Esempio n. 1
    def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
        scanner = Scanner(text, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE)
        stack = ['initial']
        in_function_block = False
        in_property_block = False
        was_dot = False
        next_token_is_function = False
        next_token_is_property = False
        collect_labels = False
        block_labels = set()
        brace_balance = [0, 0]

        while not scanner.eos:
            token = Error

            if stack[-1] == 'initial':
                if scanner.scan(r'\s+'):
                    token = Text
                elif scanner.scan(r'\{.*?\}|\(\*.*?\*\)'):
                    if scanner.match.startswith('$'):
                        token = Comment.Preproc
                        token = Comment.Multiline
                elif scanner.scan(r'//.*?$'):
                    token = Comment.Single
                elif scanner.scan(r'[-+*\/=<>:;,.@\^]'):
                    token = Operator
                    # stop label highlighting on next ";"
                    if collect_labels and scanner.match == ';':
                        collect_labels = False
                elif scanner.scan(r'[\(\)\[\]]+'):
                    token = Punctuation
                    # abort function naming ``foo = Function(...)``
                    next_token_is_function = False
                    # if we are in a function block we count the open
                    # braces because ootherwise it's impossible to
                    # determine the end of the modifier context
                    if in_function_block or in_property_block:
                        if scanner.match == '(':
                            brace_balance[0] += 1
                        elif scanner.match == ')':
                            brace_balance[0] -= 1
                        elif scanner.match == '[':
                            brace_balance[1] += 1
                        elif scanner.match == ']':
                            brace_balance[1] -= 1
                elif scanner.scan(r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*'):
                    lowercase_name = scanner.match.lower()
                    if lowercase_name == 'result':
                        token = Name.Builtin.Pseudo
                    elif lowercase_name in self.keywords:
                        token = Keyword
                        # if we are in a special block and a
                        # block ending keyword occours (and the parenthesis
                        # is balanced) we end the current block context
                        if (in_function_block or in_property_block) and \
                           lowercase_name in self.BLOCK_KEYWORDS and \
                           brace_balance[0] <= 0 and \
                           brace_balance[1] <= 0:
                            in_function_block = False
                            in_property_block = False
                            brace_balance = [0, 0]
                            block_labels = set()
                        if lowercase_name in ('label', 'goto'):
                            collect_labels = True
                        elif lowercase_name == 'asm':
                        elif lowercase_name == 'property':
                            in_property_block = True
                            next_token_is_property = True
                        elif lowercase_name in ('procedure', 'operator',
                                                'function', 'constructor',
                            in_function_block = True
                            next_token_is_function = True
                    # we are in a function block and the current name
                    # is in the set of registered modifiers. highlight
                    # it as pseudo keyword
                    elif in_function_block and \
                            lowercase_name in self.FUNCTION_MODIFIERS:
                        token = Keyword.Pseudo
                    # if we are in a property highlight some more
                    # modifiers
                    elif in_property_block and \
                            lowercase_name in ('read', 'write'):
                        token = Keyword.Pseudo
                        next_token_is_function = True
                    # if the last iteration set next_token_is_function
                    # to true we now want this name highlighted as
                    # function. so do that and reset the state
                    elif next_token_is_function:
                        # Look if the next token is a dot. If yes it's
                        # not a function, but a class name and the
                        # part after the dot a function name
                        if scanner.test(r'\s*\.\s*'):
                            token = Name.Class
                        # it's not a dot, our job is done
                            token = Name.Function
                            next_token_is_function = False
                    # same for properties
                    elif next_token_is_property:
                        token = Name.Property
                        next_token_is_property = False
                    # Highlight this token as label and add it
                    # to the list of known labels
                    elif collect_labels:
                        token = Name.Label
                    # name is in list of known labels
                    elif lowercase_name in block_labels:
                        token = Name.Label
                    elif lowercase_name in self.BUILTIN_TYPES:
                        token = Keyword.Type
                    elif lowercase_name in self.DIRECTIVES:
                        token = Keyword.Pseudo
                    # builtins are just builtins if the token
                    # before isn't a dot
                    elif not was_dot and lowercase_name in self.builtins:
                        token = Name.Builtin
                        token = Name
                elif scanner.scan(r"'"):
                    token = String
                elif scanner.scan(r'\#(\d+|\$[0-9A-Fa-f]+)'):
                    token = String.Char
                elif scanner.scan(r'\$[0-9A-Fa-f]+'):
                    token = Number.Hex
                elif scanner.scan(r'\d+(?![eE]|\.[^.])'):
                    token = Number.Integer
                elif scanner.scan(r'\d+(\.\d+([eE][+-]?\d+)?|[eE][+-]?\d+)'):
                    token = Number.Float
                    # if the stack depth is deeper than once, pop
                    if len(stack) > 1:

