Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix=None):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Underlying system
        system = intg.system

        # Underlying system elements class
        self.elementscls = system.elementscls

        # Expressions to integrate
        c = self.cfg.items_as('constants', float)
        self.exprs = [
            self.cfg.getexpr(cfgsect, k, subs=c)
            for k in self.cfg.items(cfgsect) if k.startswith('int-')

        # Integration region pre-processing
        rinfo = self._prepare_region_info(intg)

        # Gradient pre-processing
        self._init_gradients(intg, rinfo)

        # Save a reference to the physical solution point locations
        self.plocs = system.ele_ploc_upts

        # Integration parameters
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            header = ['t'] + [
                k for k in self.cfg.items(cfgsect) if k.startswith('int-')

            # Open
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, ','.join(header))

        # Prepare the per element-type info list
        self.eleinfo = []
        for (ename, eles), (eset, emask) in zip(system.ele_map.items(), rinfo):
            # Locations of each solution point
            ploc = eles.ploc_at_np('upts')[..., eset]
            ploc = ploc.swapaxes(0, 1)

            # Jacobian determinants
            rcpdjacs = eles.rcpdjac_at_np('upts')[:, eset]

            # Quadature weights
            rname = self.cfg.get(f'solver-elements-{ename}', 'soln-pts')
            wts = get_quadrule(ename, rname, eles.nupts).wts

            # Save
            self.eleinfo.append((ploc, wts[:, None] / rcpdjacs, eset, emask))
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Output frequency
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            header = ['t'] + intg.system.elementscls.convarmap[self.ndims]

            # Open
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, ','.join(header))
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Output frequency
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            header = ['t'] + intg.system.elementscls.convarmap[self.ndims]

            # Open
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, ','.join(header))
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, prefix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, prefix)

        self.flushsteps = self.cfg.getint(self.cfgsect, 'flushsteps', 500)

        self.count = 0
        self.stats = []
        self.tprev = intg.tcurr

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, 'n,t,dt,action,error')
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, prefix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, prefix)

        self.flushsteps = self.cfg.getint(self.cfgsect, 'flushsteps', 500)

        self.count = 0
        self.stats = []
        self.tprev = intg.tcurr

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, 'n,t,dt,action,error')
            self.outf = None
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, prefix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, prefix)

        self.flushsteps = self.cfg.getint(self.cfgsect, 'flushsteps', 500)

        self.count = 0
        self.stats = []
        self.tprev = intg.tcurr

        fvars = ','.join(intg.system.elementscls.convarmap[self.ndims])

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, 'n,t,i,' + fvars)
            self.outf = None
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, prefix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, prefix)

        self.flushsteps = self.cfg.getint(self.cfgsect, 'flushsteps', 500)

        self.count = 0
        self.stats = []
        self.tprev = intg.tcurr

        fvars = ','.join(intg.system.elementscls.convarmap[self.ndims])

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, 'n,t,i,' + fvars)
            self.outf = None
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        # Underlying elements class
        self.elementscls = intg.system.elementscls

        # Output frequency
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # List of points to be sampled and format
        self.pts = self.cfg.getliteral(cfgsect, 'samp-pts')
        self.fmt = self.cfg.get(cfgsect, 'format', 'primitive')

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # MPI rank responsible for each point and rank-indexed info
        self._ptsrank = ptsrank = []
        self._ptsinfo = ptsinfo = [[] for i in range(comm.size)]

        # Physical location of the solution points
        plocs = [p.swapaxes(1, 2) for p in intg.system.ele_ploc_upts]

        # Locate the closest solution points in our partition
        closest = _closest_upts(intg.system.ele_types, plocs, self.pts)

        # Process these points
        for cp in closest:
            # Reduce over the distance
            _, mrank = comm.allreduce((cp[0], rank), op=get_mpi('minloc'))

            # Store the rank responsible along with its info
                comm.bcast(cp[1:] if rank == mrank else None, root=mrank)

        # If we're the root rank then open the output file
        if rank == root:
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, self._header)
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        # Underlying elements class
        self.elementscls = intg.system.elementscls

        # Output frequency
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # List of points to be sampled and format
        self.pts = self.cfg.getliteral(cfgsect, 'samp-pts')
        self.fmt = self.cfg.get(cfgsect, 'format', 'primitive')

