Esempio n. 1
def run_complex_mathematical_program():
    print "\n\ncomplex mathematical program"
    mp = MathematicalProgram()
    x = mp.NewContinuousVariables(1, 'x')
    mp.AddCost(cost, x)
    mp.AddConstraint(quad_constraint, [1.0], [2.0], x)
    mp.SetInitialGuess(x, [1.1])
    print mp.Solve()
    res = mp.GetSolution(x)
    print res

    print "(finished) complex mathematical program"
Esempio n. 2
def trajopt_simulation(x0, xf, u_max=0.5):
	# numeric parameters
	time_interval = .1
	time_steps = 400

	# initialize optimization
	prog = MathematicalProgram()

	# optimization variables
	state = prog.NewContinuousVariables(time_steps + 1, 3, 'state')
	u = prog.NewContinuousVariables(time_steps, 1, 'u')

	# final position constraint
	# for residual in constraint_state_to_orbit(state[-2], state[-1], xf, 1/u_max, time_interval):
	# 	prog.AddConstraint(residual == 0)

	# initial position constraint

	# discretized dynamics
	for t in range(time_steps):
		residuals = dubins_discrete_dynamics(state[t], state[t+1], u[t], time_interval)
		for residual in residuals:
			prog.AddConstraint(residual == 0)

		# control limits
		prog.AddConstraint(u[t][0] <= u_max)
		prog.AddConstraint(-u_max <= u[t][0])

		# cost - increases cost if off the orbit
		p = state[t][:2] - xf[:2]
		v = (state[t+1][:2] - state[t][:2]) / time_interval
		# prog.AddCost(time_interval)
		# prog.AddCost(u[t][0]*u[t][0]*time_interval)
		# prog.AddCost(*time_interval)
		for residual in constraint_state_to_orbit(state[t], state[t+1], xf, 1/u_max, time_interval):
			# prog.AddConstraint(residual >= 0)
		# prog.AddCost((

	# # initial guess
	state_guess = interpolate_dubins_state(
		np.array([0, 0, np.pi]),

	prog.SetInitialGuess(state, state_guess)

	solver = SnoptSolver()
	result = solver.Solve(prog)

	assert result.is_success()

	# retrieve optimal solution
	u_opt = result.GetSolution(u).T
	state_opt = result.GetSolution(state).T

	return state_opt, u_opt
Esempio n. 3
def test_Feedback_Linearization_controller_BS(x, t):
    # Output feedback linearization 2
    # y1= ||r-rf||^2/2
    # y2= wx
    # y3= wy
    # y4= wz
    # Analysis: The zero dynamics is unstable.
    global g, xf, Aout, Bout, Mout, T_period, w_freq, radius

    print("%%CLF-QP  %%%%%%%%%%%")

    print("t:", t)
    prog = MathematicalProgram()
    u_var = prog.NewContinuousVariables(4, "u_var")
    c_var = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, "c_var")

    # # # Example 1 : Circle

    x_f = radius * math.cos(w_freq * t)
    y_f = radius * math.sin(w_freq * t)
    # print("x_f:",x_f)
    # print("y_f:",y_f)
    dx_f = -radius * math.pow(w_freq, 1) * math.sin(w_freq * t)
    dy_f = radius * math.pow(w_freq, 1) * math.cos(w_freq * t)
    ddx_f = -radius * math.pow(w_freq, 2) * math.cos(w_freq * t)
    ddy_f = -radius * math.pow(w_freq, 2) * math.sin(w_freq * t)
    dddx_f = radius * math.pow(w_freq, 3) * math.sin(w_freq * t)
    dddy_f = -radius * math.pow(w_freq, 3) * math.cos(w_freq * t)
    ddddx_f = radius * math.pow(w_freq, 4) * math.cos(w_freq * t)
    ddddy_f = radius * math.pow(w_freq, 4) * math.sin(w_freq * t)

    # # Example 2 : Lissajous curve a=1 b=2
    # ratio_ab=2;
    # a=1;
    # b=ratio_ab*a;
    # delta_lissajous = 0 #math.pi/2;

    # x_f = radius*math.sin(a*w_freq*t+delta_lissajous)
    # y_f = radius*math.sin(b*w_freq*t)
    # # print("x_f:",x_f)
    # # print("y_f:",y_f)
    # dx_f = radius*math.pow(a*w_freq,1)*math.cos(a*w_freq*t+delta_lissajous)
    # dy_f = radius*math.pow(b*w_freq,1)*math.cos(b*w_freq*t)
    # ddx_f = -radius*math.pow(a*w_freq,2)*math.sin(a*w_freq*t+delta_lissajous)
    # ddy_f = -radius*math.pow(b*w_freq,2)*math.sin(b*w_freq*t)
    # dddx_f = -radius*math.pow(a*w_freq,3)*math.cos(a*w_freq*t+delta_lissajous)
    # dddy_f = -radius*math.pow(b*w_freq,3)*math.cos(b*w_freq*t)
    # ddddx_f = radius*math.pow(a*w_freq,4)*math.sin(a*w_freq*t+delta_lissajous)
    # ddddy_f = radius*math.pow(b*w_freq,4)*math.sin(b*w_freq*t)

    e1 = np.array([1, 0, 0])  # e3 elementary vector
    e2 = np.array([0, 1, 0])  # e3 elementary vector
    e3 = np.array([0, 0, 1])  # e3 elementary vector

    # epsilonn= 1e-0
    # alpha = 100;
    # kp1234=alpha*1/math.pow(epsilonn,4) # gain for y
    # kd1=4/math.pow(epsilonn,3) # gain for y^(1)
    # kd2=12/math.pow(epsilonn,2) # gain for y^(2)
    # kd3=4/math.pow(epsilonn,1)  # gain for y^(3)

    # kp5= 10;                    # gain for y5

    q = np.zeros(7)
    qd = np.zeros(6)
    q = x[0:8]
    qd = x[8:15]

    print("qnorm:",[3:7], q[3:7]))

    q0 = q[3]
    q1 = q[4]
    q2 = q[5]
    q3 = q[6]
    xi1 = q[7]

    v = qd[0:3]
    w = qd[3:6]
    xi2 = qd[6]

    xd = xf[0]
    yd = xf[1]
    zd = xf[2]
    wd = xf[11:14]

    # Useful vectors and matrices

    (Rq, Eq, wIw, I_inv) = robobee_plantBS.GetManipulatorDynamics(q, qd)

