Esempio n. 1
    def __setCharacter(self):
        self.front_standing = pygame.image.load('mygameimages/pro_front.png')
        self.front_standing = pygame.transform.scale(
            self.front_standing, (self.size[0], self.size[1]))
        self.back_standing = pygame.image.load('mygameimages/pro_back.png')
        self.back_standing = pygame.transform.scale(
            self.back_standing, (self.size[0], self.size[1]))
        self.right_standing = pygame.image.load('mygameimages/pro_right.png')
        self.right_standing = pygame.transform.scale(
            self.right_standing, (self.size[0], self.size[1]))
        self.left_standing = pygame.transform.flip(self.right_standing, True,

        self.playerWidth, self.playerHeight = self.front_standing.get_size()

        animTypes = 'back_run back_walk front_run front_walk right_run right_walk'.split(
        self.animObjs = {}
        for animType in animTypes:
            imagesAndDurations = [('mygameimages/pro_%s.%s.png' %
                                   (animType, str(num).rjust(3, '0')), 0.1)
                                  for num in range(6)]
            self.animObjs[animType] = pyganim.PygAnimation(imagesAndDurations)

        self.animObjs['left_walk'] = self.animObjs['right_walk'].getCopy()
        self.animObjs['left_walk'].flip(True, False)
        self.animObjs['left_run'] = self.animObjs['right_run'].getCopy()
        self.animObjs['left_run'].flip(True, False)

        self.moveConductor = pyganim.PygConductor(self.animObjs)
        self.moveConductor.scale((self.size[0], self.size[1]))
Esempio n. 2
    def load_animations(self):
        self.pacmanAnim = {}
        self.pacmanAnim[0] = ANIM.PygAnimation([
            ('images/pacman_R1.png', sprite_speed),
            ('images/pacman_R2.png', sprite_speed)
        self.pacmanAnim[2] = ANIM.PygAnimation([
            ('images/pacman_U1.png', sprite_speed),
            ('images/pacman_U2.png', sprite_speed)

        self.pacmanAnim[1] = self.pacmanAnim[0].getCopy()
        self.pacmanAnim[1].flip(True, False)

        self.pacmanAnim[3] = self.pacmanAnim[2].getCopy()
        self.pacmanAnim[3].flip(False, True)

        #init animations
        self.moveConductor = ANIM.PygConductor(self.pacmanAnim)
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self,
                 position=(16, 16),
        self.img_width = width
        self.img_height = height
        anim_types = ['front', 'left', 'right', 'back']
        self.anim_objs = {}
        self.standing = {}
        i = 0
        for anim_type in anim_types:
            rects = [(num * width, i * height, width, height)
                     for num in range(num)]
            all_images = pyganim.getImagesFromSpriteSheet(img, rects=rects)
            self.standing[anim_type] = all_images[st]
            frames = list(zip(all_images, [100] * len(all_images)))
            self.anim_objs[anim_type] = pyganim.PygAnimation(frames)
            i += 1

        self.move_conductor = pyganim.PygConductor(self.anim_objs)

        self.pos_x, self.pos_y = position
        self.pos_x -= self.standing['front'].get_width() / 2
        self.pos_y -= self.standing['front'].get_height() / 2
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self,
        global CHARACTERS
        global FPS

        self.right_standing = img.convert_alpha()
        self.left_standing = pygame.transform.flip(self.right_standing, True,
        # FIXME: Стойку тоже нужно анимировать
        super().__init__(img, x, y, stable)

        self.on_ground = self.left = self.right = self.down = self.up = self.jumping = False

        self.v_x = 0
        self.v_y = 0

        self.power = power  # Ускорение при беге
        self.v_lim = v_lim  # Предельная скорость
        self.jump_power = jump_power  # Сила прыжка (в единицах G)

        self.direction = 'right'


        animTypes = 'jump roll run'.split()
        self.animObjs = {}

        for animType in animTypes:
            animType_r = 'right_' + animType
            animType_l = 'left_' + animType
            path = './resources/characters/%s/%s/' % (folder, animType_r)
            files = os.listdir(path)
            num_files = 0
            for file in files:
                if file[-4:] == '.png':  # В папке могут содержаться скрытые системные файлы, например, Thumbs.db
                    num_files += 1

            imagesAndDurations = [(path + str(num) + '.png', 60)
                                  for num in range(1, num_files + 1)]
            # FIXME: Какое нужно время между кадрами?
            self.animObjs[animType_r] = pyganim.PygAnimation(

            self.animObjs[animType_l] = self.animObjs[animType_r].getCopy()
                                           False)  # Отразить по горизонтали

        self.moveConductor = pyganim.PygConductor(self.animObjs)
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self):
        animTypes = "\MarioRunningD \MarioRunningG".split()
        animtypes_ennemies = "\Goomba \Pyrhana".split()
        self.animObjs = {}

        for animType in animTypes:
            imagesAndDurations = [
                (mario_path + "%s%s.gif" % (animType, str(num).rjust(3, '0')),
                 0.1) for num in range(len(animTypes))
            self.animObjs[animType] = pyganim.PygAnimation(imagesAndDurations)

        for animtype in animtypes_ennemies:
            imagesAndDurations = [
                (ennemy_path + "%s%s.gif" % (animtype, str(num).rjust(1, '0')),
                 0.1) for num in range(len(animtypes_ennemies))
            self.animObjs[animtype] = pyganim.PygAnimation(imagesAndDurations)

        self.moveConductor = pyganim.PygConductor(self.animObjs)
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, POS):


