def compile(self, dt=1.0, batch_size=1, rng_seed=0, reuse_genn_model=False, kernel_profiling=False, **genn_kwargs): """Compile this ML GeNN model into a GeNN model Keyword args: dt -- model integration time step (default: 1.0) batch_size -- number of models to run concurrently (default: 1) rng_seed -- GeNN RNG seed (default: 0, meaning seed will be randomised at runtime) reuse_genn_model -- Reuse existing compiled GeNN model (default: False) kernel_profiling -- Build model with kernel profiling code (default: False) """ # Define GeNN model self.g_model = GeNNModel('float',, **genn_kwargs) self.g_model.dT = dt self.g_model.batch_size = batch_size self.g_model._model.set_seed(rng_seed) self.g_model.timing_enabled = kernel_profiling # Prepare each layer for layer in self.layers: layer.compile_neurons(self) for layer in self.layers: layer.compile_synapses(self) # Build and load GeNN model if == 'nt': model_exists = os.path.isfile("./runner_Release.dll") else: model_exists = os.path.isfile('./' + + '_CODE/') if not reuse_genn_model or not model_exists: self.g_model.load()
else { if ((dt > 2) && (dt <= 20)) { newG = $(g) - 0.0117 * $(inSyn)*dt + 0.223 * $(inSyn);} else {if ((dt > -200) && (dt <= 2)) { newG = $(g) - 0.0025 * $(inSyn);} else {newG = 0;}} } $(g) = fmin($(gMax), fmax($(gMin), newG)); """, is_pre_spike_time_required=True, is_post_spike_time_required=True) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build model # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create GeNN model model = GeNNModel("float", "simp_mnist") model.dT = TIMESTEP # Load weights weights = [] while True: filename = "weights_%u_%u.npy" % (len(weights), len(weights) + 1) if path.exists(filename): weights.append(np.load(filename)) else: break # weights[1] = np.random.uniform(G_MAX/2, G_MAX, (128,10)) # Initial values to initialise all neurons to if_init = {"V": 0.0, "SpikeCount": 0}
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from pygenn.genn_model import (GeNNModel, init_connectivity, create_cmlf_class, create_custom_sparse_connect_init_snippet_class) from pygenn.genn_wrapper import NO_DELAY ring_model = create_custom_sparse_connect_init_snippet_class( "ring", row_build_code=""" $(addSynapse, ($(id_pre) + 1) % $(num_post)); $(endRow); """, calc_max_row_len_func=create_cmlf_class( lambda num_pre, num_post, pars: 1)()) model = GeNNModel("float", "tennHHRing") model.dT = 0.1 p = { "gNa": 7.15, # Na conductance in [muS] "ENa": 50.0, # Na equi potential [mV] "gK": 1.43, # K conductance in [muS] "EK": -95.0, # K equi potential [mV] "gl": 0.02672, # leak conductance [muS] "El": -63.563, # El: leak equi potential in mV, "C": 0.143 } # membr. capacity density in nF ini = { "V": -60.0, # membrane potential "m": 0.0529324, # prob. for Na channel activation
const scalar dt = $(t) - $(sT_post); const scalar timing = exp(-dt / $(tau)) - $(rho); const scalar newWeight = $(g) + ($(eta) * timing); $(g) = fmin($(wMax), fmax($(wMin), newWeight)); """, learn_post_code=""" const scalar dt = $(t) - $(sT_pre); const scalar timing = exp(-dt / $(tau)); const scalar newWeight = $(g) + ($(eta) * timing); $(g) = fmin($(wMax), fmax($(wMin), newWeight)); """, is_pre_spike_time_required=True, is_post_spike_time_required=True) # Create model model = GeNNModel("float", "mnist_mb") model.dT = DT model._model.set_seed(1337) # Create neuron populations lif_init = {"V": -60.0, "RefracTime": 0.0} pn = model.add_neuron_population("pn", NUM_PN, "LIF", PN_PARAMS, lif_init) kc = model.add_neuron_population("kc", NUM_KC, "LIF", KC_PARAMS, lif_init) ggn = model.add_neuron_population("ggn", 1, "LIF", GGN_PARAMS, lif_init) mbon = model.add_neuron_population("mbon", NUM_MBON, "LIF", MBON_PARAMS, lif_init) # Create current source to deliver input to network pn_input = model.add_current_source("pn_input", cs_model, "pn", {}, {"magnitude": 0.0})
