def get_mp3(text): text = text.replace(";", " beep ") text = text.translate(string.maketrans("", ""), string.punctuation) # text = text.replace(",", "") lowertext = text.lower() words = lowertext.split() player.queue(beep) for inword in words: try: word = int(inword) except: word = inword save_path = cwd + '\\tts_downloads\\{}.mp3'.format(word) if os.path.isfile(save_path) == False: # tts = gTTS(word, 'en-us') # voicename = random.choice(vonavoices) pvoice.voice_name = voicename pvoice.fetch_voice(word, save_path) mp3 = media.load(save_path) player.queue(mp3) player.queue(beep) clock.schedule_interval(exit_callback, 1 / 10.0) print '\n' + text
def test_view(): global map_width map_ = Map(values.map_width, values.map_height) for i in range(values.banks): map_.add(EnergyBank(map_, random())) for i in range(values.bodies): map_.add(Body(map_, random())) def update(dt): map_.tick() sim = Window(map_.width, map_.height) sim_view = SimView(map_) schedule_interval(update, 0.1) @sim.event def on_draw(): glClearColor(.5, .6, .6, 1) sim.clear() sim_view.draw() graph = Window(500, 100) graph_view = GraphView(map_) @graph.event def on_draw(): graph.clear() graph_view.draw()
def testMultilineFalse(self): self.window = TestWindow( multiline=False, wrap_lines=False, msg=nonewline_nowrap, resizable=True, visible=False) self.window.set_visible() self.user_verify('Pass test?', take_screenshot=False)
def testMultilineFalse(self): self.window = TestWindow(multiline=False, wrap_lines=False, msg=nonewline_nowrap, resizable=True, visible=False) self.window.set_visible()
def __init__(self): super(GameWindow, self).__init__() clock.schedule_interval(self.on_update, 1.0 / 60) self.quad_sprite = Quad(self, 1, 1, scale=3) self.game_map = Map(self, 0, 0)
def testMultilineTrueLimited(self): self.window = TestWindow(multiline=True, wrap_lines=True, msg=newline_wrap, resizable=True, visible=False) self.window.set_visible()
def run(self): """Start the game. """ self.setup_pyglet() self.setup_gl() self.switch_handler("menu") self.window.set_visible()
def mainly(first, simple_moving_list, kindly, detailed_list): global list_draw, step, array, cost, number_up, number_down, kind, \ detailed_step step = simple_moving_list array = list(first) kind = kindly detailed_step = detailed_list[:] number_label(array)
def run(self): """Start the game. """ self.setup_pyglet() self.setup_gl() self.switch_handler(config.start_mode) self.window.set_visible()
def main(): import ctypes import time from pyglet import app, clock, font, gl, image, window from MusicDefs import MusicDefs #pic = PianoOctavePic(width=400, height=200) pic = HexagonalLayoutPic(D=100, scale=SCALE_MAJOR_DIATONIC, tonic=1, h=4) window = window.Window(width=pic.width, height=pic.height) #ft = font.load('Arial', 24) #text = font.Text(ft, 'Hello World') # create data shared by ImageSurface and Texture data = (ctypes.c_ubyte * (pic.width * pic.height * 4))() stride = pic.width * 4 surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data(data, cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, pic.width, pic.height, stride) texture = image.Texture.create_for_size(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, pic.width * pic.height, gl.GL_RGBA) def update_surface(dt, surface): ctx = cairo.Context(surface) pic.draw_pic(ctx) @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() gl.glEnable(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D) gl.glBindTexture(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.glTexImage2D(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.GL_RGBA, pic.width, pic.height, 0, gl.GL_BGRA, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data) gl.glBegin(gl.GL_QUADS) gl.glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0) gl.glVertex2i(0, 0) gl.glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0) gl.glVertex2i(pic.width, 0) gl.glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0) gl.glVertex2i(pic.width, pic.height) gl.glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0) gl.glVertex2i(0, pic.height) gl.glEnd() #text.draw() #print('FPS: %f' % clock.get_fps()) clock.schedule_interval(update_surface, 1 / 120.0, surface)
