def doGet(self, request): layout = IGBLayout() layout.setContent([ Panel(heading=['How to use scanning tool'], content=[ T.p[""" This tool alows you to remember all scanned signatures in given solar system. It will try to automatically detect that you changed system, and always show you signatures from system you are currently in """], T.p[""" Basic idea for this tool is that, you should copy-and-paste all data from scanning overview to rectangular gray textarea in this tool (and submit) as often as posible. It will automatically detect changes, update existing signatures with more info, delete old signatures, and add new. """], T.p[""" This tool has two modes: personal and corporation. All they differ is who sees your submitted data. It might be only you, or all people from your corporation. """], T.p[""" To copy-paste signatures from scanning overview, select any signature in your "Probe scanner" window. Then press ctrl+a (select all), then ctrl+c (copy). Then click in IGB window, inside rectangular gray area, and press ctrl+v (paste). """], T.div[ T.img(src='/static/images/help_overview.jpg'), T.img(src='/static/images/help_igb_paste.jpg') ], T.p[""" """],, T.p[ 'Back to: ', T.a(href=self.getUrl('scanning/personal'))['personal scanner'], ' or ', T.a(href=self.getUrl('scanning/corporation'))['corporation scanner'], ] ]) ]) return layout
def doGet(self, request): layout = IGBLayout() layout.addJs('dom.jsPlumb-1.6.4-min.js') layout.addJs('whMap.js') layout.setContent([ Panel(heading=['Simple map'], content=T.div(id='wormholeMap')[ T.div(class_='whRow')[ whSlotEmpty(), whSlotEmpty(), whSlot('J123456', 'Some data'), whSlot('J098654', 'Some data 2'), whSlotEmpty(), whSlotEmpty(), ], T.div(class_='whRow')[ whSlotEmpty(), whSlotEmpty(), whSlotEmpty(), whSlot('J432567', 'Some data 2'), whSlotEmpty(), whSlotEmpty(), ], T.div(class_='whRow')[ whSlotEmpty(), whSlot('J111111', 'Some data 9'), whSlot('J111112', 'Some data 8'), whSlot('J111113', 'Some data 7'), whSlot('J111114', 'Some data 6'), whSlot('J111115', 'Some data 5'), ], ] ) ]) return layout
def renderResponse(self, helper, signatures): layout = IGBLayout() layout.addJs('common.js') layout.addJs('scanning.js') layout.addJs('loot.js') if helper.isTrusted: content = [ Panel( heading=[ self._renderHeader(helper), ], content=[ T.div(class_='row')[ T.div(class_='col-xs-8')[ T.textarea(class_="form-control", id="signaturesInput", rows="2", style="overflow: hidden; resize: none", placeholder="Paste scanning content here") ], T.div(class_='col-xs-4')[ T.button(class_='btn btn-default', id='processButton')['Submit'], T.img(id='ajaxLoader', src='/static/images/ajax-loader.gif'), ], ] ] ), Panel(heading=['Known signatures in ', T.strong[helper.systemName], T.div(class_='pull-right')[ T.a(href=self.getUrl('scanning/help'))['How to use this tool'] ]], content=[ T.div(id='bookmarkContainer')[ self.getKnownSignaturesTable(signatures) ], ]), T.script[ """ $(document).ready(function() { BookmarkManager.init({ container: document.getElementById('bookmarkContainer'), processButton: document.getElementById('processButton'), signaturesInput: document.getElementById('signaturesInput'), ajaxLoader: document.getElementById('ajaxLoader'), systemName: '%(system)s' }); LootInterface.init(); }); """ % dict(system=helper.systemName) ] ] layout.setContent(content) return layout