X, y = loadlocal_mnist(images_path=os.path.join(data_dir, 't10k-images-idx3-ubyte'), labels_path=os.path.join(data_dir, 't10k-labels-idx1-ubyte')) X = X[:20, :] y = y[:20] print("Loading testing images of size: " + str(X.shape)) print("Loading testing labels of size: " + str(y.shape)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build model # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create GeNN model model = GeNNModel("float", "tutorial_1") model.dT = TIMESTEP # Initial values for initialisation if_init = {"V": 0.0, "SpikeCount": 0.0} poisson_init = {"rate": 1.0} NUM_INPUT = X.shape[1] NUM_CLASSES = 10 OUTPUT_NEURON_NUM = 15 neurons_count = { "inp": NUM_INPUT, "inh": NUM_INPUT / 4, "out": NUM_CLASSES * OUTPUT_NEURON_NUM }
$(V) = 0.0; $(SpikeCount)++; """, threshold_condition_code="$(V) >= $(Vthr)") # Current source model which injects current with a magnitude specified by a state variable cs_model = create_custom_current_source_class( "cs_model", var_name_types=[("magnitude", "scalar")], injection_code="$(injectCurrent, $(magnitude));") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build model # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create GeNN model model = GeNNModel("float", "tutorial_2") model.dT = TIMESTEP # Load weights weights = [] while True: filename = "weights_%u_%u.npy" % (len(weights), len(weights) + 1) if path.exists(filename): weights.append(np.load(filename)) else: break # Initial values to initialise all neurons to if_init = {"V": 0.0, "SpikeCount": 0} # Create first neuron layer
if_init = {"V": 0.0} fusi_params = {"tauC": 60.0, "a": 0.1, "b": 0.1, "thetaV": 0.8, "thetaLUp": 3.0, "thetaLDown": 3.0, "thetaHUp": 13.0, "thetaHDown": 4.0, "thetaX": 0.5, "alpha": 0.0035, "beta": 0.0035, "Xmax": 1.0, "Xmin": 0.0, "JC": 1.0, "Jplus": 1.0, "Jminus": 0.0} fusi_init = {"X": 0.0} fusi_post_init = {"C": 2.0} presyn_params = {"rate" : 50.0} extra_poisson_params = {"rate" : 100.0} poisson_init = {"timeStepToSpike" : 0.0} model = GeNNModel("float", "fusi") model.dT = TIMESTEP presyn = model.add_neuron_population("presyn", 1, "PoissonNew", presyn_params, poisson_init) postsyn = model.add_neuron_population("postsyn", 1, if_model, if_params, if_init) extra_poisson = model.add_neuron_population("extra_poisson", 10, "PoissonNew", extra_poisson_params, poisson_init) pre2post = model.add_synapse_population( "pre2post", "DENSE_INDIVIDUALG", NO_DELAY, presyn, postsyn, fusi_model, fusi_params, fusi_init, {}, fusi_post_init, "DeltaCurr", {}, {})
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pygenn.genn_model import GeNNModel model = GeNNModel("float", "pygenn") model.dT = 0.1 # Initialise IzhikevichVariable parameters - arrays will be automatically uploaded izk_init = { "V": -65.0, "U": -20.0, "a": [0.02, 0.1, 0.02, 0.02], "b": [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2], "c": [-65.0, -65.0, -50.0, -55.0], "d": [8.0, 2.0, 2.0, 4.0] } # Add neuron populations and current source to model pop = model.add_neuron_population("Neurons", 4, "IzhikevichVariable", {}, izk_init) model.add_current_source("CurrentSource", "DC", "Neurons", {"amp": 10.0}, {}) # Build and load model model.load() # Create a numpy view to efficiently access the membrane voltage from Python voltage_view = pop.vars["V"].view
} """, is_pre_spike_time_required=True, is_post_spike_time_required=True) # Current source model which injects current with a magnitude specified by a state variable cs_model = create_custom_current_source_class( "cs_model", var_name_types=[("magnitude", "scalar")], injection_code="$(injectCurrent, $(magnitude));") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build model # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create GeNN model model = GeNNModel("float", "tutorial_1") model.dT = TIMESTEP # Initial values for initialisation if_init = {"V": 0.0, "SpikeCount": 0} stdp_init = { "g": init_var("Uniform", { "min": STDP_PARAMS["gmin"], "max": STDP_PARAMS["gmax"] }) } neurons_count = [784, 128, NUM_CLASSES] neuron_layers = []
