Esempio n. 1
updown = {'100': '101'}

# add the info to the watershed and outlet


# names of the files used in the simulation (the HSPF input and output files
# are generated automatically); can also specify a directory to use elsewhere

filename = 'example06'
wdmoutfile = filename + '_out.wdm'

# create an instance of the HSPFModel class

hspfmodel = HSPFModel()

# and build the model from the watershed

hspfmodel.build_from_watershed(watershed, filename, tstep=tstep)

# add a special action, thawed ground on the agricultural land
# in the first subbasin on April 1 at 12 noon.

thawdate = datetime.datetime(2001, 4, 1, 12)

hspfmodel.add_special_action('thaw', '100', 'Agriculture', thawdate)

# add another special action, frozen ground on the agricultural land
# in the first subbasin on December 1 at midnight.
Esempio n. 2
# create an instance of the watershed class to store the data to build the model

watershed = Watershed(description, subbasins)

# add the network and the outlet subbasin


# make the HSPFModel instance (the data for this example use the non-default
# option of English instead of metric units)

from pyhspf import HSPFModel

hspfmodel = HSPFModel(units = 'English')

# since the climate data are provided with hspexp in an export file called
# "huntobs.exp."  WDMUtil has a method to automatically import the data to a 
# WDM file.

from pyhspf import WDMUtil

wdm = WDMUtil()

# path to hspexp2.4 data files (make sure the path is correct) 
# the data from the export file (*.exp) provided with hspexp need to be 
# imported into a wdm file; the WDMUtil class has a method for this

huntday = 'huntday/huntobs.exp'
Esempio n. 3
# use climate data from the PyHSPF base model for the warm up period since
# is incomplete (first find the cutoff index for the data)

cutoff = (bstart - start).days * 24

if not os.path.isfile(newmodel):

    with open(basemodel, 'rb') as f:
        hspfmodel = pickle.load(f)

    # create a new model for the simplified climate data

    print('building a new model with the simplified time series\n')

    simplified = HSPFModel()

    # build new model parameters from the base model; the build_from_existing
    # method can be used to copy the perlnds, implnds, rchreses, special
    # actions, and reach network from the old file but contains no time series
    # or time series assignments

    simplified.build_from_existing(hspfmodel, newmodel)

    # find the comid of the gage and add the flow data to the new model

    d = {
        v: k
        for k, v in list(hspfmodel.subbasin_timeseries['flowgage'].items())
    comid = d[gageid]
Esempio n. 4
# the UCI file generated by PyHSPF is named 'example01.uci' -- look at that 
# file to see how the information in this script is translated to HSPF.

# the input and output WDM filenames are generated automatically, and are the
# model filename + '_in.wdm' for the input WDM file and '_out.wdm' for the 
# output file (we'll need this later to retrieve results from the files)

wdmoutfile = filename + '_out.wdm'

# let's also generate an optional output file created by HSPF directly

outfile = filename + '.out' 

# create an instance of the HSPFModel class

hspfmodel = HSPFModel()

# and build the model from the watershed

hspfmodel.build_from_watershed(watershed, filename, print_file = outfile, 
                               tstep = tstep)

# to run a simulation it is necessary to assign precipitation, potential 
# evapotranspiration, and any other time series to the subbasins.
# there are many different ways to estimate the potential evapotranspiration 
# including correlation to observed pan evaporation, Penman-Monteith, etc. 
# here the potential evapotranspiration is assumed to start at zero then 
# increase to 12 mm in a day 7/01, then decreases to zero 1/01; thus max 4-hr 
# potential evapotranspiration is 2 mm. the following statement will generate
# a time series with these assumptions.
Esempio n. 5
updown = {'100':'101'}

# add the info to the watershed and outlet


# names of the files used in the simulation (the HSPF input and output files
# are generated automatically); can also specify a directory to use elsewhere

filename   = 'example06'
wdmoutfile = filename + '_out.wdm'

# create an instance of the HSPFModel class

hspfmodel = HSPFModel()

# and build the model from the watershed

hspfmodel.build_from_watershed(watershed, filename, tstep = tstep)

# add a special action, thawed ground on the agricultural land
# in the first subbasin on April 1 at 12 noon.

thawdate = datetime.datetime(2001, 4, 1, 12)

hspfmodel.add_special_action('thaw', '100', 'Agriculture', thawdate)

# add another special action, frozen ground on the agricultural land
# in the first subbasin on December 1 at midnight.
watershedSiletz = Watershed("Siletz River", subbasins)


for basin in range(0, len(basinRecords)):

    if basinRecords[basin][6] == 0:

        watershedSiletz.add_outlet(str(basin + 1))  # Assumes basin numbers

    x = 1  # Don't need this but the loop wants to include 'hspfmodel...'