    F1q = np.zeros((3, 4))
    F1q[0, :] = np.array([q2, q3, q0, q1])
    F1q[1, :] = np.array([-1 * q1, -1 * q0, q3, q2])
    F1q[2, :] = np.array([q0, -1 * q1, -1 * q2, q3])

    Rqe3 =, e3)
    Rqe3_hat = np.zeros((3, 3))
    Rqe3_hat[0, :] = np.array([0, -Rqe3[2], Rqe3[1]])
    Rqe3_hat[1, :] = np.array([Rqe3[2], 0, -Rqe3[0]])
    Rqe3_hat[2, :] = np.array([-Rqe3[1], Rqe3[0], 0])

    Rqe1 =, e1)
    Rqe1_hat = np.zeros((3, 3))
    Rqe1_hat[0, :] = np.array([0, -Rqe1[2], Rqe1[1]])
    Rqe1_hat[1, :] = np.array([Rqe1[2], 0, -Rqe1[0]])
    Rqe1_hat[2, :] = np.array([-Rqe1[1], Rqe1[0], 0])

    Rqe1_x =, Rqe1)
    Rqe1_y =, Rqe1)

    w_hat = np.zeros((3, 3))
    w_hat[0, :] = np.array([0, -w[2], w[1]])
    w_hat[1, :] = np.array([w[2], 0, -w[0]])
    w_hat[2, :] = np.array([-w[1], w[0], 0])

    Rw =, w)
    Rw_hat = np.zeros((3, 3))
    Rw_hat[0, :] = np.array([0, -Rw[2], Rw[1]])
    Rw_hat[1, :] = np.array([Rw[2], 0, -Rw[0]])
    Rw_hat[2, :] = np.array([-Rw[1], Rw[0], 0])
    #- Checking the derivation

    # print("F1qEqT-(-Rqe3_hat)",,Eq.T)-(-Rqe3_hat))
    # Rqe3_cal = np.zeros(3)
    # Rqe3_cal[0] = 2*(q3*q1+q0*q2)
    # Rqe3_cal[1] = 2*(q3*q2-q0*q1)
    # Rqe3_cal[2] = (q0*q0+q3*q3-q1*q1-q2*q2)

    # print("Rqe3 - Rqe3_cal", Rqe3-Rqe3_cal)

    # Four output
    y1 = x[0] - x_f
    y2 = x[1] - y_f
    y3 = x[2] - zd - 0
    y4 = math.atan2(Rqe1_x, Rqe1_y) - math.pi / 8
    # print("Rqe1_x:", Rqe1_x)

    eta1 = np.zeros(3)
    eta1 = np.array([y1, y2, y3])
    eta5 = y4

    # print("y4", y4)

    # First derivative of first three output and yaw output
    eta2 = np.zeros(3)
    eta2 = v - np.array([dx_f, dy_f, 0])
    dy1 = eta2[0]
    dy2 = eta2[1]
    dy3 = eta2[2]

    x2y2 = (math.pow(Rqe1_x, 2) + math.pow(Rqe1_y, 2))  # x^2+y^2

    eta6_temp = np.zeros(3)  #eta6_temp = (ye2T-xe1T)/(x^2+y^2)
    eta6_temp = (Rqe1_y * e2.T - Rqe1_x * e1.T) / x2y2
    # print("eta6_temp:", eta6_temp)
    # Body frame w  ( multiply R)
    eta6 =,,, w)))

    # World frame w
    # eta6 =,,w))
    # print("Rqe1_hat:", Rqe1_hat)

    # Second derivative of first three output
    eta3 = np.zeros(3)
    eta3 = -g * e3 + Rqe3 * xi1 - np.array([ddx_f, ddy_f, 0])
    ddy1 = eta3[0]
    ddy2 = eta3[1]
    ddy3 = eta3[2]

    # Third derivative of first three output
    eta4 = np.zeros(3)
    # Body frame w ( multiply R)
    eta4 = Rqe3 * xi2 +,, w)) * xi1 - np.array(
        [dddx_f, dddy_f, 0])

    # World frame w
    # eta4 = Rqe3*,Eq.T),w)*xi1 - np.array([dddx_f,dddy_f,0])
    dddy1 = eta4[0]
    dddy2 = eta4[1]
    dddy3 = eta4[2]

    # Fourth derivative of first three output
    B_qw_temp = np.zeros(3)
    # Body frame w
    B_qw_temp = xi1 * (,, Rw)) +
             ,,, wIw)))
                       )  #,wIw)*xi1-2*w*xi2
    B_qw = B_qw_temp + xi2 * (-2 *, Rw)) - np.array(
        [ddddx_f, ddddy_f, 0]),B_qw_temp)

    # World frame w
    # B_qw_temp = xi1*(,,w)),,wIw))) #,wIw)*xi1-2*w*xi2
    # B_qw      = B_qw_temp+xi2*(-2*,w)) - np.array([ddddx_f,ddddy_f,0]),B_qw_temp)

    # B_qw = B_qw_temp -,,w))*xi1

    # Second derivative of yaw output

    # Body frame w
    dRqe1_x =,, Rw))  # \dot{x}
    dRqe1_y =,, Rw))  # \dot{y}
    alpha1 = 2 * (Rqe1_x * dRqe1_x +
                  Rqe1_y * dRqe1_y) / x2y2  # (2xdx +2ydy)/(x^2+y^2)

    # World frame w
    # dRqe1_x =,,w)) # \dot{x}
    # dRqe1_y =,,w)) # \dot{y}

    # alpha1 = 2*(Rqe1_x*dRqe1_x+Rqe1_y*dRqe1_y)/x2y2 # (2xdx +2ydy)/(x^2+y^2)
    # # alpha2 = math.pow(dRqe1_y,2)-math.pow(dRqe1_x,2)

    # Body frame w

    B_yaw_temp3 = np.zeros(3)
    B_yaw_temp3 = alpha1 *, Rw) +
        Rqe1_hat,,, wIw))) -
            Rw_hat,, Rw))

    B_yaw =,
                   B_yaw_temp3)  # +alpha2 :Could be an error in math.
    g_yaw = np.zeros(3)
    g_yaw =,,, I_inv)))