        self.size = (44, 64)
        self.image = pygame.Surface(self.size)
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect() = 2

        self.rect.x = POS[0]
        self.rect.y = POS[1]

        self.frame_sp = 0.1
        self.animObjs = {}

        imagesAndDurations = [
            ('Sprites/enemy/snake/snake0.png', self.frame_sp),
            ('Sprites/enemy/snake/snake1.png', 0.3),
            ('Sprites/enemy/snake/snake2.png', self.frame_sp)

        self.animObjs['attack'] = pyganim.PygAnimation(imagesAndDurations)

        imagesAndDurations = [('Sprites/enemy/snake/snake0.png', self.frame_sp)

        self.animObjs['idle'] = pyganim.PygAnimation(imagesAndDurations)

        self.animObjs['right_attack'] = self.animObjs['attack'].getCopy()
        self.animObjs['right_attack'].flip(True, False)

        self.animObjs['right_idle'] = self.animObjs['idle'].getCopy()
        self.animObjs['right_idle'].flip(True, False)

        self.snakeConductor = pyganim.PygConductor(self.animObjs)
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, key: str):
        Инициализет анимацию объекта
        :param key: ID анимации в базе данных
            img, width, height, num, st, x, y = Life.database.init_life(key)
        except ValueError:
            logging.error("ID=%s not found" % (key, ))
        self.img_width = width
        self.img_height = height

        self.anim_objs = [None] * 4
        self.standing = [None] * 4
        # 0-front, 1-left, 2-right, 3-back
        for i in range(4):
            rects = [(x + num * width, y + i * height, width, height)
                     for num in range(num)]
            all_images = pyganim.getImagesFromSpriteSheet(img, rects=rects)
            all_images = list(map(lambda a: a.convert_alpha(), all_images))
            self.standing[i] = all_images[st]
            frames = list(zip(all_images, [120] * len(all_images)))
            self.anim_objs[i] = pyganim.PygAnimation(frames)
        self.move_conductor = pyganim.PygConductor(self.anim_objs)

        self.pos_x = -1
        self.pos_y = -1

        self.run_rate = 0.45
        self.walk_rate = 0.15

        self.key = key

        self.direction = 0
        self.direction_x = 0
        self.direction_y = 0
        self.level = -1
        self.face = self.load_face()
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self,
                 position=(16, 16),
        self.img_width = width
        self.img_height = height

        rects = []
        for i in range(lines):
            for n in range(num):
                rects.append((n * width, i * height, width, height))

        all_images = pyganim.getImagesFromSpriteSheet(img, rects=rects)
        frames = list(zip(all_images, [100] * len(all_images)))
        self.anim_objs = pyganim.PygAnimation(frames)

        self.move_conductor = pyganim.PygConductor(self.anim_objs)

        self.pos_x, self.pos_y = position
        self.pos_x -= all_images[0].get_width() / 2
        self.pos_y -= all_images[0].get_height() / 2
                                             ("sprites/left.png", 100),
                                             ("sprites/left3.png", 100),
                                             ("sprites/left.png", 10)])
charanim["walkright"] = pyganim.PygAnimation([("sprites/right2.png", 100),
                                              ("sprites/right.png", 100),
                                              ("sprites/right3.png", 100),
                                              ("sprites/right.png", 10)])
charanim["walkup"] = pyganim.PygAnimation([("sprites/up2.png", 100),
                                           ("sprites/up.png", 100),
                                           ("sprites/up3.png", 100),
                                           ("sprites/up.png", 10)])
charanim["walkdown"] = pyganim.PygAnimation([("sprites/down2.png", 100),
                                             ("sprites/down.png", 100),
                                             ("sprites/down3.png", 100),
                                             ("sprites/down.png", 10)])
moveConductor = pyganim.PygConductor(charanim)

# mainmenu animations
mainmenuanim = {}
mainmenuanim["splashscreen"] = pyganim.PygAnimation([
    ("sprites/splash1.png", 500), ("sprites/splash2.png", 500)
mainmenuConductor = pyganim.PygConductor(mainmenuanim)'track0.ogg')

mainwin = pygame.display.set_mode(
     ))  # this sets height and width of my window and creates a window.
pygame.display.set_caption("2084 Ver")  # sets window title

Esempio n. 10
    animObjs[animType] = pyganim.PygAnimation(imagesAndDurations)

# create the right-facing sprites by copying and flipping the left-facing sprites
animObjs['right_walk'] = animObjs['left_walk'].getCopy()
animObjs['right_walk'].flip(True, False)
animObjs['right_run'] = animObjs['left_run'].getCopy()
animObjs['right_run'].flip(True, False)

# have the animation objects managed by a conductor.
# With the conductor, we can call play() and stop() on all the animtion
# objects at the same time, so that way they'll always be in sync with each
# other.
moveConductor = pyganim.PygConductor(animObjs)

direction = DOWN  # player starts off facing down (front)

BASICFONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 16)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
BGCOLOR = (100, 50, 50)

mainClock = pygame.time.Clock()
x = 300  # x and y are the player's position
y = 200

instructionSurf = BASICFONT.render('Arrow keys to move. Hold shift to run.',
                                   True, WHITE)
Esempio n. 11
# Подготовка спрайтов для PygAnimation
animationObjects = {}
imagesAndDurations = [(image_array[3], 0.1), (image_array[2], 0.1),
                      (image_array[1], 0.1)]
animationObjects['right_walk'] = pyganim.PygAnimation(imagesAndDurations)

