Esempio n. 1
    def post(self):
        A ``POST`` to this endpoint will create a new path map.

        A path map will list the equivalent path prefixes for all three supported
        families of operating systems, Linux, Windows and OS X.
        A path map can optionally be restricted to one tag, in which case it will
        only apply to agents with that tag.
        If a tag is specified that does not exist yet, that tag will be
        transparently created.

        .. http:post:: /api/v1/pathmaps/ HTTP/1.1


            .. sourcecode:: http

                POST /api/v1/pathmaps/ HTTP/1.1
                Accept: application/json

                    "path_linux": "/mnt/nfs",
                    "path_windows": "\\domain\cifs_server",
                    "path_osx": "/mnt/nfs",
                    "tag": "production"


            .. sourcecode:: http

                HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED
                Content-Type: application/json

                    "id": 1,
                    "path_linux": "/mnt/nfs",
                    "path_windows": "\\domain\cifs_server",
                    "path_osx": "/mnt/nfs",
                    "tag": "production"

        :statuscode 201: a new pathmap was created
        :statuscode 400: there was something wrong with the request (such as
                            invalid columns being included)
        tagname = g.json.pop("tag", None)
        if tagname:
            if not isinstance(tagname, STRING_TYPES):
                return jsonify(error="tag must be of type string"), BAD_REQUEST

        pathmap = PathMap(**g.json)

        if tagname:
            tag = Tag.query.filter_by(tag=tagname).first()
            if not tag:
                tag = Tag(tag=tagname)
            pathmap.tag = tag


        out = pathmap.to_dict(unpack_relationships=False)
        if pathmap.tag:
            out["tag"] = pathmap.tag.tag"New pathmap created with values: %r", pathmap)

        return jsonify(out), CREATED