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # MPI rank responsible for each point and rank-indexed info
        self._ptsrank = ptsrank = []
        self._ptsinfo = ptsinfo = [[] for i in range(comm.size)]

        # Physical location of the solution points
        plocs = [p.swapaxes(1, 2) for p in intg.system.ele_ploc_upts]

        # Locate the closest solution points in our partition
        closest = _closest_upts(intg.system.ele_types, plocs, self.pts)

        # Process these points
        for cp in closest:
            # Reduce over the distance
            _, mrank = comm.allreduce((cp[0], rank), op=get_mpi('minloc'))

            # Store the rank responsible along with its info
                comm.bcast(cp[1:] if rank == mrank else None, root=mrank))

        # If we're the root rank then open the output file
        if rank == root:
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, self._header)
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        # Underlying elements class
        self.elementscls = intg.system.elementscls

        # Output frequency
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # List of points to be sampled and format
        self.pts = ast.literal_eval(self.cfg.get(cfgsect, 'samp-pts'))
        self.fmt = self.cfg.get(cfgsect, 'format', 'primitive')

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # MPI rank responsible for each point and rank-indexed info
        self._ptsrank = ptsrank = []
        self._ptsinfo = ptsinfo = [[] for i in range(comm.size)]

        # Physical location of the solution points
        plocs = [p.swapaxes(1, 2) for p in intg.system.ele_ploc_upts]

        for p in self.pts:
            # Find the nearest point in our partition
            cp = _closest_upt(intg.system.ele_types, plocs, p)

            # Reduce over all partitions
            mcp, mrank = comm.allreduce(cp, op=get_mpi('minloc'))

            # Store the rank responsible along with the info

        # If we're the root rank then open the output file
        if rank == root:
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, self._header)
Esempio n. 11
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix=None):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Underlying system
        system = intg.system

        # Underlying system elements class
        self.elementscls = system.elementscls

        # Expressions to integrate
        c = self.cfg.items_as('constants', float)
        self.exprs = [
            self.cfg.getexpr(cfgsect, k, subs=c)
            for k in self.cfg.items(cfgsect) if k.startswith('int-')

        # Integration region pre-processing
        rinfo = self._prepare_region_info(intg)

        # Gradient pre-processing
        self._init_gradients(intg, rinfo)

        # Save a reference to the physical solution point locations
        self.plocs = system.ele_ploc_upts

        # Integration parameters
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            header = ['t'] + [
                k for k in self.cfg.items(cfgsect) if k.startswith('int-')

            # Open
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, ','.join(header))

        # Prepare the per element-type info list
        self.eleinfo = eleinfo = []
        for (ename, eles), (eset, emask) in zip(system.ele_map.items(), rinfo):
            # Obtain quadrature info
            rname = self.cfg.get(f'solver-elements-{ename}', 'soln-pts')

                # Quadrature rule (default to that of the solution points)
                qrule = self.cfg.get(cfgsect, f'quad-pts-{ename}', rname)

                # Quadrature rule degree
                    qdeg = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, f'quad-deg-{ename}')
                except NoOptionError:
                    qdeg = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'quad-deg')

                r = get_quadrule(ename, qrule, qdeg=qdeg)

                # Interpolation to quadrature points matrix
                m0 = eles.basis.ubasis.nodal_basis_at(r.pts)
            except NoOptionError:
                # Default to the quadrature rule of the solution points
                r = get_quadrule(ename, rname, eles.nupts)
                m0 = None

            # Locations of each quadrature point
            ploc = eles.ploc_at_np(r.pts).swapaxes(0, 1)[..., eset]

            # Jacobian determinants at each quadrature point
            rcpdjacs = eles.rcpdjac_at_np(r.pts)[:, eset]

            # Save
            eleinfo.append((ploc, r.wts[:, None] / rcpdjacs, m0, eset, emask))
Esempio n. 12
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        # Underlying elements class
        self.elementscls = intg.system.elementscls

        # Output frequency
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # List of points to be sampled and format
        self.pts = self.cfg.getliteral(cfgsect, 'samp-pts')
        self.fmt = self.cfg.get(cfgsect, 'format', 'primitive')

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # MPI rank responsible for each sample point
        if rank == root:
            ptsrank = []

        # Sample points we're responsible for, grouped by element type
        elepts = [[] for i in range(len(intg.system.ele_map))]

