Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, points, tolerance, radius, shortest, indices,
        '''New C{Simplify} state.
        n, self.pts = len2(points)
        if n > 0:
            self.n = n
            self.r = {0: True, n - 1: True}  # dict to avoid duplicates

        if isNumpy2(points) or isTuple2(points):  # NOT self.pts
            self.subset = points.subset

        if indices:
            self.indices = True

        if radius:
            self.radius = float(radius)
        if self.radius < self.eps:
            raise _ValueError(radius=radius, txt=_too_(_small_))

        if options:
            self.options = options

        # tolerance converted to degrees squared
        self.s2 = degrees(tolerance / self.radius)**2
        if min(self.s2, tolerance) < self.eps:
            raise _ValueError(tolerance=tolerance, txt=_too_(_small_))
        self.s2e = self.s2 + 1  # sentinel

        # compute either the shortest or perpendicular distance
        self.d2i = self.d2iS if shortest else self.d2iP  # PYCHOK false
Esempio n. 2
def fidw(xs, ds, beta=2):
    '''Interpolate using using U{Inverse Distance Weighting
       <>} (IDW).

       @arg xs: Known values (C{scalar}[]).
       @arg ds: Non-negative distances (C{scalar}[]).
       @kwarg beta: Inverse distance power (C{int}, 0, 1, 2, or 3).

       @return: Interpolated value C{x} (C{float}).

       @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{beta}}, negative B{C{ds}} value,
                          weighted B{C{ds}} below L{EPS} or unequal
                          C{len}C{(}B{C{ds}}C{)} and C{len}C{(}B{C{xs}}C{)}.

       @note: Using B{C{beta}}C{=0} returns the mean of B{C{xs}}.
    n, xs = len2(xs)
    d, ds = len2(ds)
    if n != d or n < 1:
        raise LenError(fidw, xs=n, ds=d)

    d, x = min(zip(ds, xs))
    if d > EPS and n > 1:
        b = -Int_(beta, name=_beta_, low=0, high=3)
        if b < 0:
            ds = tuple(d**b for d in ds)
            d = fsum(ds)
            if d < EPS:
                raise _ValueError(ds=d)
            x = fdot(xs, *ds) / d
            x = fmean(xs)
    elif d < 0:
        raise _ValueError(_item_sq('ds', ds.index(d)), d)
    return x
Esempio n. 3
def fpowers(x, n, alts=0):
    '''Return a series of powers M{[x**i for i=1..n]}.

       @arg x: Value (C{scalar}).
       @arg n: Highest exponent (C{int}).
       @kwarg alts: Only alternating powers, starting with
                    this exponent (C{int}).

       @return: Powers of B{C{x}} (C{float}[]).

       @raise TypeError: Non-scalar B{C{x}} or B{C{n}} not C{int}.

       @raise ValueError: Non-finite B{C{x}} or non-positive B{C{n}}.
    if not isfinite(x):
        raise _ValueError(x=x, txt=_not_(_finite_))
    if not isint(n):
        raise _IsnotError(int.__name__, n=n)
    elif n < 1:
        raise _ValueError(n=n)

    xs = [x]
    for _ in range(1, n):
        xs.append(xs[-1] * x)

    if alts > 0:  # x**2, x**4, ...
        # XXX PyChecker chokes on xs[alts-1::2]
        xs = xs[slice(alts - 1, None, 2)]

    # XXX PyChecker claims result is None
    return xs
Esempio n. 4
def _streprs(prec, objs, fmt, ints, force, strepr):
    '''(INTERNAL) Helper for C{fstr}, C{pairs}, C{reprs} and C{strs}
    # <>
    if fmt in _FfEeGg:
        fGg = fmt in _Gg
        fmt = NN(_PERCENT_, _DOT_, abs(prec), fmt)

    elif fmt.startswith(_PERCENT_):
        fGg = False
        try:  # to make sure fmt is valid
            f = fmt.replace(_DOTSTAR_, Fmt.DOT(abs(prec)))
            _ = f % (0.0, )
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            raise _ValueError(fmt=fmt, txt=_not_(repr(_DOTSTAR_)))
        fmt = f

