Esempio n. 1
def drawSearched():
    #draw searched images
    draw.rect(screen, c("white"), imgsearch)
    draw.rect(screen, c("blue"), searchbtn)
    screen.blit(searchicon, (200 + searchbarx, searchbary))

    if text != '':  #only render font if it exists
        searchinput = searchfont.render(text, True, c("black"))
        screen.blit(searchinput, (searchbarx + 10, searchbarx + 15))

    if modes[mode] == "searching":
        draw.rect(screen, c("red"), imgsearch, 3)
        draw.rect(screen, c("black"), imgsearch, 3)

    #bliting searched images
    for i in range(len(imglist)):
        screen.blit(imglist[i], (searchbarx, searchbarx + i * 140 + 65))
Esempio n. 2
def showinfo(mx, my):
    #shows on the bottom right, info about the current tool, current colour, mouse position, and playing track

    #shows position relative to canvas
    left, top, width, height = canvas
    mx = mx - left
    my = my - top

    #make sure coordinates are not negative
    if mx < 0:
        mx = 0
    elif mx > left + width:
        mx = left + width

    if my < 0:
        my = 0
    elif my > top + height:
        my = top + height

    text = f'Current tool: {modes[mode]}    Current colour: {(chosencolour[0],chosencolour[1],chosencolour[2])}    Mouse position: {mx}, {my}    Current Song: {musicnames[cursong]}'
    text = infofont.render(text, True, c("white"))
    screen.blit(text, (1175 - text.get_size()[0], 682))
Esempio n. 3
def main():
    #main program loop
    running = True
    clock = time.Clock()
    while running:
        mx, my = mouse.get_pos()
        mb = mouse.get_pressed()
        kp = key.get_pressed()

        if not action: arrowchangedrawwidth(kp)

        ########################### event handling, calculations ###########################
        for evt in event.get():
            if evt.type == QUIT:
                running = handleQuit()
            if evt.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:  #mouse down event
            if evt.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:  #button up event
                handleMouseUp(evt, mx, my)
            if evt.type == KEYDOWN:  #keydown event
            if evt.type == MOUSEMOTION:  #only used for image movement
                if imgmoving == 1:
            if evt.type == MUSICEND:  #self defined event: when the music finishes

        ########################### draw stuff ###########################

        #draw background rects

        #search section

        #draw buttons

        #draw title
        screen.blit(title, (483, 520))

        #show info
        showinfo(mx, my)

        #draw canvas
            Rect(canvas[0], canvas[1], canvas[2] + 1, canvas[3] + 1))
        screen.blit(screencap, (475, 25))
        draw.rect(screen, c("black"), canvas, 2)

        #show action
        showaction(mb, mx, my)

        #draw cursor
        blitcursor(mx, my)

        ########################### adjust framerate, update ###########################
        clock.tick(120)  #control framerate
        display.flip()  #update display

            screencap, (475, 25)
        )  #after showing action, erase what was shown in showaction() so that its temporary
Esempio n. 4
def drawButtons():
    #draw all the buttons
    global mode, playnextborder, playprevborder, borderframecount
    for b in buttons:
        draw.rect(screen, c("white"), b.rect)
        screen.blit(woodenbtn, b.rect)
        screen.blit(buttonimgs[b.mode - 2], b.rect)
        if mode == b.mode:
            draw.rect(screen, c("red"), b.rect, 2)
    screen.blit(colours, cprect)
    draw.rect(screen, chosencolour,
              (400 - drawwidth, 435 - drawwidth, drawwidth * 2, drawwidth * 2))
    draw.rect(screen, c("black"), cprect, 2)
    draw.rect(screen, c("black"),
              (400 - drawwidth, 435 - drawwidth, drawwidth * 2, drawwidth * 2),

    draw.rect(screen, c("white"), playerrect)  #player
    draw.rect(screen, c("black"), playrect)  #play
    draw.rect(screen, c("black"), prevrect)  #previous
    draw.rect(screen, c("black"), nextrect)  #next

    screen.blit(playerimg, playerrect)
    screen.blit(cur, playrect)
    screen.blit(previmg, prevrect)
    screen.blit(nextimg, nextrect)
    screen.blit(inorderimg, inorderrect)
    screen.blit(loopimg, looprect)
    screen.blit(shuffleimg, shufflerect)

    draw.rect(screen, c("black"), inorderrect, 2)
    draw.rect(screen, c("black"), looprect, 2)
    draw.rect(screen, c("black"), shufflerect, 2)
    draw.rect(screen, c("black"), playerrect, 2)
    draw.rect(screen, c("black"), prevrect, 2)
    draw.rect(screen, c("black"), nextrect, 2)