# Переворачиваем спрайты по вертикали налево
animationObjects['left_walk'] = animationObjects['right_walk'].getCopy()
animationObjects['left_walk'].flip(True, False)

# have the animation objects managed by a conductor.
# With the conductor, we can call play() and stop() on all the animation
# objects at the same time, so that way they'll always be in sync with each
# other.
moveConductor = pyganim.PygConductor(animationObjects)

# Направление движения спрайтов по умолчанию
direction = RIGHT

# Быть в цикле до момента, пока пользователь не решит закрыть программу
done = False

# Используется для определения скорости обновления экрана
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

# Счетчик кадров
dt = 0

# Начальные координаты спрайта
x = 300
Esempio n. 12
class Player(Sprite):
    right_jumping = pygame.image.load('data/dave_right_jump.png')
    left_jumping = pygame.transform.flip(right_jumping, True, False)
    animObjs = {}
    imagesAndDurations = [
        ('data/dave_right_walk.%s.png' % str(num).rjust(3, '0'), 0.1)
        for num in range(4)
    animObjs['right_walk'] = pyganim.PygAnimation(imagesAndDurations)

    animObjs['left_walk'] = animObjs['right_walk'].getCopy()
    animObjs['left_walk'].flip(True, False)

    moveConductor = pyganim.PygConductor(animObjs)

    def __init__(self, location, *groups):
        Sprite.__init__(self, *groups)
        self.image = pygame.image.load('data/dave_front.png')
        self.front_standing = self.image
        self.direction = 'left'
        self.rect = pygame.rect.Rect(location, self.image.get_size())
        self.resting = False
        self.walking = False
        self.dy = 0

    def update(self, dt, game):
        last = self.rect.copy()

        key = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        if key[pygame.K_LEFT]:
            if self.resting:
                self.walking = True
            self.direction = 'left'
            if self.walking:
                self.image = self.animObjs['left_walk'].getCurrentFrame()
                self.image = self.left_jumping
            self.rect.x -= 100 * dt
        if key[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
            if self.resting:
                self.walking = True
            self.direction = 'right'
            if self.walking:
                self.image = self.animObjs['right_walk'].getCurrentFrame()
                self.image = self.right_jumping
            self.rect.x += 100 * dt

        if self.resting and key[pygame.K_UP]:
            self.walking = False
            if self.direction == 'left':
                self.image = self.left_jumping
                self.image = self.right_jumping
            self.dy = -500
        self.dy = min(400, self.dy + 40)

        self.rect.y += self.dy * dt

        if self.rect.y > last.y + 1:
            self.walking = False

        new = self.rect
        self.resting = False

        for cell in game.tilemap.layers['triggers'].collide(new, 'blockers'):
            if last.right <= cell.left and new.right > cell.left:
                new.right = cell.left
            if last.left >= cell.right and new.left < cell.right:
                new.left = cell.right
            if last.bottom <= and new.bottom >
                self.resting = True
                if not self.walking:
                    self.image = self.front_standing
                new.bottom =
                self.dy = 0
            if >= cell.bottom and < cell.bottom:
       = cell.bottom
                self.dy = 0

        if game.exit_door and game.tilemap.layers['triggers'].collide(
                new, 'exit'):
            print("Good work! 9 more to go")
            game.running = False

        game.tilemap.set_focus(new.x, new.y)
Esempio n. 13
                                           ("sprites/up.png", 10)])
charanim["walkdown"] = pyganim.PygAnimation([("sprites/down2.png", 100),
                                             ("sprites/down.png", 100),
                                             ("sprites/down3.png", 100),
                                             ("sprites/down.png", 10)])

charanim["shootright"] = pyganim.PygAnimation([
    ("sprites/muzzleflash.png", 125), ("sprites/muzzleflash2.png", 125),
    ("sprites/muzzleflash3.png", 125), ("sprites/muzzleflash4.png", 125)
# I can invert the right facing sprite to save time creating another image
charanim["shootleft"] = charanim["walkleft"].getCopy()
charanim["shootleft"].flip(True, False)

moveConductor = pyganim.PygConductor(charanim)

def drawmainwin():
    mainwin.blit(background, (0, 0))

#def mainLoop():
running = True
while running:

    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            running = False

        elif event.type == KEYDOWN:  # KEYDOWN detects if a key is being pressed and is held down
Esempio n. 14
                           ".png", 100), ("sprites/left.png", 10)]),
    pyganim.PygAnimation([("sprites/right2.png", 100),
                          ("sprites/right.png", 100),
                          ("sprites/right3.png", 100),
                          ("sprites/right.png", 10)]),
    pyganim.PygAnimation([("sprites/up2.png", 100), ("sprites/up.png", 100),
                          ("sprites/up3.png", 100), ("sprites/up.png", 10)]),
        ("sprites/down2.png", 100), ("sprites/down.png", 100),
        ("sprites/down3.png", 100), ("sprites/down.png", 10)
moveConductor = pyganim.PygConductor(charanim)

# Demon walking animations
demonanim = {
    pyganim.PygAnimation([("sprites/demonsprites/demon1left2.png", 100),
                          ("sprites/demonsprites/demon1left3.png", 100),
                          ("sprites/demonsprites/demon1left4.png", 100),
                          ("sprites/demonsprites/demon1left5.png", 100),
                          ("sprites/demonsprites/demon1left6.png", 100),
                          ("sprites/demonsprites/demon1left7.png", 100)])
demonanim["walkright"] = demonanim["walkleft"].getCopy()
demonanim["walkright"].flip(True, False)
demonanimConductor = pyganim.PygConductor(demonanim)
Esempio n. 15
import sys
import time
import pyganim  #used for animations

