Esempio n. 1
 def fingerprint_correlation(self, a, b=None, k=None, ncv=None):
     # basic checks for a and b
     a = _types.ensure_ndarray(a, ndim=1, kind='numeric')
     b = _types.ensure_ndarray_or_None(b,
     # are we on microstates space?
     if len(a) == self.nstates_obs:
         a =, a)
         if b is not None:
             b =, b)
     # now we are on macrostate space, or something is wrong
     if len(a) == self.nstates:
         return _MSM.fingerprint_correlation(self, a, b=b)
         raise ValueError(
             'observable vectors have size %s which is incompatible with both hidden (%s)'
             ' and observed states (%s)' %
             (len(a), self.nstates, self.nstates_obs))
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, lag=1, reversible=True, statdist_constraint=None,
                 count_mode='sliding', sparse=False,
                 connectivity='largest', dt_traj='1 step', maxiter=1000000,
        r"""Maximum likelihood estimator for MSMs given discrete trajectory statistics

        lag : int
            lag time at which transitions are counted and the transition matrix is

        reversible : bool, optional, default = True
            If true compute reversible MSM, else non-reversible MSM

        statdist : (M,) ndarray, optional
            Stationary vector on the full set of states. Estimation will be
            made such the the resulting transition matrix has this distribution
            as an equilibrium distribution. Set probabilities to zero if these
            states should be excluded from the analysis.

        count_mode : str, optional, default='sliding'
            mode to obtain count matrices from discrete trajectories. Should be
            one of:

            * 'sliding' : A trajectory of length T will have :math:`T-tau` counts
              at time indexes

              .. math::

                 (0 \rightarrow \tau), (1 \rightarrow \tau+1), ..., (T-\tau-1 \rightarrow T-1)

            * 'effective' : Uses an estimate of the transition counts that are
              statistically uncorrelated. Recommended when used with a
              Bayesian MSM.
            * 'sample' : A trajectory of length T will have :math:`T/tau` counts
              at time indexes

              .. math::

                    (0 \rightarrow \tau), (\tau \rightarrow 2 \tau), ..., (((T/tau)-1) \tau \rightarrow T)

        sparse : bool, optional, default = False
            If true compute count matrix, transition matrix and all derived
            quantities using sparse matrix algebra. In this case python sparse
            matrices will be returned by the corresponding functions instead of
            numpy arrays. This behavior is suggested for very large numbers of
            states (e.g. > 4000) because it is likely to be much more efficient.
        connectivity : str, optional, default = 'largest'
            Connectivity mode. Three methods are intended (currently only 'largest'
            is implemented)

            * 'largest' : The active set is the largest reversibly connected set.
              All estimation will be done on this subset and all quantities
              (transition matrix, stationary distribution, etc) are only defined
              on this subset and are correspondingly smaller than the full set
              of states
            * 'all' : The active set is the full set of states. Estimation will be
              conducted on each reversibly connected set separately. That means
              the transition matrix will decompose into disconnected submatrices,
              the stationary vector is only defined within subsets, etc.
              Currently not implemented.
            * 'none' : The active set is the full set of states. Estimation will
              be conducted on the full set of
              states without ensuring connectivity. This only permits
              nonreversible estimation. Currently not implemented.

        dt_traj : str, optional, default='1 step'
            Description of the physical time of the input trajectories. May be used
            by analysis algorithms such as plotting tools to pretty-print the axes.
            By default '1 step', i.e. there is no physical time unit. Specify by a
            number, whitespace and unit. Permitted units are (* is an arbitrary

            |  'fs',  'femtosecond*'
            |  'ps',  'picosecond*'
            |  'ns',  'nanosecond*'
            |  'us',  'microsecond*'
            |  'ms',  'millisecond*'
            |  's',   'second*'

        maxiter: int, optioanl, default = 1000000
            Optional parameter with reversible = True. maximum number of iterations
            before the transition matrix estimation method exits
        maxerr : float, optional, default = 1e-8
            Optional parameter with reversible = True.
            convergence tolerance for transition matrix estimation.
            This specifies the maximum change of the Euclidean norm of relative
            stationary probabilities (:math:`x_i = \sum_k x_{ik}`). The relative
            stationary probability changes
            :math:`e_i = (x_i^{(1)} - x_i^{(2)})/(x_i^{(1)} + x_i^{(2)})` are used
            in order to track changes in small probabilities. The Euclidean norm
            of the change vector, :math:`|e_i|_2`, is compared to maxerr.

        self.lag = lag

        # set basic parameters
        self.reversible = reversible
        self.statdist_constraint = _types.ensure_ndarray_or_None(statdist_constraint, ndim=None, kind='numeric')
        if self.statdist_constraint is not None:  # renormalize
            self.statdist_constraint /= self.statdist_constraint.sum()

        # sparse matrix computation wanted?
        self.sparse = sparse

        # store counting mode (lowercase)
        self.count_mode = str(count_mode).lower()
        if self.count_mode not in ('sliding', 'effective', 'sample'):
            raise ValueError('count mode ' + count_mode + ' is unknown.')