poisson_model = create_custom_neuron_class( "poisson_model", var_name_types=[("rate", "scalar"), ("spikeCount", "scalar")], sim_code=""" """, reset_code=""" $(spikeCount) += 1; """, threshold_condition_code="$(gennrand_uniform) >= exp(-$(rate) * 0.001 * DT)" ) TIMESTEP = 1.0 PRESENT_TIMESTEPS = 1000 model = GeNNModel("float", "tutorial_1") model.dT = TIMESTEP poisson_init = {"rate": 30.0, "spikeCount": 0.0} p = model.add_neuron_population("p", 1, poisson_model, {}, poisson_init) model.load() while model.timestep < PRESENT_TIMESTEPS: model.step_time() model.pull_var_from_device("p", "spikeCount") spikeNum = p.vars["spikeCount"].view
params = list(parameters._asdict().values()) shared_list = shared.ShareableList(params) run(["python3", __file__,], stderr=STDOUT) duration = shared_list[0] shared_list.shm.close() shared.shutdown() return duration if __name__ == "__main__": # Assume we're running the genn benchmark and draw configs from the shared memory parameter_list = ShareableList(sequence=None, name=sys.argv[1]) parameters = BenchmarkParameters(*parameter_list) model = GeNNModel("float", "pygenn") model.dT = parameters.dt np.random.seed(0) layers = [] for i in range(parameters.batch_size): ones = np.ones(parameters.features) # Note: weights, parameters and poisson rate are magic numbers that seem to generate reasonable spike activity weights = np.random.rand(parameters.features, parameters.features).flatten() * 8 model.add_neuron_population( f"PoissonNew{i}", parameters.features, "PoissonNew", {"rate": 100}, {"timeStepToSpike": 1},
pre_spike_code=""" const scalar dt = $(t) - $(sT_pre); $(preTrace) = $(preTrace) * exp(-dt / $(tauPlus)) + 1.0; """, post_spike_code=""" const scalar dt = $(t) - $(sT_post); $(postTrace) = $(postTrace) * exp(-dt / $(tauMinus)) + 1.0; """, is_pre_spike_time_required=True, is_post_spike_time_required=True) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build model # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create GeNN model model = GeNNModel("float", "tutorial_1") model.dT = TIMESTEP post_syn_params = {"tau": 5.0} stdp_init = {"g": init_var("Uniform", {"min": 0.0, "max": G_MAX})} stdp_params = { "tauPlus": 5.0, "tauMinus": 20.0, "aPlus": A_PLUS, "aMinus": A_MINUS, "wMin": 0.0, "wMax": G_MAX } stdp_pre_init = {"preTrace": 0.0} stdp_post_init = {"postTrace": 0.0}
class Model(object): """ML GeNN model class This class enables the creation of deep learning SNN models, and provides an interface for manipulating the underlying GeNN models. """ def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, name='mlg_model'): """Initialise an ML GeNN model Args: inputs -- list of network input layers outputs -- list of network output layers Keyword args: name -- name of the network (default: 'mlg_model') """ self.set_network(inputs, outputs, name) def set_network(self, inputs, outputs, name='mlg_model'): """Construct an ML GeNN Model from a graph of Layers Args: inputs -- list of network input layers outputs -- list of network output layers Keyword args: name -- name of the network (default: 'mlg_model') """ = name self.layers = [] self.inputs = inputs self.outputs = outputs self.g_model = None # Construct topologically sorted list of layers (Kahn's algorithm as described here: new_layers = set(inputs) seen_synapses = set() while new_layers: layer = new_layers.pop() self.layers.append(layer) # Explore downstream layers whose upstream synapses have all been seen for downstream_synapse in layer.downstream_synapses: seen_synapses.add(downstream_synapse) if seen_synapses.issuperset( new_layers.add( # Check that output layers are reachable from input layers if not all(output in self.layers for output in self.outputs): raise ValueError('output layers unreachable from input layers') def compile(self, dt=1.0, batch_size=1, rng_seed=0, reuse_genn_model=False, kernel_profiling=False, **genn_kwargs): """Compile this ML GeNN model into a GeNN model Keyword args: dt -- model integration time step (default: 1.0) batch_size -- number of models to run