#initialises pygame, was told this was necessary

#mainmenu animations
mainmenuanim = {}
mainmenuanim["splashscreen"] = pyganim.PygAnimation([
    ("sprites/splash1.png", 500), ("sprites/splash2.png", 500)
mainmenuConductor = pyganim.PygConductor(mainmenuanim)


mainwin = pygame.display.set_mode(
     ))  # this sets height and width of my window and creates a window.
pygame.display.set_caption("2084 Ver")  # sets window title

running = True
#menulive = True
Esempio n. 16
    def __init__(self):
        self.animTypes = 'run jump idle hurt run_shoot jump_shoot idle_shoot left_run left_jump left_idle left_idle_shoot left_run_shoot left_jump_shoot'.split(
        self.animObjs = {}
        for animType in self.animTypes:
            if animType[0:1] == 'j':
                imagesAndDurations = [
                    ('Sprites/player/player_%s.png' % (animType), 1.0)

            elif animType[0:1] == 'r':
                imagesAndDurations = [('Sprites/player/player_%s_%s.png' %
                                       (animType, str(num).rjust(1, '0')), 0.1)
                                      for num in range(4)]

            elif animType == 'idle':
                imagesAndDurations = [('Sprites/player/player_idle0.png', 4.5),
                                      ('Sprites/player/player_idle1.png', 0.1)]
            elif animType[0:1] == 'i':
                imagesAndDurations = [('Sprites/player/player_idle_shoot.png',

            elif animType[0:1] == 'hurt':
                imagesAndDurations = [('Sprites/player/player_hurt.png', 1.0)]


            self.animObjs[animType] = pyganim.PygAnimation(imagesAndDurations)

        self.animObjs['left_run'] = self.animObjs['run'].getCopy()
        self.animObjs['left_run'].flip(True, False)

        self.animObjs['left_hurt'] = self.animObjs['hurt'].getCopy()
        self.animObjs['left_hurt'].flip(True, False)

        self.animObjs['left_idle'] = self.animObjs['idle'].getCopy()
        self.animObjs['left_idle'].flip(True, False)

        self.animObjs['left_jump'] = self.animObjs['jump'].getCopy()
        self.animObjs['left_jump'].flip(True, False)

        self.animObjs['left_jump_shoot'] = self.animObjs['jump_shoot'].getCopy(
        self.animObjs['left_jump_shoot'].flip(True, False)

        self.animObjs['left_run_shoot'] = self.animObjs['run_shoot'].getCopy()
        self.animObjs['left_run_shoot'].flip(True, False)

        self.animObjs['left_idle_shoot'] = self.animObjs['idle_shoot'].getCopy(
        self.animObjs['left_idle_shoot'].flip(True, False)

        self.playerConductor = pyganim.PygConductor(
            self.animObjs)  # animation blend tree
Esempio n. 17
 def __init__(self, x, y, e, solid, animated, img, frames):
     super().__init__(x, y, e, solid, animated, img)
     self.frames = frames
     self.frame_conductor = pyganim.PygConductor(frames)
Esempio n. 18
def runGame(main_char=None, camera=None):
    """main_char is optional parameter that is only passed if we just loaded a game."""
    mouse_x, mouse_y = (
        0, 0
    )  #define these here to clear whatever happened on the splash screen
    char_just_died = False  #used later to break out of game loop

    # Setting up the variables for main character:
    main_anim_objs = loadPygAnimObjs(
        'mainwalkup mainwalkdown mainwalkright mainwalkleft mainattackup mainattackdown mainattackright mainattackleft',
        3, 0.1)  #load all the animation objects to be drawn onto the screen
    # The move conductor will either play or stop the animation
    # Have the animation objects managed by a conductor.
    # With the conductor, we can call play() and stop() on all the animation
    # objects at the same time, so that way they'll always be in sync with each other.
    main_move_conductor = pyganim.PygConductor(main_anim_objs)

    main_width = IMAGESDICT['up standing'].get_rect().size[0]  #width of image
    main_height = IMAGESDICT['up standing'].get_rect().size[1]  #height
    #Actually create the main character object, but only if it is a new game. Also create the camera object.
    if not main_char and not camera:  #if these variables are not defined
        camera = Camera(0, 0)  #create a camera object
        main_char = Character(WINWIDTH // 2 - (main_width // 2),
                              WINHEIGHT // 2 - (main_height // 2), main_width,
                              main_height, MAIN_CHAR_WALKRATE, camera)
        setSpawnPosition(main_char, camera, 150,
                         200)  #spawn the character at (150,200)

    #Setting up the variables for 'skeleton' monsters:
    skel_anim_objs = loadPygAnimObjs(
        'skelwalkup skelwalkdown skelwalkright skelwalkleft skelattackup skelattackdown skelattackright skelattackleft',
        8, 0.2)
    skel_move_conductor = pyganim.PygConductor(skel_anim_objs)

    skel_width = pygame.image.load('sprites/skelwalkup.png').get_rect().size[0]
    skel_height = pygame.image.load(

    skels = []  #blank list to hold skeleton objects
    skel_rects = []  #blank list to hold skeleton rectangle objects

    # Object used for drawing the map:
    map_obj, water_rects = getMapObj(
    )  #contains the x, y coordinates of each tile, while water_rects holds the world coordinates of all the tiles with water