        # store connectivity mode (lowercase)
        self.connectivity = connectivity.lower()
        if self.connectivity == 'largest':
            pass  # this is the current default. no need to do anything
        elif self.connectivity == 'all':
            raise NotImplementedError('MSM estimation with connectivity=\'all\' is currently not implemented.')
        elif self.connectivity == 'none':
            raise NotImplementedError('MSM estimation with connectivity=\'none\' is currently not implemented.')
            raise ValueError('connectivity mode ' + str(connectivity) + ' is unknown.')

        # time step
        self.dt_traj = dt_traj
        self.timestep_traj = _TimeUnit(dt_traj)

        # convergence parameters
        self.maxiter = maxiter
        self.maxerr = maxerr
Esempio n. 3
    def cktest(self,
        r"""Do the Chapman-Kolmogorov test by computing predictions for higher lag times and by performing estimations at higher lag times.


        This method computes two sets of time-lagged covariance matrices

        * estimates at higher lag times :

          .. math::

              \left\langle \mathbf{K}(n\tau)g_{i},f_{j}\right\rangle_{\rho_{0}}

          where :math:`\rho_{0}` is the empirical distribution implicitly defined
          by all data points from time steps 0 to T-tau in all trajectories,
          :math:`\mathbf{K}(n\tau)` is a rank-reduced Koopman matrix estimated
          at the lag-time n*tau and g and f are some functions of the data.
          Rank-reduction of the Koopman matrix is controlled by the `dim`
          parameter of :func:`vamp <pyemma.coordinates.vamp>`.

        * predictions at higher lag times :

          .. math::

              \left\langle \mathbf{K}^{n}(\tau)g_{i},f_{j}\right\rangle_{\rho_{0}}

          where :math:`\mathbf{K}^{n}` is the n'th power of the rank-reduced
          Koopman matrix contained in self.

        The Champan-Kolmogorov test is to compare the predictions to the

        n_observables : int, optional, default=None
            Limit the number of default observables (and of default statistics)
            to this number.
            Only used if `observables` are None or `statistics` are None.

        observables : np.ndarray((input_dimension, n_observables)) or 'phi'
            Coefficients that express one or multiple observables :math:`g`
            in the basis of the input features.
            This parameter can be 'phi'. In that case, the dominant
            right singular functions of the Koopman operator estimated
            at the smallest lag time are used as default observables.

        statistics : np.ndarray((input_dimension, n_statistics)) or 'psi'
            Coefficients that express one or multiple statistics :math:`f`
            in the basis of the input features.
            This parameter can be 'psi'. In that case, the dominant
            left singular functions of the Koopman operator estimated
            at the smallest lag time are used as default statistics.

        mlags : int or int-array, default=10
            multiples of lag times for testing the Model, e.g. range(10).
            A single int will trigger a range, i.e. mlags=10 maps to
            Note that you need to be able to do a model prediction for each
            of these lag time multiples, e.g. the value 0 only make sense
            if model.expectation(lag_multiple=0) will work.

        n_jobs : int, default=1
            how many jobs to use during calculation

        show_progress : bool, default=True
            Show progressbars for calculation?

        iterable : any data format that `pyemma.coordinates.vamp()` accepts as input, optional
            It `iterable` is None, the same data source with which VAMP
            was initialized will be used for all estimation.
            Otherwise, all estimates (not predictions) from data will be computed
            from the data contained in `iterable`.

        vckv : :class:`VAMPChapmanKolmogorovValidator <pyemma.coordinates.transform.VAMPChapmanKolmogorovValidator>`
            Contains the estimated and the predicted covarince matrices.
            The object can be plotted with :func:`plot_cktest <pyemma.plots.plot_cktest>` with the option `y01=False`.
        if n_observables is not None:
            if n_observables > self.dimension():
                    'Selected singular functions as observables but dimension '
                    'is lower than requested number of observables.')
                n_observables = self.dimension()
            n_observables = self.dimension()

        if isinstance(observables, str) and observables == 'phi':
            observables = self.singular_vectors_right[:, 0:n_observables]
            observables_mean_free = True
            ensure_ndarray(observables, ndim=2)
            observables_mean_free = False

        if isinstance(statistics, str) and statistics == 'psi':
            statistics = self.singular_vectors_left[:, 0:n_observables]
            statistics_mean_free = True
            ensure_ndarray_or_None(statistics, ndim=2)
            statistics_mean_free = False

        ck = VAMPChapmanKolmogorovValidator(self.model,

        if iterable is None:
            iterable = self.data_producer

        return ck
    def __init__(self, lag=1, reversible=True, statdist_constraint=None,
                 count_mode='sliding', sparse=False,
                 connectivity='largest', dt_traj='1 step', maxiter=1000000,
                 maxerr=1e-8, score_method='VAMP2', score_k=10,
                 mincount_connectivity='1/n', core_set=None, milestoning_method='last_core'):
        r"""Maximum likelihood estimator for MSMs given discrete trajectory statistics

        lag : int
            lag time at which transitions are counted and the transition matrix is

        reversible : bool, optional, default = True
            If true compute reversible MSM, else non-reversible MSM

        statdist : (M,) ndarray, optional
            Stationary vector on the full set of states. Estimation will be
            made such the the resulting transition matrix has this distribution
            as an equilibrium distribution. Set probabilities to zero if these
            states should be excluded from the analysis.