def _main(): #initialize main game from libraries.main import init, close init() try: run() finally: close()
def main(): win = Window(fullscreen=True) win.on_resize = on_resize try: try: install_shaders('allGreen.frag', 'zoomRotate.vert') except ShaderError, e: print str(e) return 2 win.on_draw = lambda: on_draw(win)
def main(): title_screen() setup_screen() join_screen() host_screen() game_screen() end_screen() manager.set_media(mp) manager.add_widget(my_bg) game_window.push_handlers(manager) # Pyglet Settings schedule_interval(update, 1 / 120.0) set_fps_limit(120) run()
def main(): win = Window(fullscreen=True, visible=False) camera = Camera(win.width, win.height, (0, 0), 100) renderer = Renderer() maze = Maze() maze.create(50, 30, 300) keyboard = Keyboard() keyboard.key_handlers[key.ESCAPE] = win.close keyboard.key_handlers.update(camera.key_handlers) clock.schedule(maze.update) win.on_draw = lambda: renderer.on_draw(maze, camera, win.width, win.height) win.on_key_press = keyboard.on_key_press keyboard.print_handlers() win.set_visible()
def main(): title_screen() setup_screen() join_screen() host_screen() game_screen() end_screen() manager.set_media(mp) manager.add_widget(my_bg) game_window.push_handlers(manager) #Pyglet Settings schedule_interval(update, 1/120.0) set_fps_limit(120) run()
def main_pyglet(): import ctypes import time from pyglet import app, clock, font, gl, image, window from MusicDefs import MusicDefs pic = PianoOctavePic(width=600, height=150, num_octaves=5) win = window.Window(width=pic.width, height=pic.height) # create data shared by ImageSurface and Texture data = (ctypes.c_ubyte * (pic.width * pic.height * 4))() stride = pic.width * 4 surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data(data, cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, pic.width, pic.height, stride) texture = image.Texture.create_for_size(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, pic.width * pic.height, gl.GL_RGBA) def update_surface(dt, surface): ctx = cairo.Context(surface) pic.draw_pic(ctx) @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() gl.glEnable(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D) gl.glBindTexture(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.glTexImage2D(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.GL_RGBA, pic.width, pic.height, 0, gl.GL_BGRA, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data) gl.glBegin(gl.GL_QUADS) gl.glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0) gl.glVertex2i(0, 0) gl.glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0) gl.glVertex2i(pic.width, 0) gl.glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0) gl.glVertex2i(pic.width, pic.height) gl.glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0) gl.glVertex2i(0, pic.height) gl.glEnd() #print('FPS: %f' % clock.get_fps()) clock.schedule_interval(update_surface, 1 / 120.0, surface)
def test_content_valign_center(self): """Test content_valign = 'center' property of IncrementalTextLayout. Examine and type over the text in the window that appears. The window contents can be scrolled with the mouse wheel. When the content height is less than the window height, the content should be aligned to the center of the window. Press ESC to exit the test. """ self.window = TestWindow(resizable=True, visible=False, content_valign='center') self.window.set_visible() self.user_verify('Test passed?', take_screenshot=False)
def demo_main(demo_class, size=(640,480), title="Enable Example"): """ Runs a simple application in Pyglet using an instance of **demo_class** as the main window or frame. **demo_class** should be a subclass of DemoFrame or the pyglet backend's Window class. """ if issubclass(demo_class, DemoFrame): frame = demo_class() if frame.enable_win is not None: window = frame.enable_win.control else: window = None else: window = demo_class().control if window is not None: if not window.fullscreen: window.set_size(*size) window.set_caption(title)
