Esempio n. 1
def simulationControl(aPend, Q0, QTarget, Kp, Kpd):
    from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
    from time import time
    Qp = Q0.copy()
    Qpd = Q0.copy()

    # Init pygame
    thisClock = pygClock()
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 600))

    scale = 100
    offset = np.array([300, 300]).astype(np.int_)

    # Function for integration -> Proportional
    fIntP = lambda t, Q: aPend.getQd(Q.reshape((2, 1)),
                           , Q - QTarget))
    fIntPD = lambda t, Q: aPend.getQd(Q.reshape((2, 1)),
                            , Q - QTarget))

    tStart = time()
    t = 0.  # current time
    while time() < tStart + 20.:  # Simulate twenty seconds
            (255, 255,
             255))  # Make screen white again -> otherwise all are displayed
            screen, (125, 125, 125), (300, 300),
            (300 - int(1.5 * aPend.l * scale * np.sin(QTarget[0, 0])),
             300 - int(1.5 * aPend.l * scale * np.cos(QTarget[0, 0]))))
        # Plot current
        # Plot P -> red
        aPend.drawPyGame(screen, (255, 0, 0), scale, offset, q=Qp[:1, [0]])
        # Plot PD -> black
        aPend.drawPyGame(screen, (0, 0, 0), scale, offset, q=Qpd[:1, [0]])
        dt = float(thisClock.tick(
            30)) / 1000.  # Let time pass, at least as much to have 30fps max
        # Refresh
        # Compute new pos
        # SP
        sol = solve_ivp(fIntP, [t, t + dt], Qp.squeeze(), vectorized=True)
        Qp = sol['y'][:, [-1]]
        sol = solve_ivp(fIntPD, [t, t + dt], Qpd.squeeze(), vectorized=True)
        Qpd = sol['y'][:, [-1]]

        # Update time
        t += dt


    return None
Esempio n. 2
def simulationNoControlComp(aPend: pendule, qInit):
    """Simulate no control pendulum and show the difference between solve_ivp and forward euler"""
    from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
    from time import time
    QForward = qInit.copy()
    QSolve = qInit.copy()

    # Init pygame
    thisClock = pygClock()
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 600))

    scale = 100
    offset = np.array([300, 300]).astype(np.int_)

    # Function for integration
    fInt = lambda t, Q: aPend.getQd(Q.reshape((2, 1)), u=np.zeros((1, 1)))

    tStart = time()
    t = 0.  # current time
    while time() < tStart + 20.:  #Simulate twenty seconds
            (255, 255,
             255))  #Make screen white again -> otherwise all are displayed
        # Plot current
        # Plot euler -> red
        aPend.drawPyGame(screen, (255, 0, 0),
                         q=QForward[:1, [0]])
        # Plot solve -> black
        aPend.drawPyGame(screen, (0, 0, 0), scale, offset, q=QSolve[:1, [0]])
        dt = float(thisClock.tick(
            30)) / 1000.  # Let time pass, at least as much to have 30fps max
        # Refresh
        # Compute new pos
        # Euler
        QForward += dt * aPend.getQd(QForward, np.zeros((1, 1)))
        sol = solve_ivp(fInt, [t, t + dt], QSolve.squeeze(), vectorized=True)
        QSolve = sol['y'][:, [-1]]

        # Update time
        t += dt


    return None
Esempio n. 3
    def simulationControl(env):

        from time import time
        screen_size = 800

        # Init pygame
        thisClock = pygClock()
        screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_size, screen_size))

        scale = 100
        offset = np.array([300, 300]).astype(np.int_)

        image = pygame.image.load("tortoise.jpg").convert()
        image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (60, 45))
        background = pygame.image.load("beach.png").convert()
        # background = pygame.transform.scale(background, (800, 800))

        tStart = time()

        seed(a=None, version=2)
        for r in env.robots:
            seed(a=None, version=2)
            radius = randint(15, 50)
            rot_speed = randint(1, 3)
            const = randint(1,3)
            x = randint(10, screen_size - 10)
            y = randint(10, screen_size - 10)
            env.goToPos(r.nom, x, y)
            r.const = const
            screen.blit(image, (int(r.pos[-1].x), int(r.pos[-1].y)))
        t = 0.  # current time
        env.goToPos('rob1', screen_size/2, screen_size/2)
        while time() < tStart + 20.:  # Simulate twenty seconds
            screen.fill((255, 255, 255))  # Make screen white again -> otherwise all are displayed
            screen.blit(background, (0, 0))
            # Plot current

            #aPend.drawPyGame(screen, (255, 255, 0))
            #screen.blit(image, (int(rob2.pos[-1].x) , int(rob2.pos[-1].y) ))
            vr = 1 * sin(1 * t)
            vt = 60
            dt = float(thisClock.tick(30)) / 1000.  # Let time pass, at least as much to have 30fps max
            for r in env.robots:
                #env.trajCirc(r.nom, radius*r.const, rot_speed, step=0.01, duree=1)
                #env.controleur(r.nom, x_des=1+screen_size/2, y_des=1+screen_size/2,kvit=0.1,kangle=.1)
                screen.blit(image, (int(r.pos[-1].x), int(r.pos[-1].y)))
                r.simulMCI(dt, vt, vr)

            #screen.blit(image, (int(rob1.pos[-1].x)+screen_size/2, int(rob1.pos[-1].y)+screen_size/2))
            # for r in env.robots:
            #     env.trajCirc(r.nom, radius, rot_speed, step=0.01, duree=1)

            # Refresh

            # vr = 1 * sin(1 * t)
            # vt = 60
            # env.simulMCI(dt, vt, vr)
            # Update time
            t += dt


        return None