    if musicmode == "inorder":
        draw.rect(screen, c("red"), inorderrect, 2)
    elif musicmode == "loop":
        draw.rect(screen, c("red"), looprect, 2)
    elif musicmode == "shuffle":
        draw.rect(screen, c("red"), shufflerect, 2)

    if playnextborder:
        if borderframecount != 0:
            draw.rect(screen, c("red"), nextrect, 2)
            borderframecount -= 1
            playnextborder = 0
    if playprevborder:
        if borderframecount != 0:
            draw.rect(screen, c("red"), prevrect, 2)
            borderframecount -= 1
            playprevborder = 0
Esempio n. 5
def showaction(mb, mx, my):
    #show temporarily what the user is doing (depending on the mode)
    if action:
        if mb[0]:  #only left clicks
            left, top = min(startx, mx), min(starty, my)
            rwidth, rheight = abs(mx - startx), abs(my - starty)

            if modes[mode] == "pencil":
                global pencilcircles
                pencilcircles = addstroke(mx, my, pencilcircles)
                brush(pencilcircles, 1, c("black"))

            elif modes[mode] == "eraser":
                global erasercircles
                erasercircles = addstroke(mx, my, erasercircles)
                brush(erasercircles, drawwidth, c("white"))

            elif modes[mode] == "brush":
                global brushcircles
                brushcircles = addstroke(mx, my, brushcircles)
                brush(brushcircles, drawwidth, chosencolour)

            elif modes[mode] == "spraypaint":
                global spraylist, spraycirclelist
                l = len(spraycirclelist)
                spraycirclelist = addstroke(mx, my, spraycirclelist)
                for x, y in spraycirclelist[l:]:
                    tempspraypoints = randpoints(x, y)
                    spraylist += tempspraypoints
                for px, py in spraylist:
                    screen.set_at((px, py), chosencolour)
          , chosencolour, (px,py), 0.5)

            elif modes[mode] == "highlight":
                global highlightlist, alphasf
                highlightlist = addstroke(mx, my, highlightlist)
                for x, y in highlightlist:
          , (chosencolour[0], chosencolour[1],
                                          chosencolour[2], 100),
                                (x - 475, y - 25), drawwidth)
                screen.blit(alphasf, (475, 25))

            elif modes[mode] == "line":
                drawline(startx, starty, mx, my)

            elif modes[mode] == "rect":
                draw.rect(screen, chosencolour, (left, top, rwidth, rheight))

            elif modes[mode] == "ellipse":
                draw.ellipse(screen, chosencolour,
                             (left, top, rwidth, rheight))

            elif modes[mode] == "unfilled rect":
                draw.rect(screen, chosencolour, (left, top, rwidth, drawwidth))
                draw.rect(screen, chosencolour,
                          (left, top, drawwidth, rheight))
                draw.rect(screen, chosencolour,
                          (left + rwidth - drawwidth, top, drawwidth, rheight))
                draw.rect(screen, chosencolour,
                          (left, top + rheight - drawwidth, rwidth, drawwidth))

            elif modes[mode] == "unfilled ellipse":
                for i in range(-1, 2):
                        draw.ellipse(screen, chosencolour,
                                     (left - i, top - i, rwidth + 2 * i,
                                      rheight + 2 * i),
                                         min(rwidth, rheight) // 2))

    #resizing and moving images
    if modes[mode] == "import":
        global importimg, imgrect
        if imgresize == 1:  #if they are currently resizing, perform transformation
            importimg = transform.scale(
                (max(0, mx - imgrect[0]), max(0, my - imgrect[1])))
            imgrect = Rect(imgrect[0], imgrect[1], max(0, mx - imgrect[0]),
                           max(0, my - imgrect[1]))
        draw.rect(screen, c("black"), imgrect, 3)
        screen.blit(importimg, imgrect), c("green"),
                    (imgrect[0] + imgrect[2], imgrect[1] + imgrect[3]), 5), c("black"),
                    (imgrect[0] + imgrect[2], imgrect[1] + imgrect[3]), 5, 1)