def init_Viewer(self): """ Open the pyglet window and initiate OpenGL from within viewer.Viewer """ if self.participant: enable_stereo = self.participant['stereo'] else: enable_stereo = False # Setup the config config = Config(depth_size=DEPTH_SIZE, double_buffer=True, sample_buffers=1, samples=4, stereo=enable_stereo) # Open the window using pyglet self.window = Viewer(self.participant, caption=EXP_NAME, config=config, fullscreen=FULLSCREEN, resizable=False, screen=0) # Run pyglet run()
def demo_main(demo_class, size=(640, 480), title="Enable Example"): """ Runs a simple application in Pyglet using an instance of **demo_class** as the main window or frame. **demo_class** should be a subclass of DemoFrame or the pyglet backend's Window class. """ if issubclass(demo_class, DemoFrame): frame = demo_class() if frame.enable_win is not None: window = frame.enable_win.control else: window = None else: window = demo_class().control if window is not None: if not window.fullscreen: window.set_size(*size) window.set_caption(title)
def main(): sendQ = Queue() recvQ = Queue() #setup net stack factory = MMFEClient(recvQ=sendQ, sendQ=recvQ, url="ws://localhost:9000", debug=False) factory.protocol = MMFEClientProtocol connectWS(factory) net = Process( #setup game stack game_window = window.Window() label = text.Label('Hello, world', font_name='Arial', font_size=16, x=game_window.width//2, y=game_window.height//2, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center') @game_window.event def on_draw(): game_window.clear() label.draw() if not recvQ.empty(): data = recvQ.get() if 'label' in data: label.text = data['label'] net.start()
def __init__(self, seed, savegame, name): super(OfflineGame, self).__init__() self.savingstate = SaveState(name=name) self.window = Window(self) self.renderer = Renderer(self) if not savegame: self.player = Player(self) = World(self) else: self.savingstate.savename = name self.player = Player(self) # self.renderer.overlay.inventory.create self.peripherals = PeripheralDeviceHandler(self) self.peripherals.add('keyboard', KeyBoard, (self,)) self.peripherals.add('mouse', Mouse, (self,)) self.peripherals.pushAll() run()
def test(self): self.window = TestWindow(resizable=True, visible=False) self.window.set_visible() self.user_verify('Pass test?', take_screenshot=False)
def main(): #clock.schedule(update) load() pass
cube(size=(10, 10, 10), color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)) fps.draw() description.draw() @window.event def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers): if symbol == key.UP: box.add_impulse(linear=(0, 5, 0)) elif symbol == key.DOWN: box.add_impulse(linear=(0, -5, 0)) elif symbol == key.LEFT: box.add_impulse(linear=(-5, 0, 0)) elif symbol == key.RIGHT: box.add_impulse(linear=(5, 0, 0)) elif symbol == key.DELETE: box.add_impulse(torque=(0, 0, 5)) elif symbol == key.PAGEDOWN: box.add_impulse(torque=(0, 0, -5)) elif symbol == key.HOME: box.add_impulse(torque=(-5, 0, 0)) elif symbol == key.END: box.add_impulse(torque=(5, 0, 0)) def simulate(delta): world.step(delta, iterations=10) schedule_interval(simulate, 0.005) run()
def run(self):
def testMultilineTrueLimited(self): self.window = TestWindow( multiline=True, wrap_lines=True, msg=newline_wrap, resizable=True, visible=False) self.window.set_visible()
def startGame():
with nested(Projection(0, 0, window.width, window.height, far=1000.0), Matrix, Lighting): glTranslatef(0, 0, -500) glRotatef(tilt*0.3, 1.0, 0, 0) glRotatef(rotate*0.3, 0.0, 1.0, 0) for body in bodies: with Matrix: glMultMatrixf(body.matrix) cube(size=body.size, color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)) fps.draw() description.draw() keys = pyglet.window.key.KeyStateHandler() window.push_handlers(keys) constant = 300.0 def simulate(delta): for i, body1 in enumerate(bodies): for body2 in bodies[i+1:]: vec = body1.position - body2.position gravity = (body1.mass*body2.mass/vec.magnitude) * constant * delta normal = vec.normalized body1.add_force(linear=normal.inversed*gravity, relative=False) body2.add_force(linear=normal*gravity, relative=False) world.step(delta, iterations=10) schedule_interval(simulate, 0.005) run()