concurrently (default: 1) rng_seed -- GeNN RNG seed (default: 0, meaning seed will be randomised at runtime) reuse_genn_model -- Reuse existing compiled GeNN model (default: False) kernel_profiling -- Build model with kernel profiling code (default: False) """ # Define GeNN model self.g_model = GeNNModel('float',, **genn_kwargs) self.g_model.dT = dt self.g_model.batch_size = batch_size self.g_model._model.set_seed(rng_seed) self.g_model.timing_enabled = kernel_profiling # Prepare each layer for layer in self.layers: layer.compile_neurons(self) for layer in self.layers: layer.compile_synapses(self) # Build and load GeNN model if == 'nt': model_exists = os.path.isfile("./runner_Release.dll") else: model_exists = os.path.isfile('./' + + '_CODE/') if not reuse_genn_model or not model_exists: self.g_model.load() def set_input_batch(self, data_batch): """Set model input with a new batch of data Args: data_batch -- list of data batches for each input layer """ # Input sanity check if len(data_batch) != len(self.inputs): raise ValueError('data batch list length and input layer list length mismatch') for i in range(len(self.inputs)): self.inputs[i].set_input_batch(data_batch[i]) def step_time(self, iterations=1): """Iterate the GeNN model a given number of steps Keyword args: iterations -- number of iterations (default: 1) """ for i in range(iterations): self.g_model.step_time() def reset(self): """Reset the GeNN model""" self.g_model.timestep = 0 self.g_model.t = 0.0 def evaluate_batched(self, data, time, save_samples=[]): """Evaluate the accuracy of a GeNN model Args: data -- an [[x_1, ..., x_m], [y_1, ..., y_n]] batch dataset time -- sample presentation time (msec) Keyword args: save_samples -- list of sample indices to save spikes for (default: []) Returns: accuracy -- percentage of correctly classified results spike_i -- list of spike indices for each sample index in save_samples spike_t -- list of spike times for each sample index in save_samples """ n_complete = [0] * len(self.outputs) n_correct = [0] * len(self.outputs) accuracy = [0] * len(self.outputs) save_samples = list(set(save_samples)) all_spikes = [[[] for i,_ in enumerate(self.layers)] for s in save_samples] # Pipeline queues (for each output layer) pipeline_depth = [l.pipeline_depth if hasattr(l, 'pipeline_depth') else 0 for l in self.outputs] pipeline_y_queue = [deque(maxlen=depth + 1) for depth in pipeline_depth] # Get batch iterator data_remaining = True data_iter = iter(data) batch_x, batch_y = next(data_iter) if not isinstance(batch_x, tuple): batch_x = (batch_x, ) if not isinstance(batch_y, tuple): batch_y = (batch_y, ) batch_i = 0 # Check number of x and y elements match number of inputs and outputs if len(batch_x) != len(self.inputs): raise ValueError('input layer and x count mismatch') if len(batch_y) != len(self.outputs): raise ValueError('output layer and y count mismatch') # Process batches progress = tqdm() while data_remaining or any(len(q) > 0 for q in pipeline_y_queue): if data_remaining: batch_x = [np.asarray(d) for d in batch_x] batch_size = batch_x[0].shape[0] batch_start = batch_i * self.g_model.batch_size batch_end = batch_start + batch_size save_samples_in_batch = [i for i in save_samples if batch_start <= i < batch_end] # Queue labels for pipelining batch_y = [np.asarray(l) for l in batch_y] for output_i in range(len(self.outputs)): pipeline_y_queue[output_i].append(batch_y[output_i]) # Set new input self.set_input_batch(batch_x) # Reset timesteps etc self.reset() # Main simulation loop while self.g_model.t < time: # Step time self.step_time() # Save spikes for i in save_samples_in_batch: k = save_samples.index(i) batch_i = i - batch_start for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers): nrn = layer.neurons.nrn nrn.pull_current_spikes_from_device() all_spikes[k][l].append(np.copy( nrn.current_spikes[batch_i] if self.g_model.batch_size > 1 else nrn.current_spikes)) for output_i in range(len(self.outputs)): # If