Esempio n. 1
def ssebopeta_bygeom(
    geometry: Union[Polygon, Tuple[float, float, float, float]],
    dates: Union[Tuple[str, str], Union[int, List[int]]],
    geo_crs: str = DEF_CRS,
    fill_holes: bool = False,
) -> xr.DataArray:
    """Get daily actual ET for a region from SSEBop database.

    Since there's still no web service available for subsetting SSEBop, the data first
    needs to be downloaded for the requested period then it is masked by the
    region of interest locally. Therefore, it's not as fast as other functions and
    the bottleneck could be the download speed.

    geometry : shapely.geometry.Polygon or tuple
        The geometry for downloading clipping the data. For a tuple bbox,
        the order should be (west, south, east, north).
    dates : tuple or list, optional
        Start and end dates as a tuple (start, end) or a list of years [2001, 2010, ...].
    geo_crs : str, optional
        The CRS of the input geometry, defaults to epsg:4326.
    fill_holes : bool, optional
        Whether to fill the holes in the geometry's interior (Polygon type), defaults to False.

        Daily actual ET within a geometry in mm/day at 1 km resolution
    _geometry = geoutils.geo2polygon(geometry, geo_crs, DEF_CRS)
    _geometry = Polygon(_geometry.exterior) if fill_holes else _geometry

    f_list = _get_ssebopeta_urls(dates)

    session = RetrySession()

    with session.onlyipv4():

        def _ssebop(url_stamped):
            dt, url = url_stamped
            resp = session.get(url)
            zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(resp.content))
            content =[0].filename)
            ds = geoutils.gtiff2xarray({"eta": content}, _geometry, DEF_CRS)
            return dt, ds.expand_dims({"time": [dt]})

        resp_list = ogc.utils.threading(_ssebop, f_list, max_workers=4)
        data = xr.merge(
            OrderedDict(sorted(resp_list, key=lambda x: x[0])).values())

    eta = data.eta.copy()
    eta *= 1e-3
    eta.attrs.update({"units": "mm/day", "nodatavals": (np.nan, )})
    return eta
Esempio n. 2
def test_ipv4():
    url = (
        + "/eta/modis_eta/daily/downloads/")

    session = RetrySession()
    with session.onlyipv4():
        r = session.get(url)
        z = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content))
        fname =[0].filename)

    assert sys.getsizeof(fname) == 4361682
Esempio n. 3
def ssebopeta_byloc(
    coords: Tuple[float, float],
    dates: Union[Tuple[str, str], Union[int, List[int]]],
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Daily actual ET for a location from SSEBop database in mm/day.

    coords : tuple
        Longitude and latitude of the location of interest as a tuple (lon, lat)
    dates : tuple or list, optional
        Start and end dates as a tuple (start, end) or a list of years [2001, 2010, ...].

        Daily actual ET for a location
    if isinstance(coords, tuple) and len(coords) == 2:
        lon, lat = coords
        raise InvalidInputType("coords", "tuple", "(lon, lat)")

    f_list = _get_ssebopeta_urls(dates)
    session = RetrySession()

    with session.onlyipv4():

        def _ssebop(urls):
            dt, url = urls
            r = session.get(url)
            z = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content))

            with rio.MemoryFile() as memfile:
                with as src:
                    return {
                        "dt": dt,
                        "eta": [e[0] for e in src.sample([(lon, lat)])][0],

        eta_list = ogc.utils.threading(_ssebop, f_list, max_workers=4)
    eta = pd.DataFrame.from_records(eta_list)
    eta.columns = ["datetime", "eta (mm/day)"]
    eta = eta.set_index("datetime")
    return eta * 1e-3