def pyglet_main(liquid): '''Creates a pyglet window and context that will be 4 times wider and 4 times taller than the simulation area. Pyglet uses asynchronous event handlers so there are a few functions here to handle those events and update the simulation variables. The framerate is not tied to the simulation speed because the simulation is run in it's own thread and pyglet is tricked into updating at 30Hz.''' from pyglet.window import mouse, Screen, key from pyglet import gl, clock, app, graphics import pyglet.window import threading window = pyglet.window.Window( width = liquid.width * 4, height = liquid.height * 4 ) @window.event def on_draw(): '''The draw command is one glDraw command after gathering all of the vertex information from the simulation. The draw loop first draws the lines in simulation coordinates which is then "scaled" up using glMatrixmode.''' window.clear() vertices = [] colors = [] for p in liquid.particles: vertices.extend([p.x, p.y, p.x - p.u, p.y - p.v]) colors.extend(p.color) colors.extend([0, 0, 0]) graphics.draw( len(liquid.particles)*2, gl.GL_LINES, ('v2f', vertices), ('c3B', colors) ) gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_PROJECTION) gl.glLoadIdentity() gl.glOrtho(0, liquid.width, liquid.height, 0, -1, 1) gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_MODELVIEW) @window.event def on_mouse_press(x, y, button, modifiers): '''Takes mouse press coordinates and sends them to the liquid simulation object.''' if button == mouse.LEFT: liquid.mouse[0] = x/4 liquid.mouse[1] = liquid.height - y/4 liquid.pressed = True @window.event def on_mouse_release(x, y, button, modifiers): '''Tells the liquid simulation to stop tracking the mouse.''' liquid.pressed = False @window.event def on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, button, modifiers): '''Updates the liquid simulation mouse coordinates.''' if button == mouse.LEFT: liquid.mouse[0] = x/4 liquid.mouse[1] = liquid.height - y/4 stop = threading.Event() def loop(lt, stop): '''This is an endless but stoppable loop to run the simulation in a thread while pyglet handles the drawing and mouse events.''' while True: lt.simulate() if stop.is_set(): break def induce_paint(dt): '''This is a dummy function that is added to the pyglet schedule so that the screen can be updated in a timely fashion independent of the simulation.''' pass worker = threading.Thread(target=loop, args=(liquid, stop)) clock.schedule_interval(induce_paint, 1.0/30.0) worker.start() stop.set() worker.join()
def start(subject, trial, windowN): """ in loop.""" global start_time, trialName, subjectName trialName = trial subjectName = subject # window setups, esp. for fullscreen. display = pyglet.window.get_platform().get_default_display() screens = display.get_screens() fps_display = pyglet.clock.ClockDisplay() # film = makeFilm(paradigm).reverse() controller = pyglet.window.Window() windows = [pyglet.window.Window() for _ in range(windowN)] @controller.event def on_key_press(symbol, modifier): if symbol == key.ESCAPE or symbol == key.Q: # quitting in the middle way. # storeDataIntoFile(filmString) storeDataIntoFile("{startstamp},{colorname}".format( startstamp=time.time(), colorname="QUIT"), prefix=subjectName, name=trialName) exit(0) @controller.event def on_draw(): global current_color_name, colormap, backgrounds controller.clear() if current_color_name == backgrounds: colormap['black'].blit(0, 0) else: colormap['white'].blit(0, 0) fps_display.draw() def drawer(this): def temp(): global colormap, current_musk, colordictmap, backgrounds this.clear() if current_color_name != backgrounds: # print(current_musk) cf.createColorMap(colordictmap[current_color_name], current_musk).blit(0, 0) else: colormap[backgrounds].blit(0, 0) return temp for item in windows: item.on_draw = drawer(item) start_time = time.time() storeDataIntoFile("{startstamp},{colorname}".format(startstamp=start_time, colorname="START"), prefix=subjectName, name=trialName) pyglet.clock.schedule(flick) try: for index in range(windowN): windows[index].set_fullscreen(screen=screens[index + 1]) except IndexError: logger.warn("secondary screens not found.") pass # pyglet.clock.schedule(flick)