    # Surfaces, fonts, and rectangles for drawing the UI (level box, etc.). Some are also defined inside the game loop as well, to reflect attribute changes
    level_font = pygame.font.SysFont(
        40)  #the font used for displaying the level of the character
    text_font = pygame.font.SysFont('bookmanoldstyle',
                                    20)  #the font used for everything else
    #some surfaces/rectangles must be defined here, even though they are redefined later, only to use the dimensions of their rectangles
    #the first text box
    text_box_surf, text_box_rect = getTextSurfAndRect(text_font, 'Health:    ',
                                                      WINWIDTH // 2 - 37,
                                                      WINHEIGHT - 40, BLACK)
    text_box = pygame.transform.scale(
        IMAGESDICT['text box'], (text_box_rect.width, text_box_rect.height))
    #status_box, which keeps track of total health, exp to level, and attack power is defined here
    exp_text_rect = getTextSurfAndRect(
        'Level Completion: {0}%  '.format(main_char.getPercentExp()),
        WINWIDTH - 130, WINHEIGHT - 75, BLACK)[1]
    status_box = pygame.transform.scale(
        IMAGESDICT['text box'],
        (exp_text_rect.width, exp_text_rect.height * 3))
    #buttons to save game or return to the main menu
    save_box_surf, save_box_rect = getTextSurfAndRect(text_font,
                                                      '  Save Game  ', 70, 50,
    return_box_surf, return_box_rect = getTextSurfAndRect(
        text_font, '  Main Menu  ', 70, 20, WHITE)

    #play the background music for the game'the_kings_crowning.mp3')
        -1, 0)  #start the music at 0 - it will loop until stopped

    while True:  #main game loop
        # Resetting a couple variables that should by default by False:
        mouse_clicked = False
        main_char.just_leveled = False

        # Updating the water rectangles so that their coordinates depend on the camera's position
        moving_water_rects = [
        ]  #water rects that stay in the same world position
        for water_rect in water_rects:
                pygame.Rect(water_rect.x - camera.x, water_rect.y - camera.y,
                            TILESIZE, TILESIZE))

        # Drawing the map:
        drawMap(map_obj, camera)

        # Spawn all of the necessary skeletons so there are always NUM_SKELS of them on the map
        if len(skels) < NUM_SKELS:
            for i in range(len(skels), NUM_SKELS
                           ):  #add however many skel/skel_rect objects we need
                x_spawn = random.randint(
                    500, 5000)  #spawn each skeleton in a random spot
                y_spawn = random.randint(500, 2000)
                    Monster(x_spawn, y_spawn, skel_width, skel_height,
                            SKEL_WALKRATE, camera, SKEL_ATTK_POW,
                            SKEL_HEALTH))  #add a skeleton object
                ))  #create the rectangle objects for each skeleton
                    i].moving_down = True  #the initial direction of the skeleton
        for i in range(NUM_SKELS):
            skel_rects[i] = skels[i].createRectangle(
            )  #update the rectangle the skeleton will be blitted onto

        main_char_rect = main_char.createRectangle(
        )  # the rectangle that the main character animation will be blitted onto

        for event in pygame.event.get():  # event handling loop for user input

            if event.type == QUIT:

            elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == K_ESCAPE:

                if event.key == K_a and main_char.wielding:
                    main_char.attacking = True
                if event.key == K_r and main_char.dead:
                    char_just_died = True  #variable used later
                if event.key == K_LEFT:
                    main_char.moving_left = True
                    main_char.moving_right = False
                    if not main_char.moving_up and not main_char.moving_down:
                        # only change the direction to up if the player wasn't moving up/down
                        main_char.direction = 'left'
                elif event.key == K_RIGHT:
                    main_char.moving_right = True
                    main_char.moving_left = False
                    if not main_char.moving_up and not main_char.moving_down:
                        main_char.direction = 'right'
                elif event.key == K_UP:
                    main_char.moving_up = True
                    main_char.moving_down = False
                    if not main_char.moving_left and not main_char.moving_right:
                        # only change the direction to up if the player wasn't moving left/right
                        main_char.direction = 'up'
                elif event.key == K_DOWN:
                    main_char.moving_down = True
                    main_char.moving_up = False
                    if not main_char.moving_left and not main_char.moving_right:
                        main_char.direction = 'down'

            elif event.type == KEYUP:
                if event.key == K_w:  #wielding or unwielding weapon
                    if main_char.wielding:
                        main_char.wielding = False
                        main_char.wielding = True
                if event.key == K_a and main_char.wielding:
                    main_char.attacking = False
                #Stopping the player's movement in a certain direction(s)
                if event.key == K_UP:
                    main_char.moving_up = False
                    #If the player was moving in a sideways direction before, change the direction the player is facing.
                    if main_char.moving_left:
                        main_char.direction = 'left'
                    if main_char.moving_right:
                        main_char.direction = 'right'
                elif event.key == K_LEFT:
                    main_char.moving_left = False
                    if main_char.moving_up:
                        main_char.direction = 'up'
                    if main_char.moving_down:
                        main_char.direction = 'down'
                elif event.key == K_RIGHT:
                    main_char.moving_right = False
                    if main_char.moving_up:
                        main_char.direction = 'up'
                    if main_char.moving_down:
                        main_char.direction = 'down'
                elif event.key == K_UP:
                    main_char.moving_up = False
                elif event.key == K_DOWN:
                    main_char.moving_down = False
                    if main_char.moving_left:
                        main_char.direction = 'left'
                    if main_char.moving_right:
                        main_char.direction = 'right'
            elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION:
                mouse_x, mouse_y = event.pos
            elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
                mouse_x, mouse_y = event.pos
                mouse_clicked = True

        # Handling possible game reset:
        if char_just_died:  # If the main_char just died and we returned to the main menu - show the splash screen and then break out of the game loop so the game resets
            action = showSplashScreen(
            )  #show the splash screen until the user either loads or runs a game
            char_just_died = False
    #stop the background music
            return action  #exit this game loop and return the action of whether we need to load a game or not.