input has passed through pipeline to this output if batch_i >= pipeline_depth[output_i] and len(pipeline_y_queue[output_i]) > 0: pipe_batch_i = batch_i - pipeline_depth[output_i] pipe_batch_y = pipeline_y_queue[output_i].popleft() pipe_batch_size = pipe_batch_y.shape[0] pipe_batch_start = pipe_batch_i * self.g_model.batch_size pipe_batch_end = pipe_batch_start + pipe_batch_size # Compute accuracy predictions = self.outputs[output_i].neurons.get_predictions(pipe_batch_size) if pipe_batch_y.shape != predictions.shape: pipe_batch_y = [np.argmax(i) for i in pipe_batch_y] n_complete[output_i] += pipe_batch_size n_correct[output_i] += np.sum(predictions == pipe_batch_y) accuracy[output_i] = (n_correct[output_i] / pipe_batch_end) * 100 progress.set_postfix_str('accuracy: {:2.2f}'.format(np.mean(accuracy))) if data_remaining: progress.update(batch_size) try: batch_x, batch_y = next(data_iter) if not isinstance(batch_x, tuple): batch_x = (batch_x, ) if not isinstance(batch_y, tuple): batch_y = (batch_y, ) except StopIteration: data_remaining = False batch_i += 1 progress.close() assert all(len(q) == 0 for q in pipeline_y_queue) # Create spike index and time lists spike_i = [[None for i,_ in enumerate(self.layers)] for s in save_samples] spike_t = [[None for i,_ in enumerate(self.layers)] for s in save_samples] for i in range(len(save_samples)): for j in range(len(self.layers)): spikes = all_spikes[i][j] spike_i[i][j] = np.concatenate(spikes) spike_t[i][j] = np.concatenate([np.ones_like(s) * i * self.g_model.dT for i, s in enumerate(spikes)]) return accuracy, spike_i, spike_t def evaluate(self, x, y, time, save_samples=[]): """Evaluate the accuracy of a GeNN model Args: x -- tuple of data for each input layer y -- tuple of labels for each output layer time -- sample presentation time (msec) Keyword args: save_samples -- list of sample indices to save spikes for (default: []) Returns: accuracy -- percentage of correctly classified results spike_i -- list of spike indices for each sample index in save_samples spike_t -- list of spike times for each sample index in save_samples """ # Wrap singular x or y in tuples if not isinstance(x, tuple): x = (x, ) if not isinstance(y, tuple): y = (y, ) # Batch all x and y batch_size = self.g_model.batch_size x = tuple(np.split(xx, np.arange(batch_size, len(xx), batch_size)) for xx in x) y = tuple(np.split(yy, np.arange(batch_size, len(yy), batch_size)) for yy in y) data = zip(zip(*x), zip(*y)) # Pass to evaluate_batched accuracy, spike_i, spike_t = self.evaluate_batched(data, time, save_samples) return accuracy, spike_i, spike_t def get_kernel_times(self): """Get total kernel run times""" return { 'init_time': self.g_model.init_time, 'init_sparse_time': self.g_model.init_sparse_time, 'neuron_update_time': self.g_model.neuron_update_time, 'presynaptic_update_time': self.g_model.presynaptic_update_time, 'postsynaptic_update_time': self.g_model.postsynaptic_update_time, 'synapse_dynamics_time': self.g_model.synapse_dynamics_time, } def summary(self): """Print a summary of this model""" # layers should already be topologically sorted print('===== Summary of {} ====='.format( for l in self.layers: print('\nname: {}, shape: {}, type: {},'.format(, l.shape, l.__class__.__name__)) if isinstance(l, Layer): print('incoming: {}'.format( {s.source().name: s.__class__.__name__ for s in l.upstream_synapses})) @staticmethod def convert_tf_model(tf_model, converter=Simple(), connectivity_type='procedural', **compile_kwargs): """Create a ML GeNN model from a TensorFlow model Args: tf_model -- TensorFlow model to be converted Keyword args: input_type -- type of input neurons (default: 'poisson') connectivity_type -- type of synapses in GeNN (default: 'procedural') compile_kwargs -- additional arguments to pass through to Model.compile """ tf_activation_layers = ( tf.keras.layers.Activation, tf.keras.layers.ReLU, tf.keras.layers.Softmax) tf_ignored_layers = ( tf.keras.layers.Flatten, tf.keras.layers.Dropout) # only