    # World frame w
    # B_yaw_temp3 =np.zeros(3)
    # B_yaw_temp3 = alpha1*,w),,wIw)),,w))

    # B_yaw =,B_yaw_temp3) # +alpha2 :Could be an error in math.
    # g_yaw = np.zeros(3)
    # g_yaw =,,I_inv))

    # print("g_yaw:", g_yaw)
    # Decoupling matrix A(x)\in\mathbb{R}^4

    A_fl = np.zeros((4, 4))
    A_fl[0:3, 0] = Rqe3
    # Body frame w
    A_fl[0:3, 1:4] =,, I_inv)) * xi1
    # World frame w
    # A_fl[0:3,1:4] =,I_inv)*xi1
    A_fl[3, 1:4] = g_yaw

    A_fl_inv = np.linalg.inv(A_fl)
    A_fl_det = np.linalg.det(A_fl)
    # print("I_inv:", I_inv)
    print("A_fl:", A_fl)
    print("A_fl_det:", A_fl_det)

    # Drift in the output dynamics

    U_temp = np.zeros(4)
    U_temp[0:3] = B_qw
    U_temp[3] = B_yaw

    # Output dyamics

    eta = np.hstack([eta1, eta2, eta3, eta5, eta4, eta6])
    eta_norm =, eta)

    # v-CLF QP controller

    FP_PF =, Mout) +, Aout)
    PG =, Bout)

    L_FVx =,, eta))
    L_GVx = 2 *, PG)  # row vector
    L_fhx_star = U_temp

    Vx =,, eta))
    # phi0_exp =,L_fhx_star)+(min_e_Q/max_e_P)*Vx*1    # exponentially stabilizing
    # phi0_exp =,L_fhx_star)+min_e_Q*eta_norm      # more exact bound - exponentially stabilizing
    phi0_exp = L_FVx +
        L_GVx, L_fhx_star)  # more exact bound - exponentially stabilizing

    phi1_decouple =, A_fl)

    # # Solve QP
    v_var =, u_var) + L_fhx_star
    Quadratic_Positive_def = np.matmul(A_fl.T, A_fl)
    QP_det = np.linalg.det(Quadratic_Positive_def)
    c_QP = 2 *, A_fl)

    c_QP_extned = np.hstack([c_QP, -1])
    u_var_extended = np.hstack([u_var, c_var])

    # CLF_QP_cost_v =,v_var) // Exact quadratic cost
    CLF_QP_cost_v_effective =
        u_var,, u_var)) +
            c_QP, u_var) - c_var[0]  # Quadratic cost without constant term

    # CLF_QP_cost_u =,u_var)

    phi1 =, u_var) + c_var[0] * eta_norm

    #----Printing intermediate states

    # print("L_fhx_star: ",L_fhx_star)
    # print("c_QP:", c_QP)
    # print("Qp : ",Quadratic_Positive_def)
    # print("Qp det: ", QP_det)
    # print("c_QP", c_QP)

    # print("phi0_exp: ", phi0_exp)
    # print("PG:", PG)
    # print("L_GVx:", L_GVx)
    # print("eta6", eta6)
    # print("d : ", phi1_decouple)
    # print("Cost expression:", CLF_QP_cost_v)
    #print("Const expression:", phi0_exp+phi1)

    #----Different solver option // Gurobi did not work with python at this point (some binding issue 8/8/2018)
    solver = IpoptSolver()
    # solver = GurobiSolver()
    # print solver.available()
    # assert(solver.available()==True)
    # assertEqual(solver.solver_type(), mp.SolverType.kGurobi)
    # solver.Solve(prog)
    # assertEqual(result, mp.SolutionResult.kSolutionFound)

    # mp.AddLinearConstraint()
    # print("x:", x)
    # print("phi_0_exp:", phi0_exp)
    # print("phi1_decouple:", phi1_decouple)

    # print("eta1:", eta1)
    # print("eta2:", eta2)
    # print("eta3:", eta3)
    # print("eta4:", eta4)
    # print("eta5:", eta5)
    # print("eta6:", eta6)

    # Output Feedback Linearization controller
    mu = np.zeros(4)
    k = np.zeros((4, 14))
    k = np.matmul(Bout.T, Mout)
    k = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(R), k)

    mu = -1 / 1 * np.matmul(k, eta)

    v = -U_temp + mu

    U_fl = np.matmul(
        A_fl_inv, v
    )  # Output Feedback controller to comare the result with CLF-QP solver

    # Set up the QP problem
    prog.AddConstraint(phi0_exp + phi1 <= 0)
    prog.AddConstraint(c_var[0] >= 0)
    prog.AddConstraint(c_var[0] <= 100)
    prog.AddConstraint(u_var[0] <= 30)
    prog.SetSolverOption(mp.SolverType.kIpopt, "print_level",
                         5)  # CAUTION: Assuming that solver used Ipopt

    print("CLF value:", Vx)  # Current CLF value

    prog.SetInitialGuess(u_var, U_fl)
    prog.Solve()  # Solve with default osqp

    # solver.Solve(prog)
    print("Optimal u : ", prog.GetSolution(u_var))
    U_CLF_QP = prog.GetSolution(u_var)
    C_CLF_QP = prog.GetSolution(c_var)

    #---- Printing for debugging
    # dx = robobee_plantBS.evaluate_f(U_fl,x)
    # print("dx", dx)
    # print("\n######################")
    # # print("qe3:", A_fl[0,0])
    # print("u:", u)
    # print("\n####################33")

    # deta4 = B_qw+Rqe3*U_fl_zero[0]+np.matmul(-np.matmul(Rqe3_hat,I_inv),U_fl_zero[1:4])*xi1
    # deta6 =,U_fl_zero[1:4])
    # print("deta4:",deta4)
    # print("deta6:",deta6)

    phi1_opt =, U_CLF_QP) + C_CLF_QP * eta_norm
    phi1_opt_FL =, U_fl)

    print("FL u: ", U_fl)
    print("CLF u:", U_CLF_QP)
    print("Cost FL: ",, mu))

    v_CLF =, U_CLF_QP) + L_fhx_star
    print("Cost CLF: ",, v_CLF))
    print("Constraint FL : ", phi0_exp + phi1_opt_FL)
    print("Constraint CLF : ", phi0_exp + phi1_opt)
    u = U_CLF_QP

    print("eigenvalues minQ maxP:", [min_e_Q, max_e_P])