        raise _ValueError(fmt=fmt, txt=_not_(repr(_Fspec_)))

    for o in objs:
        if force or isinstance(o, float):
            t = fmt % (float(o), )
            if ints and (isint(o, both=True) or  # for ...
                         # corner case testLcc lon0=-96.0
                t = t.split(_DOT_)[0]
            elif prec > 1:
                t = fstrzs(t, ap1z=fGg)
        elif strepr:
            t = strepr(o)
            raise _IsnotError(_scalar_, floats=o)
        yield t
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, x, *cs):
        '''New L{Fhorner} evaluation of the polynomial
           M{sum(cs[i] * x**i for i=0..len(cs))}.

           @arg x: Polynomial argument (C{scalar}).
           @arg cs: Polynomial coeffients (C{scalar}[]).

           @raise OverflowError: Partial C{2sum} overflow.

           @raise TypeError: Non-scalar B{C{x}}.

           @raise ValueError: No B{C{cs}} coefficients or B{C{x}} is not finite.

           @see: Function L{fhorner} and methods L{Fsum.fadd} and L{Fsum.fmul}.
        if not isfinite(x):
            raise _ValueError(x=x, txt=_not_finite_)
        if not cs:
            raise _ValueError(cs=cs, txt=_Missing)

        x, cs = float(x), list(cs)

        Fsum.__init__(self, cs.pop())
        while cs:
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, x, *cs):
        '''New L{Fpolynomial} evaluation of the polynomial
           M{sum(cs[i] * x**i for i=0..len(cs))}.

           @arg x: Polynomial argument (C{scalar}).
           @arg cs: Polynomial coeffients (C{scalar}[]).

           @raise OverflowError: Partial C{2sum} overflow.

           @raise TypeError: Non-scalar B{C{x}}.

           @raise ValueError: No B{C{cs}} coefficients or B{C{x}} is not finite.

           @see: Function L{fpolynomial} and method L{Fsum.fadd}.
        if not isfinite(x):
            raise _ValueError(x=x, txt=_not_(_finite_))
        if not cs:
            raise _ValueError(cs=cs, txt=MISSING)

        x, cs, xp = float(x), list(cs), _1_0

        Fsum.__init__(self, cs.pop(0))
        while cs:
            xp *= x
            self.fadd_(xp * cs.pop(0))
Esempio n. 7
    def latlon(self, latlonh):
        '''Set the lat- and longitude and optionally the height.

           @arg latlonh: New lat-, longitude and height (2- or
                        3-tuple of C{degrees} and C{meter}).

           @raise TypeError: Height of B{C{latlonh}} not C{scalar} or
                             B{C{latlonh}} not C{list} or C{tuple}.

           @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{latlonh}} or M{len(latlonh)}.

           @see: Function L{parse3llh} to parse a B{C{latlonh}} string
                 into a 3-tuple (lat, lon, h).
        _xinstanceof(list, tuple, latlonh=latlonh)

        if len(latlonh) == 3:
            h = Height(latlonh[2], name=Fmt.SQUARE(latlonh=2))
        elif len(latlonh) != 2:
            raise _ValueError(latlonh=latlonh)
            h = self._height

        lat = Lat(latlonh[0])  # parseDMS2(latlonh[0], latlonh[1])
        lon = Lon(latlonh[1])
        self._update(lat != self._lat or
                     lon != self._lon or h != self._height)
        self._lat, self._lon, self._height = lat, lon, h
Esempio n. 8
def heightOf(angle, distance, radius=R_M):
    '''Determine the height above the (spherical) earth after
       traveling along a straight line at a given tilt.

       @arg angle: Tilt angle above horizontal (C{degrees}).
       @arg distance: Distance along the line (C{meter} or same units as
       @kwarg radius: Optional mean earth radius (C{meter}).

       @return: Height (C{meter}, same units as B{C{distance}} and B{C{radius}}).

       @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{angle}}, B{C{distance}} or B{C{radius}}.