traverse nodes belonging to this model tf_model_nodes = set() for n in tf_model._nodes_by_depth.values(): tf_model_nodes.update(n) # get inbound and outbound layers tf_in_layers_all = {} tf_out_layers_all = {} for tf_layer in tf_model.layers: # find inbound layers tf_in_layers = [] for n in tf_layer.inbound_nodes: if n not in tf_model_nodes: continue if isinstance(n.inbound_layers, list): tf_in_layers += n.inbound_layers else: tf_in_layers.append(n.inbound_layers) tf_in_layers_all[tf_layer] = tf_in_layers # find outbound layers tf_out_layers = [n.outbound_layer for n in tf_layer.outbound_nodes if n in tf_model_nodes] tf_out_layers_all[tf_layer] = tf_out_layers # Perform any pre-conversion tasks pre_convert_output = converter.pre_convert(tf_model) # configure model build process class LayerConfig(object): def __init__(self, name, shape, is_input=False, is_output=False, has_activation=False, neurons=None): = name self.shape = shape self.is_input = is_input self.is_output = is_output self.has_activation = has_activation self.neurons = neurons self.synapses = [] InSynConfig = namedtuple('InSynconfig', ['type', 'params', 'source', 'weights']) config_steps = [] configs_lookups = {} new_tf_layers = set() traversed_tf_layers = set() # get and check input layers if isinstance(tf_model, tf.keras.models.Sequential): # In TF Sequential models, the InputLayer is not stored in the model object, # so we must traverse back through nodes to find the input layer's outputs. tf_in_layers = tf_in_layers_all[tf_model.layers[0]] assert(len(tf_in_layers) == 1) tf_out_layers = [n.outbound_layer for n in tf_in_layers[0].outbound_nodes if n in tf_model_nodes] tf_in_layers_all[tf_in_layers[0]] = [] tf_out_layers_all[tf_in_layers[0]] = tf_out_layers else: # TF Functional models store all their InputLayers, so no trickery needed. tf_in_layers = [tf_model.get_layer(name) for name in tf_model.input_names] for tf_in_layer in tf_in_layers: assert(len(tf_in_layer.output_shape) == 1) # input layers cannot be output layers if len(tf_out_layers_all[tf_in_layer]) == 0: raise NotImplementedError( 'input layers as output layers not supported') # === Input Layers === for tf_layer in tf_in_layers: new_tf_layers.add(tf_layer) print('configuring Input layer <{}>'.format( # configure layer config = LayerConfig(, tf_layer.output_shape[0][1:], is_input=True, has_activation=True, neurons=converter.create_input_neurons(pre_convert_output)) config_steps.append(config) configs_lookups[tf_layer] = [config] # while there are still layers to traverse while new_tf_layers: new_tf_layer = new_tf_layers.pop() new_tf_out_layers = tf_out_layers_all[new_tf_layer] traversed_tf_layers.add(new_tf_layer) # get next TF layer to configure for tf_layer in new_tf_out_layers: tf_in_layers = tf_in_layers_all[tf_layer] tf_out_layers = tf_out_layers_all[tf_layer] # skip if we still need to configure inbound layers if not traversed_tf_layers.issuperset(tf_in_layers): continue new_tf_layers.add(tf_layer) print('configuring {} layer <{}>'.format( tf_layer.__class__.__name__, # === Add Layers === if isinstance(tf_layer, tf.keras.layers.Add): config = [] # concatenate incoming layer configs for tf_in_layer in tf_in_layers: config += configs_lookups[tf_in_layer] # do not allow output Add layers if len(tf_out_layers) == 0: raise NotImplementedError( 'output Add layers not supported') configs_lookups[tf_layer] = config # === Dense Layers === elif isinstance(tf_layer, tf.keras.layers.Dense): assert(len(tf_in_layers) == 1) tf_in_layer = tf_in_layers[0] in_configs = configs_lookups[tf_in_layer] # configure layer config = LayerConfig(, tf_layer.output_shape[1:], is_output=len(tf_out_layers) == 0, has_activation=not tf_layer.activation is tf.keras.activations.linear, neurons=converter.create_neurons(tf_layer, pre_convert_output)) converter.validate_tf_layer(tf_layer, config) # configure synapses for in_config in in_configs: if in_config.has_activation: # configure Dense synapses