_tasks(repo, selector, change, modify_parent=True) # act modified_child_task = repo.get(child_task.id_, [Task]) modified_parent_task = repo.get(parent_task.id_, [RecurrentTask]) assert modified_child_task.description == description assert modified_parent_task.description == description