        # Search locations in transformed and physical space
        tlocs, plocs = self._search_pts(intg)

        # For each sample point find our nearest search location
        closest = _closest_pts(plocs, self.pts)

        # Process these points
        for i, (dist, etype, (uidx, eidx)) in enumerate(closest):
            # Reduce over the distance
            _, mrank = comm.allreduce((dist, rank), op=get_mpi('minloc'))

            # If we have the closest point then save the relevant info
            if rank == mrank:
                elepts[etype].append((i, eidx, tlocs[etype][uidx]))

            # Note what rank is responsible for the point
            if rank == root:

        # Refine
        self._ourpts = ourpts = self._refine_pts(intg, elepts)

        # Send the refined sample locations to the root rank
        ptsplocs = comm.gather([pl for et, ei, pl, op in ourpts], root=root)

        if rank == root:
            nvars = self.nvars

            # Allocate a buffer to store the sampled points
            self._ptsbuf = ptsbuf = np.empty((len(self.pts), self.nvars))

            # Tally up how many points each rank is responsible for
            nptsrank = [len(ploc) for ploc in ptsplocs]

            # Compute the counts and displacements, sans nvars
            ptscounts = np.array(nptsrank, dtype=np.int32)
            ptsdisps = np.cumsum([0] + nptsrank[:-1], dtype=np.int32)

            # Apply the displacements to each ranks points
            miters = [
                enumerate(ploc, start=pdisp)
                for ploc, pdisp in zip(ptsplocs, ptsdisps)

            # With this form the final point (offset, location) list
            self._ptsinfo = [next(miters[pr]) for pr in ptsrank]

            # Form the MPI Gatherv receive buffer tuple
            self._ptsrecv = (ptsbuf, (nvars * ptscounts, nvars * ptsdisps))

            # Open the output file
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, self._header)
            self._ptsrecv = None
Esempio n. 13
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Output frequency
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # Check if we need to compute viscous force
        self._viscous = == 'navier-stokes'

        # Viscous correction
        self._viscorr = self.cfg.get('solver', 'viscosity-correction', 'none')

        # Constant variables
        self._constants = self.cfg.items_as('constants', float)

        # Underlying elements class
        self.elementscls = intg.system.elementscls

        # Boundary to integrate over
        bc = 'bcon_{0}_p{1}'.format(suffix, intg.rallocs.prank)

        # Get the mesh and elements
        mesh, elemap = intg.system.mesh, intg.system.ele_map

        # See which ranks have the boundary
        bcranks = comm.gather(bc in mesh, root=root)

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            if not any(bcranks):
                raise RuntimeError('Boundary {0} does not exist'

            # CSV header
            header = ['t', 'px', 'py', 'pz'][:self.ndims + 1]
            if self._viscous:
                header += ['vx', 'vy', 'vz'][:self.ndims]

            # Open
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, header)

        # Interpolation matrices and quadrature weights
        self._m0 = m0 = {}
        self._qwts = qwts = defaultdict(list)

        if self._viscous:
            self._m4 = m4 = {}
            rcpjact = {}

        # If we have the boundary then process the interface
        if bc in mesh:
            # Element indices and associated face normals
            eidxs = defaultdict(list)
            norms = defaultdict(list)

            for etype, eidx, fidx, flags in mesh[bc].astype('U4,i4,i1,i1'):
                eles = elemap[etype]

                if (etype, fidx) not in m0:
                    facefpts = eles.basis.facefpts[fidx]

                    m0[etype, fidx] = eles.basis.m0[facefpts]
                    qwts[etype, fidx] = eles.basis.fpts_wts[facefpts]

                if self._viscous and etype not in m4:
                    m4[etype] = eles.basis.m4

                    # Get the smats at the solution points
                    smat = eles.smat_at_np('upts').transpose(2, 0, 1, 3)

                    # Get |J|^-1 at the solution points
                    rcpdjac = eles.rcpdjac_at_np('upts')

                    # Product to give J^-T at the solution points
                    rcpjact[etype] = smat*rcpdjac

                # Unit physical normals and their magnitudes (including |J|)
                npn = eles.get_norm_pnorms(eidx, fidx)
                mpn = eles.get_mag_pnorms(eidx, fidx)

                eidxs[etype, fidx].append(eidx)
                norms[etype, fidx].append(mpn[:, None]*npn)

            self._eidxs = {k: np.array(v) for k, v in eidxs.items()}
            self._norms = {k: np.array(v) for k, v in norms.items()}

            if self._viscous:
                self._rcpjact = {k: rcpjact[k[0]][..., v]
                                 for k, v in self._eidxs.items()}
Esempio n. 14
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Output frequency
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # Check if we need to compute viscous force
        self._viscous = 'navier-stokes' in