config.synapses.append(InSynConfig( type=DenseSynapses, params={'units': tf_layer.units}, source=in_config, weights=tf_layer.get_weights()[0])) else: for i in range(len(in_config.synapses)): if in_config.synapses[i].type is AvePool2DSynapses: # configure AvePool2D -> Dense synapses config.synapses.append(InSynConfig( type=AvePool2DDenseSynapses, params=in_config.synapses[i].params.copy(), source=in_config.synapses[i].source, weights=tf_layer.get_weights()[0])) config.synapses[-1].params.update({ 'units': tf_layer.units}) else: # fail if incoming (weighted) layer does not have activation if not in_config.has_activation: raise NotImplementedError( 'weighted layers without activation not supported') if config.has_activation or config.is_output: config_steps.append(config) configs_lookups[tf_layer] = [config] # === Conv2D Layers === elif isinstance(tf_layer, tf.keras.layers.Conv2D): assert(len(tf_in_layers) == 1) tf_in_layer = tf_in_layers[0] in_configs = configs_lookups[tf_in_layer] # configure layer config = LayerConfig(, tf_layer.output_shape[1:], is_output=len(tf_out_layers) == 0, has_activation=not tf_layer.activation is tf.keras.activations.linear, neurons=converter.create_neurons(tf_layer, pre_convert_output)) converter.validate_tf_layer(tf_layer, config) # configure synapses for in_config in in_configs: if in_config.has_activation: # configure Conv2D synapses config.synapses.append(InSynConfig( type=Conv2DSynapses, params={ 'filters': tf_layer.filters, 'conv_size': tf_layer.kernel_size, 'conv_strides': tf_layer.strides, 'conv_padding': tf_layer.padding, 'connectivity_type': connectivity_type}, source=in_config, weights=tf_layer.get_weights()[0])) else: for i in range(len(in_config.synapses)): if in_config.synapses[i].type is AvePool2DSynapses: # configure AvePool2D -> Conv2D synapses config.synapses.append(InSynConfig( type=AvePool2DConv2DSynapses, params=in_config.synapses[i].params.copy(), source=in_config.synapses[i].source, weights=tf_layer.get_weights()[0])) config.synapses[-1].params.update({ 'filters': tf_layer.filters, 'conv_size': tf_layer.kernel_size, 'conv_strides': tf_layer.strides, 'conv_padding': tf_layer.padding, 'connectivity_type': connectivity_type}) else: # fail if incoming (weighted) layer does not have activation if not in_config.has_activation: raise NotImplementedError( 'weighted layers without activation not supported') if config.has_activation or config.is_output: config_steps.append(config) configs_lookups[tf_layer] = [config] # === [Global]AveragePooling2D Layers === elif isinstance(tf_layer, ( tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D, tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D)): assert(len(tf_in_layers) == 1) tf_in_layer = tf_in_layers[0] in_configs = configs_lookups[tf_in_layer] # configure layer config = LayerConfig(, tf_layer.output_shape[1:], is_output=len(tf_out_layers) == 0) converter.validate_tf_layer(tf_layer, config) # do not allow output pooling layers if config.is_output: raise NotImplementedError( 'output pooling layers not supported') # configure synapses for in_config in in_configs: if in_config.has_activation: # configure AvePool2D synapses if isinstance(tf_layer, tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D): config.synapses.append(InSynConfig( type=AvePool2DSynapses, params={ 'pool_size': tf_layer.pool_size, 'pool_strides': tf_layer.strides, 'connectivity_type': connectivity_type}, source=in_config, weights=None)) elif isinstance(tf_layer, tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D): config.synapses.append(InSynConfig( type=AvePool2DSynapses, params={ 'pool_size': tf_layer.input_shape[1:3], 'pool_strides': None, 'connectivity_type': connectivity_type}, source=in_config, weights=None)) else: # fail if incoming (weighted) layer does not have activation if not in_config.has_activation: raise NotImplementedError( 'weighted layers without activation not supported') configs_lookups[tf_layer] = [config] # === Activation