       @see: U{MultiDop geog_lib.GeogBeamHt<>}
             (U{Shapiro et al. 2009, JTECH
             and U{Potvin et al. 2012, JTECH
    r = h = Radius(radius)
    d = abs(Distance(distance))
    if d > h:
        d, h = h, d

    if d > EPS:
        d = d / h  # PyChecker chokes on ... /= ...
        s = sin(Phi_(angle, name=_angle_, clip=180))
        s = fsum_(1, 2 * s * d, d**2)
        if s > 0:
            return h * sqrt(s) - r

    raise _ValueError(angle=angle, distance=distance, radius=radius)
Esempio n. 9
    def hypot_(*xs):
        '''Compute the norm M{sqrt(sum(xs[i]**2)) for i=0..len(xs)}.

           @arg xs: X arguments, positional (C{scalar}[]).

           @return: Norm (C{float}).

           @raise OverflowError: Partial C{2sum} overflow.

           @raise ValueError: Invalid or no B{C{xs}} value.

           @see: Similar to Python 3.8+ U{math.hypot
                 but handling of exceptions, C{nan} and C{infinite} values
                 is different.

           @note: The Python 3.8+ U{math.dist
                  Euclidian distance between 2 I{n}-dimensional points I{p1}
                  and I{p2} can be computed as M{hypot_(*((c1 - c2) for c1,
                  c2 in zip(p1, p2)))}, provided I{p1} and I{p2} have the
                  same, non-zero length I{n}.
        if xs:
            n, xs = len2(xs)
            if n > 0:
                h = float(max(abs(x) for x in xs))
                if h > 0 and n > 1:
                    X = Fsum(1.0)
                    X.fadd((x / h)**2 for x in xs)
                    h *= sqrt(X.fsum_(-1.0))
                return h
        raise _ValueError(xs=xs, txt=_too_few_)
Esempio n. 10
    def __mod__(self, arg, **unused):
        '''Regular C{%} operator.

           @arg arg: A C{scalar} value to be formatted (either
                     the C{scalar}, or a 1-tuple C{(scalar,)},
                     or 2-tuple C{(prec, scalar)}.

           @raise TypeError: Non-scalar B{C{arg}} value.

           @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{arg}}.
        def _error(arg):
            n = _DOT_(Fstr.__name__, or self)
            return _SPACE_(n, _PERCENT_, repr(arg))

        prec = 6  # default std %f and %F
        if isinstance(arg, (tuple, list)):
            n = len(arg)
            if n == 1:
                arg = arg[0]
            elif n == 2:
                prec, arg = arg
                raise _ValueError(_error(arg))

        if not isscalar(arg):
            raise _TypeError(_error(arg))
        return self(arg, prec=prec)
Esempio n. 11
    def fadd(self, iterable):
        '''Accumulate more values from an iterable.

           @arg iterable: Sequence, list, tuple, etc. (C{scalar}s).

           @raise OverflowError: Partial C{2sum} overflow.

           @raise TypeError: Non-scalar B{C{iterable}} value.

           @raise ValueError: Invalid or non-finite B{C{iterable}} value.
        if isscalar(iterable):  # for backward compatibility
            iterable = tuple(iterable)

        ps = self._ps
        for a in map(float, iterable):  # _iter()
            if not isfinite(a):
                raise _ValueError(iterable=a, txt=_not_(_finite_))
            i = 0
            for p in ps:
                a, p = _2sum(a, p)
                if p:
                    ps[i] = p
                    i += 1
            ps[i:] = [a]
            self._n += 1
        # assert self._ps is ps
        self._fsum2_ = None
Esempio n. 12
def _streprs(prec, objs, fmt, ints, force, strepr):
    '''(INTERNAL) Helper for C{fstr}, C{pairs}, C{reprs} and C{strs}
    if fmt in _EeFfGg:
        fGg = fmt in _Gg
        fmt = '%.' + str(abs(prec)) + fmt
    elif fmt.startswith(_PERCENT_):
        fGg = False
        fmt = fmt.replace(_STAR_, str(abs(prec)))
        t = '[%s]%s' % ('%.*', '|'.join(_EeFfGg))
        raise _ValueError(fmt=fmt, txt='not %r' % (t,))