        # Handling each skeleton's battle, movement, etc. - only do this stuff if the main character is alive
        if main_char.dead == False:
            for i in range(
                    len(skels) - 1, -1, -1
            ):  #For every skeleton object, perform all the code below.
                #It is necessary to iterate over the list in reverse, so deleting items from it works.
                rand_num = random.randint(1, 60)
                if rand_num == 1 and not skels[
                        i].attacking:  # this will happen, on average, once every 2 seconds(since 30 FPS * 2 = 60)
                    )  #change the direction the monster is moving

                # Player attacking monster:
                if main_char_rect.colliderect(
                ):  #an attack may not have been successfully landed, but we have definitely 'aggroed' the monster
                    main_char.performBattle(skels[i], skel_rects[i])
                if skels[i].aggroed and not skels[i].chasing:  # Face the player

                # Monster chasing player
                if skels[i].aggroed and not main_char_rect.colliderect(
                    # If the monster is out of attack range but aggroed, it will chase the main_char until its rectangle collides with the character's - combat then starts again
                    skels[i].chasing = True
                if skels[i].chasing:
                    skels[i].chaseMainChar(main_char, main_char_rect)

                # Monster attacking player:
                if skels[i].attacking and skel_rects[i].colliderect(

                # Seeing whether monster is dead
                if skels[i].health <= 0:
                        i].dying = True  #it will be dying before it is actually dead and deleted
                    death_anim_frames = 6  #the number of image files used for the animation
                    death_frame_time = 0.2  #arbitrary value

                    if not hasattr(skels[i], 'start_death_time'
                                   ):  #this code will only happen once
                        skels[i].start_death_time = time.time(
                        )  #mark the start time of when the monster starts dying
                        #Recreate the anim_objs object for dying to reset the frame at 0 - this is done so the dying animation looks the same each time.
                        death_anim_obj = loadDeathPygAnimObj(
                            death_anim_frames, death_frame_time, 'skeldie')

                    elapsed_dying_time = time.time() - skels[
                        i].start_death_time  #the time the dying animation has been going on for
                    if elapsed_dying_time <= (
                            death_anim_frames * death_frame_time
                    ):  #if the skeleton dying animation is still going on
                        skels[i].performDeathAnimation(death_anim_obj, camera)
                    else:  #The dying animation is over - the monster is now officially dead
                        skels[i].dead = True
                        main_char.experience += skels[
                            i].full_health  #add experience to the character
                        del skels[i]
                        del skel_rects[i]

                else:  #if monster is still alive, draw/animate it
                    performMovement(skels[i], skel_rects[i],
                                    skel_move_conductor, skel_anim_objs,
                                    camera, moving_water_rects)

        # Drawing the main character, or playing its death animation:
        if <= 0:  #if dying or dead - this does essentially the same stuff as when a monster dies, but plays a 'game over' screen as well
            main_char.dead = True
            #The big 'game over' text
            game_over_font = pygame.font.SysFont('realvirtue', 125)
            game_over_surf, game_over_rect = getTextSurfAndRect(
                game_over_font, 'Game Over', WINWIDTH // 2, WINHEIGHT // 2,
            pygame.draw.rect(DISPSURFACE, BLACK, game_over_rect)
            DISPSURFACE.blit(game_over_surf, game_over_rect)
            #The text telling you to go back to the home screen - drawn right below the game over text
            return_font = pygame.font.SysFont('realvirtue', 35)
            return_surf, return_rect = getTextSurfAndRect(
                return_font, "Press 'r' to return to the Main Menu.",
                WINWIDTH // 2,
                WINHEIGHT // 2 + (game_over_rect.height // 2) + 25, RED)
            pygame.draw.rect(DISPSURFACE, BLACK, return_rect)
            DISPSURFACE.blit(return_surf, return_rect)

        else:  #main_char is alive
            performMovement(main_char, main_char_rect, main_move_conductor,
                            main_anim_objs, camera,
                            moving_water_rects)  #draw/animate the main char
            if main_char.experience >= main_char.exp_to_level:  #check if the character has leveled up
                    DISPSURFACE, YELLOW,
                    main_char_rect)  #blink the character yellow if so
                congrats_font = pygame.font.SysFont('realvirtue', 125)
                congrats_surf, congrats_rect = getTextSurfAndRect(
                    congrats_font, 'LEVELED UP!', WINWIDTH // 2,
                    WINHEIGHT // 2, YELLOW)
                DISPSURFACE.blit(congrats_surf, congrats_rect)
                main_char.just_leveled = True
            # Drawing the user interface with the function. The function is only passed the values not defined inside the game loop.
            drawCharState(main_char, text_box, text_box_rect, text_box_surf,
                          status_box, text_font, level_font)
            drawButtons(save_box_surf, save_box_rect, return_box_surf,
                        return_box_rect, False, False)