    return u
Esempio n. 4
     0.0]))).evaluator().set_description("Initial orientation constraint"))
            -0.2955511242573139, 0.25532186031279896, 0.5106437206255979,
        ]))).evaluator().set_description("Final orientation constraint"))
       0.0)).evaluator().set_description("Timestep greater than 0 constraint"))
    np.sum(dt) == 1.0).evaluator().set_description("Total time constriant"))

for k in range(N):
    prog.SetInitialGuess(w_axis[k], [0, 0, 1])
    prog.SetInitialGuess(w_mag[k], [0])
    prog.SetInitialGuess(q[k], [1., 0., 0., 0.])
    prog.SetInitialGuess(dt[k], [1.0 / N])
    # prog.AddCost((w_mag[k]*w_mag[k])[0])
    # prog.AddQuadraticCost(Q=np.identity(1), b=np.zeros((1,)), c = 0.0, vars=np.reshape(w_mag[k], (1,1)))
solver = SnoptSolver()
result = solver.Solve(prog)
if not result.is_success():
    print("---------- INFEASIBLE ----------")
print(f"Cost = {result.get_optimal_cost()}")
q_sol = result.GetSolution(q)
print(f"q_sol = {q_sol}")
Esempio n. 5
for residual in universe.constraint_state_to_orbit(state[-1], 'Mars'):
    prog.AddConstraint(residual == 0)
# discretized dynamics
for t in range(time_steps):
    residuals = universe.rocket_discrete_dynamics(state[t], state[t+1], thrust[t], time_interval)
    for residual in residuals:
        prog.AddConstraint(residual == 0)
# initial guess
state_guess = interpolate_rocket_state(
prog.SetInitialGuess(state, state_guess)

"""Here is an empty cell for you to work in: detailed instructions are given below.
For the moment just run it as it is and continue to the plots.

If you run the following cell multiple times, you keep adding more and more constraints to the optimization problem.
Hence, after you modify the code in the cell below, rerun the cell above to start with a fresh `MathematicalProgram`.

# thrust limits, for all t:
# two norm of the rocket thrust
# lower or equal to the rocket thrust_limit

# modify here
for t in range(time_steps):
def optimal_trajectory(joints,
    assert len(joints) == len(start_position)
    assert len(joints) == len(end_position)

    h = time / (knot_points - 1)
    nq = len(joints)
    prog = MathematicalProgram()
    q_var = []
    v_var = []
    for ii in range(knot_points):
        q_var.append(prog.NewContinuousVariables(nq, "q[" + str(ii) + "]"))
        v_var.append(prog.NewContinuousVariables(nq, "v[" + str(ii) + "]"))

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # Initial & Final Pose Constraints ------------------------------
    x_i = np.append(start_position, np.zeros(nq))
    x_i_vars = np.append(q_var[0], v_var[0])
    prog.AddLinearEqualityConstraint(np.eye(2 * nq), x_i, x_i_vars)
    tol = 0.01 * np.ones(2 * nq)
    x_f = np.append(end_position, np.zeros(nq))
    x_f_vars = np.append(q_var[-1], v_var[-1])
    prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x_f - tol, x_f + tol, x_f_vars)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # Dynamics Constraints ------------------------------------------
    for ii in range(knot_points - 1):
        dyn_con1 = np.hstack((np.eye(nq), np.eye(nq), -np.eye(nq)))
        dyn_var1 = np.concatenate((q_var[ii], v_var[ii], q_var[ii + 1]))
        prog.AddLinearEqualityConstraint(dyn_con1, np.zeros(nq), dyn_var1)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # Joint Limit Constraints ---------------------------------------
    q_min = np.array([j.lower_limits() for j in joints])
    q_max = np.array([j.upper_limits() for j in joints])
    for ii in range(knot_points):
        prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(q_min, q_max, q_var[ii])

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # Collision Constraints -----------------------------------------
    for ii in range(knot_points):
        prog.AddConstraint(signed_dist_fn, np.zeros(nc), 1e8 * np.ones(nc),

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # Dynamics Constraints ------------------------------------------
    for ii in range(knot_points):
        prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(np.eye(nq), np.zeros(nq), v_var[ii])

    xi = np.array(start_position)
    xf = np.array(end_position)
    for ii in range(knot_points):
                             ii * (xf - xi) / (knot_points - 1) + xi)
        prog.SetInitialGuess(v_var[ii], np.zeros(nq))

    result = prog.Solve()
    print prog.GetSolverId().name()
    if result != SolutionResult.kSolutionFound:
        print result
        return None
    q_path = []
    # print signed_dist_fn(prog.GetSolution(q_var[0]))
    for ii in range(knot_points):
    return q_path
    def compute_control(self, x_p1, x_p2, x_puck, p_goal, obstacles):
        """Solve for initial velocity for the puck to bounce the wall once and hit the goal."""
        """Currently does not work"""
        # initialize program
        N = self.mpc_params.N  # length of receding horizon
        prog = MathematicalProgram()

        # State and input variables
        x1 = prog.NewContinuousVariables(N + 1, 4,
                                         name='p1_state')  # state of player 1
        u1 = prog.NewContinuousVariables(
            N, 2, name='p1_input')  # inputs for player 1
        xp = prog.NewContinuousVariables(
            N + 1, 4, name='puck_state')  # state of the puck

        # Slack variables
        t1_kick = prog.NewContinuousVariables(
            N + 1, name='kick_time'
        )  # slack variables that captures if player 1 is kicking or not at the given time step
        # Defined as continous, but treated as mixed integer. 1 when kicking
        v1_kick = prog.NewContinuousVariables(
            N + 1, 2, name='v1_kick')  # velocity of player after kick to puck
        vp_kick = prog.NewContinuousVariables(
            N + 1, 2, name='vp_kick'
        )  # velocity of puck after being kicked by the player
        dist = prog.NewContinuousVariables(
            N + 1, name='dist_puck_player')  # distance between puck and player
        cost = prog.NewContinuousVariables(
            N + 1, name='cost')  # slack variable to monitor cost

        # Compute distance between puck and player as slack variable.
        for k in range(N + 1):
            r1 = self.sim_params.player_radius
            rp = self.sim_params.puck_radius
                dist[k] == (x1[k, 0:2] - xp[k, 0:2]).dot(x1[k, 0:2] -
                                                         xp[k, 0:2]) -
                (r1 + rp)**2)