    for o in objs:
        if force or isinstance(o, float):
            t = fmt % (float(o),)
            if ints and (isint(o, both=True) or  # for ...
                         # corner case testLcc lon0=-96.0
                t = t.split(_DOT_)[0]
            elif prec > 1:
                t = fstrzs(t, ap1z=fGg)
        elif strepr:
            t = strepr(o)
            raise _IsnotError(_scalar_, floats=o)
        yield t
Esempio n. 13
def _triangulate(point1,
    # (INTERNAL)Locate a point given two known points and initial
    # bearings from those points, see LatLon.triangulate above

    def _gc(p, b, _i_):
        n = p.toNvector()
        de = NorthPole.cross(n, raiser=_pole_).unit()  # east vector @ n
        dn = n.cross(de)  # north vector @ n
        s, c = sincos2d(Bearing(b, name=_bearing_ + _i_))
        dest = de.times(s)
        dnct = dn.times(c)
        d =  # direction vector @ n
        return n.cross(d)  # great circle point + bearing

    if point1.isequalTo(point2, EPS):
        raise _ValueError(points=point2, txt=_coincident_)

    gc1 = _gc(point1, bearing1, _1_)  # great circle p1 + b1
    gc2 = _gc(point2, bearing2, _2_)  # great circle p2 + b2

    n = gc1.cross(gc2, raiser=_points_)  # n-vector of intersection point

    h = point1._havg(point2) if height is None else Height(height)
    kwds = _xkwds(LatLon_LatLon_kwds, height=h)
    return n.toLatLon(**kwds)  # Nvector(n.x, n.y, n.z).toLatLon(...)
Esempio n. 14
def precision(form, prec=None):
    '''Set the default precison for a given F_ form.

       @arg form: L{F_D}, L{F_DM}, L{F_DMS}, L{F_DEG}, L{F_MIN},
                  L{F_SEC}, L{F__E}, L{F__F}, L{F__G} or L{F_RAD}
       @kwarg prec: Optional number of decimal digits (0..9 or
                    C{None} for default).  Trailing zero decimals
                    are stripped for B{C{prec}} values of 1 and
                    above, but kept for negative B{C{prec}}.

       @return: Previous precision (C{int}).

       @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{form}} or B{C{prec}} or
                          B{C{prec}} outside valid range.
        p = _F_prec[form]
    except KeyError:
        raise _ValueError(form=form)

    if prec is not None:
        from pygeodesy.units import Precision_
        _F_prec[form] = Precision_(prec=prec, low=-9, high=9)

    return p
Esempio n. 15
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
     if args:  # args override kwds
         if len(args) != 1:
             t = unstr(self.classname, *args, **kwds)
             raise _ValueError(args=len(args), txt=t)
         kwds = _xkwds(dict(args[0]), **kwds)
     if _name_ in kwds:, kwds.pop(_name_))  # see
     dict.__init__(self, kwds)
Esempio n. 16
def splice(iterable, n=2, **fill):
    '''Split an iterable into C{n} slices.

       @arg iterable: Items to be spliced (C{list}, C{tuple}, ...).
       @kwarg n: Number of slices to generate (C{int}).
       @kwarg fill: Optional fill value for missing items.

       @return: A generator for each of B{C{n}} slices,
                M{iterable[i::n] for i=0..n}.

       @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{n}}.

       @note: Each generated slice is a C{tuple} or a C{list},
              the latter only if the B{C{iterable}} is a C{list}.