            elif stack[-1] == 'string':
                if scanner.scan(r"''"):
                    token = String.Escape
                elif scanner.scan(r"'"):
                    token = String
                elif scanner.scan(r"[^']*"):
                    token = String

            elif stack[-1] == 'asm':
                if scanner.scan(r'\s+'):
                    token = Text
                elif scanner.scan(r'end'):
                    token = Keyword
                elif scanner.scan(r'\{.*?\}|\(\*.*?\*\)'):
                    if scanner.match.startswith('$'):
                        token = Comment.Preproc
                        token = Comment.Multiline
                elif scanner.scan(r'//.*?$'):
                    token = Comment.Single
                elif scanner.scan(r"'"):
                    token = String
                elif scanner.scan(r'@@[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*'):
                    token = Name.Label
                elif scanner.scan(r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*'):
                    lowercase_name = scanner.match.lower()
                    if lowercase_name in self.ASM_INSTRUCTIONS:
                        token = Keyword
                    elif lowercase_name in self.ASM_REGISTERS:
                        token = Name.Builtin
                        token = Name
                elif scanner.scan(r'[-+*\/=<>:;,.@\^]+'):
                    token = Operator
                elif scanner.scan(r'[\(\)\[\]]+'):
                    token = Punctuation
                elif scanner.scan(r'\$[0-9A-Fa-f]+'):
                    token = Number.Hex
                elif scanner.scan(r'\d+(?![eE]|\.[^.])'):
                    token = Number.Integer
                elif scanner.scan(r'\d+(\.\d+([eE][+-]?\d+)?|[eE][+-]?\d+)'):
                    token = Number.Float

            # save the dot!!!11
            if scanner.match.strip():
                was_dot = scanner.match == '.'
            yield scanner.start_pos, token, scanner.match or ''
    def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
        scanner = Scanner(text, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE)
        stack = ['initial']
        in_function_block = False
        in_property_block = False
        was_dot = False
        next_token_is_function = False
        next_token_is_property = False
        collect_labels = False
        block_labels = set()
        brace_balance = [0, 0]

        while not scanner.eos:
            token = Error

            if stack[-1] == 'initial':
                if scanner.scan(r'\s+'):
                    token = Text
                elif scanner.scan(r'\{.*?\}|\(\*.*?\*\)'):
                    if scanner.match.startswith('$'):
                        token = Comment.Preproc
                        token = Comment.Multiline
                elif scanner.scan(r'//.*?$'):
                    token = Comment.Single
                elif scanner.scan(r'[-+*\/=<>:;,.@\^]'):
                    token = Operator
                    # stop label highlighting on next ";"
                    if collect_labels and scanner.match == ';':
                        collect_labels = False
                elif scanner.scan(r'[\(\)\[\]]+'):
                    token = Punctuation
                    # abort function naming ``foo = Function(...)``
                    next_token_is_function = False
                    # if we are in a function block we count the open
                    # braces because ootherwise it's impossible to
                    # determine the end of the modifier context
                    if in_function_block or in_property_block:
                        if scanner.match == '(':
                            brace_balance[0] += 1
                        elif scanner.match == ')':
                            brace_balance[0] -= 1
                        elif scanner.match == '[':
                            brace_balance[1] += 1
                        elif scanner.match == ']':
                            brace_balance[1] -= 1
                elif scanner.scan(r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*'):
                    lowercase_name = scanner.match.lower()
                    if lowercase_name == 'result':
                        token = Name.Builtin.Pseudo
                    elif lowercase_name in self.keywords:
                        token = Keyword
                        # if we are in a special block and a
                        # block ending keyword occours (and the parenthesis
                        # is balanced) we end the current block context
                        if (in_function_block or in_property_block) and \
                           lowercase_name in self.BLOCK_KEYWORDS and \
                           brace_balance[0] <= 0 and \
                           brace_balance[1] <= 0:
                            in_function_block = False
                            in_property_block = False
                            brace_balance = [0, 0]
                            block_labels = set()
                        if lowercase_name in ('label', 'goto'):
                            collect_labels = True
                        elif lowercase_name == 'asm':
                        elif lowercase_name == 'property':
                            in_property_block = True
                            next_token_is_property = True
                        elif lowercase_name in ('procedure', 'operator',
                                                'function', 'constructor',
                            in_function_block = True
                            next_token_is_function = True
                    # we are in a function block and the current name
                    # is in the set of registered modifiers. highlight
                    # it as pseudo keyword
                    elif in_function_block and \
                            lowercase_name in self.FUNCTION_MODIFIERS:
                        token = Keyword.Pseudo
                    # if we are in a property highlight some more
                    # modifiers
                    elif in_property_block and \
                            lowercase_name in ('read', 'write'):
                        token = Keyword.Pseudo
                        next_token_is_function = True
                    # if the last iteration set next_token_is_function
                    # to true we now want this name highlighted as
                    # function. so do that and reset the state
                    elif next_token_is_function:
                        # Look if the next token is a dot. If yes it's
                        # not a function, but a class name and the
                        # part after the dot a function name
                        if scanner.test(r'\s*\.\s*'):
                            token = Name.Class
                        # it's not a dot, our job is done
                            token = Name.Function
                            next_token_is_function = False
                    # same for properties
                    elif next_token_is_property:
                        token = Name.Property
                        next_token_is_property = False
                    # Highlight this token as label and add it
                    # to the list of known labels
                    elif collect_labels:
                        token = Name.Label
                    # name is in list of known labels
                    elif lowercase_name in block_labels:
                        token = Name.Label
                    elif lowercase_name in self.BUILTIN_TYPES:
                        token = Keyword.Type
                    elif lowercase_name in self.DIRECTIVES:
                        token = Keyword.Pseudo
                    # builtins are just builtins if the token
                    # before isn't a dot
                    elif not was_dot and lowercase_name in self.builtins:
                        token = Name.Builtin
                        token = Name
                elif scanner.scan(r"'"):
                    token = String
                elif scanner.scan(r'\#(\d+|\$[0-9A-Fa-f]+)'):
                    token = String.Char
                elif scanner.scan(r'\$[0-9A-Fa-f]+'):
                    token = Number.Hex
                elif scanner.scan(r'\d+(?![eE]|\.[^.])'):
                    token = Number.Integer
                elif scanner.scan(r'\d+(\.\d+([eE][+-]?\d+)?|[eE][+-]?\d+)'):
                    token = Number.Float
                    # if the stack depth is deeper than once, pop
                    if len(stack) > 1:

            elif stack[-1] == 'string':
                if scanner.scan(r"''"):
                    token = String.Escape
                elif scanner.scan(r"'"):
                    token = String
                elif scanner.scan(r"[^']*"):
                    token = String

            elif stack[-1] == 'asm':
                if scanner.scan(r'\s+'):
                    token = Text
                elif scanner.scan(r'end'):
                    token = Keyword
                elif scanner.scan(r'\{.*?\}|\(\*.*?\*\)'):
                    if scanner.match.startswith('$'):
                        token = Comment.Preproc
                        token = Comment.Multiline
                elif scanner.scan(r'//.*?$'):
                    token = Comment.Single
                elif scanner.scan(r"'"):
                    token = String
                elif scanner.scan(r'@@[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*'):
                    token = Name.Label
                elif scanner.scan(r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*'):
                    lowercase_name = scanner.match.lower()
                    if lowercase_name in self.ASM_INSTRUCTIONS:
                        token = Keyword
                    elif lowercase_name in self.ASM_REGISTERS:
                        token = Name.Builtin
                        token = Name
                elif scanner.scan(r'[-+*\/=<>:;,.@\^]+'):
                    token = Operator
                elif scanner.scan(r'[\(\)\[\]]+'):
                    token = Punctuation
                elif scanner.scan(r'\$[0-9A-Fa-f]+'):
                    token = Number.Hex
                elif scanner.scan(r'\d+(?![eE]|\.[^.])'):
                    token = Number.Integer
                elif scanner.scan(r'\d+(\.\d+([eE][+-]?\d+)?|[eE][+-]?\d+)'):
                    token = Number.Float

            # save the dot!!!11
            if scanner.match.strip():
                was_dot = scanner.match == '.'
            yield scanner.start_pos, token, scanner.match or ''