        # Handle mouse-clicking or motion - this is done after drawing the buttons incase they need to be redrawn.
        if mouse_clicked:
            if save_box_rect.collidepoint(
                    mouse_x, mouse_y
            ):  #if we are over (and clicked on) the 'save game' text rectangle
                saveGame(main_char, camera)
            elif return_box_rect.collidepoint(
                    mouse_x, mouse_y):  #clicked on 'main menu'
                saveGame(main_char, camera)
                action = showSplashScreen()
        #stop the background music
                return action  #exit the game loop and return the action of whether we need to load a game or not.
        else:  #must be a mouse over event
            if save_box_rect.collidepoint(
                    mouse_y):  #if we are over the 'save game' text rectangle
                drawButtons(save_box_surf, save_box_rect, return_box_surf,
                            return_box_rect, True, False)
            elif return_box_rect.collidepoint(mouse_x, mouse_y):
                drawButtons(save_box_surf, save_box_rect, return_box_surf,
                            return_box_rect, False, True)

        pygame.display.update()  #update/redraw the screen
        FPSCLOCK.tick(FPS)  # make sure the FPS stays at the value FPS

        if main_char.just_leveled:  #if we just leveled up, freeze the screen for a second so it shows the congratulations text for longer
WALKRATE = 3 # how many pixels to move while walking per frame
ANIMRATE = 0.15 # how many seconds each frame of link's walking animation lasts

# creating the PygAnimation objects for walking in all directions
walkingAnim = {}
walkingAnim[DOWN] = pyganim.PygAnimation(((down1, ANIMRATE), (down2, ANIMRATE)))
walkingAnim[UP]   = pyganim.PygAnimation(((up1, ANIMRATE), (up2, ANIMRATE)))
walkingAnim[LEFT] = pyganim.PygAnimation(((left1, ANIMRATE), (left2, ANIMRATE)))

# create the right-facing sprites by copying and flipping the left-facing sprites
walkingAnim[RIGHT] = walkingAnim[LEFT].getCopy()
walkingAnim[RIGHT].flip(True, False)

# The PygConductor object keeps the animations of each direction in sync
animConductor = pyganim.PygConductor(walkingAnim)

def drawmainwin():
    global stepCount
    mainwin.blit(background, (0,0))

    if left:
        mainwin.blit(left1, (x,y))
    elif right:
        mainwin.blit(right1, (x,y))
    elif up:
        mainwin.blit(up1, (x,y))
    elif down:
        mainwin.blit(down1, (x,y))
        mainwin.blit(charstill, (x,y))
Esempio n. 20
class Player(Entity):
    # battle stats
    # health - total health, once 0 death() should be called
    health = 0

    # atk - amount of damage done to target
    atk = 0

    # what items the enemy has, should only have 1 or 2 unless boss, similar to player.inventory[]
    equipped = []

    # Inventory and Defense Items e.g. armor, shield
    # all items Entity is holding NON-EQUIPPED
    inventory = []

    # Speed of the player
    speed = 0

    # movement variables
    # moveUp = moveRight = moveDown = moveLeft = False
    LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN = 'left right up down'.split()
    direction = DOWN

    moveup = movedown = moveleft = moveright = False

    hit_box = None

    # animations
    # test_img = pygame.image.load('resources/sprites/link/dev_link.png')
    up_sprites = pygame.image.load('resources/sprites/link/link_up.png')
    down_sprites = pygame.image.load('resources/sprites/link/link_down.png')
    right_sprites = pygame.image.load('resources/sprites/link/link_right.png')
    # mirrored right-facing sprites
    left_sprites = pygame.transform.flip(pygame.image.load('resources/sprites/link/link_right.png'), True, False)

    # walking sprites animations
    link_sprites = {'UP': pyganim.PygAnimation([('resources/sprites/link/link_up.png', 100),
                                                ('resources/sprites/link/link_up1.png', 100),
                                                ('resources/sprites/link/link_up2.png', 100),
                                                ('resources/sprites/link/link_up3.png', 100),
                                                ('resources/sprites/link/link_up4.png', 100),
                                                ('resources/sprites/link/link_up5.png', 100),
                                                ('resources/sprites/link/link_up6.png', 100),
                                                ('resources/sprites/link/link_up7.png', 100)]),
                    'DOWN': pyganim.PygAnimation([('resources/sprites/link/link_down.png', 100),
                                                  ('resources/sprites/link/link_down1.png', 100),
                                                  ('resources/sprites/link/link_down2.png', 100),
                                                  ('resources/sprites/link/link_down3.png', 100),
                                                  ('resources/sprites/link/link_down4.png', 100),
                                                  ('resources/sprites/link/link_down5.png', 100),
                                                  ('resources/sprites/link/link_down6.png', 100),
                                                  ('resources/sprites/link/link_down7.png', 100)]),
                    'RIGHT': pyganim.PygAnimation([('resources/sprites/link/link_right.png', 100),
                                                   ('resources/sprites/link/link_right1.png', 100),
                                                   ('resources/sprites/link/link_right2.png', 100),
                                                   ('resources/sprites/link/link_right3.png', 100),
                                                   ('resources/sprites/link/link_right4.png', 100),
                                                   ('resources/sprites/link/link_right5.png', 100),
                                                   ('resources/sprites/link/link_right6.png', 100),
                                                   ('resources/sprites/link/link_right7.png', 100)]),
                    'LEFT': pyganim.PygAnimation([('resources/sprites/link/link_right.png', 100),
                                                  ('resources/sprites/link/link_right1.png', 100),
                                                  ('resources/sprites/link/link_right2.png', 100),
                                                  ('resources/sprites/link/link_right3.png', 100),
                                                  ('resources/sprites/link/link_right4.png', 100),
                                                  ('resources/sprites/link/link_right5.png', 100),
                                                  ('resources/sprites/link/link_right6.png', 100),
                                                  ('resources/sprites/link/link_right7.png', 100)]),
    # inverting RIGHT sprites to get LEFT facing ones
    link_sprites['LEFT'].flip(True, False)
    # conductor object controls animations easier
    link_conductor = pyganim.PygConductor(link_sprites)