       >>> from pygeodesy import splice

       >>> a, b = splice(range(10))
       >>> a, b
       ((0, 2, 4, 6, 8), (1, 3, 5, 7, 9))

       >>> a, b, c = splice(range(10), n=3)
       >>> a, b, c
       ((0, 3, 6, 9), (1, 4, 7), (2, 5, 8))

       >>> a, b, c = splice(range(10), n=3, fill=-1)
       >>> a, b, c
       ((0, 3, 6, 9), (1, 4, 7, -1), (2, 5, 8, -1))

       >>> tuple(splice(list(range(9)), n=5))
       ([0, 5], [1, 6], [2, 7], [3, 8], [4])

       >>> splice(range(9), n=1)
       <generator object splice at 0x0...>
    if not (isint(n) and n > 0):
        raise _ValueError(n=n)

    t = iterable
    if not isinstance(t, (list, tuple)):
        t = tuple(t)  # force tuple, also for PyPy3
    if n > 1:
        fill = _xkwds_get(fill, fill=_Missing)
        if fill is not _Missing:
            m = len(t) % n
            if m > 0:  # fill with same type
                t += type(t)((fill, )) * (n - m)
        for i in range(n):
            yield t[i::n]  # slice [i:None:n] pychok -Tb ...
        yield t
Esempio n. 17
def halfs2(str2):
    '''Split a string in 2 halfs.

       @arg str2: String to split (C{str}).

       @return: 2-Tuple (_1st, _2nd) half (C{str}).

       @raise ValueError: Zero or odd C{len}(B{C{str2}}).
    h, r = divmod(len(str2), 2)
    if r or not h:
        raise _ValueError(str2=str2, txt='odd')
    return str2[:h], str2[h:]
Esempio n. 18
def sqrt3(x):
    '''Compute the square root, cubed M{sqrt(x)**3} or M{sqrt(x**3)}.

       @arg x: Value (C{scalar}).

       @return: Cubed square root (C{float}).

       @raise ValueError: Negative B{C{x}}.

       @see: Functions L{cbrt} and L{cbrt2}.
    if x < 0:
        raise _ValueError(x=x)
    return pow(x, _3_2nd) if x else _0_0
Esempio n. 19
def fmean(xs):
    '''Compute the accurate mean M{sum(xs[i] for
       i=0..len(xs)) / len(xs)}.

       @arg xs: Values (C{scalar}s).

       @return: Mean value (C{float}).

       @raise OverflowError: Partial C{2sum} overflow.

       @raise ValueError: No B{C{xs}} values.
    n, xs = len2(xs)
    if n > 0:
        return fsum(xs) / n
    raise _ValueError(xs=xs)
Esempio n. 20
def enstr2(easting, northing, prec, *extras):
    '''Return easting, northing string representations.

       @arg easting: Easting from false easting (C{meter}).
       @arg northing: Northing from from false northing (C{meter}).
       @arg prec: Precision in number of digits (C{int}, [1..5]).
       @arg extras: Optional leading items (C{str}s).

       @return: B{C{extras}} + 2-Tuple C{(eastingStr, northingStr)}.

       @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{prec}}.
    w = int(prec) // 2
    if not 0 < w < 6:
        raise _ValueError(prec=prec)
    p = (1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1)[w - 1]  # 10**(5 - w)
    return extras + (_0wd(w, int(easting * p)), _0wd(w, int(northing * p)))
Esempio n. 21
def _h_x2(xs):
    '''(INTERNAL) Helper for L{hypot_} and L{hypot2_}.
    if xs:
        n, xs = len2(xs)
        if n > 0:
            h = float(max(abs(x) for x in xs))
            if h > 0:
                if n > 1:
                    X = Fsum(_1_0)
                    X.fadd((x / h)**2 for x in xs)
                    x2 = X.fsum_(-_1_0)
                    x2 = _1_0
                h = x2 = _0_0
            return h, x2
    raise _ValueError(xs=xs, txt=_too_(_few_))
Esempio n. 22
    def fmul(self, factor):
        '''Multiple the current, partial sum by a factor.

           @arg factor: The multiplier (C{scalar}).

           @raise TypeError: Non-scalar B{C{factor}}.

           @raise ValueError: Invalid or non-finite B{C{factor}}.

