Esempio n. 1
grid = pg.createGrid(x=np.arange(-1.0, 1.0+h, h))
#grid = grid.createP2()
times = np.arange(0, 2., (h)*0.5)

dirichletBC = [[1, 0], # top
               [2, 0]] #bottom

u = np.zeros((len(times), grid.nodeCount()))
v = np.zeros((len(times), grid.nodeCount()))
k = times[1]-times[0]

u[0,0] = 0.0
v[0,0] = 0.0
e = np.zeros(len(times))
A = solver.createStiffnessMatrix(grid)
M = solver.createMassMatrix(grid)
F = solver.assembleForceVector(grid, 0)
theta = 0.5

for n in range(1,len(times)):
        DRY. so wen can create temporary array for the force vector and the repeating part
    tmpRhs = ((1.0-theta) * (A*u[n-1] - F) - theta * F)
    rhs = M * u[n-1] + k * M * v[n-1] - k*k * theta * tmpRhs

        Create the system matrix
grid = pg.createGrid(x=np.arange(-1.0, 1.0+h, h))
#grid = grid.createP2()
times = np.arange(0, 2., (h)*0.5)

dirichletBC = [[1, 0], # top
               [2, 0]] #bottom

u = np.zeros((len(times), grid.nodeCount()))
v = np.zeros((len(times), grid.nodeCount()))
k = times[1]-times[0]

u[0,0] = 0.0
v[0,0] = 0.0
e = np.zeros(len(times))
A = solver.createStiffnessMatrix(grid)
M = solver.createMassMatrix(grid)
F = solver.assembleForceVector(grid, 0)
theta = 0.5

for n in range(1,len(times)):
        DRY. so wen can create temporary array for the force vector and the repeating part
    tmpRhs = ((1.0-theta) * (A*u[n-1] - F) - theta * F)
    rhs = M * u[n-1] + k * M * v[n-1] - k*k * theta * tmpRhs

        Create the system matrix

def uAna(t, x):
    return np.exp(-np.pi**2. * t) * np.sin(np.pi * x)

plt.plot(times, uAna(times, grid.node(probeID).pos()[0]), label='Analytical')

# u = solvePoisson(grid, times=times, theta=0.0,
#                 u0=lambda r: np.sin(np.pi * r[0]),
#                 uBoundary=dirichletBC)
dof = grid.nodeCount()
u = np.zeros((len(times), dof))
u[0, :] = list(map(lambda r: np.sin(np.pi * r[0]), grid.positions()))

dt = times[1] - times[0]
A = solver.createStiffnessMatrix(grid, np.ones(grid.cellCount()))
M = solver.createMassMatrix(grid, np.ones(grid.cellCount()))

ut = pg.RVector(dof, 0.0)
rhs = pg.RVector(dof, 0.0)
b = pg.RVector(dof, 0.0)
theta = 0

boundUdir = solver.parseArgToBoundaries(dirichletBC, grid)

for n in range(1, len(times)):
    b = (M - A * dt) * u[n - 1] + rhs * dt
    S = M

    solver.assembleDirichletBC(S, boundUdir, rhs=b)

def uAna(t, x):
    return np.exp(-np.pi**2. * t) * np.sin(np.pi * x)

plt.plot(times, uAna(times, grid.node(probeID).pos()[0]), label='Analytical')

dof = grid.nodeCount()
u = np.zeros((len(times), dof))
u[0, :] = list(map(lambda r: np.sin(np.pi * r[0]), grid.positions()))

dt = times[1] - times[0]
A = solver.createStiffnessMatrix(grid, np.ones(grid.cellCount()))
M = solver.createMassMatrix(grid, np.ones(grid.cellCount()))

ut = pg.RVector(dof, 0.0)
rhs = pg.RVector(dof, 0.0)
b = pg.RVector(dof, 0.0)
theta = 0

boundUdir = solver.parseArgToBoundaries(dirichletBC, grid)

for n in range(1, len(times)):
    b = (M - A * dt) * u[n - 1] + rhs * dt
    S = M

    solver.assembleDirichletBC(S, boundUdir, rhs=b)