Esempio n. 1
	def test_tree_traversal(self):
		# low level tree tarversal
		odb = self.rorepo.odb
		H = self.rorepo.tree('29eb123beb1c55e5db4aa652d843adccbd09ae18')	# head tree
		M = self.rorepo.tree('e14e3f143e7260de9581aee27e5a9b2645db72de')	# merge tree
		B = self.rorepo.tree('f606937a7a21237c866efafcad33675e6539c103')	# base tree
		B_old = self.rorepo.tree('1f66cfbbce58b4b552b041707a12d437cc5f400a')	# old base tree
		# two very different trees
		entries = traverse_trees_recursive(odb, [B_old.binsha, H.binsha], '')
		self._assert_tree_entries(entries, 2)
		oentries = traverse_trees_recursive(odb, [H.binsha, B_old.binsha], '')
		assert len(oentries) == len(entries)
		self._assert_tree_entries(oentries, 2)
		# single tree
		is_no_tree = lambda i, d: i.type != 'tree'
		entries = traverse_trees_recursive(odb, [B.binsha], '')
		assert len(entries) == len(list(B.traverse(predicate=is_no_tree)))
		self._assert_tree_entries(entries, 1)
		# two trees
		entries = traverse_trees_recursive(odb, [B.binsha, H.binsha], '')
		self._assert_tree_entries(entries, 2)
		# tree trees
		entries = traverse_trees_recursive(odb, [B.binsha, H.binsha, M.binsha], '')
		self._assert_tree_entries(entries, 3)
Esempio n. 2
def aggressive_tree_merge(odb, tree_shas):
	:return: list of BaseIndexEntries representing the aggressive merge of the given
		trees. All valid entries are on stage 0, whereas the conflicting ones are left 
		on stage 1, 2 or 3, whereas stage 1 corresponds to the common ancestor tree, 
		2 to our tree and 3 to 'their' tree.
	:param tree_shas: 1, 2 or 3 trees as identified by their binary 20 byte shas
		If 1 or two, the entries will effectively correspond to the last given tree
		If 3 are given, a 3 way merge is performed"""
	out = list()
	out_append = out.append
	# one and two way is the same for us, as we don't have to handle an existing
	# index, instrea
	if len(tree_shas) in (1,2):
		for entry in traverse_tree_recursive(odb, tree_shas[-1], ''):
			out_append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(entry, 0))
		# END for each entry
		return out
	# END handle single tree 
	if len(tree_shas) > 3:
		raise ValueError("Cannot handle %i trees at once" % len(tree_shas))

	# three trees
	for base, ours, theirs in traverse_trees_recursive(odb, tree_shas, ''):
		if base is not None:
			# base version exists
			if ours is not None:
				# ours exists
				if theirs is not None:
					# it exists in all branches, if it was changed in both
					# its a conflict, otherwise we take the changed version
					# This should be the most common branch, so it comes first
					if( base[0] != ours[0] and base[0] != theirs[0] and ours[0] != theirs[0] ) or \
						( base[1] != ours[1] and base[1] != theirs[1] and ours[1] != theirs[1] ):
						# changed by both
						out_append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(base, 1))
						out_append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(ours, 2))
						out_append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(theirs, 3))
					elif base[0] != ours[0] or base[1] != ours[1]:
						# only we changed it
						out_append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(ours, 0))
						# either nobody changed it, or they did. In either
						# case, use theirs
						out_append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(theirs, 0))
					# END handle modification 
					if ours[0] != base[0] or ours[1] != base[1]:
						# they deleted it, we changed it, conflict 
						out_append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(base, 1))
						out_append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(ours, 2))
					# else:
					#	we didn't change it, ignore
					#	pass
					# END handle our change
				# END handle theirs
				if theirs is None:
					# deleted in both, its fine - its out
					if theirs[0] != base[0] or theirs[1] != base[1]:
						# deleted in ours, changed theirs, conflict
						out_append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(base, 1))
						out_append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(theirs, 3))
					# END theirs changed
					# 	theirs didnt change
					#	pass
				# END handle theirs
			# END handle ours
			# all three can't be None
			if ours is None:
				# added in their branch
				out_append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(theirs, 0))
			elif theirs is None:
				# added in our branch
				out_append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(ours, 0))
				# both have it, except for the base, see whether it changed
				if ours[0] != theirs[0] or ours[1] != theirs[1]:
					out_append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(ours, 2))
					out_append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(theirs, 3))
					# it was added the same in both
					out_append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(ours, 0))
				# END handle two items
			# END handle heads
		# END handle base exists
	# END for each entries tuple

	return out