        # Check if the system is incompressible
        self._ac ='ac')

        # Viscous correction
        self._viscorr = self.cfg.get('solver', 'viscosity-correction', 'none')

        # Constant variables
        self._constants = self.cfg.items_as('constants', float)

        # Underlying elements class
        self.elementscls = intg.system.elementscls

        # Boundary to integrate over
        bc = f'bcon_{suffix}_p{intg.rallocs.prank}'

        # Moments
        mcomp = 3 if self.ndims == 3 else 1
        self._mcomp = mcomp if self.cfg.hasopt(cfgsect, 'morigin') else 0
        if self._mcomp:
            morigin = np.array(self.cfg.getliteral(cfgsect, 'morigin'))
            if len(morigin) != self.ndims:
                raise ValueError(f'morigin must have {self.ndims} components')

        # Get the mesh and elements
        mesh, elemap = intg.system.mesh, intg.system.ele_map

        # See which ranks have the boundary
        bcranks = comm.gather(bc in mesh, root=root)

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            if not any(bcranks):
                raise RuntimeError(f'Boundary {suffix} does not exist')

            # CSV header
            header = ['t', 'px', 'py', 'pz'][:self.ndims + 1]
            if self._mcomp:
                header += ['mpx', 'mpy', 'mpz'][3 - mcomp:]
            if self._viscous:
                header += ['vx', 'vy', 'vz'][:self.ndims]
                if self._mcomp:
                    header += ['mvx', 'mvy', 'mvz'][3 - mcomp:]

            # Open
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, ','.join(header))

        # Interpolation matrices and quadrature weights
        self._m0 = m0 = {}
        self._qwts = qwts = defaultdict(list)

        if self._viscous:
            self._m4 = m4 = {}
            rcpjact = {}

        # If we have the boundary then process the interface
        if bc in mesh:
            # Element indices, associated face normals and relative flux
            # points position with respect to the moments origin
            eidxs = defaultdict(list)
            norms = defaultdict(list)
            rfpts = defaultdict(list)

            for etype, eidx, fidx, flags in mesh[bc].astype('U4,i4,i1,i2'):
                eles = elemap[etype]

                if (etype, fidx) not in m0:
                    facefpts = eles.basis.facefpts[fidx]

                    m0[etype, fidx] = eles.basis.m0[facefpts]
                    qwts[etype, fidx] = eles.basis.fpts_wts[facefpts]

                if self._viscous and etype not in m4:
                    m4[etype] = eles.basis.m4

                    # Get the smats at the solution points
                    smat = eles.smat_at_np('upts').transpose(2, 0, 1, 3)

                    # Get |J|^-1 at the solution points
                    rcpdjac = eles.rcpdjac_at_np('upts')

                    # Product to give J^-T at the solution points
                    rcpjact[etype] = smat * rcpdjac

                # Unit physical normals and their magnitudes (including |J|)
                npn = eles.get_norm_pnorms(eidx, fidx)
                mpn = eles.get_mag_pnorms(eidx, fidx)

                eidxs[etype, fidx].append(eidx)
                norms[etype, fidx].append(mpn[:, None] * npn)

                # Get the flux points position of the given face and element
                # indices relative to the moment origin
                if self._mcomp:
                    fpts_idx = eles.basis.facefpts[fidx]
                    rfpt = eles.plocfpts[fpts_idx, eidx] - morigin
                    rfpts[etype, fidx].append(rfpt)

            self._eidxs = {k: np.array(v) for k, v in eidxs.items()}
            self._norms = {k: np.array(v) for k, v in norms.items()}
            self._rfpts = {k: np.array(v) for k, v in rfpts.items()}

            if self._viscous:
                self._rcpjact = {
                    k: rcpjact[k[0]][..., v]
                    for k, v in self._eidxs.items()