    #canvas border to look nice
    draw.rect(screen, c("black"), canvas, 2)
Esempio n. 6
 def __init__(self, dim):
     self.w = dim[0]
     self.h = dim[1]
     self.surface = Surface(dim)
Esempio n. 7
def handleMouseUp(evt, mx, my):
    #handle MOUSEBUTTONUP event. permanently completes the drawing actions, depending on the mode.
    global drawwidth, importimg, imgrect, imgmoving, imgresize, mode

    if not imgrect.collidepoint(
            mx, my) and hypot(abs(evt.pos[0] - imgrect[0] - imgrect[2]),
                              abs(evt.pos[1] - imgrect[1] - imgrect[3])) > 5:
        if imgmoving == 1:
            imgmoving = 0

    if action:  #check if there is canvas action, if so draw according to the mode
        left, top = min(startx, mx), min(starty, my)
        rwidth, rheight = abs(mx - startx), abs(my - starty)

        if modes[mode] == "pencil":
            global pencilcircles
            brush(pencilcircles, 1, c("black"))
            pencilcircles = []

        elif modes[mode] == "eraser":
            global erasercircles
            brush(erasercircles, drawwidth, c("white"))
            erasercircles = []

        elif modes[mode] == "brush":
            global brushcircles
            brush(brushcircles, drawwidth, chosencolour)
            brushcircles = []

        elif modes[mode] == "spraypaint":
            global spraylist, spraycirclelist
            for px, py in spraylist:
                screen.set_at((px, py), chosencolour)
            spraylist = []
            spraycirclelist = []

        elif modes[mode] == "highlight":
            global highlightlist, alphasf
            for x, y in highlightlist:
                    (chosencolour[0], chosencolour[1], chosencolour[2], 100),
                    (x - 475, y - 25), drawwidth)
            screen.blit(alphasf, (475, 25))
            highlightlist = []
            alphasf = Surface((700, 450), SRCALPHA)

        elif modes[mode] == "fill bucket":
            global startcolour
            startcolour = screen.get_at((mx, my))
            if startcolour != chosencolour:
                floodfill(mx, my)

        elif modes[mode] == "line":
            drawline(startx, starty, mx, my)

        elif modes[mode] == "rect":
            draw.rect(screen, chosencolour, (left, top, rwidth, rheight))

        elif modes[mode] == "ellipse":
            draw.ellipse(screen, chosencolour, (left, top, rwidth, rheight))

        elif modes[mode] == "unfilled rect":
            draw.rect(screen, chosencolour, (left, top, rwidth, drawwidth))
            draw.rect(screen, chosencolour, (left, top, drawwidth, rheight))
            draw.rect(screen, chosencolour,
                      (left + rwidth - drawwidth, top, drawwidth, rheight))
            draw.rect(screen, chosencolour,
                      (left, top + rheight - drawwidth, rwidth, drawwidth))

        elif modes[mode] == "unfilled ellipse":
            #drawing 3 overlapping ellipses makes the ellipse border look more filled
            for i in range(-1, 2):
                        screen, chosencolour,
                        (left - i, top - i, rwidth + 2 * i, rheight + 2 * i),
                            min(rwidth, rheight) // 2))

        #capture to make changes permanent

    elif modes[
            mode] == "clear screen":  #outside of "if action" because there doesnt need to be canvas action, only button
        draw.rect(screen, c("white"), canvas)

    #similarly with importing/exporting images, and undo/redo
    elif buttons[6].rect.collidepoint(evt.pos):
            importimg = image.load(
            global ogimportimg
            ogimportimg = importimg.copy(
            )  #this is an important step. keep a copy of the original image, and each time perform a transformation on the original copy, not a transformed copy. this perserves image quality significantly
            imgrect = importimg.get_rect()
   = 825, 250
            screen.blit(importimg, (imgrect))

        except Exception as e:

    elif modes[mode] == "export":
        global saved
            fname = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".png",
                                                 initialdir="./saved images/")
  , fname)
            saved = 1
        except Exception as e:

    elif modes[mode] == "undo":

    elif modes[mode] == "redo":
Esempio n. 8
#import img variables
if not path.exists("./images"):
imgmoving = 0
imgresize = 0
imgrect = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
importimg = Surface((0, 0))

#colour picker
colours = image.load("static/colourpicker.jpg")
cix, ciy = colours.get_size()
ch = 180
colours = transform.scale(colours, (80, ch))
cprect = Rect(360, 485, 80, ch)
chosencolrect = Rect(360, 395, 80, 80)
chosencolour = c("white")

undo = []
redo = []

canvas = Rect(475, 25, 700, 450)
draw.rect(screen, (255, 255, 255), canvas)

searchbarx, searchbary = 50, 50
imgsearch = Rect(searchbarx, searchbary, 200, 50)
searchbtn = Rect(200 + searchbarx, searchbary, 50, 50)
text = ''
searchfont = font.SysFont("Calibri", 24)