           @see: Method L{Fsum.fadd}.
        if not isfinite(factor):
            raise _ValueError(factor=factor, txt=_not_(_finite_))

        f, ps = float(factor), self._ps
        if ps:  # multiply and adjust partial sums
            ps[:] = [p * f for p in ps]
            self._n -= 1
Esempio n. 23
def enstr2(easting, northing, prec, *extras):
    '''Return easting, northing string representations.

       @arg easting: Easting from false easting (C{meter}).
       @arg northing: Northing from from false northing (C{meter}).
       @arg prec: Precision in number of digits (C{int}).
       @arg extras: Optional leading items (C{str}s).

       @return: B{C{extras}} + 2-Tuple C{(eastingStr, northingStr)}.

       @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{prec}}.
    w = prec // 2
        p10 = (1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1)[w - 1]  # 10**(5 - w)
    except IndexError:
        raise _ValueError(prec=prec)
    return extras + ('%0*d' % (w, int(easting  * p10)),
                     '%0*d' % (w, int(northing * p10)))
Esempio n. 24
def iterNumpy2over(n=None):
    '''Get or set the L{iterNumpy2} threshold.

       @kwarg n: Optional, new threshold (C{int}).

       @return: Previous threshold (C{int}).

       @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{n}}.
    global _iterNumpy2len
    p = _iterNumpy2len
    if n is not None:
            i = int(n)
            if i > 0:
                _iterNumpy2len = i
                raise ValueError
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            raise _ValueError(n=n)
    return p
Esempio n. 25
def compassPoint(bearing, prec=3):
    '''Convert bearing to a compass point.

       @arg bearing: Bearing from North (compass C{degrees360}).
       @kwarg prec: Optional precision (1 for cardinal or basic winds,
                    2 for intercardinal or ordinal or principal winds,
                    3 for secondary-intercardinal or half-winds or
                    4 for quarter-winds).

       @return: Compass point (1-, 2-, 3- or 4-letter C{str}).

       @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{prec}}.

       @see: U{Dms.compassPoint
             and U{Compass rose<>}.


       >>> p = compassPoint(24, 1)  # 'N'
       >>> p = compassPoint(24, 2)  # 'NE'
       >>> p = compassPoint(24, 3)  # 'NNE'
       >>> p = compassPoint(24)     # 'NNE'
       >>> p = compassPoint(11, 4)  # 'NbE'
       >>> p = compassPoint(30, 4)  # 'NEbN'

       >>> p = compassPoint(11.249)  # 'N'
       >>> p = compassPoint(11.25)   # 'NNE'
       >>> p = compassPoint(-11.25)  # 'N'
       >>> p = compassPoint(348.749) # 'NNW'
    try:  # m = 2 << prec; x = 32 // m
        m, x = _MOD_X[prec]
    except KeyError:
        raise _ValueError(prec=prec)
    # not round(), i.e. half-even rounding in Python 3,
    # but round-away-from-zero as int(b + 0.5) iff b is
    # non-negative, otherwise int(b + copysign(_0_5, b))
    q = int((bearing % _360_0) * m / _360_0 + _0_5) % m
    return _WINDS[q * x]
Esempio n. 26
def degDMS(deg, prec=6, s_D=S_DEG, s_M=S_MIN, s_S=S_SEC, neg=_MINUS_, pos=NN):
    '''Convert degrees to a string in degrees, minutes B{I{or}} seconds.

       @arg deg: Value in degrees (C{scalar}).
       @kwarg prec: Optional number of decimal digits (0..9 or
                    C{None} for default).  Trailing zero decimals
                    are stripped for B{C{prec}} values of 1 and
                    above, but kept for negative B{C{prec}}.
       @kwarg s_D: Symbol for degrees (C{str}).
       @kwarg s_M: Symbol for minutes (C{str}) or C{""}.
       @kwarg s_S: Symbol for seconds (C{str}) or C{""}.
       @kwarg neg: Optional sign for negative (C{'-'}).
       @kwarg pos: Optional sign for positive (C{''}).