        #### COST and final states
        # TODO: find adequate final velocity
        x_puck_des = np.concatenate(
            (p_goal, np.zeros(2)), axis=0)  # desired position and vel for puck
        for k in range(N + 1):
            Q_dist_puck_goal = 10 * np.eye(2)
            q_dist_puck_player = 0.1
            e1 = x_puck_des[0:2] - xp[k, 0:2]
            e2 = xp[k, 0:2] - x1[k, 0:2]
                cost[k] ==, e1)) +
                q_dist_puck_player * dist[k])
            #prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(Q=self.mpc_params.Q_puck, x_desired=x_puck_des, vars=xp[k])  # puck in the goal
            #prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(Q=np.eye(2), x_desired=x_puck_des[0:2], vars=x1[k, 0:2])
            #prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(Q=10*np.eye(2), x_desired=np.array([2, 2]), vars=x1[k, 0:2]) # TEST: control position of the player instead of puck
        #for k in range(N):
        #    prog.AddQuadraticCost(1e-2*u1[k].dot(u1[k]))                 # be wise on control effort

        # Initial states for puck and player
        prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x_p1, x_p1,
                                      x1[0])  # Intial state for player 1
        prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x_puck, x_puck,
                                      xp[0])  # Initial state for puck

        # Compute elastic collision for every possible timestep.
        for k in range(N + 1):
            v_puck_bfr = xp[k, 2:4]
            v_player_bfr = x1[k, 2:4]
            v_puck_aft, v_player_aft = self.get_reset_velocities(
                v_puck_bfr, v_player_bfr)
            prog.AddConstraint(eq(vp_kick[k], v_puck_aft))
            prog.AddConstraint(eq(v1_kick[k], v_player_aft))

        # Use slack variable to activate guard condition based on distance.
        M = 15**2
        for k in range(N + 1):
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(dist[k] <= M * (1 - t1_kick[k]))
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(dist[k] >= -t1_kick[k] * M)

        # Hybrid dynamics for player
        #for k in range(N):
        #    A = self.mpc_params.A_player
        #    B = self.mpc_params.B_player
        #    x1_kick = np.concatenate((x1[k][0:2], v1_kick[k]), axis=0) # The state of the player after it kicks the puck
        #    x1_next = np.matmul(A, (1 - t1_kick[k])*x1[k] + t1_kick[k]*x1_kick) + np.matmul(B, u1[k])
        #    prog.AddConstraint(eq(x1[k+1], x1_next))

        # Assuming player dynamics are not affected by collision
        for k in range(N):
            A = self.mpc_params.A_player
            B = self.mpc_params.B_player
            x1_next = np.matmul(A, x1[k]) + np.matmul(B, u1[k])
            prog.AddConstraint(eq(x1[k + 1], x1_next))

        # Hybrid dynamics for puck_mass
        for k in range(N):
            A = self.mpc_params.A_puck
            xp_kick = np.concatenate(
                (xp[k][0:2], vp_kick[k]),
                axis=0)  # State of the puck after it gets kicked
            xp_next = np.matmul(A, (1 - t1_kick[k]) * xp[k] +
                                t1_kick[k] * xp_kick)
            prog.AddConstraint(eq(xp[k + 1], xp_next))

        # Generate trajectory that is not in direct collision with the puck
        for k in range(N + 1):
            eps = 0.1
            prog.AddConstraint(dist[k] >= -eps)

        # Input and arena constraint
        self.add_input_limits(prog, u1, N)
        self.add_arena_limits(prog, x1, N)
        self.add_arena_limits(prog, xp, N)

        # fake mixed-integer constraint
        #for k in range(N+1):
        #    prog.AddConstraint(t1_kick[k]*(1-t1_kick[k])==0)

        # Hot-start
        guess_u1, guess_x1 = self.get_initial_guess(x_p1, p_goal, x_puck[0:2])
        prog.SetInitialGuess(x1, guess_x1)
        prog.SetInitialGuess(u1, guess_u1)
        if not self.prev_xp is None:
            prog.SetInitialGuess(xp, self.prev_xp)
            #prog.SetInitialGuess(t1_kick, np.ones_like(t1_kick))

        # solve for the periods
        # solver = SnoptSolver()
        #result = solver.Solve(prog)

        #if not result.is_success():
        #    print("Unable to find solution.")

        # save for hot-start
        #self.prev_xp = result.GetSolution(xp)

        #if True:
        #    print("x1:{}".format(result.GetSolution(x1)))
        #    print("u1: {}".format( result.GetSolution(u1)))
        #    print("xp: {}".format( result.GetSolution(xp)))
        #   print('dist{}'.format(result.GetSolution(dist)))
        #    print("t1_kick:{}".format(result.GetSolution(t1_kick)))
        #    print("v1_kick:{}".format(result.GetSolution(v1_kick)))
        #   print("vp_kick:{}".format(result.GetSolution(vp_kick)))
        #    print("cost:{}".format(result.GetSolution(cost)))

        # return whether successful, and the initial player velocity
        #u1_opt = result.GetSolution(u1)
        return True, guess_u1[0, :], np.zeros((2))
    def generate_prog(self):
        self.nn_conss = []
        self.nn_costs = []

        plant = PendulumPlant()
        context = plant.CreateDefaultContext()
        dircol_constraint = DirectCollocationConstraint(plant, context)

        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        # K = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1,7,'K')
        def final_cost(x):
            return 100.*(cos(.5*x[0])**2 + x[1]**2)   

        h = [];
        u = [];
        x = [];
        xf = np.array([math.pi, 0.])
        # Declare the MathematicalProgram vars up front in a good order, so that 
        # prog.decision_variables will be result of np.hstack(h.flatten(), u.flatten(), x.flatten(), T.flatten())
        # for the following shapes:                          unfortunately, prog.decision_variables() will have these shapes:
        #   h = (num_trajectories, 1)                       | h = (num_trajectories, 1)
        #   u = (num_trajectories, num_inputs, num_samples) | u = (num_trajectories, num_samples, num_inputs)
        #   x = (num_trajectories, num_states, num_samples) | x = (num_trajectories, num_samples, num_states)
        #   T = (num_params)                                | T = (num_params)
        for ti in range(self.num_trajectories):
        for ti in range(self.num_trajectories):
            u.append(prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, self.num_samples,'u'+str(ti)))
        for ti in range(self.num_trajectories):
            x.append(prog.NewContinuousVariables(2, self.num_samples,'x'+str(ti)))