    def __init__(self, x, y, e):
        super().__init__(x, y, e) = 300
        self.atk = 100
        self.inventory = []
        self.equipped = None
        self.speed = 2
        # directional variables
        self.direction = self.DOWN
        self.moveup = self.movedown = self.moveleft = self.moveright = False
        # hitbox for the player, used in collision
        # make the hitbox forgiving since the sprite is almost half the size
        self.hit_box = pygame.Rect((self.Xpos + 8, self.Ypos + 5), (16, 21))

    def draw(self, dis, cent_x, cent_y):
        # PLAY animation and draw correct animation for direction
        if self.moveleft or self.moveright or self.moveup or self.movedown:
            if self.direction == self.UP:
                self.link_sprites['UP'].blit(dis, (cent_x, cent_y))
            if self.direction == self.DOWN:
                self.link_sprites['DOWN'].blit(dis, (cent_x, cent_y))
            if self.direction == self.RIGHT:
                self.link_sprites['RIGHT'].blit(dis, (cent_x, cent_y))
            if self.direction == self.LEFT:
                self.link_sprites['LEFT'].blit(dis, (cent_x, cent_y))
        # STOP animation and draw idle sprite for last direction
            if self.direction == self.UP:
                dis.blit(self.up_sprites, (cent_x, cent_y))
            if self.direction == self.DOWN:
                dis.blit(self.down_sprites, (cent_x, cent_y))
            if self.direction == self.RIGHT:
                dis.blit(self.right_sprites, (cent_x, cent_y))
            if self.direction == self.LEFT:
                dis.blit(self.left_sprites, (cent_x, cent_y))

    def hurt(self, damage): -= damage
        if < 1:

    def attack(self):

    def use_item(self):

    def kill(self):
Esempio n. 21
    def LoadSprites(self, choice):
        if choice == 1:

            self.front_standing = self.ScaleSprite(
            self.back_standing = self.ScaleSprite(
            self.left_standing = self.ScaleSprite(
            self.right_standing = self.ScaleSprite(
            self.upleft_standing = self.ScaleSprite(
            self.upright_standing = self.ScaleSprite(
            self.downleft_standing = self.ScaleSprite(
            self.downright_standing = self.ScaleSprite(

            animTypes = '6 3 1 4 2 5 7 8'.split()
            self.animObjs = {}

            for animType in animTypes:
                imagesAndDurations = [('sprites/player/cowboy_%s.%s.png' %
                                       (animType, str(num).rjust(2, '0')), 0.1)
                                      for num in range(4)]
                self.animObjs[animType] = pyganim.PygAnimation(
            ##cowboy walk animation

        elif choice == 2:
            self.front_standing = self.ScaleSprite(
            self.back_standing = self.ScaleSprite(
            self.left_standing = self.ScaleSprite(
            self.right_standing = self.ScaleSprite(
            self.upleft_standing = self.ScaleSprite(
            self.upright_standing = self.ScaleSprite(
            self.downleft_standing = self.ScaleSprite(
            self.downright_standing = self.ScaleSprite(

            animTypes = '6 3 1 4 2 5 7 8'.split()
            self.animObjs = {}

            for animType in animTypes:
                imagesAndDurations = [('sprites/player/cowgirl_%s.%s.png' %
                                       (animType, str(num).rjust(2, '0')), 0.1)
                                      for num in range(4)]
                self.animObjs[animType] = pyganim.PygAnimation(
            ##cowgirl walk animation

        self.moveConductor = pyganim.PygConductor(self.animObjs)
Esempio n. 22
import pyganim

#ANIMATIONS - Mechanism: Nested Lists containing file names in a Dictionary
#1.Moving Goku/Vegeta
Move_Chars = 'dbz_goku_flyback dbz_goku_zoop dbz_vegeta_flyback dbz_vegeta_zoop '.split(
Move_Char = {}
for Char in Move_Chars:
    imagesAndDurations = [
        ('Images/Move_Char/%s.%s.png' % (Char, str(num).rjust(3, '0')), 0.1)
        for num in range(1, 5)
    Move_Char[Char] = pyganim.PygAnimation(imagesAndDurations)

Move_Char_Conductor = pyganim.PygConductor(Move_Char)
Move_Char_Conductor = Move_Char_Conductor.scale2x()

#2.Bomb Animations
Attack_Bombs = 'dbz_goku_bomb dbz_vegeta_blast'.split()
Attack_Bomb = {}
for Bomb in Attack_Bombs:
    imagesAndDurations = [
        ('Images/Attack_Bomb/%s.%s.png' % (Bomb, str(num).rjust(3, '0')), 0.1)
        for num in range(1, 9)
    Attack_Bomb[Bomb] = pyganim.PygAnimation(imagesAndDurations, loop=False)

Attack_Bomb_Conductor = pyganim.PygConductor(Attack_Bomb)
Attack_Bomb_Conductor = Attack_Bomb_Conductor.scale2x()