       @return: I{Either} degrees, minutes B{I{or}} seconds (C{str}).
        deg = float(deg)
    except (TypeError, ValueError) as x:
        raise _ValueError(deg=deg, txt=str(x))

    d, s = abs(deg), s_D
    if d < 1:
        if s_M:
            d *= _60_0
            if d < 1 and s_S:
                d *= _60_0
                s = s_S
                s = s_M
        elif s_S:
            d *= 3600
            s = s_S

    n = neg if deg < 0 else pos
    z = int(prec)
    t = NN(n, Fmt.F(d, prec=abs(z)))
    if z > 1:
        t = fstrzs(t)
    return NN(t, s)
Esempio n. 27
def _geodesic(datum, points, closed, line, wrap):
    # Compute the area or perimeter of a polygon,
    # using the geographiclib package, iff installed
    g = datum.ellipsoid.geodesic

    if not wrap:  # capability LONG_UNROLL can't be off
        raise _ValueError(wrap=wrap)

    _, points = points2(points,
                        closed=closed)  # base=LatLonEllipsoidalBase(0, 0)

    g = g.Polygon(line)

    # note, lon deltas are unrolled, by default
    for p in points:
        g.AddPoint(, p.lon)
    if closed and line:
        p = points[0]
        g.AddPoint(, p.lon)

    # g.Compute returns (number_of_points, perimeter, signed area)
    return g.Compute(False, True)[1 if line else 2]
Esempio n. 28
    def unregister(self, name_or_item):
        '''Remove a registered item.

           @arg name_or_item: Name (C{str}) of or the item (any C{type}).

           @return: The unregistered item.

           @raise NameError: No item with that B{C{name}}.

           @raise ValueError: No such item.
        name = self.find(name_or_item)
        if name is None:
            if not isstr(name_or_item):
                raise _ValueError(name_or_item=name_or_item)
            name = name_or_item
            item = dict.pop(self, name)
        except KeyError:
            raise _NameError(item=self._dot_(name), txt=_doesn_t_exist_)
        item._enum = None
        return item
Esempio n. 29
    def _validate(self, _OK=False):  # see .EcefMatrix
        '''(INTERNAL) One-time check of C{_Names_} and C{_Units_}
           for each C{_NamedUnit} I{sub-class separately}.
        ns = self._Names_
        if not (isinstance(ns, tuple) and len(ns) > 1):  # XXX > 0
            raise _TypeError(_DOT_(self.classname, _Names_), ns)
        for i, n in enumerate(ns):
            if not _xvalid(n, _OK=_OK):
                t = Fmt.SQUARE(_Names_, i)
                raise _ValueError(_DOT_(self.classname, t), n)

        us = self._Units_
        if not isinstance(us, tuple):
            raise _TypeError(_DOT_(self.classname, _Units_), us)
        if len(us) != len(ns):
            raise LenError(self.__class__, _Units_=len(us), _Names_=len(ns))
        for i, u in enumerate(us):
            if not (u is None or callable(u)):
                t = Fmt.SQUARE(_Units_, i)
                raise _TypeError(_DOT_(self.classname, t), u)

        self.__class__._validated = True
Esempio n. 30
def parse3d(str3d, sep=_COMMA_, name=NN, Vector=Vector3d, **Vector_kwds):
    '''Parse an C{"x, y, z"} string.

       @arg str3d: X, y and z values (C{str}).
       @kwarg sep: Optional separator (C{str}).
       @kwarg name: Optional instance name (C{str}).
       @kwarg Vector: Optional class (L{Vector3d}).
       @kwarg Vector_kwds: Optional B{C{Vector}} keyword arguments,
                           ignored if C{B{Vector}=None}.

       @return: New B{C{Vector}} or if B{C{Vector}} is C{None},
                a L{Vector3Tuple}C{(x, y, z)}.

       @raise VectorError: Invalid B{C{str3d}}.
        v = [float(v.strip()) for v in str3d.split(sep)]
        n = len(v)
        if n != 3:
            raise _ValueError(len=n)
    except (TypeError, ValueError) as x:
        raise VectorError(str3d=str3d, txt=str(x))
    return _V_n(Vector3Tuple(*v), name, Vector, Vector_kwds)