# Build the model
hspfmodel = HSPFModel(units='Metric')

filename = 'siletz_river'

outfile = filename + '.out'

wdmoutfile = filename + '_out.wdm'


Esempio n. 7
# the evaporation data is daily so it needs to be disaggregated to hourly for
# an hourly simulation (see how easy this is with Python)
# the time series in the WDM file starts at 1 am so had to add one extra
# value to the beginning of the time series for consistency

evap = [0] + [e / 24 for e in evap for i in range(24)]
precip = [0] + [p for p in precip]
oflow = [0] + [o for o in oflow]

# list of times

times = [start + (end - start) / len(precip) * i for i in range(len(precip))]

# make the HSPFModel instance

hspfmodel = HSPFModel(units='English')

# build the model (file will all be called example03)


# now add the time series to the model

Esempio n. 8
# create an instance of the watershed class to store the data to build the model

watershed = Watershed(description, subbasins)

# add the network and the outlet subbasin


# make the HSPFModel instance (the data for this example use the non-default
# option of English instead of metric units)

from pyhspf import HSPFModel

hspfmodel = HSPFModel(units='English')

# since the climate data are provided with hspexp in an export file called
# "huntobs.exp."  WDMUtil has a method to automatically import the data to a
# WDM file.

from pyhspf import WDMUtil

wdm = WDMUtil()

# path to hspexp2.4 data files (make sure the path is correct)
# the data from the export file (*.exp) provided with hspexp need to be
# imported into a wdm file; the WDMUtil class has a method for this

huntday = 'huntday/huntobs.exp'
Esempio n. 9

# use climate data from the PyHSPF base model for the warm up period since
# is incomplete (first find the cutoff index for the data)

cutoff = (bstart - start).days * 24

if not os.path.isfile(newmodel):

    with open(basemodel, 'rb') as f: hspfmodel = pickle.load(f)

    # create a new model for the simplified climate data

    print('building a new model with the simplified time series\n')

    simplified = HSPFModel()

    # build new model parameters from the base model; the build_from_existing
    # method can be used to copy the perlnds, implnds, rchreses, special 
    # actions, and reach network from the old file but contains no time series
    # or time series assignments

    simplified.build_from_existing(hspfmodel, newmodel)

    # find the comid of the gage and add the flow data to the new model

    d = {v:k for k, v in hspfmodel.subbasin_timeseries['flowgage'].items()}
    comid = d[gageid]

    s, tstep, data = hspfmodel.flowgages[gageid]
Esempio n. 10
# the evaporation data is daily so it needs to be disaggregated to hourly for
# an hourly simulation (see how easy this is with Python)
# the time series in the WDM file starts at 1 am so had to add one extra 
# value to the beginning of the time series for consistency

evap   = [0] + [e / 24 for e in evap for i in range(24)]
precip = [0] + [p for p in precip]
oflow  = [0] + [o for o in oflow]

# list of times

times = [start + (end-start) / len(precip) * i for i in range(len(precip))]

# make the HSPFModel instance

hspfmodel = HSPFModel(units = 'English')

# build the model (file will all be called example03)

hspfmodel.build_from_watershed(watershed, 'example03', ifraction = ifraction,
                               tstep = tstep)

# now add the time series to the model

hspfmodel.add_timeseries('precipitation', 'hunting_prec', start, precip, 
                         tstep = 60)
hspfmodel.add_timeseries('evaporation', 'hunting_evap', start, evap, 
                         tstep = 60)
hspfmodel.add_timeseries('flowgage', 'hunting_flow', start, oflow, 
                         tstep = 60)
Esempio n. 11
# the UCI file generated by PyHSPF is named 'example01.uci' -- look at that
# file to see how the information in this script is translated to HSPF.

# the input and output WDM filenames are generated automatically, and are the
# model filename + '_in.wdm' for the input WDM file and '_out.wdm' for the
# output file (we'll need this later to retrieve results from the files)

wdmoutfile = filename + '_out.wdm'

# let's also generate an optional output file created by HSPF directly

outfile = filename + '.out'

# create an instance of the HSPFModel class

hspfmodel = HSPFModel()

# and build the model from the watershed


# to run a simulation it is necessary to assign precipitation, potential
# evapotranspiration, and any other time series to the subbasins.
# there are many different ways to estimate the potential evapotranspiration
# including correlation to observed pan evaporation, Penman-Monteith, etc.
# here the potential evapotranspiration is assumed to start at zero then
# increase to 12 mm in a day 7/01, then decreases to zero 1/01; thus max 4-hr
# potential evapotranspiration is 2 mm. the following statement will generate