        count_mode : str, optional, default='sliding'
            mode to obtain count matrices from discrete trajectories. Should be
            one of:

            * 'sliding' : A trajectory of length T will have :math:`T-tau` counts
              at time indexes

              .. math::

                 (0 \rightarrow \tau), (1 \rightarrow \tau+1), ..., (T-\tau-1 \rightarrow T-1)

            * 'effective' : Uses an estimate of the transition counts that are
              statistically uncorrelated. Recommended when used with a
              Bayesian MSM.
            * 'sample' : A trajectory of length T will have :math:`T/tau` counts
              at time indexes

              .. math::

                    (0 \rightarrow \tau), (\tau \rightarrow 2 \tau), ..., (((T/tau)-1) \tau \rightarrow T)

        sparse : bool, optional, default = False
            If true compute count matrix, transition matrix and all derived
            quantities using sparse matrix algebra. In this case python sparse
            matrices will be returned by the corresponding functions instead of
            numpy arrays. This behavior is suggested for very large numbers of
            states (e.g. > 4000) because it is likely to be much more efficient.
        connectivity : str, optional, default = 'largest'
            Connectivity mode. Three methods are intended (currently only 'largest'
            is implemented)

            * 'largest' : The active set is the largest reversibly connected set.
              All estimation will be done on this subset and all quantities
              (transition matrix, stationary distribution, etc) are only defined
              on this subset and are correspondingly smaller than the full set
              of states
            * 'all' : The active set is the full set of states. Estimation will be
              conducted on each reversibly connected set separately. That means
              the transition matrix will decompose into disconnected submatrices,
              the stationary vector is only defined within subsets, etc.
              Currently not implemented.
            * 'none' : The active set is the full set of states. Estimation will
              be conducted on the full set of
              states without ensuring connectivity. This only permits
              nonreversible estimation. Currently not implemented.

        dt_traj : str, optional, default='1 step'
            Description of the physical time of the input trajectories. May be used
            by analysis algorithms such as plotting tools to pretty-print the axes.
            By default '1 step', i.e. there is no physical time unit. Specify by a
            number, whitespace and unit. Permitted units are (* is an arbitrary

            |  'fs',  'femtosecond*'
            |  'ps',  'picosecond*'
            |  'ns',  'nanosecond*'
            |  'us',  'microsecond*'
            |  'ms',  'millisecond*'
            |  's',   'second*'

        maxiter: int, optioanl, default = 1000000
            Optional parameter with reversible = True. maximum number of iterations
            before the transition matrix estimation method exits
        maxerr : float, optional, default = 1e-8
            Optional parameter with reversible = True.
            convergence tolerance for transition matrix estimation.
            This specifies the maximum change of the Euclidean norm of relative
            stationary probabilities (:math:`x_i = \sum_k x_{ik}`). The relative
            stationary probability changes
            :math:`e_i = (x_i^{(1)} - x_i^{(2)})/(x_i^{(1)} + x_i^{(2)})` are used
            in order to track changes in small probabilities. The Euclidean norm
            of the change vector, :math:`|e_i|_2`, is compared to maxerr.

        score_method : str, optional, default='VAMP2'
            Score to be used with score function. Available are:

            |  'VAMP1'  [1]_
            |  'VAMP2'  [1]_
            |  'VAMPE'  [1]_

        score_k : int or None
            The maximum number of eigenvalues or singular values used in the
            score. If set to None, all available eigenvalues will be used.

        mincount_connectivity : float or '1/n'
            minimum number of counts to consider a connection between two states.
            Counts lower than that will count zero in the connectivity check and
            may thus separate the resulting transition matrix. The default
            evaluates to 1/nstates.

        core_set : None (default) or array like, dtype=int
            Definition of core set for milestoning MSMs.
            If set to None, replaces state -1 (if found in discrete trajectories) and
            performs milestone counting. No effect for Voronoi-discretized trajectories (default).
            If a list or np.ndarray is supplied, discrete trajectories will be assigned

        milestoning_method : str
            Method to use for counting transitions in trajectories with unassigned frames.
            Currently available:
            |  'last_core',   assigns unassigned frames to last visited core

        .. [1] H. Wu and F. Noe: Variational approach for learning Markov processes from time series data
            (in preparation)

        super(MaximumLikelihoodMSM, self).__init__(lag=lag, reversible=reversible, count_mode=count_mode,
                                                   sparse=sparse, connectivity=connectivity, dt_traj=dt_traj,
                                                   score_method=score_method, score_k=score_k,
                                                   core_set=core_set, milestoning_method=milestoning_method)

        self.statdist_constraint = _types.ensure_ndarray_or_None(statdist_constraint, ndim=None, kind='numeric')
        if self.statdist_constraint is not None:  # renormalize
            self.statdist_constraint /= self.statdist_constraint.sum()

        # convergence parameters
        self.maxiter = maxiter
        self.maxerr = maxerr