def play_audio_from_file(self, output_audio_file): song = media.load(output_audio_file) clock.schedule_once(self._end_pyglet, song.duration)
def main(): app = PygletApp()
def run(self): self.window.set_visible()
def start(self): """Should only be called once (after __init__)""" self._state_objects[self.state].enter('APP_START', None) self._state_objects[self.state].push_handlers(self.next_state)
def Run(self):
def run(self): self.dispatch_event('init') self.dispatch_pending_events() self.gameWorld.init()
def testMultilineFalse(self): self.window = TestWindow( multiline=False, wrap_lines=False, msg=nonewline_nowrap, resizable=True, visible=False) self.window.set_visible()
def main() -> None: """Create the game object and starts the event loop.""" pong = Pong(Window(width=1024, height=768)) pong.load() pong.set_screen(TitleScreen(pong)) run()
def test(self): self.window = TestWindow(resizable=True, visible=False) self.window.set_visible()
def game():
def start(): configure() MainWindow() run()
def launch(self): run()
def start(bar_width, bar_color, windowN=1): global indicator_map, screen_size, sessionName, start_time, the_bar display = pyglet.window.get_platform().get_default_display() screens = display.get_screens() fps_display = pyglet.clock.ClockDisplay() screen_width = screens[-1].width screen_height = screens[-1].height screen_size = (screen_width, screen_height) indicator_map = gen.getIndicatorMap(screen_width, screen_height) bar_height = screen_width * 2 the_bar = gen.getSingleBar(bar_width, int(bar_height), bar_color) controller = pyglet.window.Window() windows = [pyglet.window.Window() for _ in range(windowN)] @controller.event def on_key_press(symbol, modifier): "quiting sequence" if symbol == key.ESCAPE or symbol == key.Q: storeDataIntoFile(time.time(), "QUIT", name=sessionName) exit(0) @controller.event def on_draw(): "stimulus monitor" global is_stimulus_show, indicator_map controller.clear() if is_stimulus_show: indicator_map['white'].blit(0, 0) else: indicator_map['black'].blit(0, 0) fps_display.draw() # player drawer def drawer(screen): def temp(): global mapping_seq, current_idx global indicator_map global is_stimulus_show screen.clear() indicator_map["gray"].blit(0, 0) if is_stimulus_show: the_bar.draw() return temp for item in windows: item.on_draw = drawer(item) # ========================================================= start_time = time.time() # absolute time of starting storeDataIntoFile(start_time, "START", name=sessionName) pyglet.clock.schedule(flick) for index in range(windowN): try: windows[index].set_fullscreen(screen=screens[index + 1]) except IndexError: windows[index].set_size(screen_width, screen_height) logger.warn("secondary screens not found.")
from squiglet import Vector win = Window() class Ship(object): def __init__(self,colour): self.vector = Vector(colour,"ship.sgl") self.pos = (0,0) def draw(self): self.vector.draw(7,self.pos) ships = [Ship((255,0,0)),Ship((0,255,0)),Ship((0,0,255))] @win.event def on_draw(): win.clear() for ship in ships: ship.draw() @win.event def on_mouse_motion(x,y,dx,dy): offset = -60 for ship in ships: ship.pos = (x+offset,y) offset+=60
"""The main entry point.""" if __name__ == '__main__': import logging from default_argparse import parser args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(stream=args.log_file, level=args.log_level) from version import name, version'Starting %s version %s.', name, version) from pyglet import app from ui import window'Main window: %s.', window)'Goodbye.')