Esempio n. 1
    interim /= interimcount

# Generate interior model without nans
interim = np.nan_to_num(interim)

# Create selection array
selector = interimcount != 0

# Generate output grids
X, Z = np.mgrid[0:nx, 0:nz]
X = X * cellsize + outbox[0]
Z = outbox[3] - Z * cellsize
P = np.array([X.ravel(), Z.ravel()]).T

#Generate initial grids
x0 = X[selector]
z0 = Z[selector]
pos0 = np.array([x0.ravel(), z0.ravel()]).T
val = interim[selector]


# Extrapolate using nearest neighbour
outim = griddata(pos0, val, P, method='nearest').reshape((nx, nz))

printnow('Writing output')

# Write FAST model
outdims = (nx, 1, nz)
writefast(outfile, outim.reshape(outdims))
Esempio n. 2
# y-axis, normalized by the total number of rays in that x,z location
avg2d = np.nan_to_num(((1. * hitcount * model3d) / hitcount3dsum).sum(axis=1))

# Create mask (value of 1 where there are no rays)
selector = hitcount2dsum > 0
baseblank = 1 - selector

if (options.extrap):
    nx, nz = avg2d.shape
    X, Z = np.mgrid[0:nx, 0:nz]
    P = np.array([X.ravel(), Z.ravel()]).T

    x0 = X[selector]
    z0 = Z[selector]
    pos0 = np.array([x0.ravel(), z0.ravel()]).T
    val = avg2d[selector]

    model2d = griddata(pos0, val, P, method='nearest').reshape((nx, nz))

    # Create an empty (2D) model in which to store the result
    # Copy the 2D average model into the masked region
    model2d = avg2d.copy() + model2davg.copy() * baseblank

if (options.direct2d):
    writefast(outfile, model2d.reshape(pseudodims))
    newmodel3d = model3d.copy()
    newmodel3d[:] = model2d.reshape(pseudodims)
    writefast(outfile, newmodel3d)
Esempio n. 3
# y-axis, normalized by the total number of rays in that x,z location
avg2d = np.nan_to_num(((1. * hitcount * model3d) / hitcount3dsum).sum(axis=1))

# Create mask (value of 1 where there are no rays)
selector = hitcount2dsum > 0
baseblank = 1 - selector

if (options.extrap):
  nx, nz = avg2d.shape
  X, Z = np.mgrid[0:nx, 0:nz]
  P = np.array([X.ravel(),Z.ravel()]).T

  x0 = X[selector]
  z0 = Z[selector]
  pos0 = np.array([x0.ravel(),z0.ravel()]).T
  val = avg2d[selector]
  model2d = griddata(pos0, val, P, method='nearest').reshape((nx,nz))

  # Create an empty (2D) model in which to store the result
  # Copy the 2D average model into the masked region
  model2d = avg2d.copy() + model2davg.copy() * baseblank

if (options.direct2d):
  writefast(outfile, model2d.reshape(pseudodims))
  newmodel3d = model3d.copy()
  newmodel3d[:] = model2d.reshape(pseudodims)
  writefast(outfile, newmodel3d)
Esempio n. 4
  interim /= interimcount

# Generate interior model without nans
interim = np.nan_to_num(interim)

# Create selection array
selector = interimcount != 0

# Generate output grids
X, Z = np.mgrid[0:nx, 0:nz]
X = X*cellsize + outbox[0]
Z = outbox[3] - Z*cellsize
P = np.array([X.ravel(),Z.ravel()]).T

#Generate initial grids
x0 = X[selector]
z0 = Z[selector]
pos0 = np.array([x0.ravel(),z0.ravel()]).T
val = interim[selector]


# Extrapolate using nearest neighbour
outim = griddata(pos0, val, P, method='nearest').reshape((nx,nz))

printnow('Writing output')

# Write FAST model
outdims = (nx, 1, nz)
writefast(outfile, outim.reshape(outdims))