        # Add in constraints
        for ti in range(self.num_trajectories):
            prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(self.kMinimumTimeStep, self.kMaximumTimeStep, h[ti])
            # prog.AddQuadraticCost([1.], [0.], h[ti]) # Added by me, penalize long timesteps

            x0 = np.array(self.ic_list[ti]) # TODO: hopefully this isn't subtley bad...
            prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x0, x0, x[ti][:,0]) 

            # nudge = np.array([.2, .2])
            # prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(xf-nudge, xf+nudge, x[ti][:,-1])
            prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(xf, xf, x[ti][:,-1])

            # Do optional warm start here
            if self.warm_start:
                prog.SetInitialGuess(h[ti], [(self.kMinimumTimeStep+self.kMaximumTimeStep)/2])
                for i in range(self.num_samples):
                    prog.SetInitialGuess(u[ti][:,i], [0.])
                    x_interp = (xf-x0)*i/self.num_samples + x0
                    prog.SetInitialGuess(x[ti][:,i], x_interp)
                    # prog.SetInitialGuess(u[ti][:,i], np.array(1.0))

            for i in range(self.num_samples-1):
                AddDirectCollocationConstraint(dircol_constraint, h[ti], x[ti][:,i], x[ti][:,i+1], u[ti][:,i], u[ti][:,i+1], prog)

            for i in range(self.num_samples):
                #prog.AddQuadraticCost([[2., 0.], [0., 2.]], [0., 0.], x[ti][:,i])
                #prog.AddQuadraticCost([25.], [0.], u[ti][:,i])
                u_var = u[ti][:,i]
                x_var = x[ti][:,i] - xf
                h_var = h[ti][0]
                #print(u_var.shape, x_var.shape, xf.shape)
                prog.AddCost( h_var * (2* + 25* )
                #prog.AddCost( 2*((x[0]-math.pi)*(x[0]-math.pi) + x[1]*x[1]) + 25*
                kTorqueLimit = 5
                prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint([-kTorqueLimit], [kTorqueLimit], u[ti][:,i])
                # prog.AddConstraint(control, [0.], [0.], np.hstack([x[ti][:,i], u[ti][:,i], K.flatten()]))
                # prog.AddConstraint(u[ti][0,i] == (3.*sym.tanh([ti][:,i]))[0])))  # u = 3*tanh(K * m(x))
            # prog.AddCost(final_cost, x[ti][:,-1])
            # prog.AddCost(h[ti][0]*100) # Try to penalize using more time than it needs?

        # Setting solver options
        #prog.SetSolverOption(SolverType.kSnopt, 'Verify level', -1)  # Derivative checking disabled. (otherwise it complains on the saturation)
        #prog.SetSolverOption(SolverType.kSnopt, 'Print file', "/tmp/snopt.out")

        # Save references
        self.prog = prog
        self.h = h
        self.u = u
        self.x = x
        self.T = []
class FourierCollocationProblem:
    def __init__(self, system_dynamics, constraints):
        start_time = time.time()

        self.prog = MathematicalProgram()
        self.N = 50  # Number of collocation points
        self.M = 10  # Number of frequencies
        self.system_dynamics = system_dynamics

        self.psi = np.pi * (0.7)  # TODO change

        ) = constraints

        initial_pos = np.array([0, 0, h0])

        # Add state trajectory parameters as decision variables
        self.coeffs = self.prog.NewContinuousVariables(
            3, self.M + 1, "c"
        )  # (x,y,z) for every frequency
        self.phase_delays = self.prog.NewContinuousVariables(3, self.M, "eta")
        self.t_f = self.prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, 1, "t_f")[0, 0]
        self.avg_vel = self.prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, 1, "V_bar")[0, 0]

        # Enforce initial conditions
        residuals = self.get_pos_fourier(collocation_time=0) - initial_pos
        for residual in residuals:
            self.prog.AddConstraint(residual == 0)

        # Enforce dynamics at collocation points
        for n in range(self.N):
            collocation_time = (n / self.N) * self.t_f
            pos = self.get_pos_fourier(collocation_time)
            vel = self.get_vel_fourier(collocation_time)
            vel_dot = self.get_vel_dot_fourier(collocation_time)

            residuals = self.continuous_dynamics(pos, vel, vel_dot)
            for residual in residuals[3:6]:  # TODO only these last three are residuals
                self.prog.AddConstraint(residual == 0)

            if True:
                # Add velocity constraints
                squared_vel_norm =
                self.prog.AddConstraint(min_vel ** 2 <= squared_vel_norm)
                self.prog.AddConstraint(squared_vel_norm <= max_vel ** 2)

                # Add height constraints
                self.prog.AddConstraint(pos[2] <= max_height)
                self.prog.AddConstraint(min_height <= pos[2])

        # Add constraint on min travelled distance
        self.prog.AddConstraint(min_travelled_distance <= self.avg_vel * self.t_f)

        # Add constraints on coefficients
        if False:
            for coeff in self.coeffs.T:
                lb = np.array([-500, -500, -500])
                ub = np.array([500, 500, 500])
                self.prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(lb, ub, coeff)

        # Add constraints on phase delays
        if False:
            for etas in self.phase_delays.T:
                lb = np.array([0, 0, 0])
                ub = np.array([2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi])
                self.prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(lb, ub, etas)

        # Add constraints on final time and avg vel
        self.prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(t_f_min, t_f_max, self.t_f)
        self.prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(avg_vel_min, avg_vel_max, self.avg_vel)

        # Add objective function

        # Set initial guess
        coeffs_guess = np.zeros((3, self.M + 1))
        coeffs_guess += np.random.rand(*coeffs_guess.shape) * 100

        self.prog.SetInitialGuess(self.coeffs, coeffs_guess)

        phase_delays_guess = np.zeros((3, self.M))
        phase_delays_guess += np.random.rand(*phase_delays_guess.shape) * 1e-1

        self.prog.SetInitialGuess(self.phase_delays, phase_delays_guess)
        self.prog.SetInitialGuess(self.avg_vel, (avg_vel_max - avg_vel_min) / 2)
        self.prog.SetInitialGuess(self.t_f, (t_f_max - t_f_min) / 2)

            "Finished formulating the optimization problem in: {0} s".format(
                time.time() - start_time

        start_solve_time = time.time()
        self.result = Solve(self.prog)
        print("Found solution: {0}".format(self.result.is_success()))
        print("Found a solution in: {0} s".format(time.time() - start_solve_time))

        # TODO input costs
        # assert self.result.is_success()


    def get_solution(self):
        coeffs_opt = self.result.GetSolution(self.coeffs)
        phase_delays_opt = self.result.GetSolution(self.phase_delays)
        t_f_opt = self.result.GetSolution(self.t_f)
        avg_vel_opt = self.result.GetSolution(self.avg_vel)

        sim_N = 100
        dt = t_f_opt / sim_N
        times = np.arange(0, t_f_opt, dt)
        pos_traj = np.zeros((3, sim_N))
        # TODO remove vel traj
        vel_traj = np.zeros((3, sim_N))
        for i in range(sim_N):
            t = times[i]
            pos = self.evaluate_pos_traj(
                coeffs_opt, phase_delays_opt, t_f_opt, avg_vel_opt, t
            pos_traj[:, i] = pos
            vel = self.evaluate_vel_traj(
                coeffs_opt, phase_delays_opt, t_f_opt, avg_vel_opt, t
            vel_traj[:, i] = vel

        # TODO move plotting out
        plot_trj_3_wind(pos_traj.T, np.array([np.sin(self.psi), np.cos(self.psi), 0]))


    def evaluate_pos_traj(self, coeffs, phase_delays, t_f, avg_vel, t):
        pos_traj = np.copy(coeffs[:, 0])
        for m in range(1, self.M):
            sine_terms = np.array(
                    np.sin((2 * np.pi * m * t) / t_f + phase_delays[0, m]),
                    np.sin((2 * np.pi * m * t) / t_f + phase_delays[1, m]),
                    np.sin((2 * np.pi * m * t) / t_f + phase_delays[2, m]),
            pos_traj += coeffs[:, m] * sine_terms

        direction_term = np.array(
                avg_vel * np.sin(self.psi) * t,
                avg_vel * np.cos(self.psi) * t,
        pos_traj += direction_term
        return pos_traj

    def evaluate_vel_traj(self, coeffs, phase_delays, t_f, avg_vel, t):
        vel_traj = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=object)
        for m in range(1, self.M):
            cos_terms = np.array(
                    (2 * np.pi * m)
                    / t_f
                    * np.cos((2 * np.pi * m * t) / t_f + phase_delays[0, m]),
                    (2 * np.pi * m)
                    / t_f
                    * np.cos((2 * np.pi * m * t) / t_f + phase_delays[1, m]),
                    (2 * np.pi * m)
                    / t_f
                    * np.cos((2 * np.pi * m * t) / t_f + phase_delays[2, m]),
            vel_traj += coeffs[:, m] * cos_terms

        direction_term = np.array(
                avg_vel * np.sin(self.psi),
                avg_vel * np.cos(self.psi),
        vel_traj += direction_term
        return vel_traj

    def get_pos_fourier(self, collocation_time):
        pos_traj = np.copy(self.coeffs[:, 0])
        for m in range(1, self.M):
            a = (2 * np.pi * m) / self.t_f
            sine_terms = np.array(
                    np.sin(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[0, m]),
                    np.sin(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[1, m]),
                    np.sin(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[2, m]),
            pos_traj += self.coeffs[:, m] * sine_terms

        direction_term = np.array(
                self.avg_vel * np.sin(self.psi) * collocation_time,
                self.avg_vel * np.cos(self.psi) * collocation_time,
        pos_traj += direction_term

        return pos_traj

    def get_vel_fourier(self, collocation_time):
        vel_traj = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=object)
        for m in range(1, self.M):
            a = (2 * np.pi * m) / self.t_f
            cos_terms = np.array(
                    a * np.cos(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[0, m]),
                    a * np.cos(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[1, m]),
                    a * np.cos(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[2, m]),
            vel_traj += self.coeffs[:, m] * cos_terms

        direction_term = np.array(
                self.avg_vel * np.sin(self.psi),
                self.avg_vel * np.cos(self.psi),
        vel_traj += direction_term
        return vel_traj

    def get_vel_dot_fourier(self, collocation_time):
        vel_dot_traj = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=object)
        for m in range(1, self.M):
            a = (2 * np.pi * m) / self.t_f
            sine_terms = np.array(
                    -(a ** 2) * np.sin(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[0, m]),
                    -(a ** 2) * np.sin(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[1, m]),
                    -(a ** 2) * np.sin(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[2, m]),
            vel_dot_traj += self.coeffs[:, m] * sine_terms
        return vel_dot_traj

    def continuous_dynamics(self, pos, vel, vel_dot):
        x = np.concatenate((pos, vel))
        x_dot = np.concatenate((vel, vel_dot))

        # TODO need to somehow implement input to make this work

        return x_dot - self.system_dynamics(x, u)
Esempio n. 10
    def optimize(self, vehs):
        c = self.c
        p = self.p

        n_veh, L, N, dt, u_max = c.n_veh, c.circumference, c.n_opt, c.sim_step, c.u_max
        L_veh = vehs[0].length
        a, b, s0, T, v0, delta = p.a, p.b, p.s0, p.tau, p.v0,

        vehs = vehs[::-1]
        # the controlled vehicle is now the first vehicle, positions are sorted from largest to smallest
        print(f'Current positions {[veh.pos for veh in vehs]}')
        v_init = [veh.speed for veh in vehs]
        print(f'Current speeds {v_init}')
        # spacing
        s_init = [vehs[-1].pos - vehs[0].pos - L_veh] + [
            veh_im1.pos - veh_i.pos - L_veh
            for veh_im1, veh_i in zip(vehs[:-1], vehs[1:])
        s_init = [s + L if s < 0 else s for s in s_init]  # handle wrap
        print(f'Current spacings {s_init}')

        # can still follow current plan
        if self.plan_index < len(self.plan):
            accel = self.plan[self.plan_index]
            self.plan_index += 1
            return accel

        print(f'Optimizing trajectory for {c.n_opt} steps')

        ## solve for equilibrium conditions (when all vehicles have same spacing and going at optimal speed)
        import scipy.optimize
        sf = L / n_veh - L_veh  # equilibrium space
        accel_fn = lambda v: a * (1 - (v / v0)**delta - ((s0 + v * T) / sf)**2)
        sol = scipy.optimize.root(accel_fn, 0)
        vf = sol.x.item()  # equilibrium speed
        sstarf = s0 + vf * T
        print('Equilibrium speed', vf)

        # nonconvex optimization
        from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram, SnoptSolver, eq, le, ge

        # get guesses for solutions
        v_guess = [np.mean(v_init)]
        for _ in range(N):
            v_guess.append(dt * accel_fn(v_guess[-1]))
        s_guess = [sf] * (N + 1)

        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        v = prog.NewContinuousVariables(N + 1, n_veh, 'v')  # speed
        s = prog.NewContinuousVariables(N + 1, n_veh, 's')  # spacing
        flat = lambda x: x.reshape(-1)

        # Guess
        prog.SetInitialGuess(s, np.stack([s_guess] * n_veh, axis=1))
        prog.SetInitialGuess(v, np.stack([v_guess] * n_veh, axis=1))

        # initial conditions constraint
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(v[0], v_init))
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(s[0], s_init))

        # velocity constraint
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(flat(v[1:]), 0))
                                    vf + 1))  # extra constraint to help solver

        # spacing constraint
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(flat(s[1:]), s0))
                                    sf * 2))  # extra constraint to help solver
                                    L - L_veh * n_veh))

        # spacing update constraint
        s_n = s[:-1, 1:]  # s_i[n]
        s_np1 = s[1:, 1:]  # s_i[n + 1]
        v_n = v[:-1, 1:]  # v_i[n]
        v_np1 = v[1:, 1:]  # v_i[n + 1]
        v_n_im1 = v[:-1, :-1]  # v_{i - 1}[n]
        v_np1_im1 = v[1:, :-1]  # v_{i - 1}[n + 1]
            eq(flat(s_np1 - s_n),
               flat(0.5 * dt * (v_n_im1 + v_np1_im1 - v_n - v_np1))))
        # handle position wrap for vehicle 1
            eq(s[1:, 0] - s[:-1, 0],
               0.5 * dt * (v[:-1, -1] + v[1:, -1] - v[:-1, 0] - v[1:, 0])))

        # vehicle 0's action constraint
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(v[1:, 0], v[:-1, 0] - u_max * dt))
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(v[1:, 0], v[:-1, 0] + u_max * dt))

        # idm constraint
            eq((v_np1 - v_n - dt * a * (1 - (v_n / v0)**delta)) * s_n**2,
               -dt * a * (s0 + v_n * T + v_n * (v_n - v_n_im1) /
                          (2 * np.sqrt(a * b)))**2))

        if c.cost == 'mean':
        elif c.cost == 'target':
            prog.AddCost(((v - vf)**2).mean() + ((s - sf)**2).mean())

        solver = SnoptSolver()
        result = solver.Solve(prog)

        if not result.is_success():
            accel = self.idm_backup.step(s_init[0], v_init[0], v_init[-1])
            print(f'Optimization failed, using accel {accel} from IDM')
            return accel

        v_desired = result.GetSolution(v)
        print('Planned speeds')
        print('Planned spacings')
        a_desired = (v_desired[1:, 0] - v_desired[:-1, 0]
                     ) / dt  # we're optimizing the velocity of the 0th vehicle
        self.plan = a_desired
        self.plan_index = 1
        return self.plan[0]
Esempio n. 11
def direct_transcription():
    prog = MathematicalProgram()

    N = 500
    dt = 0.01

    # Create decision variables
    n_x = 6
    n_u = 2

    x = np.empty((n_x, N), dtype=Variable)
    u = np.empty((n_u, N - 1), dtype=Variable)

    for n in range(N - 1):
        x[:, n] = prog.NewContinuousVariables(n_x, "x" + str(n))
        u[:, n] = prog.NewContinuousVariables(n_u, "u" + str(n))
    x[:, N - 1] = prog.NewContinuousVariables(n_x, "x" + str(N))
    T = N - 1

    # Add constraints
    # x0 = np.array([10, -np.pi / 2, 0, 40, 0, 0])
    # Slotine dynamics: x = [airspeed, heading, flight_path_angle, z, x, y]

    for n in range(N - 1):
        # Dynamics
            eq(x[:, n + 1],
               x[:, n] + dt * continuous_dynamics(x[:, n], u[:, n])))

        # Never below sea level
        prog.AddConstraint(x[3, n + 1] >= 0 + 0.5)

        # Always positive velocity
        prog.AddConstraint(x[0, n + 1] >= 0)

    # TODO use residuals
    # Add periodic constraints
    prog.AddConstraint(x[0, 0] - x[0, T] == 0)
    prog.AddConstraint(x[1, 0] - x[1, T] == 0)
    prog.AddConstraint(x[2, 0] - x[2, T] == 0)
    prog.AddConstraint(x[3, 0] - x[3, T] == 0)

    # Start at 20 meter height
    prog.AddConstraint(x[4, 0] == 0)
    prog.AddConstraint(x[5, 0] == 0)
    h0 = 20
    prog.AddConstraint(x[3, 0] == h0)

    # Add cost function
    p0 = x[4:6, 0]
    p1 = x[4:6, T]

    travel_angle = np.pi  # TODO start along y direction
    dir_vector = np.array([np.sin(travel_angle), np.cos(travel_angle)])
    prog.AddCost( - p0))  # Maximize distance travelled

    print("Initialized opt problem")

    # Initial guess
    V0 = 10
    x_guess = np.zeros((n_x, N))
    x_guess[:, 0] = np.array([V0, travel_angle, 0, h0, 0, 0])

    for n in range(N - 1):
        # Constant airspeed, heading and height
        x_guess[0, n + 1] = V0
        x_guess[1, n + 1] = travel_angle
        x_guess[3, n + 1] = h0

        # Interpolate position
        avg_speed = 10  # conservative estimate
        x_guess[4:6, n + 1] = dir_vector * avg_speed * n * dt

        # Let the rest of the variables be initialized to zero

    prog.SetInitialGuess(x, x_guess)

    # solve mathematical program
    solver = SnoptSolver()
    result = solver.Solve(prog)

    # be sure that the solution is optimal
    # assert result.is_success()

    # retrieve optimal solution
    thrust_opt = result.GetSolution(x)
    state_opt = result.GetSolution(u)

    result = Solve(prog)

    x_sol = result.GetSolution(x)
    u_sol = result.GetSolution(u)


    # Slotine dynamics: x = [airspeed, heading, flight_path_angle, z, x, y]
    z = x_sol[:, 3]
    x = x_sol[:, 4]
    y = x_sol[:, 5]

    plot_trj_3_wind(np.vstack((x, y, z)).T, get_wind_field)