Layers === elif isinstance(tf_layer, tf_activation_layers): assert(len(tf_in_layers) == 1) tf_in_layer = tf_in_layers[0] in_configs = configs_lookups[tf_in_layer] # configure layer config = LayerConfig(, tf_layer.output_shape[1:], is_output=len(tf_out_layers) == 0, has_activation=True, neurons=converter.create_neurons(tf_layer, pre_convert_output)) converter.validate_tf_layer(tf_layer, config) # configure synapses for in_config in in_configs: if in_config.has_activation: # configure Identity synapses config.synapses.append(InSynConfig( type=IdentitySynapses, params={'connectivity_type': connectivity_type}, source=in_config, weights=None)) else: for i in range(len(in_config.synapses)): # copy incoming synapses config.synapses.append(InSynConfig( type=in_config.synapses[i].type, params=in_config.synapses[i].params, source=in_config.synapses[i].source, weights=in_config.synapses[i].weights)) config_steps.append(config) configs_lookups[tf_layer] = [config] # === Ignored Layers === elif isinstance(tf_layer, tf_ignored_layers): assert(len(tf_in_layers) == 1) tf_in_layer = tf_in_layers[0] in_configs = configs_lookups[tf_in_layer] configs_lookups[tf_layer] = in_configs # === Unsupported Layers === else: raise NotImplementedError('{} layers not supported'.format( tf_layer.__class__.__name__)) # execute model build process mlg_layer_lookup = {} mlg_model_inputs = [] mlg_model_outputs = [] # for each build step for config in config_steps: if config.is_input: # build layer mlg_layer = InputLayer(, config.shape, config.neurons) mlg_model_inputs.append(mlg_layer) else: # build layer mlg_layer = Layer(, config.neurons) # build synapses sources = [mlg_layer_lookup[s.source] for s in config.synapses] synapses = [s.type(**s.params) for s in config.synapses] mlg_layer.connect(sources, synapses) weights = [s.weights for s in config.synapses] mlg_layer.set_weights(weights) if config.is_output: mlg_model_outputs.append(mlg_layer) mlg_layer_lookup[config] = mlg_layer # create model mlg_model = Model(mlg_model_inputs, mlg_model_outputs, # Perform any pre-compilation tasks converter.pre_compile(mlg_model) # Compile model mlg_model.compile(**compile_kwargs) # Perform any post-compilation tasks converter.post_compile(mlg_model) return mlg_model
from pygenn.genn_model import GeNNModel import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np model = GeNNModel("float", "tennHH") model.dT = 0.1 p = {"gNa": 7.15, # Na conductance in [muS] "ENa": 50.0, # Na equi potential [mV] "gK": 1.43, # K conductance in [muS] "EK": -95.0, # K equi potential [mV] "gl": 0.02672, # leak conductance [muS] "El": -63.563, # El: leak equi potential in mV, "C": 0.143} # membr. capacity density in nF ini = {"V": -60.0, # membrane potential "m": 0.0529324, # prob. for Na channel activation "h": 0.3176767, # prob. for not Na channel blocking "n": 0.5961207} # prob. for K channel activation pop1 = model.add_neuron_population("Pop1", 10, "TraubMiles", p, ini) model.load() v = np.empty((10000, 10)) v_view = pop1.vars["V"].view while model.t < 1000.0: model.step_time() pop1.pull_var_from_device("V")
$(V) = 0.0; $(SpikeCount)++; """, threshold_condition_code="$(V) >= $(Vthr)") # Current source model which injects current with a magnitude specified by a state variable cs_model = create_custom_current_source_class( "cs_model", var_name_types=[("magnitude", "scalar")], injection_code="$(injectCurrent, $(magnitude));") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build model # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create GeNN model model = GeNNModel("float", "tutorial_2") model.dT = TIMESTEP print("loading weights.") load_weights_path = "/home/manvi/Documents/pygenn_ml_tutorial" # Load weights weights = [] while True: filename = "vogelsw1_%u_%u.npy" % (len(weights), len(weights) + 1) filename = path.join(load_weights_path, filename) if path.exists(filename): print("Loading weights from: " + str(filename)) weights.append(np.load(filename)) else: