Esempio n. 1
def annihilate(arr, event):
    ret = False
    otherEvents = []
    if event["antimessage"]:
        event["antimessage"] = False
        event["antimessage"] = True
    while len(arr) and arr[0][0] <= event["time"]:
        poppedEvent = heapq.heappop(arr)
        if poppedEvent[1] == event:
            ret = True
    if ret == False:
        if event["antimessage"]:
            event["antimessage"] = False
            event["antimessage"] = True
    for x in otherEvents:
        heapq.heappush(arr, x)
    return ret
Esempio n. 2
def push(arr, item):
    heapq.heappush(arr, item)
Esempio n. 3
    def layoutDisplay(self, display):
        # Calculate the bounds of every non-path visible.
        # TODO: warn the user if the layout is going to take a while?  Or provide progress with cancel?
        centerPositions = {}
        minPositions = {}
        maxPositions = {}
        viewDimensions = display.viewDimensions
        minBound = N.ones(viewDimensions) * 1e300
        maxBound = N.ones(viewDimensions) * -1e300
        edges = []
        ports = {}
        minPortSpacing = 1e300
        for visibles in display.visibles.itervalues():
            for visible in visibles:
                if visible.isPath():
                    if not visible.pathIsFixed():
                        (startPoint, endPoint) = visible.pathEndPoints()
                        edgeLength = ((N.array(endPoint.worldPosition()) - N.array(startPoint.worldPosition())) ** 2).sum()
                        edges.append((edgeLength, visible))
                    position = visible.worldPosition()
                    if viewDimensions == 2:
                        position = N.array((position[0], position[1]))
                        position = N.array(position)
                    centerPositions[visible] = position
                    size = visible.worldSize()
                    if self.nodeSpacing == None:
                        minPorts = len(visible.connectedPaths)
                        if minPorts > 0:
                            if viewDimensions == 2:
                                portSpace = 2.0 * size[0] + 2.0 * size[1]
                                portSpace = size[0] * size[1] + size[0]* size[2] + size[1] * size[2]
                            portSpacing = portSpace / minPorts / 2.0
                            if portSpacing < minPortSpacing:
                                minPortSpacing = portSpacing
                    if viewDimensions == 2:
                        if visible.shape() == 'capsule':
                            size = (size[0] / 2.0, size[1])
                        size = N.array((size[0] / 2.0 + self.objectPadding, size[1] / 2.0 + self.objectPadding))
                        if visible.shape() == 'capsule':
                            size = (size[0] / 2.0, size[1], size[2] / 2.0)
                        size = N.array((size[0] / 2.0 + self.objectPadding, size[1] / 2.0 + self.objectPadding, size[2] / 2.0 + self.objectPadding))
                    minPositions[visible] = position - size
                    maxPositions[visible] = position + size
                    for dim in range(viewDimensions):
                        minBound[dim] = min(minPositions[visible][dim], minBound[dim])
                        maxBound[dim] = max(maxPositions[visible][dim], maxBound[dim])
                    ports[visible] = []
        if self.nodeSpacing != None:
            nodeSpacing = self.nodeSpacing
            nodeSpacing = minPortSpacing 
        # Determine the bounds of all nodes and the mapping scale.
        minBound -= nodeSpacing * len(edges) / 2 + (minBound % nodeSpacing)
        maxBound += nodeSpacing * len(edges) / 2 + nodeSpacing - (maxBound % nodeSpacing)
        mapSize = (maxBound - minBound) / nodeSpacing
        # Build the node map
        nodeMap = VisibleMap(display, mapSize, self.allowDiagonalPaths)
        for visible in minPositions.iterkeys():
            minMap = N.ceil((minPositions[visible] - minBound) / nodeSpacing)
            maxMap = N.ceil((maxPositions[visible] - minBound) / nodeSpacing)
            for x in range(int(minMap[0]) - 1, int(maxMap[0]) + 1):
                for y in range(int(minMap[1]) - 1, int(maxMap[1]) + 1):
                    if viewDimensions == 2:
                        xOut = x < minMap[0] or x == maxMap[0]
                        yOut = y < minMap[1] or y == maxMap[1]
                        if xOut != yOut:
                            ports[visible].append((x, y))
                        if not any(visible.children):
                            nodeMap.setNodeOccupier((x, y), visible)
                        for z in range(int(minMap[2]) - 1, int(maxMap[2]) + 1):
                            if x < minMap[0] or x == maxMap[0] or y < minMap[1] or y == maxMap[1] or z < minMap[2] or z == maxMap[2]:
                                ports[visible].append((x, y, z))
                            elif not any(visible.children) :
                                nodeMap.setNodeOccupier((x, y, z), visible)
        # TODO: pre-assign ports? or at least port edges?
        # Route each edge starting with the shortest and finishing with the longest.
        totalEdgeLength = 0.0
        penalty = 1.0
        for edgeLength, edge in edges:
            totalEdgeLength += edgeLength * penalty
            penalty += 0.1
        edgeCount = 0
        edgeLengthRouted = 0.0
        penalty = 1.0
        edgeMidPoints = {}
        for edgeLength, edge in edges:
            edgeLengthRouted += edgeLength * penalty
            penalty += 0.1
            if not display.updateProgress('Routing paths...', edgeLengthRouted / totalEdgeLength):
            edgeCount += 1
            (pathStart, pathEnd) = edge.pathEndPoints()
            startName = '???' if not pathStart.client or not pathStart.client.abbreviation else pathStart.client.abbreviation
            endName = '???' if not pathEnd.client or not pathEnd.client.abbreviation else pathEnd.client.abbreviation
            if 'DEBUG' in os.environ:
                print 'Routing path from ' + startName + ' to ' + endName + ' (' + str(edgeCount) + ' of ' + str(len(edges)) + ')'
            # TODO: weight the search based on any previous path
            # Make a copy of the map to hold our tentative routing.  Once the actual route is determined this map will be discarded and the main map will be updated.
            # TODO: is this really necessary?
            edgeMap = nodeMap.copy()
            openHeap = HeapSet()    # priority queue of potential steps in the route
            openDict = {}           # the set of tentative nodes to be evaluated
            closedSet = set([])     # the set of blocked nodes
            came_from = {}          # tracks the route to each visited node
            # Aim for the center of the end visible and allow the edge to travel to any unused goal port.
            goal = tuple(N.ceil(((centerPositions[pathEnd]) - minBound) / nodeSpacing))
            goalPorts = ports[pathEnd]
            for goalPort in goalPorts:
                if edgeMap.nodeOccupiers(goalPort)[0] == pathEnd:
                    edgeMap.setNodeOccupier(goalPort, None)
            # Seed the walk with all unused ports on the starting visible.
            for startPort in ports[pathStart]:
                if edgeMap.nodeOccupiers(startPort)[0] == pathStart:
                    startItem = HeapItem(startPort, goal, edgeMap, edgeMap.dist_between(startPort, goal))
                    openDict[startPort] = startItem
            while any(openHeap):
                x  = pyheapq.heappop(openHeap)
                if x.node in goalPorts:
                    # The goal has been reached.  Build the path in world space and update the global map.
                    path = []
                    prevNode = None
                    for node, hoppedNeighbors in reconstruct_path(came_from, x.node):  #[:-1]:
                        nodeMap.setNodeOccupier(node, edge)
                        for hoppedNeighbor in hoppedNeighbors:
                            nodeMap.addNodeOccupier(hoppedNeighbor, edge)
                        prevNode = node
                        pathPoint = tuple(N.array(node) * nodeSpacing + minBound)
                        path += [(pathPoint[0], pathPoint[1], 0.0 if len(pathPoint) == 2 else pathPoint[2])]
                    # Combine consecutive path segments with the same slope.
                    for index in range(len(path) - 2, 0, -1):
                        delta0 = N.array(path[index + 1]) - N.array(path[index])
                        delta1 = N.array(path[index]) - N.array(path[index - 1])
                        sameSlope = True
                        for dim in range(1, viewDimensions):
                            slope0 = 1e300 if delta0[0] == 0.0 else delta0[dim] / delta0[0]
                            slope1 = 1e300 if delta1[0] == 0.0 else delta1[dim] / delta1[0]
                            if abs(slope0 - slope1) > 0.00001:
                                sameSlope = False
                        if sameSlope:
                            del path[index]
                    edgeMidPoints[edge] = path
                    del edgeMap
                del openDict[x.node]
                neighbornodes =  []
                for node_y, hoppedNeighbors in edgeMap.neighbor_nodes(x.node, edge):
                    # This block of code gets executed at least hundreds of thousands of times so it needs to be seriously tight.
                    # Start with the distance between the nodes.
                    g_score = x.g_score + edgeMap.dist_between(x.node, node_y)
                    # Penalize crossing over other edges.
                    g_score += len(hoppedNeighbors) * self.crossingPenalty
                    # Penalize turning.
                    if x.node in came_from:
                        prevNode = came_from[x.node][0]
                        delta0 = x.node[0] - prevNode[0]
                        delta1 = node_y[0] - x.node[0]
                        if (delta0 < 0) != (delta1 < 0) or (delta0 > 0) != (delta1 > 0):
                            g_score += self.turningPenalty
                            delta0 = x.node[1] - prevNode[1]
                            delta1 = node_y[1] - x.node[1]
                            if (delta0 < 0) != (delta1 < 0) or (delta0 > 0) != (delta1 > 0):
                                g_score += self.turningPenalty
                            elif viewDimensions == 3:
                                delta0 = x.node[2] - prevNode[2]
                                delta1 = node_y[2] - x.node[2]
                                if (delta0 < 0) != (delta1 < 0) or (delta0 > 0) != (delta1 > 0):
                                    g_score += self.turningPenalty
                    neighbornodes.append((g_score, node_y, hoppedNeighbors))
                #better sort here than update the heap ..
                for tentative_g_score, node_y, hoppedNeighbors in neighbornodes:
                    if node_y in closedSet:
                    oldy = openDict.get(node_y, None)
                    y = HeapItem(node_y, goal, edgeMap, tentative_g_score)
#                    openDict[node_y] = y
#                    came_from[node_y] = (x.node, hoppedNeighbors)
#                    edgeMap.setNodeOccupier(node_y, edge)
#                    for hoppedNeighbor in hoppedNeighbors:
#                        edgeMap.addNodeOccupier(hoppedNeighbor, edge)
                    if oldy == None:
                        openDict[node_y] = y
                        came_from[node_y] = (x.node, hoppedNeighbors)
                        pyheapq.heappush(openHeap, y)
                    elif tentative_g_score < oldy.g_score:
                        openDict[node_y] = y
                        came_from[node_y] = (x.node, hoppedNeighbors)
                        pyheapq.updateheapvalue(openHeap, openHeap.index(oldy), y)
            if 'edgeMap' in dir():
                print '\tCould not find route from ' + startName + ' to ' + endName
        for edge, midPoints in edgeMidPoints.iteritems():
def a_star(start, goal, a_map):
    start = the start node in a_map
    goal = the goal node in a_map
    a_map = a object that should inherit the Map class

    returns a tuple (path, connections, uptated) where:
      path is the optimal path (as a list of points) from the start to the goal. empty if not found,
      connections and updated are for debugging (remove them from code if too slow..,):
        connections is the came_from dictionary and
        uptated is the set of the connections, which were uptated from the heap


    """The set of nodes already evaluated."""
    closedset = set([]) 

    firstItem = HeapItem(start,goal, a_map, 0.0)

    lastItem = None

    openDict is the set of tentative nodes to be evaluated
    containing just the initial node

    scoreHeap is used as priority queue for next steps. 

    scoreHeap = HeapSet([firstItem])
    openDict = {start:firstItem}

    """ the second last node in the shortest path from start node"""
    came_from = {}

    """this is the set of points which were uptated when they were in the heap
    this is used only to debug the algorithm. remove if slows too much"""
    updateset = set([])
    while any(scoreHeap): # is not empty
        the node in openset having 
        the lowest (f_score,g_score,h_score, position) value (f_score means the most ...)
        x  = pyheapq.heappop(scoreHeap)

        if x.node == goal:
            if lastItem == None or lastItem.g_score > x.g_score:
                lastItem = x
            if not any(scoreHeap) or scoreHeap[0].f_score > lastItem.g_score:
                return [start] + reconstruct_path(came_from,goal), came_from, updateset
        del openDict[x.node]
        neighbornodes =  [ 
            (x.g_score + a_map.dist_between(x.node, node_y),node_y ) 
            for node_y in a_map.neighbor_nodes(x.node)
        #better sort here than update the heap ..
        for tentative_g_score, node_y in neighbornodes:
            if node_y in closedset:
            oldy = openDict.get(node_y,None)
            y = copy(oldy)
            y = HeapItem(node_y, goal, a_map, tentative_g_score)
            if oldy == None:
                openDict[node_y] = y
                came_from[node_y] = x.node
                pyheapq.heappush(scoreHeap, y)
            elif tentative_g_score < oldy.g_score:
                updateset.add( (node_y, came_from[node_y]) )
                openDict[node_y] = y
                came_from[node_y] = x.node
                pyheapq.updateheapvalue(scoreHeap, scoreHeap.index(oldy), y)
    if lastItem != None:
        return [start] + reconstruct_path(came_from,goal), came_from, updateset
        return [], came_from, updateset
Esempio n. 5
    def layoutDisplay(self, display):
        # Calculate the bounds of every non-path visible.

        # TODO: warn the user if the layout is going to take a while?  Or provide progress with cancel?

        centerPositions = {}
        minPositions = {}
        maxPositions = {}
        viewDimensions = display.viewDimensions
        minBound = N.ones(viewDimensions) * 1e300
        maxBound = N.ones(viewDimensions) * -1e300
        edges = []
        ports = {}
        minPortSpacing = 1e300
        for visibles in display.visibles.itervalues():
            for visible in visibles:
                if visible.isPath():
                    if not visible.pathIsFixed():
                        (startPoint, endPoint) = visible.pathEndPoints()
                        edgeLength = (
                            (N.array(endPoint.worldPosition()) -
                        edges.append((edgeLength, visible))
                    position = visible.worldPosition()
                    if viewDimensions == 2:
                        position = N.array((position[0], position[1]))
                        position = N.array(position)
                    centerPositions[visible] = position

                    size = visible.worldSize()
                    if self.nodeSpacing == None:
                        minPorts = len(visible.connectedPaths)
                        if minPorts > 0:
                            if viewDimensions == 2:
                                portSpace = 2.0 * size[0] + 2.0 * size[1]
                                portSpace = size[0] * size[1] + size[0] * size[
                                    2] + size[1] * size[2]
                            portSpacing = portSpace / minPorts / 2.0
                            if portSpacing < minPortSpacing:
                                minPortSpacing = portSpacing
                    if viewDimensions == 2:
                        if visible.shape() == 'capsule':
                            size = (size[0] / 2.0, size[1])
                        size = N.array((size[0] / 2.0 + self.objectPadding,
                                        size[1] / 2.0 + self.objectPadding))
                        if visible.shape() == 'capsule':
                            size = (size[0] / 2.0, size[1], size[2] / 2.0)
                        size = N.array((size[0] / 2.0 + self.objectPadding,
                                        size[1] / 2.0 + self.objectPadding,
                                        size[2] / 2.0 + self.objectPadding))
                    minPositions[visible] = position - size
                    maxPositions[visible] = position + size
                    for dim in range(viewDimensions):
                        minBound[dim] = min(minPositions[visible][dim],
                        maxBound[dim] = max(maxPositions[visible][dim],
                    ports[visible] = []

        if self.nodeSpacing != None:
            nodeSpacing = self.nodeSpacing
            nodeSpacing = minPortSpacing

        # Determine the bounds of all nodes and the mapping scale.
        minBound -= nodeSpacing * len(edges) / 2 + (minBound % nodeSpacing)
        maxBound += nodeSpacing * len(edges) / 2 + nodeSpacing - (maxBound %
        mapSize = (maxBound - minBound) / nodeSpacing

        # Build the node map
        nodeMap = VisibleMap(display, mapSize, self.allowDiagonalPaths)
        for visible in minPositions.iterkeys():
            minMap = N.ceil((minPositions[visible] - minBound) / nodeSpacing)
            maxMap = N.ceil((maxPositions[visible] - minBound) / nodeSpacing)
            for x in range(int(minMap[0]) - 1, int(maxMap[0]) + 1):
                for y in range(int(minMap[1]) - 1, int(maxMap[1]) + 1):
                    if viewDimensions == 2:
                        xOut = x < minMap[0] or x == maxMap[0]
                        yOut = y < minMap[1] or y == maxMap[1]
                        if xOut != yOut:
                            ports[visible].append((x, y))
                        if not any(visible.children):
                            nodeMap.setNodeOccupier((x, y), visible)
                        for z in range(int(minMap[2]) - 1, int(maxMap[2]) + 1):
                            if x < minMap[0] or x == maxMap[
                                    0] or y < minMap[1] or y == maxMap[
                                        1] or z < minMap[2] or z == maxMap[2]:
                                ports[visible].append((x, y, z))
                            elif not any(visible.children):
                                nodeMap.setNodeOccupier((x, y, z), visible)

        # TODO: pre-assign ports? or at least port edges?

        # Route each edge starting with the shortest and finishing with the longest.
        totalEdgeLength = 0.0
        penalty = 1.0
        for edgeLength, edge in edges:
            totalEdgeLength += edgeLength * penalty
            penalty += 0.1

        edgeCount = 0
        edgeLengthRouted = 0.0
        penalty = 1.0
        edgeMidPoints = {}
        for edgeLength, edge in edges:
            edgeLengthRouted += edgeLength * penalty
            penalty += 0.1
            if not display.updateProgress('Routing paths...',
                                          edgeLengthRouted / totalEdgeLength):

            edgeCount += 1
            (pathStart, pathEnd) = edge.pathEndPoints()
            startName = '???' if not pathStart.client or not pathStart.client.abbreviation else pathStart.client.abbreviation
            endName = '???' if not pathEnd.client or not pathEnd.client.abbreviation else pathEnd.client.abbreviation
            if 'DEBUG' in os.environ:
                print 'Routing path from ' + startName + ' to ' + endName + ' (' + str(
                    edgeCount) + ' of ' + str(len(edges)) + ')'

            # TODO: weight the search based on any previous path

            # Make a copy of the map to hold our tentative routing.  Once the actual route is determined this map will be discarded and the main map will be updated.
            # TODO: is this really necessary?
            edgeMap = nodeMap.copy()

            openHeap = HeapSet(
            )  # priority queue of potential steps in the route
            openDict = {}  # the set of tentative nodes to be evaluated
            closedSet = set([])  # the set of blocked nodes
            came_from = {}  # tracks the route to each visited node

            # Aim for the center of the end visible and allow the edge to travel to any unused goal port.
            goal = tuple(
                N.ceil(((centerPositions[pathEnd]) - minBound) / nodeSpacing))
            goalPorts = ports[pathEnd]
            for goalPort in goalPorts:
                if edgeMap.nodeOccupiers(goalPort)[0] == pathEnd:
                    edgeMap.setNodeOccupier(goalPort, None)

            # Seed the walk with all unused ports on the starting visible.
            for startPort in ports[pathStart]:
                if edgeMap.nodeOccupiers(startPort)[0] == pathStart:
                    startItem = HeapItem(startPort, goal, edgeMap,
                                         edgeMap.dist_between(startPort, goal))
                    openDict[startPort] = startItem

            while any(openHeap):
                x = pyheapq.heappop(openHeap)

                if x.node in goalPorts:
                    # The goal has been reached.  Build the path in world space and update the global map.
                    path = []
                    prevNode = None
                    for node, hoppedNeighbors in reconstruct_path(
                            came_from, x.node):  #[:-1]:
                        nodeMap.setNodeOccupier(node, edge)
                        for hoppedNeighbor in hoppedNeighbors:
                            nodeMap.addNodeOccupier(hoppedNeighbor, edge)
                        prevNode = node
                        pathPoint = tuple(
                            N.array(node) * nodeSpacing + minBound)
                        path += [(pathPoint[0], pathPoint[1],
                                  0.0 if len(pathPoint) == 2 else pathPoint[2])
                    # Combine consecutive path segments with the same slope.
                    for index in range(len(path) - 2, 0, -1):
                        delta0 = N.array(path[index + 1]) - N.array(
                        delta1 = N.array(path[index]) - N.array(
                            path[index - 1])
                        sameSlope = True
                        for dim in range(1, viewDimensions):
                            slope0 = 1e300 if delta0[
                                0] == 0.0 else delta0[dim] / delta0[0]
                            slope1 = 1e300 if delta1[
                                0] == 0.0 else delta1[dim] / delta1[0]
                            if abs(slope0 - slope1) > 0.00001:
                                sameSlope = False
                        if sameSlope:
                            del path[index]
                    edgeMidPoints[edge] = path
                    del edgeMap

                del openDict[x.node]

                neighbornodes = []
                for node_y, hoppedNeighbors in edgeMap.neighbor_nodes(
                        x.node, edge):
                    # This block of code gets executed at least hundreds of thousands of times so it needs to be seriously tight.

                    # Start with the distance between the nodes.
                    g_score = x.g_score + edgeMap.dist_between(x.node, node_y)

                    # Penalize crossing over other edges.
                    g_score += len(hoppedNeighbors) * self.crossingPenalty

                    # Penalize turning.
                    if x.node in came_from:
                        prevNode = came_from[x.node][0]

                        delta0 = x.node[0] - prevNode[0]
                        delta1 = node_y[0] - x.node[0]
                        if (delta0 < 0) != (delta1 < 0) or (delta0 >
                                                            0) != (delta1 > 0):
                            g_score += self.turningPenalty
                            delta0 = x.node[1] - prevNode[1]
                            delta1 = node_y[1] - x.node[1]
                            if (delta0 < 0) != (delta1 < 0) or (
                                    delta0 > 0) != (delta1 > 0):
                                g_score += self.turningPenalty
                            elif viewDimensions == 3:
                                delta0 = x.node[2] - prevNode[2]
                                delta1 = node_y[2] - x.node[2]
                                if (delta0 < 0) != (delta1 < 0) or (
                                        delta0 > 0) != (delta1 > 0):
                                    g_score += self.turningPenalty

                    neighbornodes.append((g_score, node_y, hoppedNeighbors))
                #better sort here than update the heap ..

                for tentative_g_score, node_y, hoppedNeighbors in neighbornodes:

                    if node_y in closedSet:

                    oldy = openDict.get(node_y, None)

                    y = HeapItem(node_y, goal, edgeMap, tentative_g_score)

                    #                    openDict[node_y] = y
                    #                    came_from[node_y] = (x.node, hoppedNeighbors)
                    #                    edgeMap.setNodeOccupier(node_y, edge)
                    #                    for hoppedNeighbor in hoppedNeighbors:
                    #                        edgeMap.addNodeOccupier(hoppedNeighbor, edge)

                    if oldy == None:
                        openDict[node_y] = y
                        came_from[node_y] = (x.node, hoppedNeighbors)
                        pyheapq.heappush(openHeap, y)
                    elif tentative_g_score < oldy.g_score:
                        openDict[node_y] = y
                        came_from[node_y] = (x.node, hoppedNeighbors)
                        pyheapq.updateheapvalue(openHeap, openHeap.index(oldy),


            if 'edgeMap' in dir():
                print '\tCould not find route from ' + startName + ' to ' + endName

        for edge, midPoints in edgeMidPoints.iteritems():